Aid for reducing early school leaving “buds”

Projekta apraksts
The specific support objective of the operational programme “Growth and Employment” 8.3.4. “to reduce early school leaving through preventive and intervention measures” project No “Support for reducing early school leaving”. |
Description of the project: | The National Service of Education (ICD) implements the European Social Fund project No “Support for reducing early school leaving” to reduce the number of students who stop learning. It is intended to involve at least 80% municipalities, covering not less than 665 general and vocational education institutions. The project promotes the development of a sustainable co-operation system between local government, educational institutions, teachers, support staff and educated parents or representatives in order to identify students with the risk of discontinuing training in a timely manner and providing them with personalised support. Teachers are given the opportunity to develop and strengthen their skills at work with educators. Methodological features have been developed within the framework of the project. A single database is established that provides regular exchange of information at national, local and educational level on learners who have identified the risk of discontinuing training, preventive measures taken and their results. It provides full statistics and allows long-term evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures. The project also supports youth NGOs' initiatives to address the problem of school leaving among young people, to address learners and to involve them in activities. The measures focus on early diagnosis and solutions. Through local governments, individual aid is provided to students who could stop training because of lack of financial resources, such as compensation for transport, catering, service hotel, etc. However, the main focus of the project is not the temporary provision of financial assistance but the creation of a sustainable comprehensive mechanism that forms a supportive and inclusive environment for every student. |
Target group: |
What is the learners getting? | Each educatee involved in the project shall, at the beginning of the semester, establish an individual support plan (IAP) which assesses the risk of discontinuation of training and provides for the necessary support measures to mitigate these risks:
What do teachers get? |
Project implementation time | 03.2017. –12.2023. Continuing to implement THE ESF project “Support for the reduction of early school leaving” in 2022./2023 (No. in the municipality of Rezekne is planning to implement 100 individual support plans, the aid will be received by 100 students. An individual support plan is established for each pupil based on the needs of the pupil. The plan assessed the risks of discontinuation of training and provided the necessary support measures to mitigate these risks. The main risk that has become the cause of student involvement in the project is difficulties in learning learning content, learning learning content, learning achievements and language barriers. Students will receive individual consultations in mathematics, Latvian, English, Russian, biology and other subjects. During the individual lesson, teachers will provide students with support in both the acquisition of the study subject and the performance of the homework. Within the framework of the project, students can also be involved in youth initiative projects that help to address and support early school leaving risk groups through various informal learning activities |
Contact person: | Rēzekne municipality's educational administration IAC social pedagogue |
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