Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa (reģ.Nr. 40900038627, adrese: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu.
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, LV–4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- otrā līmeņa augstākā akadēmiskā izglītība tiesību zinātnē vai tiesību zinātnes nozarei atbilstošs profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē vai profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē un piektā līmeņa profesionālā kvalifikācija (jurists) vai citam Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 7. līmenim atbilstoša kvalifikācija tiesību zinātnē;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar bāriņtiesas darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, tajā skaitā juridiskus dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram un prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- labas komunikācijas spējas un spējas publiski uzstāties auditorijas priekšā;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work 1340 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam. Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2025. gada 19. maija.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā .
Amata kandidāti līdz 2025. gada 22. aprīlim plkst. 13.00 ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas pastkastītē pie ieejas, Liepu alejā 1, Audriņos, Audriņu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā, LV–4611, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- izziņu no Sodu reģistra.
Kontaktinformācijai tālr. 20228847.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Juridiskās un lietvedības nodaļas lietveža amatu
Tiek izsludināts konkurss uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Juridiskās un lietvedības nodaļas lietveža amatu.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze darbā ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (vismaz vienu);
- zināšanas par dokumentu un arhīvu pārvaldības normatīvajiem aktiem;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- spēja analizēt dokumentus un novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu un prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus arī paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- labas organizatora un analītiskās spējas, spēja izdarīt objektīvus, pamatotus secinājumus un patstāvība pieņemot lēmumus, labas komunikācijas prasmes;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums lietvedim pārbaudes laika – EUR 1074,00, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Candidates until 2025. gada 4. apīļa plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Juridiskās un lietvedības nodaļas lietveža amatu" aizlīmētā aploksnē ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact person detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Juridiskās un lietvedības nodaļas vadītāja Ilona Turka, tālr. 64607200.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces open competition to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku) ar darba tiesisko attiecību uzsākšanas datumu: 2025. gada 14. aprīlis.
Pamatdarba vieta: Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļāni, LV-4650.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē tiek uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze darbā ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (vismaz vienu);
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication skills;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums iepirkumu speciālistam - EUR 1140,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2025. gada 28. marta plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Kontaktinformācija: 64607171.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienests aicina darbā Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecāko speciālistu
Announcing open contest to vacancy Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākā speciālista the position.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Augstākā vai profesionālā augstākā izglītība mežzinātnē, mežsaimniecībā (var būt pēdējā kursa students, ko apliecina akadēmiskā izziņa), vides zinātnē vai arī citās saistītās nozarēs (ar iepriekšēja darba pieredzi mežsaimniecībā vai ar meža vērtēšanu saistītā specialitātē);
- vēlama pieredze valsts vai pašvaldību darbā, kā arī ar mežsaimniecību vai meža vērtēšanu saistītā specialitātē;
- pašvaldības darbu un rīcību ar publiskas personas mantu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- nekustamā īpašuma valsts kadastra informācijas struktūras pārzināšana;
- rational skills of the work organisation;
- teicamas datorlietošanas prasmes (datorprogrammas – MS Word, MS Excel vai tām pielīdzināmas citas ofisa programmas, e-pasta sistēmas, elektroniskās dokumentu vadības sistēmas, attālinātā darba un komunikāciju sistēmas);
- vēlama pieredze darbam ar ģeogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmām (ĢIS);
- prasme meklēt informāciju ārējos resursos;
- prasme labi orientēties dabā;
- spēja komunikācijai izmantot visus izplatītākos saziņas kanālus (tai skaitā arī elektroniskos);
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākajā pakāpē (C2 līmenis);
- noturība stresa situācijās un spēja risināt konfliktsituācijas;
- autovadītāja apliecība (ne zemāk kā B kat.) un spēja faktiski vadīt automašīnu ikdienā, tai skaitā bezceļu un apgrūtinātas braukšanas apstākļos.
Pamatdarba atalgojums mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākajam speciālistam pārbaudes laikā EUR 1160,00; pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Candidates until 2025. gada 28. marta plkst. 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienesta Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākā speciālista amatu” šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 29436371.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Maltas apvienības pārvaldē (reģ Nr. 40900027426) tiek izsludināts konkurss uz vakanto tehniskā speciālista amatu Lūznavas pagastā.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
- vēlamas zināšanas inženiertehnoloģijās, būvniecības/remontdarbu jomā un praktiskā darba pieredze attiecīgā darba virzienā;
- pieredze ēku apsaimniekošanā, remontdarbu veikšanā, būvniecībā;
- augsta atbildības sajūta, psiholoģiskā noturība un saskarsmes kultūra;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- spēja strādāt ātri un efektīvi;
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- izglītība – vidējā vai vidējā profesionālā;
- valsts valodas prasmes augstākajā pakāpē.
Pamatdarba atalgojums ir 780,00 EUR, amata apraksts – atrodams mājaslapā .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes tehniskā speciālista amatu Lūznavas pagastā" līdz 2025. gada 11. aprīļa plkst. 14.00 aicinām sūtīt uz e-pastu vai iesniegt personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvalde, Lūznavas pagastā Pils iela 1, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktinformācija detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai tālr. 22443116.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Jaunatnes lietu nodaļas Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu Feimaņu pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme - augstākā līmeņa 1. pakāpe (C1);
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- labas saskarsmes un komunikācijas prasmes;
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- pieredze darbā ar pusaudžiem un jauniešiem, neformālo aktivitāšu un pasākumu organizēšanā, projektu īstenošanā, tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
Principal duties:
- veikt darbu ar jaunatni Maltas apvienības pārvaldē, Feimaņu pagastā;
- support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people;
- motivēt jauniešus lietderīgi izmantot brīvo laiku - piedalīties sabiedriskās dzīves aktivitātēs, iesaistīties dažādos projektos un pasākumos.
- organising information and educational activities relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people of working life, career selection and non-formal education;
- encouraging the emergence of a positive culture of intercontact and behaviour among young people;
- sadarboties ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādēm, organizācijām, skolu pašpārvaldēm;
- to spend young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training;
- promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions;
- to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
- ensuring publicity in social networks;
- develop knowledge and skills for youth work.
Darbs uz 0,5 slodzes, jeb 20 stundas nedēļā. Atalgojums brutto 427,00 eur.
Tiek izsludinātas divas vakances uz Jaunatnes darbinieku Ozolaines pagastā un Feimaņu pagastā, tās iespējams arī apvienot piesakoties uz abām vakancēm.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Feimaņu pagasta Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu", sūtīt līdz 2025. gada 21. marta plkst. 12.00 to e-mail .
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: .
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija klātienē.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Jaunatnes lietu nodaļas Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu Ozolaines pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme - augstākā līmeņa 1. pakāpe (C1);
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- labas saskarsmes un komunikācijas prasmes;
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- pieredze darbā ar pusaudžiem un jauniešiem, neformālo aktivitāšu un pasākumu organizēšanā, projektu īstenošanā, tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
Principal duties:
- veikt darbu ar jaunatni Maltas apvienības pārvaldē, Ozolaines pagasā;
- support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people;
- motivēt jauniešus lietderīgi izmantot brīvo laiku - piedalīties sabiedriskās dzīves aktivitātēs, iesaistīties dažādos projektos un pasākumos.
- organising information and educational activities relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people of working life, career selection and non-formal education;
- encouraging the emergence of a positive culture of intercontact and behaviour among young people;
- sadarboties ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādēm, organizācijām, skolu pašpārvaldēm;
- to spend young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training;
- veicināt jauniešu iesaisti brīvprātīgajā darbā, sadarboties ar organizācijām un iestādēm;
- to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
- ensuring publicity in social networks;
- develop knowledge and skills for youth work.
Darbs uz 0,5 slodzes, jeb 20 stundas nedēļā. Atalgojums brutto 427,00 EUR.
Tiek izsludinātas divas vakances uz Jaunatnes darbinieku Ozolaines pagastā un Feimaņu pagastā, tās iespējams arī apvienot piesakoties uz abām vakancēm.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Ozolaines pagasta Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu", sūtīt līdz 2025. gada 21. marta plkst. 12.00 to e-mail .
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: .
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija klātienē.
Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa (reģ.Nr.40900038627, adrese: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu.
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- otrā līmeņa augstākā akadēmiskā izglītība tiesību zinātnē vai tiesību zinātnes nozarei atbilstošs profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē vai profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē un piektā līmeņa profesionālā kvalifikācija (jurists) vai citam Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 7.līmenim atbilstoša kvalifikācija tiesību zinātnē;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar bāriņtiesas darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, tajā skaitā juridiskus dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram un prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- labas komunikācijas spējas un spējas publiski uzstāties auditorijas priekšā;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1340 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam. Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2025. gada 14. aprīļa.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā .
Candidates until 2025. gada 24. martam plkst. 13.00 ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas pastkastītē pie ieejas, Liepu alejā 1, Audriņos, Audriņu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā, LV–4611, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- izziņu no Sodu reģistra.
Kontaktinformācijai tālr. 20228847.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa (reģ.Nr.40900038627, adrese: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu.
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- otrā līmeņa augstākā akadēmiskā izglītība tiesību zinātnē vai tiesību zinātnes nozarei atbilstošs profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē vai profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē un piektā līmeņa profesionālā kvalifikācija (jurists) vai citam Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 7.līmenim atbilstoša kvalifikācija tiesību zinātnē;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar bāriņtiesas darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, tajā skaitā juridiskus dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram un prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- labas komunikācijas spējas un spējas publiski uzstāties auditorijas priekšā;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1340 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam. Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2025. gada 14. aprīļa.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā .
Candidates until 2025. gada 24. martam plkst. 13.00 ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas pastkastītē pie ieejas, Liepu alejā 1, Audriņos, Audriņu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā, LV–4611, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- izziņu no Sodu reģistra.
