Rezekne municipality educational institutions
Dricānu pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes programmu realizācijas vieta Audriņu pagastā
Dricānu pre-school educational institution
Head of the Authority Biruta Bikowska
“Dricānu kindergarten”, Dricāni, Dricānu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV – 4615
Maximum sentence length exceeded.
Head of the Authority Long Sherce
School street 1, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV – 4618
Griškānu pre-school education institution “Sprudzs”
Head of the Authority Every working day from 7.00 to 18.00.
Ozolaines pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Jāņtārpiņš”
Head of the Authority Valentine Malisheva
"Zariņš' , Bekši, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4633
Kaunatas pre-school educational institution “bell”
Head of the Authority Address: Raznas street 32; Kaunata; Rezekne municipality; LV – 4622
Nautrēnu Pre-school education institution “Crisis”
Head of the Authority Tatjana Pujate
Silmalas pre-school educational institution
Head of the Authority Dzintra Smirnov
School street 3, Gornicas village, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV 4630
Dricānu pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes programmu realizācijas vieta Strūžānu pagastā
Head of the Authority Biruta Bikowska
Maltese Pre-school Educational Institution “Designer”
Head of the Authority Alīna Chistjakov
Ulyanova pre-school educational institution “ants”
Viļānu City Pre-school Educational Institution
Viļānu parish pre-school educational institution “bee”
Place of implementation of pre-school education programmes
Bērzgales civil parish
Head of the Authority Tatjana Pujate
Place of implementation of pre-school education programmes
Chornajas civil parish
Head of the Authority Address: Raznas street 32; Kaunata; Rezekne municipality; LV – 4622
Light street 1, Čornaja, Čornajas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV – 4617
Place of implementation of pre-school education programmes
Ilzeskalna civil parish
Head of the Authority Tatjana Pujate
Place of implementation of pre-school education programmes
Rikavas civil parish
School street 5, Rikava, Rikavas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4648
Place of implementation of pre-school education programmes
Nagļu civil parish
Head of the Authority Long Sherce
“Parish house”, Nagļi, Nagļu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV – 4631
Place of implementation of pre-school education programmes
Luznavas civil parish
Head of the Authority Valentine Malisheva
Castle 1, Lūznava, Lūznavas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4627
Pre-school education programme learning group
Feimaņi primary school
Pre-school education programme learning group
Gaigalava primary school
Iestādes vadītāja: Inara Water
Skolas street 5, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV - 4618
Pre-school education programme learning group
Rēznas primary school
Iestādes vadītājs: Anatolijs Kozlovskis
School street 2, Stoļerova, Stoļerovas civil parish., Rezekne municipality, LV – 4642
Pre-school education programme learning group
Rozentovas pamatskola
Iestādes vadītājs: Georg Ignatyev
Malta, Rozentova 9, Maltas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4630
Pre-school education programme learning group
Tiskādu primary school
Iestādes vadītāja: Olga Missevich
Pre-school education programme learning group
Verēmi Primary School
Iestādes vadītājs: Sandis Sprudzāns