Environmental reports
Environmental reports of the development planning documents of Rezekne municipality are prepared within the framework of the strategic environmental impact assessment. The purpose of the review is to assess the potential environmental impact of the development planning documents of the Rēzekne municipality and measures to mitigate the impact. The environmental report shall contain information and analysis of available data in accordance with the requirements and level of detail laid down by the laws, regulations and competent authorities in the field of environmental protection. The report analyses the natural resources of the municipality, the existing environmental state and the significance of the implementation of the planning documents for sustainable development. The environmental report shall also analyse the development of pipeline planning documents for the international and national environmental policy objectives, guidelines and existing regulatory enactments.
Planning document | Environmental Review |
Rezekne municipality's sustainable development strategy 2033 Rēzekne District Planning 2013-2024 | Environmental Review 2013 |
Rezekne District Planning | Environmental Review 2020 |