Picnic places

Recreational area “Līdaciņas”

The place of rest is located at Lake Pārtova. It is exclusive to its own silence and a place to be without neighbors

Karpiņje, Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

„Zemeņu lauks”

Picnic house, children's playground. Wide-ranging, well-equipped area for various types of open-air events (birth d

Skredeļi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Bathhouse “Kaktiņi”

Bathhouse "Kaktiņi" is located 3 km from Rēzekne, in a quiet forest. On offer:fireplace hall for up to 30 people, WC, small v

Vecborisova, Vērēmu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

A resting place by Lake Svātova

In a recreational place (previously co-ordinated) offers: - rest at a natural and peaceful atmosphere; - picnic places with g

Pušas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

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