Territorial planning

Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība informē, ka pamatojoties uz Administratīvo teritoriju un apdzīvoto vietu likuma pārejas noteikumu 17. punktu, 2024. gada 19. septembrī ir pieņemts lēmums Nr. 840 (prot.Nr. 2024/DS-19, 1.§) "Par Rēzeknes novada teritorijas plānojuma izstrādes uzsākšanu". Aicinām sekot līdzi teritorijas plānojuma izstrādei www.geolatvija.lv. Vēršam uzmanību, ka pašlaik Rēzeknes novadā ir spēkā esošie teritorijas plānojumi līdz brīdim, kad tiks apstiprināts jauns teritorijas plānojums.

The municipality of Rēzekne informs that, on the basis of Letter No 15-2/1437 OF the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of 15 February 2021, the binding Regulation No 69 of 1 October 2020 was launched.Regulations and Graphic Part of the Territorial Planning Territory of the Rēzekne District District'implementation.
The materials are available in the national single geospatial information portal: GeoLatvija.lv

Rezekne District Planning

Regulations for Use and Building of Territories

Regulations for Use and Building of Territories


Graphical part (municipality, parish and village cards)

Rēzekne municipality's functional zoning map

Audrinu civil parish
Berzgales civil parish
Čornaja civil parish
Dricanu civil parish
Feimanu civil parish
Gaigalavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads
Griskanu civil parish
Ilzeskalna civil parish
Kantinieku civil parish
Kaunatas civil parish
Lendzu civil parish
Luznavas civil parish
Makonkalns civil parish
Maltas civil parish
Naglu civil parish
Nautrenu civil parish
Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads
Ozolmuizas civil parish
Pusas civil parish
Rikavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads
Sakstagala parish
Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads
Stolerovas civil parish
Struzanu civil parish
Veremu civil parish

Audrinu civil parish 
Berzgales civil parish
Chornajas civil parish
Dricana parish villages
Feimau civil parish villages
Gaigalava parish villages
Griškanas civil parish
Ilzeskalna civil parish
Kantnieku civil parish villages

Kaunatas civil parish
Lendzu civil parish
Luznavas civil parish
Makokalns parish village
Maltese parish villages
Nagu civil parish villages
Nautrene parish villages
Ozolaine parish village
Ozolmuiža parish village
Foam parish villages 
Rikavas civil parish
Sakstagala parish village
Silmalas civil parish villages
Stalerova parish village
Strujan parish villages
Valmiera parish villages

Environmental Review

Environmental Review

Explanatory memorandum

Explanatory memorandum

Appendix to Annex 6 to the Explanatory Memorandum to the Rēzekne District Explanatory Memorandum

Appendix to Annex 6 to the Explanatory Memorandum to the Rēzekne District Explanatory Memorandum


Project of individual protection zones (protection zones) of national protected cultural monuments

Project (2019)

Project (archaeology, 2022)

Project (architecture, 2022)

Territory Planning of the Vilnius Alliance

Regulations for Use and Building of Territories

Regulations for Use and Building of Territories


Graphical part

Functional zoning OF THE Viļānu association

Viļānu urban and village functional zoning


Explanatory memorandum

Explanatory memorandum


Overview of the design of the spatial plan

Overview of the design of the spatial plan




Notification regarding the approval of the spatial plan of the Rezekne District and the issuance of binding regulations

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On the release of the Rēzekne District Planning 3.0 edition and environmental review project for public consultation and opinion

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