Kontaktinformācijai tālr. 20228847.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu
Tiek izsludināts konkurss uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (sociālo zinību, filoloģijas, sabiedrisko attiecību un/vai komunikāciju jomā);
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- pieredze un zināšanas sabiedrisko attiecību un komunikāciju jomā;
- vēlama pieredze pašvaldības darbā amatam atbilstošā jomā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- ar pašvaldības darbu un sabiedrisko attiecību jomu regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- vēlama prasme darboties ar foto un videoapstrādes programmām, šo materiālu izvietošana mājaslapā un sociālo tīklu platformās;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- spēja izprast un analizēt esošo situāciju un piedāvāt risinājumus; spēja analizēt problēmas, izvirzīt mērķus un to sasniegšanas alternatīvos risinājumus
Pamatdarba atalgojums sabiedrisko attiecību speciālistam EUR 1232,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2025. gada 18. marta plkst. 12.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu" aizlīmētā aploksnē ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Contact person detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciāliste Elza Indričāne, 64607198, 28607814.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālais dienests (reģ. Nr. 40900003729, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sociālā dienesta psihologa amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Maģistra grāds psiholoģijā ar specializāciju klīniskajā vai izglītības;
- Atbilstība Bērnu tiesību aizsardzības likuma 72. panta prasībām;
- Teicamas latviešu un krievu valodas zināšanas;
- Labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru vairākās programmās;
- Komunikabilitāte, prasme strādāt stresa situācijā, atbilstības novērtēšanas prasme, efektīvas plānošanas prasme, profesionālo dokumentu sagatavošanas iemaņas, spēja analizēt kritiskas situācijas, grupu darba prasme;
- Skills to work in the team, skills in job scheduling and organization.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 986,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Pamatdarba vieta - Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads.
Candidates for post līdz 2025. gada 7. marta plkst. 16.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz psihologa amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 110. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne) šādus dokumentus:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education and training;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (;
- citus dokumentus, kas apliecina pretendentam izvirzīto prasību izpildi.
Kontaktinformācija: 28780660.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus un atbilstību kvalifikācijas prasībām. Uz otro kārtu – pretendentu darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienests aicina darbā zemes lietu speciālistu
Announcing open contest to vacancy Land Affairs Specialist (ar darbības teritoriju Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes pagasti) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- vēlama augstākā izglītība (optimāli – ar zemes ierīcību un mērniecību saistītā jomā), bet ne zemāka par vidējo izglītību;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- vēlama pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības darbā;
- jāpārzina zemes jautājumus un nekustamo īpašumu pārvaldību regulējošie normatīvie akti, jāspēj tajos orientēties un pielietot tos darbā;
- jāpārzina dokumentu izstrādāšanas un noformēšanas kārtība;
- jāpārzina administratīvo aktu sastāvs, administratīvā procesa virzība;
- jāpārzina darbs ar elektroniskajiem dokumentiem;
- jāpiemīt labām datorlietošanas prasmēm (datorprogrammas – MS Word, MS Excel vai tām pielīdzināmas citas ofisa programmas, e-pasta sistēmas, elektroniskās dokumentu vadības sistēmas, attālinātā darba un komunikāciju sistēmas), jāspēj apgūt specializētās sistēmas - ZZDats NĪNO, NOMA, NEKIP, BRIDZIS u.c.;
- jāprot strādāt ar ģeogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmām (ĢIS), vai arī jāspēj tās apgūt maksimāli ātrā laikā;
- jāpiemīt prasmei labi orientēties dažādu veidu kartēs, plānos, shēmās (tai skaitā elektroniskās);
- jāprot meklēt informāciju ārējos resursos;
- jāspēj labi orientēties dabā;
- jāprot komunikācijai izmantot visus izplatītākos saziņas kanālus (tai skaitā arī elektroniskos);
- jāpiemīt labām komunikācijas un sadarbības prasmēm;
- jāprot valsts valoda augstākajā pakāpē (C2 līmenis);
- jāpiemīt noturībai stresa situācijās un jāspēj risināt konfliktsituācijas;
- jābūt autovadītāja apliecībai (ne zemāk kā B kat.) un jāspēj faktiski vadīt automašīnu ikdienā.
Pamatdarba atalgojums zemes lietu speciālistam pārbaudes laikā EUR 1145,00; pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Candidates until 2025. gada 12. marta plkst. 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail, vai e-adresi ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienesta zemes lietu speciālista amatu” šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 29436371.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienests aicina darbā Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecāko speciālistu
Announcing open contest to vacancy Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākā speciālista the position.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā vai profesionālā augstākā izglītība mežzinātnē, mežsaimniecībā (var būt pēdējā kursa students, ko apliecina akadēmiskā izziņa), vides zinātnē vai arī citās saistītās nozarēs (ja nav iegūta izglītība mežzinātnē, mežsaimniecībā, nepieciešama vismaz 1 gadu ilga iepriekšēja darba pieredze ar mežsaimniecību vai meža vērtēšanu saistītā specialitātē);
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- vēlama pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības darbā;
- pašvaldības darbu un rīcību ar publiskas personas mantu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- nekustamā īpašuma valsts kadastra informācijas struktūras pārzināšana;
- rational skills of the work organisation;
- teicamas datorlietošanas prasmes (datorprogrammas – MS Word, MS Excel vai tām pielīdzināmas citas ofisa programmas, e-pasta sistēmas, elektroniskās dokumentu vadības sistēmas, attālinātā darba un komunikāciju sistēmas);
- vēlama pieredze darbam ar ģeogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmām (ĢIS);
- prasme labi orientēties dažādu veidu kartēs, plānos, shēmās (tai skaitā elektroniskās);
- prasme meklēt informāciju ārējos resursos;
- prasme labi orientēties dabā;
- spēja komunikācijai izmantot visus izplatītākos saziņas kanālus (tai skaitā arī elektroniskos);
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākajā pakāpē (C2 līmenis);
- noturība stresa situācijās un spēja risināt konfliktsituācijas;
- autovadītāja apliecība (ne zemāk kā B kat.) un spēja faktiski vadīt automašīnu ikdienā, tai skaitā bezceļu un apgrūtinātas braukšanas apstākļos.
Pamatdarba atalgojums mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākajam speciālistam pārbaudes laikā EUR 1160,00; pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Candidates until 2025. gada 12. marta plkst. 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienesta Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākā speciālista amatu” šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 29436371.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015)) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” kultūras darba metodiķa amatu.
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” kultūras darba metodiķa amatu. Amata kandidātiem jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība kultūras jomā vai humanitārajās zinātnēs;
- spēja pārzināt, izprast un pielietot valsts kultūrpolitikas pamatprincipus un normatīvos aktus;
- spēja patstāvīgi plānot, organizēt darbu iestādes struktūrvienībās atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem, uzdevumiem, termiņiem;
- spēja rast risinājumu problēmsituācijās kultūras aktivitāšu īstenošanas procesā un komunikācijā;
- mārketinga un sabiedrisko attiecību pamatprincipu pārzināšana un prasme pielietot atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem, uzdevumiem;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- datorprasmes lietotāja līmenī un prasmes strādāt ar biroja tehniku.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā EUR 1190, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši individuālajam novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts un konkursa nolikums atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Candidates until 2025. gada 10. marta plkst. 9.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- pieteikuma anketu (1. pielikums);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
- Papildus amata kandidāts var iesniegt tālākizglītību apliecinošu dokumentu, kas apliecina amata kandidāta atbilstību Nolikuma 6. punkta norādītajām prasībām, kopijas.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada KTP personāla speciālists: Santa Šveca, tālr. 28678123, e-pasts
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām un konkursa pirmajā kārtā saņēmuši visvairāk punktu.
Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa (reģ.Nr.40900038627, adrese: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu.
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, LV–4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- otrā līmeņa augstākā akadēmiskā izglītība tiesību zinātnē vai tiesību zinātnes nozarei atbilstošs profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē vai profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē un piektā līmeņa profesionālā kvalifikācija (jurists) vai citam Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 7. līmenim atbilstoša kvalifikācija tiesību zinātnē;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar bāriņtiesas darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, tajā skaitā juridiskus dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram un prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- labas komunikācijas spējas un spējas publiski uzstāties auditorijas priekšā;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work 1340 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam. Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2025. gada 1. aprīļa.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā .
Candidates until 2025. gada 24. februārim plkst.13.00 ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas pastkastītē pie ieejas, Liepu alejā 1, Audriņos, Audriņu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā, LV-4611, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- izziņu no Sodu reģistra.
Kontaktinformācijai tālr. 20228847.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē tiek uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze darbā ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (vismaz vienu);
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication skills;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums iepirkumu speciālistam – EUR 1140,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2025. gada 21. februāra plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Kontaktinformācija: 64607171.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Viļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900036645) izsludina konkursu uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes projektu vadītāja amatu uz noteiktu laiku.
Amata pretendentam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība (vēlams soc. zinātnēs, ekonomikā);
- pieredze un zināšanas projektu vadībā un projektu pieteikumu izstrādē, vēlama pieredze pašvaldības projektu vadībā un projektu pieteikumu izstrādē;
- a desirable understanding of funding opportunities for local government projects;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Mēnešalga projektu vadītāja amatam ir EUR 1037,00 (saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu).
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes projektu vadītāja amatu” līdz 2025. gada 5. februārim plkst. 16.00 send to e-mail vai personīgi Kultūras laukums 1A,Viļāni Rēzeknes novads Kontaktinformācija 64628033 vai 29285545. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426) adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630, izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes māsas/vispārējās aprūpes māsas amatu uz nenoteiktu laiku, 0,25 darba slodze Silmalas pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē un 0,25 darba slodze Tiskādu pamatskolā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vidējā speciālā vai pirmā līmeņa augstākā medicīniskā izglītība;
- Vēlama darba pieredze;
- Ļoti labas komunikācijas un motivēšanas spējas;
- Spēja patstāvīgi pildīt amata pienākumus un pieņemt lēmumus savas kompetences ietvaros;
- Prasme strādāt komandā un veicināt sadarbību;
- Spēja strādāt dinamiskos un mainīgos darba apstākļos;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Labā lietotāja līmenī strādāt ar datoru.
Principal duties:
- Novērtēt bērnu un pusaudžu veselības stāvokli, veikt bērnu profilaktisko apskati, nepieciešamības gadījumā nosūtīt pie speciālistiem;
- Veikt bērnu un pusaudžu aprūpi saslimšanu un traumu gadījumos;
- Uzraudzīt bērnu un pusaudžu ēdināšanu;
- Nodrošināt neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības sniegšanu;
- Organizēt profilaktiski izglītojošo darbu;
- Kārtot dokumentāciju, saistītu ar bērnu veselību;
- Veikt medicīnisko preparātu (medikamentu) iegādi, to uzskaiti un norakstīšanu;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei.
Remuneration of basic work 594,50 EUR par 0,5 darba slodzes, 297,25 EUR par 0,25 darba slodzes Silmalas PII un 297,25 EUR par 0,25 darba slodzes Tiskādu pamatskolā.
Pretendenti līdz 2025. gada 4. februāra plkst. 16.30 aicināti iesniegt:
- Amatam motivētu pieteikumu;
- Profesionālo aprakstu (CV);
- Izglītību apliecinošo dokumentu kopijas;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: (ar norādi "Konkursam uz māsas/vispārējās aprūpes māsas amatu"), vai iesniegt personiski Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Silmalas pagastā, Saules iela 4, Gornica, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Papildinformācija pa tālr. 64644830.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divas kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidāta izglītības un iegūtās kvalifikācijas atbilstību amata aprakstā noteiktajām prasībām. Konkursa otrajā kārtā notiek darba intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem amata kandidātiem.
Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa (reģ. Nr. 40900038627, adrese: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu.
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- otrā līmeņa augstākā akadēmiskā izglītība tiesību zinātnē vai tiesību zinātnes nozarei atbilstošs profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē vai profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē un piektā līmeņa profesionālā kvalifikācija (jurists) vai citam Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 7. līmenim atbilstoša kvalifikācija tiesību zinātnē;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar bāriņtiesas darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, tajā skaitā juridiskus dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram un prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- labas komunikācijas spējas un spējas publiski uzstāties auditorijas priekšā;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work 1340 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika - atbilstoši novērtējumam. Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2025. gada 3. marta.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates for post līdz 2025. gada 5. februāra plkst. 13.00 ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas pastkastītē pie ieejas, Liepu alejā 1, Audriņos, Audriņu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā, LV-4611, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- izziņu no Sodu reģistra.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 20228847.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija (Reģ. Nr. 40900040439, Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu – 1 vakance.
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21. panta pirmās daļas 1., 2., 3., un 4. punktā noteiktajām prasībām;
- augstākā (juridiskā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību) vai vismaz pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APAS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;
- spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta, pašvaldības policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā 3 gadi (pēdējo 5 gadu laikā);
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām un vēlams vienas svešvalodas zināšanas saziņas līmenī;prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte Latvijas valsts republikai;
- nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Remuneration of basic work 1173,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam. Inspektoram ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2025. gada 6. februāra plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz adresi: Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija, Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- autovadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- apliecinājumu, ka pretendents ir informēts un piekrīt, ka saņemto dokumentu izvērtēšanas konkursa komisija iegūs datus no Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Sodu reģistra par personas sodāmībām un administratīvajiem pārkāpumiem. (pielikumā veidlapa)
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 28327508
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu
Tiek izsludināts konkurss uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (sociālo zinību jomā);
- pieredze un zināšanas sabiedrisko attiecību un komunikāciju jomā;
- vēlama pieredze pašvaldības darbā amatam atbilstošā jomā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- ar pašvaldības darbu un sabiedrisko attiecību jomu regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- vēlama prasme darboties ar foto un videoapstrādes programmām, šo materiālu izvietošana mājaslapā un sociālo tīklu platformās;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- spēja izprast un analizēt esošo situāciju un piedāvāt risinājumus;
- spēja analizēt problēmas, izvirzīt mērķus un to sasniegšanas alternatīvos risinājumus
Pamatdarba atalgojums sabiedrisko attiecību speciālistam EUR 1232,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates for post līdz 2025. gada 31. janvāra plkst. 15.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu" aizlīmētā aploksnē ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Contact person detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciāliste Elza Indričāne, 64607198, 26531297.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas uzņēmējdarbības attīstības speciālista amatu.
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas uzņēmējdarbības attīstības speciālista amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (vai nepabeigta augstākā izglītība uzņēmējdarbībā, ekonomikā, biznesa vadībā);
- pieredze un zināšanas projektu vadībā un/vai projektu pieteikumu izstrādē;
- vēlama pieredze pašvaldības darbā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- vēlama pieredze uzņēmējdarbības atbalsta pasākumu organizēšanā, konsultatīvajā darbā, privātā biznesa pieredze savā uzņēmumā;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- vēlamas pastiprinātas “Excel” zināšanas;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- orientēšanās normatīvajos aktos par lauku uzņēmējiem pieejamo atbalsta programmu iespējām un to ieviešanas mehānismu;
- prasme darboties ar datu bāzēm un platformām projektu vadības un dokumentu aprites jomā, spēja lietot informācijas tehnoloģijas savas darbības veikšanai;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- spēja izprast un analizēt esošo situāciju un piedāvāt jaunas un inovatīvas attīstības stratēģijas;
- spēja analizēt problēmas, izvirzīt mērķus un to sasniegšanas alternatīvos risinājumus.
Pamatdarba atalgojums uzņēmējdarbības attīstības speciālistam - 1102,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2025. gada 31. janvāra plkst. 15.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas uzņēmējdarbības attīstības speciālista amatu" ievieto aizlīmētā aploksnē Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Kontaktinformācija: 26256394.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Sakstagala J. Klīdzēja pamatskola” direktora amatu
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Izglītība atbilstoša Izglītības likumā un Ministru kabineta 11.09.2018. noteikumos Nr. 569 “Noteikumi par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izglītību un profesionālo kvalifikāciju un pedagogu profesionālās pilnveides kārtību” 13. punktā noteiktajām prasībām;
- Vismaz triju gadu pedagoģiskā darba pieredze izglītības jomā;
- Vēlama pieredze izglītības vadības darbā;
- Stratēģiskais redzējums par Iestādes attīstību;
- Izglītības jomu un izglītības iestādes darbību reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- Zināšanas izglītības iestāžu finansēšanas jautājumos;
- Zināšanas skolvadības jautājumos;
- Zināšanas pedagoģijā un psiholoģijā;
- Valsts valodas prasmes augstākajā līmenī atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām un vismaz vienas Eiropas Savienības oficiālās valodas prasmes profesionālajai;
- Prasme izteikt, aizstāvēt viedokli, patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus, strādāt radoši, inovatīvi, komandā un paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- Labas datora lietošanas prasmes (MS Office programmas, ar izglītības darba vadību saistītu datu bāžu pārzināšana);
- Vēlama B kategorijas vadītāja apliecība.
Pamatdarba atalgojums Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Sakstagala J. Klīdzēja pamatskola” direktora amatam - 1724,00 EUR.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Candidates for post līdz 2025. gada 5. februāra plkst. 11.30 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nodod personīgi Centrālās pārvaldes ēkas II stāva 202. kabinetā lietvedēm, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Sakstagala J. Klīdzēja pamatskola" direktora amatu", šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas (oriģināls jāņem līdzi uz interviju);
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Sakstagala J. Klīdzēja pamatskola” attīstības koncepciju (līdz 3 A4 lapām datorrakstā).
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 64607201, 29495624 (Izglītības un sporta pārvaldes vadītājs - Guntars Skudra), 646 07204, 26531830 (Izglītības un sporta pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieks - Vilis Deksnis)
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Konkursa pirmajā un otrajā kārtā komisijas locekļi vērtē un piešķir individuāli punktus amata kandidātiem saskaņā ar Konkursa nolikuma Pielikumu 1. Par atbilstošāko tiek noteikts amata kandidāts, kas summāri saņēmis visvairāk punktu pirmajā un otrajā kārtā.
Rēzeknes novada Bāriņtiesa (reģ. Nr. 40900038627, juridiskā adrese: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklāto konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amatu (Viļānu pilsētā, Gaigalavas pagastā, Nagļu pagastā).
Amata pretendentam ir jāatbilst prasībām:
- Citizen or non-citizen of the Republic of Latvia.
- The applicant has reached the age of 30 years.
- The applicant has obtained at least the degree of academic bachelor degree or professional bachelor degree and level 5 professional qualification or other qualification of the European Qualifications Framework specified in the Classification of Education of Latvia in pedagogy, psychology, medicine, social work or law, educational management or the management of the company, and which shall have no less than three years of service in the thematic area of the acquired education or the fulfilment of the duties of the Chairperson of the Orphan's Court, the Vice-President of the Orphan's Court or a member of the Orphan's Court.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- Perfect reputation.
- High stress resilience and sense of responsibility, good communication and communication capabilities.
- Strategic and analytical thinking.
- Good computer skills, skills to work with office equipment and information technologies, document preparation skills.
- Control of the laws and regulations for the proper execution of the duties assigned to the position.
- A driving licence of category B is desirable.
- The skills necessary for professional activities of foreign languages (Russian and English).
- Nav Bāriņtiesu likuma 11. pantā norādīto šķēršļu ieņemt Bāriņtiesas locekļa amatu.
- Applicants may submit:
- papildus apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopiju par speciālo zināšanu apguvi Ministru kabineta 2006. gada 5. decembra noteikumu Nr. 984 noteiktajā apjomā un kārtībā;
- copies of additional training supporting documents shall be completed during the last five years corresponding to the performance of the duties.
Remuneration of basic work 1170 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2025. gada 3. marta.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
- letter of motivation;
- pretendenta dzīves un darba gaitu apraksts CV (Curriculum Vitae) ar obligātu norādi uz pieredzi un zināšanām bērnu tiesību aizsardzības jautājumos, CV jānorāda dzimšanas dati, kontakttālrunis, e-pasts saziņai;
- Copies of educational documents conforming to the requirements of the Regulation (Section 10, Paragraph two of the Orphan's Court Law);
- pretendents var iesniegt amata pienākumu izpildei atbilstošu papildu apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, kā arī rekomendācijas;
- apliecinājums, ka uz pretendentu neattiecas Bāriņtiesu likuma 11. pantā noteiktie ierobežojumi;
- the application form.
