Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads
8043.1 ha
Pagasta kopējā platība
317.2 ha
1860 ha
4513.5 ha
l/s izmantojamā zeme
Iedzīvotāju skaits (uz 01.01.2022)
Maximum sentence length exceeded. Ozolaine parish is located in the central part of Rezekne, south-west of the city of Rezekne. The parish area is crossed by a railway line of international significance: Berlin - Warsaw - Vilnius - Daugavpils - Rezekne - St. Petersburg, Category 1 motorways of national significance: Maximum sentence length exceeded.
(409 inhabitants). The parish area has a wooded terrain (up to 170 m above sea level). When agricultural areas interact with forest clusters, mosaic natural landscapes are formed. Holidaymakers from the nearby and distant surroundings, kas vilina ar sakopto krastmalu, tīro ūdeni, labu piebraucamo ceļu un priežu mežu apkārt ezeram. Galvenie derīgie izrakteņi pagasta teritorijā ir smilts un grants, ko iegūst galvenokārt nelielos karjeros un izmanto betona ražošanai un ceļu būvei.
and the Rēzekne bypass. The parish administrative centre is located in Balbees.
whistling with the packed beach, clean water, a good driveway, and a pine forest around the lake. The main mineral resources in the parish area are sand and gravel obtained mainly in small quarries and used for concrete production and road construction.
Ozolaine parish was the first municipality in Rezekne to have its visual identity. The first logo was published in 2006, when the work of Edgars Blinovs, who had been selected by the Commission's members, was selected as a winner after the invitation of the Ozolaine parish to create a logo for the winner.
Over time, the Ozolaine parish logo has been changed and is linked to the cooperation between the parish and the Rēzekne municipality. In 2017, the Rēzekne municipality logo developed by the artist Dainas Salemas was confirmed - a combination of the solar sign and the memory block of the computer's mother plate. The Ozolaine parish logo was adapted to a common style, but with its distinctive distinctive character, namely oak, making it similar to the novada logo – from the computer's mother's plate. The author of the Ozolaine parish logo is the artist Daina's straw. Ozolaine parish website address: