Uzsākta projekta “Infrastruktūras un mācību vides pilnveide efektīvas, kvalitatīvas un mūsdienīgas izglītības īstenošanai Rozentovas pamatskolas izglītības programmu īstenošanas vietā” Nr. īstenošana
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Rēzekne municipality map
The municipality of Rezekne contains 28 parish and Vilani town
Area - 2809.12 km2
Rezekne municipality is located in the middle of Latgale. Its largest part is located at Latgale highland, its northern and north-west slopes. The western part is located at Vidusdaugava lowland and the plain of Luban, while the north is slightly below the elevation of North Latgale.
Click the parish or association card to explore more
Click the parish or association card to explore more
Administrations of associations