Dokumentus ar norādi “Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amata konkurss” var iesniegt līdz 2025. gada 30. janvāra plkst. 13.00:
- nosūtot uz e-pasta adresi:, dokumentiem jābūt parakstītiem ar drošu elektronisko parakstu,
- personīgi, slēgtā aploksnē ar attiecīgu uzrakstu uz aploksnes, iesniedzot Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesā, Liepu alejā 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novadā, LV-4611, bāriņtiesas kabinetā, vai ievietojot korespondencei paredzētajā pastkastītē pie Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas ēkas iepriekšminētajā adresē.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – interview - the applicants whose documents submitted conform to the requirements laid down in the tender regulations are invited.
Pamatojoties uz Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas (ES) 2016/679 par fizisko personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti un ar ko atceļ Direktīvu 95/46 EK (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula), 13. pantu, Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa informē, ka pieteikuma dokumentos norādītie personas dati tiks apstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu atlases konkursa norisi; minētās personas datu apstrādes pārzinis ir Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601. Lai iepazītos ar informāciju par personas datu apstrādi Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā, aicinām apmeklēt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības tīmekļa vietni:
Papildinformācija pa tālr. 20228847 vai 64640644.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95a, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas būvinženiera amatu
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas būvinženiera amatu. Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība būvniecības jomā (var būt pēdējā kursa students);
- ar pašvaldību darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku, labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru, lietojumprogrammām un citu biroja tehniku, vēlama pastiprinātas Excel zināšanas, MS Word, AutoCad;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- autovadītāja apliecība – B kategorija;
- spēja izstrādāt uz attīstību virzītus ar darba pienākumiem saistīto jautājumu risinājumus, izveidot un sistematizēt datu reģistrus;
- pārzināt un pielietot būvnormatīvus, lasīt un izprast projektu dokumentāciju, spēja veikt tāmju sastādīšanu, kontroli un analīzi;
- pārzināt būvniecības tehnoloģiskos procesus, būvmateriālu pamatīpašības, klāstu un sistēmas;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums;
- spēja plānot, organizēt darba izpildi, patstāvīgi pilnveidot amata kompetenci;
- spēja izdarīt objektīvus pamatotus secinājumus, patstāvība pieņemot lēmumus;
- spēja plānot būvobjekta realizāciju atbilstoši projektam;
- spēja novērtēt un analizēt objekta būvniecības ekonomiskos faktorus;
- spēja izmantot aprēķinu metodes un speciālās datorprogrammas;
- orientācija uz rezultātu sasniegšanu;
- darbs komandā, komunikācija.
Pamatdarba atalgojums būvinženierim EUR 1351,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas būvinženiera amatu” līdz 2025. gada 31. janvāra plkst. 16.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi. Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 64607191, 29426388.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu Lūznavas pagasta kultūras centrā (0,5 darba slodze uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- vēlama augstākā izglītība;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates for post līdz 2025. gada 24. janvāra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums pirms pārbaudes laika 0,5 darba slodzei – 499,00 EUR, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciālists Santa Šveca, tālr. 28678123, e-pasts
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes remontstrādnieka amatu
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme atbilstoši pamata līmenim 1. pakāpei (A1);
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- Category B driving licence;
- pieredze darbā ar traktortehniku;zināšanas par individuālajiem aizsardzības līdzekļiem un to pielietošanu;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- zināt darbā apkalpojamo iekārtu un mašīnu darbības principus, ekspluatācijas, kontroles un apkopes noteikumus, savstarpēji saistīto darba procesu izpildes secību;
- patstāvīgi plānot, organizēt un izpildīt uzdoto uzdevumu, ievērojot noteiktos darba uzdevumu termiņus;
- strādāt komandā, organizējot darba uzdevuma izpildi sadarbībā ar citiem iestādes darbiniekiem;
- vēlamas tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR2;
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 740,00.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance remontstrādnieks” līdz 2025. gada 24. janvāra plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail vai aizlīmētā aploksnē jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Contact person for more detailed information - Maltas association manager Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail: (in absence: Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr. 90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienests aicina darbā Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecāko speciālistu
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākā speciālista amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā vai profesionālā augstākā izglītība mežzinātnē, mežsaimniecībā, vides zinātnē vai arī citās saistītās nozarēs;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- vēlama pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības darbā;
- pašvaldības darbu un rīcību ar publiskas personas mantu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- nekustamā īpašuma valsts kadastra informācijas struktūras pārzināšana;
- rational skills of the work organisation;
- teicamas datorlietošanas prasmes (datorprogrammas – MS Word, MS Excel vai tām pielīdzināmas citas ofisa programmas, e-pasta sistēmas, elektroniskās dokumentu vadības sistēmas, attālinātā darba un komunikāciju sistēmas);
- vēlama pieredze darbam ar ģeogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmām (ĢIS);
- prasme labi orientēties dažādu veidu kartēs, plānos, shēmās (tai skaitā elektroniskās);
- prasme meklēt informāciju ārējos resursos;
- prasme labi orientēties dabā;
- spēja komunikācijai izmantot visus izplatītākos saziņas kanālus (tai skaitā arī elektroniskos);
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākajā pakāpē (C2 līmenis);
- noturība stresa situācijās un spēja risināt konfliktsituācijas;
- autovadītāja apliecība (ne zemāk kā B kat.) un spēja faktiski vadīt automašīnu ikdienā, tai skaitā bezceļu un apgrūtinātas braukšanas apstākļos.
Pamatdarba atalgojums mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākajam speciālistam pārbaudes laikā EUR 1160,00; pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Candidates until 2025. gada 5. februāra plkst. 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienesta Mežu un meliorācijas sistēmu apsaimniekošanas vecākā speciālista amatu” šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 29436371.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Viļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900036645 adrese: Kultūras laukums 1A,Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4650) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes autobusa vadītāja amatu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary education;
- Compulsory professional experience in the transport of passengers;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- B, C1, D kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība; 95. kods; digitālā tahogrāfa vadītāja karte, jo autobuss ir aprīkots ar digitālo tahogrāfu.
Principal duties:
- Veikt skolēnu pārvadājumus pa ikdienas maršrutu;
- Carry out the duties of a bus/coach driver in accordance with the instructions of the driver;
- The performance of appropriate documentation, accounting;
- Vienkāršu auto remontu, apkopes veikšana vai to organizēšana;
Pamatdarba atalgojums 830,00 EUR.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copy of the driving licence.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “autobusa vadītājs”" līdz 2025. gada 15. janvārim to e-mail vai līdz 2025. gada 15. janvārim jāiesniedz personīgi Viļānu apvienības pārvaldē Kultūras laukums 1A,Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads.
Papildinformācija pa tel. nr. 64628033. Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – darba intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem pretendentiem.
Viļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900036645) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes jaunatnes darbinieka amatu. Amata pretendentam jāveic darbs ar jaunatni Sokolku un Dekšāru pagastos, darba devēja norādītā adresē, jāatbalsta un jāveicina jauniešu iniciatīvas, radot labvēlīgus apstākļus jaunatnes intelektuālajai un radošajai attīstībai.
Jaunatnes darbiniekam jāmotivē jauniešus lietderīgi izmantot brīvo laiku - piedalīties sabiedriskās dzīves aktivitātēs, iesaistīties dažādos projektos un pasākumos, kā arī jāorganizē jauniešu vecumam atbilstošus informatīvus un izglītojošus pasākumus, lai veidotu jauniešu izpratni par darba dzīvi, karjeras izvēli un neformālo izglītību; jāveicina pozitīvu jauniešu savstarpējās saskarsmes un uzvedības kultūras veidošanos, jāsadarbojas ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādēm, organizācijām, skolu pašpārvaldēm, jāpavada jauniešus starptautiskās jauniešu apmaiņās Erasmus+ programmas ietvaros un vietējās apmācībās, kā arī jāveicina jauniešu iesaisti brīvprātīgajā darbā, sadarbojoties ar organizācijām un iestādēm, plānojot un veicot mobilo darbu ar jaunatni.
Pamatdarba atalgojums - 842,00 EUR .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) ar norādi „Vakancei uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes jaunatnes darbinieka amatu Sokolku un Dekšāru pagastos” līdz 2025. gada 15. janvāra plkst. 12.00 jānosūta to e-mail vilanuapvienī, vai jāiesniedz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldē, Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļānos kabinetā Nr. 2.7. Kontaktinformācija 64628033. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited to interview the work interview the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426) adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630 izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes autobusa vadītāja amatu uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary education;
- Compulsory professional experience in the transport of passengers;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- B, C1, D kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība; 95. kods; digitālā tahogrāfa vadītāja karte.
Principal duties:
- Veikt skolēnu pārvadājumus pa ikdienas maršrutu;
- Carry out the duties of a bus/coach driver in accordance with the instructions of the driver;
- The performance of appropriate documentation, accounting;
- Vienkāršu auto remontu, apkopes veikšana vai to organizēšana.
Remuneration of basic work 847,00 EUR – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu. Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
The applicant must submit:
- description of life (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- kvalifikāciju un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- copy of the driving licence.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes autobusa vadītājs” vakanci un pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā līdz 2025. gada 10. janvārim send to e-mail vai jāiesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Silmalas pagastā, Saules ielā 4, Gornicā, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Papildinformācija pa tālr. 64644830.
Konkurss tiek organizēts 2. kārtās. 1. kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidāta izglītības un iegūtās kvalifikācijas atbilstību amata aprakstā noteiktajām prasībām. Konkursa 2. kārtā notiek darba intervijas ar 1. kārtā atlasītajiem amata kandidātiem.
Plānotais darba tiesisko attiecību uzsākšanas laiks: 2025. gada 15. janvāris.
Maltas apvienības pārvaldē (reģ Nr. 40900027426) tiek izsludināts konkurss uz vakanto skolotāja palīga amatu Silmalas pagasta Silmalas pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- prasme organizēt savu un izglītojamo darbu atbilstoši pirmsskolas skolotāja norādījumiem.
- pieredze saskarsmē vai darbā ar bērniem.
- augsta atbildības sajūta, psiholoģiskā noturība un saskarsmes kultūra.
