Rozentovas pamatskola

Address: Malta, Rozentova 9, Maltas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4630

Skolas direktors: Georg Ignatyev

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Schools assist and support their students with free transport solutions, catering, boarding, medical care, textbooks, materials and accessories, sanitary and personal hygiene, sports and recreational equipment.

The school has much to do with its own hands, starting with the repair of the premises and the construction of the sports grounds.

Attendance and excursions of the various cultural and recreational events of the vacant time, visits to libraries, sports games or a walk-in biotope survey in nature trail.
Learning work is provided with information, communication, multimedia and office technologies.
The library is visited and used by all – pupils, teachers, school staff.

The Study Health Strength Programme includes several procedures: massage, inhalation, infrared sauna, bubble baths, audio-video relaxation, oxygen cocktail reception, sunshine etc. Children may participate in medical practice or engage in a trainer hall.

Thanks to the friendship with Maltas secondary school and the children of the Rēzekne municipality, excellent sports infrastructure is available for students of children and youth sports schools.

Children here learn the following educational programmes:

Special pre-school education

  • Special pre-school education programme for students with mental disabilities (IP codes: 01015811; 01015821)
  • Special pre-school education programme for students with severe mental disabilities or several serious development disorders (IP codes: 01015911; 01015921)

Special primary education

  • Special basic education programme for students with mental health disorders (IP codes: 01015711; 01015721)
  • Special basic education programme for students with mental disabilities (IP codes: 21015811; 21015821)
  • Special basic education programme for students with severe mental disabilities or several serious development disorders (IP codes: 21015911; 21015921)

Professional education

  • Manufacturing technology for sewn products (IP code: 22542021, qualification – auxiliary seamer)
  • Manufacture of wood products (IP code: 22543041, qualification – carpenter assistant)
  • Catering services (IP code: 22811021, qualification - cook assistant)

Education programmes are implemented in accordance with age, psychological and psychological features, which are focused on the closest development area and the realization of potential opportunities for each pupil.

Education programmes include: moral, aesthetic and physical education, the establishment of national self-awareness and the raising of work.

The offer of interest education (work, art, sports, dance, music) and optional activities (language, computer science) is updated and improved every year. Clusters contribute to the widening of the interest of children and a meaningful leisure.

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