an educatee, a scientist, a creative, cheerful child who lives healthy, safe and active, works independently in the world, grows at the patriot of his country.
Mākoņkalna People's House
Mākoņkalna tautas nams ir dibināts 1969. gadā. Šo gadu laikā tautas nams ir attīstījies, realizējis dažādus projektus, iesaistījis vietējos iedzīvotājus dažādos pasākumos, uzlabojis kultūras dzīvi pagastā un cēlis labsajūtas līmeni .
It currently operates five self-acting collections: Mākoņkalna folklore set, liner dance group “Super-Star”, the dramatic group “Raudive”, the women's vocabulary and the Russian vocale ensemble.
THE Mākoņkalna folklore set is one of the oldest collectors OF THE Mākoņkalna People's House. The folklore set started its activities in January 1982, since its foundation is actively participating in national, municipality, municipal and international festivals.
The line-dance group “Super Star” was founded in December 2010, taking active participation in parish and leisure events, as well as with their dance art joining the people of other municipalities.
Dramatiskais pulciņš „Raudive” dibināts 2007. gadā, piedalās dažādos pagasta un novada pasākumos, tajā darbojas aktīvi pagasta iedzīvotāji, kuri līdztekus pamatdarbam, spēj atvēlēt laiku arī mākslinieciskai izpausmei.
Women's Bar ansamblis was founded in 2010. There are nine cheerful, gambling with a good sense of humor, who enjoy the viewers and listeners with their voice.
The Russian General Assembly is the youngest group of the People's House, founded in 2020.
THE Mākoņkalna People's House offers a wide range of events. Traditional and national festivals are celebrated: the day of proclamation of the Republic of Latvia, Christmas, Meters, Easter, Liga, etc. More active people are offered winter and summer sports games, various types of competitions. Elderly people are holding a pensioner afternoon. The parish people are delighted with exhibitions, creative workshops and poetry evenings where souls can be dragged and happy. Those who want to dance can safely go to the balls until dawn. The festival of Volkenberg has become a tradition in which membership is taken collectively.
Makokalns civil parish library
THE Mākoņkalna parish library is located in Lipupils village. It is a parish cultural, educational and information centre. The library has a collaboration with the People's House, Mākoņkalna parish administration, recreational centre “hive”, Razna National Park. The library shall provide librarians, bibliographical and directory information services, ensure the availability of information prepared and published by State and local government institutions, provide free access to the Internet and the generally available electronic information resources to the users of the library.
Address: School street 3, Lipuja, Makoņkalna civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV – 4626
Manager: Inara Smirnov
Phone: 64646742
Working time:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00 - 16.00
Tuesday 8.00 - 15.00
Thursday 8.00 - 11.00 and 15.00 - 18.00
Saturday, Sunday - holiday
Folklore set of the Mountain Hill People's House
Tālrunis: 28690682
Year of dibināšanas: 1982.
Manager: Inara Smirnov
The women's vocal ensemble of the Mākoņkalns House of Culture
Tālrunis: 28690682
Foundation year: 2010.
Manager: Inara Smirnov
Mākoņkalna People's House dramatic collective “Raudive”
Tālrunis: 26309912
Foundation year: 2007.
Manager: Regina Trule