- prasme veidot lietišķu sadarbību ar pieaugušajiem un bērniem..
- spēja strādāt ātri un efektīvi.
- izglītība – vidējā vai vidējā profesionālā.
- valsts valodas prasmes augstākajā pakāpē.
Pamatdarba atalgojums ir 770,00 EUR, amata apraksts - atrodams mājaslapā .
Dzīves aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, kvalifikāciju un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas un pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes skolotāja palīga amatu pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē Silmalas pagastā" līdz 2025. gada 10. janvāra plkst. 16.00 we invite you to send email vai iesniegt personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Silmalas pagastā, Saules ielā 4, Gornicā, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktinformācija informācijas saņemšanai: 64644830.
Plānotais darba tiesisko attiecību uzsākšanas laiks: 2025. gada 15. janvāris.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes remontstrādnieka amatu
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- Category B driving licence;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- vēlamas tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR2.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 740,00.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance remontstrādnieks” līdz 2025. gada 8. janvāra plkst. 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2025. gada 8. janvāra plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes būvtehniķa amatu
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of construction technician of the construction board of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne.
Pamatdarba vieta: “Lazdas”, Balbiši, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4633.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
1. vidējā profesionālā vai augstākā/nepabeigta augstākā izglītība būvniecības vai arhitektūras studiju programmā;
2. vēlama vismaz viena gada profesionālā pieredze būvniecībā;
3. valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām;
4. zināšanas par būvniecības procesa norises kārtību;
5. administratīvā procesa pārzināšana;
6. teicamas prasmes darbā ar datoru (MS Word, Excel); vēlamas prasmes Būvniecības informācijas sistēmas lietošanā;
7. vēlama B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība;
8. augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums, nevainojama reputācija;
9. labas komunikācijas spējas;
10. rūpes par kārtību, precizitāti un kvalitāti, apzinīgums;
11. augsta atbildības sajūta;
12. spēja strādāt komandā.
Pamatdarba atalgojums būvtehniķim pārbaudes laikā EUR 1204,00; pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 27. decembra plkst. 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
1. profesionālās darbības apraksts (CV);
2. motivācijas vēstuli;
3. pieteikuma anketu;
4. izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
5. likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Contact information: 26531328.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95a, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas būvinženiera amatu
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas būvinženiera amatu. Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība būvniecības jomā;
- ar pašvaldību darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku, labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru, lietojumprogrammām un citu biroja tehniku, vēlama pastiprinātas Excel zināšanas, MS Word, AutoCad;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- autovadītāja apliecība – B kategorija;
- spēja izstrādāt uz attīstību virzītus ar darba pienākumiem saistīto jautājumu risinājumus, izveidot un sistematizēt datu reģistrus;
- pārzināt un pielietot būvnormatīvus, lasīt un izprast projektu dokumentāciju, spēja veikt tāmju sastādīšanu, kontroli un analīzi;
- pārzināt būvniecības tehnoloģiskos procesus, būvmateriālu pamatīpašības, klāstu un sistēmas;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums;
- spēja plānot, organizēt darba izpildi, patstāvīgi pilnveidot amata kompetenci;
- spēja izdarīt objektīvus pamatotus secinājumus, patstāvība pieņemot lēmumus;
- spēja plānot būvobjekta realizāciju atbilstoši projektam;
- spēja novērtēt un analizēt objekta būvniecības ekonomiskos faktorus;
- spēja izmantot aprēķinu metodes un speciālās datorprogrammas;
- orientācija uz rezultātu sasniegšanu;
- darbs komandā, komunikācija.
Pamatdarba atalgojums būvinženierim EUR 1300,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas būvinženiera amatu” līdz 2024. gada 27. decembra plkst.12.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi. Kontaktinformācija: t. 26531328, 20274312.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa (reģ. Nr. 40900038627, adrese: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu.
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- otrā līmeņa augstākā akadēmiskā izglītība tiesību zinātnē vai tiesību zinātnes nozarei atbilstošs profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē vai profesionālais maģistra grāds tiesību zinātnē un piektā līmeņa profesionālā kvalifikācija (jurists) vai citam Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 7.līmenim atbilstoša kvalifikācija tiesību zinātnē;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar bāriņtiesas darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, tajā skaitā juridiskus dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram un prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1340 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam. Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2025. gada 3. februāra.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 27. decembra plkst. 13.00 ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas jurista (ar sēžu sekretāra pienākumiem) amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas pastkastītē pie ieejas, Liepu alejā 1, Audriņos, Audriņu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā, LV-4611, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Kontaktinformācijai Tālr.: 20228847.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu uz nenoteiktu laiku: Dekšāres tautas namā (0,75 slodze)
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher or secondary education;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 19. decembra plkst. 09.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) pirms pārbaudes laika 1,00 slodzei: 748,50 EUR, pēc pārbaudes laika, atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Santa Šveca (; tālr. 28678123).
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.c40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes skolotāja palīga amatu Maltas pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme atbilstoši augstākajam līmenim 1. pakāpei (C1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 770,00 (Slodze no 01.01.2025.)
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance skolotāja palīgs" līdz 2024. gada 18. decembra plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 18. decembra plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-pasts: (in absence: Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā –intervija.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālais dienests (reģ. Nr. 40900003729, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sociālā dienesta struktūrvienības “Sociālā atbalsta centra “Cerība”” psihologa amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku) .
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Maģistra grāds psiholoģijā ar specializāciju klīniskajā vai izglītības.
- Compliance with the requirements of Section 72 of the Law on the Protection of Children.
- Excellent knowledge of Latvian and Russian language.
- Good skills in working with computer in multiple programs.
- Communication, ability to work in stress situations, conformity assessment skills, effective planning skills, training skills of professional documents, ability to analyse critical situations, team work skills.
- Skills to work in the team, skills in job scheduling and organization.
Remuneration of basic work 986,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba vieta - Sociālā atbalsta centrs “Cerība”, Celtnieku iela 31-7, Viļāni.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 28. decembrim ar norādi "Konkursam uz psihologa amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 110. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne) šādus dokumentus:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education and training;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (;
- citus dokumentus, kas apliecina pretendentam izvirzīto prasību izpildi.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus un atbilstību kvalifikācijas prasībām. Uz otro kārtu – pretendentu darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Kontaktinformācija: 28780660
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95a, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas būvinženiera amatu.
Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
1) augstākā izglītība būvniecības jomā;
2) vismaz 3 (triju) gadu darba pieredze attiecīgi iegūtajai izglītībai (vēlama valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā, kas var tikt uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
3) ar pašvaldību darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
4) valsts valodas prasme augstākajā pakāpē;
5) prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku, labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru, lietojumprogrammām un citu biroja tehniku, vēlama pastiprinātas Excel zināšanas, MS Word, AutoCad;
6) zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;
7) autovadītāja apliecība – B kategorija;
8) spēja izstrādāt uz attīstību virzītus ar darba pienākumiem saistīto jautājumu risinājumus, izveidot un sistematizēt datu reģistrus;
9) pārzināt un pielietot būvnormatīvus, lasīt un izprast projektu dokumentāciju, spēja veikt tāmju sastādīšanu, kontroli un analīzi;
10) pārzināt būvniecības tehnoloģiskos procesus, būvmateriālu pamatīpašības, klāstu un sistēmas;
11) augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums;
12) spēja plānot, organizēt darba izpildi, patstāvīgi pilnveidot amata kompetenci;
13) spēja izdarīt objektīvus pamatotus secinājumus, patstāvība pieņemot lēmumus;
14) spēja plānot būvobjekta realizāciju atbilstoši projektam;
15) spēja novērtēt un analizēt objekta būvniecības ekonomiskos faktorus;
16) spēja izmantot aprēķinu metodes un speciālās datorprogrammas;
17) orientācija uz rezultātu sasniegšanu;
18) darbs komandā, komunikācija.
Pamatdarba atalgojums būvinženierim 1300,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas būvinženiera amatu" līdz 2024. gada 4. decembra plkst. 12.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 64607191; 29426388.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes būvinspektora palīga amatu.
Pamatdarba vieta: “Lazdas”, Balbiši, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
1) pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība arhitektūras jomā arhitekta studiju programmā vai vismaz pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība būvniecības jomā būvinženiera studiju programmā;
2) vismaz viena gada profesionālā pieredze būvniecībā;
3) zināšanas par uzdotā darba izpildes teorētiskiem un praktiskiem pamatiem, nozares terminoloģiju, ar nozari saistītiem tiesību aktiem un
4) zināšanas par darbā izmantojamo tehnisko līdzekļu darbības principiem un lietošanas noteikumiem, savstarpēji saistīto darba procesu izpildes secību;
5) zināšanas par darba un vides aizsardzības normatīvo aktu prasībām, darba tiesisko attiecību normām, profesionālās ētikas pamatprincipiem un uzvedības normām;
6) zināšanas par būvniecības informācijas sistēmas darbības principiem;
7) būvniecības procesa un būvniecības likumdošanas pārzināšana;
8) prasme un pieredze darbā ar datorprogrammām (MS–Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Auto CAD), elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku;
9) zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;
10) valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām;
11) B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība;
12) augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums;
13) labas komunikācijas spējas, orientācija uz klientu;
14) analītiska, radoša un elastīga domāšana;
15) rūpes par kārtību, precizitāti un kvalitāti, apzinīgums;
16) augsta atbildības sajūta;
17) iniciatīva, spēja izdarīt objektīvus, pamatotus secinājumus;
18) spēja strādāt komandā.
Pamatdarba atalgojums būvinspektora palīgam EUR 1200,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 29. novembra plkst. 12.00 ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Būvvaldes būvinspektora palīga amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
1. profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV);
2. motivācijas vēstuli;
3. pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā
4. copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
5. likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Contact person detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības izpilddirektore – Ērika Teirumnieka, tel. 64623200, 28080773, Būvvaldes vadītajā Inga Aleksandroviča, tel. 26531328, Būvvaldes būvinspektors – Juris Ostrovskis, tel. 20274312.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde "Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde" izsludina atklātu konkursu uz projektu vadītāja amatu (pilna slodze).
