For families

Holiday house “Pussala Latgalē”

 “Pussala Latgalē” is located on the picturesque peninsula of Lake Rušonas. Two beautifully decorated cottages with a terrace, children's playground.

Ezerukiņi, c. Rušonas Petrovka, Feimaņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Holiday house "Strautiņi"

Laser tag or laser biathlon games, Latgalian home kitchen with pre-logging, holiday home letting.

Strautiņi 1, Dricānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Natural Education Centre “Rāzna”

In the Nature Education Centre, you can learn about the Latvian nature protection system, learn about Latvia and Rāzna National Park

Skolas iela 3, Lipuški, Mākoņkalna pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Boat trips ”Vimāna”

The ship will be able to watch the lake and surroundings of Lake Feimaņu, enjoying Latgale charm in full and listening to the kap.

Feimaņu ezera pludmale, Feimaņi, Feimaņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Mini Zoo “Rozīte”

The private collection of exotic birds and dwarfs. Option to look at the builder's built windmills and also call from

Skredeļi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads

Raimonda Vāveran tinsmith's Workshop

In the workshop, you can learn how to work with the tin once, 150 years ago and over the period to today. In the

Meža iela 10, Gaigalava, Rēzeknes novads

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