Atalgojums – 1215,00 eiro (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).
Principal duties:
- informācijas analīzi, secinājumu formulēšanu lēmumu pieņemšanai, kā arī dokumentu projektu un iekšējo normatīvo aktu izstrādi;
- pārskatu par RSEZ pārvaldes darbības rezultātu izstrādi, RSEZ komercsabiedrību darbības rādītāju analīzi, biznesa plānu izvērtēšanu u.c.;
- ekonomisko pārskatu un ziņojumu izstrādi atbildīgajām institūcijām;
- dokumentu projektu un atzinumu sagatavošanu par valsts atbalsta piešķiršanu (reģionālais atbalsts), kā arī piešķirtā atbalsta izpildes uzraudzības organizēšanu;
- Rēzeknes SEZ komercdarbības atbalsta fonda administrēšanu (deminimis atbalsta piešķiršana;
- informācijas apkopošanu un izstrādi par komercdarbības vidi (inženiertehniskā infrastruktūra, nekustamā īpašuma piedāvājumi, pieejamie resursi, darbaspēka piedāvājums utml.) Rēzeknē, Latgales reģionā un Latvijā potenciālajiem investoriem;
- Rēzeknes SEZ komercdarbības komisijas darba organizēšana;
- nekustamo īpašumu datu bāzes uzturēšanu;
- Rēzeknes SEZ komercdarbības izpētes un analīzes informācijas sistēmas administrēšanu;
- Iestādes attīstības plānošanas dokumentu izstrāde un aktualizācija (attīstības plāns, ikgadējais darbības plāns);
- Iestādes nekustamā īpašuma iznomāšanas un apsaimniekošanas organizēšanu.
Requirements for applicants:
- augstākā izglītība sociālajās zinātnēs/inženierzinātnēs;
- zināšanas un pieredze projektu plānošanā, īstenošanā, administrēšanā, biznesa plānu izstrādē, kā arī biznesa plānu izstrādē;
- labas zināšanas par komercdarbības organizēšanu;
- vēlama pieredze saimnieciska un tehniska rakstura darbos;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākajā līmenī, labas angļu valodas zināšanas (rakstiski un mutiski vidējā līmenī);
- spēja patstāvīgi organizēt savu darbu, augsta atbildības sajūta, precizitāte, labas komunikācijas prasmes;
- B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un vismaz divu gadu autovadīšanas praktiskā pieredze.
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
The application documents must be submitted or provided by: 2024. gada 25. novembrim: pa pastu ierakstītā vēstulē, sūtot uz adresi: Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde”, Atbrīvošanas aleja 93, Rēzekne, LV-4601 (pasta zīmogs 2024. gada 25. novembris); personīgi slēgtā aploksnē pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” 231.kabinetā; elektroniski (parakstot ar drošu elektronisko parakstu) uz e-pasta adresi: Uz aploksnes vai e-vēstules sadaļā „Temats” jābūt norādei „Pieteikums konkursam uz pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” projektu vadītaja amatu”.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” biroja vadītāja p.i. Daiga Utāne, tālr. 28633550.
Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” pieteikuma dokumentos norādītos personas datus apstrādās atbilstoši Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas (ES) 2016/679 par fizisko personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti un ar ko atceļ Direktīvu 95/46 EK (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula) noteiktajām prasībām ar nolūku nodrošināt atlases konkursa norisi. Datu pārzinis ir pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde”, reģistrācijas Nr.90009259543, juridiskā adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 93, Rēzekne. Papildus informācija par personas datu apstrādi atrodama pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” mājaslapā sadaļā „Privātuma politika”.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde” Mākoņkalna pagastā aicina darbā saimniecības pārzini uz pilnu slodzi (1 likme) uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for candidates:
- secondary or secondary education;
- the need for prior experience in the organisation and management of economic processes;
- labas datorprasmes – Word, Excel prorammas, prasme lietot biroja tehniku, e-pastu un citas lietojumprogrammas un zināšnas par digitālo tehnoloģiju pielietošanu.
- excellent communication and cooperation skills;
- creative and independent approach to work;
- atbildības sajūta un precizitāte.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā un NVA mājaslapā.
Remuneration of basic work during the examination 910.00 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).
Applicants up to 2024. gada 25. novembra at 14.00 send to e-mail vai iesniedz personīgi iestādē “Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde” lietvedei, Rāznas iela 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde" vakanci “Saimniecības pārzinis Mākoņkalna pagastā”", un kurā ir ievietoti šādi dokumenti:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes” vadītāja vietnieks Sergejs Bašmakovs, tel. 29224840 e-pasts
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes remontstrādnieka amatu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme atbilstoši pamata līmenim 1. pakāpei (A1);
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- Category B driving licence;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- vēlamas tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR2.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 740,00 EUR.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance remontstrādnieks” līdz 2024. gada 15. novembra plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail vai aizlīmētā aploksnē jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ. Nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto Sociālā mentora - nodarbību vadītāja (šūšanas) amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Dienas aprūpes centrā “Viļāni” (Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni).
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vispārējā vidējā izglītība;
- Iepriekšējā darba pieredze tekstiliju ražošanas tehnoloģijās;
- Labas prasmes darbā ar šūšanas iekārtām;
- Labas saskarsmes prasmes, spēja strādāt komandā;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
Principal duties:
- Piedāvāt piemērotāko specializētās darbnīcas pakalpojuma nodarbinātības formu, izvērtējot klienta funkcionālās spējas un intereses;
- Organizēt un vadīt šūšanas nodarbības, ņemot vērā katra klienta individuālās prasmes;
- Vadīt darba iemaņu apgūšanu, skaidrot un uzraudzīt, kā klients lieto darbam nepieciešamos instrumentus un līdzekļus;
- Organizēt un iesaistīt klientu labdarības izstādēs - tirdziņos, sekmējot klientā panākumu izjūtu;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei.
Pamatdarba atalgojums - 805,00 EUR.
Darba vieta - Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni.
Darba laika organizācija – regulārs darba laiks.
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 12. novembrim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- the application form.
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sociālā mentora- nodarbību vadītāja (šūšanas) amatu" vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 110. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktinformācija: 28780660.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālais dienests (reģ. Nr. 40900003729, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sociālā dienesta struktūrvienības “Dienas aprūpes centra “Viļāni”” sociālā rehabilitētāja amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība - sociālā rehabilitētāja kvalifikācija vai otrā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā vai akadēmiskā izglītība sociālajā darba jomā vai iegūst attiecīgu izglītību;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- communication, ability to work in stress situations, ability to analyse critical situations;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good skills in working with computer in multiple programs, skills to work with office technics.
Amata galvenie pienākumi:
- piedalīties klientu individuālo sociālās rehabilitācijas plānu izstrādē un īstenošanā;
- uzlabot klienta sociālās prasmes un veicināt jaunu prasmju apgūšanu:
- iesaistīt un veicināt klientu līdzdalību brīvā laika pavadīšanā, izglītojošu, kultūras un sporta pasākumu organizēšanā, vadīšanā, apmeklēšanā;
- veicināt klienta līdzdalību sociālo prasmju apgūšanā, mācīt klientam uzņemties adekvātas sociālās lomas un veidot prasmi nodrošināt to pilnvērtīgu funkcionēšanu;
- būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 803,00 EUR.
Darba vietas adrese – Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads. Regulārs darba laiks, pilna slodze
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- izglītību un papildizglītības apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- application questionnaire
Pretendentiem jāiesniedz dokumentus Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālajā dienestā, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, 110. kabinetā, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu: ar norādi "Konkursam uz sociālā rehabilitētāja amatu".
Pieteikums jāiesniedz vai jānodrošina tā iesūtīšana līdz 2024. gada 12. novembrim (ieskaitot), pēc šī termiņa saņemtie pieteikumi netiek vērtēti.
Kontaktinformācija: 28780660.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālais dienests (reģ. Nr. 40900003729, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sociālā dienesta struktūrvienības “Dienas aprūpes centra “Viļāni”” sociālā rehabilitētāja amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība - sociālā rehabilitētāja kvalifikācija vai otrā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā vai akadēmiskā izglītība sociālajā darba jomā vai iegūst attiecīgu izglītību;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- communication, ability to work in stress situations, ability to analyse critical situations;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good skills in working with computer in multiple programs, skills to work with office technics.
Amata galvenie pienākumi:
- piedalīties klientu individuālo sociālās rehabilitācijas plānu izstrādē un īstenošanā;
- uzlabot klienta sociālās prasmes un veicināt jaunu prasmju apgūšanu:
- iesaistīt un veicināt klientu līdzdalību brīvā laika pavadīšanā, izglītojošu, kultūras un sporta pasākumu organizēšanā, vadīšanā, apmeklēšanā;
- veicināt klienta līdzdalību sociālo prasmju apgūšanā, mācīt klientam uzņemties adekvātas sociālās lomas un veidot prasmi nodrošināt to pilnvērtīgu funkcionēšanu;
- būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei
Pamatdarba atalgojums 803,00 EUR.
Darba vietas adrese – Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads. Regulārs darba laiks, pilna slodze
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- izglītību un papildizglītības apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- application questionnaire
Pretendentiem jāiesniedz dokumentus Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālajā dienestā, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, 110. kabinetā, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu: ar norādi "Konkursam uz sociālā rehabilitētāja amatu".
Pieteikums jāiesniedz vai jānodrošina tā iesūtīšana līdz 2024. gada 12. novembrim (ieskaitot), pēc šī termiņa saņemtie pieteikumi netiek vērtēti.
Kontaktinformācija: 28780660.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu Pušas pagasta tautas namā (0,5 darba slodze uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- vēlama augstākā izglītība;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 8. novembra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā un NVA mājaslapā.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 0,5 darba slodzei - 499 EUR, atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciālists Santa Šveca, tālr. 28678123, e-pasts
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija (Reģ.Nr. 40900040439 Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu – 1 vakance
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21. panta pirmās daļas 1.,2.,3., un 4. punktā noteiktajām prasībām;
- augstākā (juridiskā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību) vai vismaz pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APAS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;
- spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,;
- pašvaldības policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā 3 gadi (pēdējo 5 gadu laikā);
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte Latvijas valsts republikai;
- nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Remuneration of basic work 1150,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam. Inspektoram ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Candidates until 2024. gada 5. novembrim plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV–4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz adresi: Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija, Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4611, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- autovadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- apliecinājumu, ka pretendents ir informēts un piekrīt, ka saņemto dokumentu izvērtēšanas konkursa komisija iegūs datus no Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Sodu reģistra par personas sodāmībām un administratīvajiem pārkāpumiem (apliecinājuma veidlapa zemāk).
Kontaktinformācija pa tālr. 28080456
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde "Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde" izsludina atklātu konkursu uz projektu vadītāja amatu (pilna slodze).
Atalgojums – 1215,00 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).
Principal duties:
- informācijas analīze, secinājumu formulēšana lēmumu pieņemšanai, kā arī dokumentu projektu un iekšējo normatīvo aktu izstrāde;
- pārskatu izstrāde par RSEZ pārvaldes darbības rezultātiem, RSEZ komercsabiedrību darbības rādītāju analīze, biznesa plānu izvērtēšana u.c.;
- ekonomisko pārskatu un ziņojumu izstrāde atbildīgajām institūcijām;
- dokumentu projektu un atzinumu sagatavošana par valsts atbalsta piešķiršanu (reģionālais atbalsts), kā arī piešķirtā atbalsta izpildes uzraudzības organizēšana;
- Rēzeknes SEZ komercdarbības atbalsta fonda administrēšana (deminimis atbalsta piešķiršana);
- informācijas apkopošana un izstrāde par komercdarbības vidi (inženiertehniskā infrastruktūra, nekustamā īpašuma piedāvājumi, pieejamie resursi, darbaspēka piedāvājums utml.) Rēzeknē, Latgales reģionā un Latvijā potenciālajiem investoriem;
- SEZ komercdarbības izpētes un analīzes informācijas sistēmas administrēšana;
- Iestādes attīstības plānošanas dokumentu izstrāde un aktualizācija (attīstības plāns, ikgadējais darbības plāns);
- Nodrošināt projektu plānošanu, izstrādi, koordinēšanu un ieviešanu.
Requirements for applicants:
- augstākā izglītība sociālajās zinātnēs/ inženierzinātnēs;
- zināšanas un pieredze projektu plānošanā, īstenošanā, administrēšanā, biznesa plānu izstrādē, kā arī biznesa plānu izstrādē;
- labas zināšanas par komercdarbības organizēšanu;
- vēlama pieredze saimnieciska un tehniska rakstura darbos;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākajā līmenī, labas angļu valodas zināšanas (rakstiski un mutiski vidējā līmenī);
- spēja patstāvīgi organizēt savu darbu, augsta atbildības sajūta, precizitāte, labas komunikācijas prasmes;
- B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un vismaz divu gadu autovadīšanas praktiskā pieredze.
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Pieteikuma dokumenti jāiesniedz vai jānodrošina tā iesūtīšana līdz 2024. gada 4. novembrim: pa pastu ierakstītā vēstulē, sūtot uz adresi: Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde "Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde", Atbrīvošanas aleja 93, Rēzekne, LV-4601 (pasta zīmogs 2024. gada 4. novembris); personīgi slēgtā aploksnē pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes "Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde" 231. kabinetā; elektroniski (parakstot ar drošu elektronisko parakstu) uz e-pasta adresi: Uz aploksnes vai e-vēstules sadaļā "Temats" jābūt norādei "Pieteikums konkursam uz pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes "Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde" projektu vadītāja amatu".
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” mājaslapā sadaļā „Vakances” vai Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” biroja vadītāja p.i. Daiga Utāne, tālr. 28633550.
Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde "Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde" pieteikuma dokumentos norādītos personas datus apstrādās atbilstoši Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas (ES) 2016/679 par fizisko personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti un ar ko atceļ Direktīvu 95/46 EK (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula) noteiktajām prasībām ar nolūku nodrošināt atlases konkursa norisi. Datu pārzinis ir pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde "Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde", reģistrācijas Nr. 90009259543, juridiskā adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 93, Rēzekne. Papildus informācija par personas datu apstrādi atrodama pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes "Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde" mājaslapā sadaļā "Privātuma politika".
Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola (reģ. Nr. 40900039548 , adrese: Sporta iela 5, Malta, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto pieaugušo komandas trenera florbolā (uz 0.3 slodzes) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- obligāta vispārējā vidējā izglītība un vēlama izglītība atbilstoši Ministru kabineta 2010. gada 26. janvāra noteikumiem Nr. 77 “Noteikumi par sporta speciālistu specifikācijas kārtību un sporta speciālistam noteiktajām prasībām”;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem un prioritātēm;
- atbildīga un godprātīga attieksme pret darbu;
- prasme strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas.
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums – 324,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Viļāni.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 31. oktobra plkst. 16.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sporta pasākumu organizatora amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sporta skolā šādus dokumentus:
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola (reģ. Nr. 40900039548 , adrese: Sporta iela 5, Malta, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto pieaugušo komandas trenera hokejā (uz 0.3 slodzes) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- obligāta vispārējā vidējā izglītība un vēlama izglītība atbilstoši Ministru kabineta 2010. gada 26. janvāra noteikumiem Nr. 77 “Noteikumi par sporta speciālistu specifikācijas kārtību un sporta speciālistam noteiktajām prasībām”;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem un prioritātēm;
- atbildīga un godprātīga attieksme pret darbu;
- prasme strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas.
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums – 324,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Kaunata.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 31. oktobra plkst. 16.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sporta pasākumu organizatora amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sporta skolā šādus dokumentus:
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola (reģ. Nr. 40900039548 , adrese: Sporta iela 5, Malta, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto pieaugušo komandas trenera volejbolā (uz 0.3 slodzes) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- obligāta vispārējā vidējā izglītība un vēlama izglītība atbilstoši Ministru kabineta 2010. gada 26. janvāra noteikumiem Nr. 77 “Noteikumi par sporta speciālistu specifikācijas kārtību un sporta speciālistam noteiktajām prasībām”;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem un prioritātēm;
- atbildīga un godprātīga attieksme pret darbu;
- prasme strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas.
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums – 324,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Nautrēnu pagasts.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 31. oktobra plkst. 16.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sporta pasākumu organizatora amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sporta skolā šādus dokumentus:
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola (reģ. Nr. 40900039548 , adrese: Sporta iela 5, Malta, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sporta pasākumu organizatora Ozolmuižas pagastā (uz 0.15 slodzes) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- vēlama vispārējā vidējā izglītība;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem un prioritātēm;
- atbildīga un godprātīga attieksme pret darbu;
- prasme strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas;
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums – 144,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Ozolmuižas pagasts.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 30. oktobra plkst. 16.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sporta pasākumu organizatora amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sporta skolā šādus dokumentus:
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola (reģ. Nr. 40900039548 , adrese: Sporta iela 5, Malta, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sporta pasākumu organizatora Silmalas pagastā (uz 0.15 slodzes) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- vēlama vispārējā vidējā izglītība;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem un prioritātēm;
- atbildīga un godprātīga attieksme pret darbu;
- prasme strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas;
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums – 144,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Silmalas pagastā
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 30. oktobra plkst. 16.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sporta pasākumu organizatora amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sporta skolā šādus dokumentus:
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola (reģ. Nr. 40900039548 , adrese: Sporta iela 5, Malta, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sporta pasākumu organizatora Lendžu pagastā (uz 0.15 slodzes) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- vēlama vispārējā vidējā izglītība;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem un prioritātēm;
- atbildīga un godprātīga attieksme pret darbu;
- prasme strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas;
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums – 144,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Lendžu pagastā.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 30. oktobra plkst. 16.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sporta pasākumu organizatora amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sporta skolā šādus dokumentus:
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola (reģ. Nr. 40900039548 , adrese: Sporta iela 5, Malta, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sporta pasākumu organizatora Ilzeskalnā (uz 0.2 slodzes) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- vēlama vispārējā vidējā izglītība;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem un prioritātēm;
- atbildīga un godprātīga attieksme pret darbu;
- prasme strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas;
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums – 223,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Ilzeskalns.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 30. oktobra plkst. 16.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sporta pasākumu organizatora amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sporta skolā šādus dokumentus:
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95a, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes arhitekta amatu.
Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība arhitektūras jomā;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- atbilstība arhitekta profesijas prasībām;
- zināšanas būvniecību regulējošo normatīvo aktu jomā, par administratīvā procesa norisi valsts un pašvaldības institūcijās;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma, pašvaldības teritorijas plānojuma normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (vismaz vienu, par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS);
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumam;
- zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums arhitektam: atbilstoši nepilnam darba laikam – 0,3 slodzei (0,3 likmei) ir 450,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes arhitekta amatu” līdz 2024. gada 29. oktobra plkst. 13.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 26531328, 20274312.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95a, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes būvinspektora amatu
Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība būvniecības vai arhitektūras jomā;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā;
- atbilstība Būvinspektoru reģistrācijas prasībām;
- zināšanas būvniecības regulējošo normatīvo aktu jomā, par administratīvā procesa norisi valsts un pašvaldības institūcijās;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma, pašvaldības teritorijas plānojuma normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS);
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumam;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- vēlama B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība.
Pamatdarba atalgojums būvinspektoram 1338,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes būvinspektora amatu” līdz 2024. gada 30. oktobra plkst. 13.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 26531328, 20274312.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ. Nr. 40900003729, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sociālā dienesta struktūrvienības “Grupu mājas “Viļāni”” (uz 0.5 slodzes) un Dienas aprūpes centra “Viļāni” (uz 0.5 slodzes) apkopēja amatu .
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Vispārējā vidējā izglītība, arodizglītība;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem un prioritātēm;
- atbildīga un godprātīga attieksme pret darbu;
- prasme strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas;
Amata apraksts - atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums Grupu mājā “Viļāni” uz 0.5 slodzes – EUR 350,00 un Dienas aprūpes centrā “Viļāni” uz 0.5 slodzes – EUR 350,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni.
Candidates until 2024. gada 25. oktobra plkst. 16.30 ar norādi "Konkursam uz apkopēja amatu sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 110. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne) šādus dokumentus:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (;
- citus dokumentus, kas apliecina pretendentam izvirzīto prasību izpildi.
Kontaktinformācija: 28780660.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus un atbilstību kvalifikācijas prasībām. Uz otro kārtu – pretendentu darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Pušas pagasta bibliotēkas vadītāja amatu uz nenoteiktu laiku un 0,5 darba slodzi.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā akadēmiskā vai profesionālā; vidējā speciālā izglītība bibliotēku darba jomā vai cita izglītība un tālākizglītības kursu beigšanas sertifikāts bibliotēku darba jomā;
- desirable work experience in the field of library work;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations in the field of libraries, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- skills to work with computer, information technology, office technique;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām datubāzēm un citām elektroniskajām sistēmām, prasme strādāt ar bibliotēku informācijas sistēmu (BIS) Alise tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību;
- be able to plan and organise their own and library work, with creative thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high sense of contact and a sense of responsibility.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 0,5 darba slodzei - 413,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika - atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 18. oktobra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu Pušas pagasta tautas namā (0,5 darba slodze uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Amatu iespējams savienot ar vakanto vietu Pušas pagasta bibliotēkā (0,5 darba slodze uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- vēlama augstākā izglītība;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 18. oktobra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā un NVA mājaslapā.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 0,5 darba slodzei - 499 EUR, atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciālists Santa Šveca, tālr. 28678123, e-pasts
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu Lendžu pagasta kultūras namā (0,75 darba slodze uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- vēlama augstākā izglītība;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 18. oktobra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā un NVA mājaslapā.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 0,75 darba slodzei – 748,50 EUR, atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciālists Santa Šveca, tālr. 28678123, e-pasts
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas komunālinženiera amatu.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (augstākā izglītība inženierzinātnēs tiek uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- vēlama profesionālas pilnveides apliecība darba aizsardzības, ugunsdrošības un civilās aizsardzības apmācību programmā, ja amata kandidātam nav iepriekšminēto apliecību, tad jāiesniedz apliecinājums par gatavību apgūt attiecīgās profesionālās pilnveides programmas (programmu apguvi apmaksā darba devējs);
- darba pieredze civilās aizsardzības, darba aizsardzības, ugunsdrošības jomā, kā arī valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā tiek uzskatīta par priekšrocību;
- ar pašvaldību darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku, labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru, lietojumprogrammām un citu biroja tehniku, vēlamas pastiprinātas Excel zināšanas, MS Word. Iemaņas darbā ar GIS programmām tiek uzskatītas par priekšrocību;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- autovadītāja apliecība – B kategorija;
- spēja patstāvīgi iegūt informāciju civilās aizsardzības, darba aizsardzības, ugunsdrošības, kā arī citu inženiertehnisko risinājumu jautājumos;
- spēja izstrādāt uz attīstību virzītus ar darba pienākumiem saistīto jautājumu risinājumus, izveidot un sistematizēt datu reģistrus;
- spēja plānot, organizēt darba izpildi, patstāvīgi pilnveidot amata kompetenci;
- spēja kontrolēt, pakalpojumu sniedzēju saistību izpildi līgumu ietvaros;
- labas komunikācijas spējas, augsta atbildības sajūta, precizitāte un spēja strādāt komandā;
- iniciatīva, analītiska domāšana, spēja konstatēt problēmu un piedāvāt tās risināšanas variantus.
Pamatdarba atalgojums komunālinženierim 1300,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 23. oktobra plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas komunālinženiera amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- profesionālās pilnveides apliecības, ja tādu nav tad apliecinājumu par profesionālās pilnveides programmu apgūšanu (nolikuma 1.Pielikums – atrodams mājaslapā);
- autovadītāja apliecība;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama mājaslapā).
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas vadītājs – Andris Koļčs (A. Koļča prombūtnes laikā – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības izpilddirektora vietnieks – Andris Stafeckis), tālr. 64607170.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Jaunatnes lietu nodaļas Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu Ozolaines un Feimaņu pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- Category B driving licence;
- prasme pieņemt lēmumus un izrādīt iniciatīvu.
Principal duties:
- veikt darbu ar jaunatni Maltas apvienības pārvaldē, Ozolaines un Feimaņu pagastā;
- atbalstīt un veicināt jauniešu iniciatīvas, radot labvēlīgus apstākļus jaunatnes intelektuālajai un radošajai attīstībai;
- motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events;
- organising information and educational activities relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people of working life, career selection and non-formal education;
- encouraging the emergence of a positive culture of intercontact and behaviour among young people;
- sadarboties ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādēm, organizācijām, skolu pašpārvaldēm;
- to spend young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training;
- veicināt jauniešu iesaisti brīvprātīgajā darbā, sadarboties ar organizācijām un iestādēm;
- to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
- ensuring publicity in social networks;
- develop knowledge and skills for youth work.
Remuneration of basic work during the examination 825,00 EUR (pilna slodze Ozolaines un Feimaņu pagastā).
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika saskaņā ar ikgadējo darba izpildes novērtēšanas anketu.
Description of the position, by-laws, application form - found on the municipal website
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- pieteikuma anketa (download Here)
Dokumenti ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Ozolaines un Feimaņu pagasta Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu", līdz 2024. gada 21. oktobra at 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 2024. gada 21. oktobra plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts:
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija klātienē.
Nautrēnu apvienības pārvalde ( reģ Nr. 40900027430) aicina darbā skolotāja palīgu struktūrvienības “Saimniecības un tehniskā nodrošinājuma nodaļa teritoriālā vienība Vērēmu pagasts”
Nautrēnu apvienības pārvalde aicina pieteikties uz vakanto skolotāja palīga amatu Verēmu pirmskolas izglītības iestādē.
Amata pretendentam ir jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- vispārējā vidējā vai vidējā profesionālā izglītība,
- valsts valodas prasme,
- zināšanas tīrīšanas un dezinfekcijas līdzekļu lietošanā,
- prasme pastāvīgi organizēt savu darba pienākumu izpildi,
- prasme strādāt komandā,
- precizitāte, uzticamība, atbildības sajūta, ētiskums un lojalitāte attiecībās ar darba kolēģiem, bērniem, bēŗnu vecākiem, savstarpējo attiecību kultūras un koleģialitātes ievērošana.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 750.00 EUR, amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Description of the professional activity (CV), letter of motivation, copies of documents certifying education and the application form (located at the local government website) līdz 2024. gada 30. septembra plkst. 12.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai līdz 2024. gada 30. septembra plkst. 12.00 jāiesniedz Vērēmu pagastā struktūrvienības “Lietvedības un personāla nodaļa ”lietvedei, adrese: Centra iela 1, Sondori-Škeņeva, Vērēmu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4647.
Kontaktinformācija tālr. 64628833. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām 2024. gada 30. septembrī.
Uz darba interviju tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst amata izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas komunālinženiera amatu
Tiek izsludināts konkurss uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas komunālinženiera amatu.
Pamatdarba vieta: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV–4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (vēlama civilās aizsardzības, darba aizsardzības, siltuma vai ūdens apgādes inženierzinātnēs, kas var tikt uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- profesionālās pilnveides apliecības Darba aizsardzības, Ugunsdrošības vai Civilās aizsardzības 160 stundu apmācību programmā, ja ir augstākā izglītība šajā jomā, tad profesionālās pilnveides apliecība nav obligāta;
- vismaz 3 (triju) gada darba pieredze attiecīgi iegūtajai izglītībai ( vēlama valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā, kas var tikt uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- iemaņas budžeta plāna (savas kompetences ietvaros) sastādīšanā un tā izpildes organizēšanā;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku, labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru, lietojumprogrammām un citu biroja tehniku, vēlama pastiprinātas Excel zināšanas, MS Word, AutoCad, QGIS;;
- zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un saglabāšanu;
- autovadītāja apliecība – B kategorija;
- spēja patstāvīgi iegūt informāciju civilās aizsardzības, darba aizsardzības, ugunsdrošības, kā arī citu inženiertehnisko risinājumu jautājumos;
- spēja izstrādāt uz attīstību virzītus ar darba pienākumiem saistīto jautājumu risinājumus, izveidot un sistematizēt datu reģistrus;
- spēja plānot, organizēt darba izpildi, patstāvīgi pilnveidot amata kompetenci;
- spēja kontrolēt pakalpojumu sniedzēju saistību izpildi līgumu ietvaros;
- labas komunikācijas spējas, augsta atbidlības sajūta, precizitāte un spēja strādāt komandā;
- iniciatīva, analītiska domāšana, spēja konstatēt problēmu un piedāvāt tās risināšanas variantus.
Pamatdarba atalgojums komunālinženierim 1300,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 4. oktobra plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma komunālinženiera amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV–4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā
Contact person detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas vadītājs – Andris Koļčs (A. Koļča prombūtnes laikā: Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības izpilddirektora vietnieks – Andris Stafeckis), tālr. 64607170.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes palīgstrādnieka amatu Lūznavas pagastā
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- vidējā izglītība;
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- Category B driving licence;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- zināt rokas instrumentu darbības principus, ekspluatācijas, kontroles un apkopes noteikumus; savstarpēji saistīto darba procesu izpildes secību;
- patstāvīgi plānot, organizēt un izpildīt uzdoto uzdevumu, ievērojot noteiktos darba uzdevumu termiņus;
- strādāt komandā, organizējot darba uzdevuma izpildi sadarbībā ar citiem iestādes darbiniekiem.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 700,00 EUR
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance palīgstrādnieks Lūznavas pagastā” līdz 2024. gada 7. oktobra plkst. 16.30 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 7. oktobra plkst. 16.30 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Lūznavas pagasta lietvedei, Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes saimniecības pārziņa amatu Lūznavas pagastā
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vadīt un veikt saimnieciskos procesus Lūznavas pagastā nodrošinot pašvaldības īpašumu un mantas lietderīgu apsaimniekošanu un saglabāšanu, teritoriju labiekārtošanu, ielu apgaismošanu, kapsētu uzturēšanu u.c. iestādes uzticētos pienākumus.
- B kat. autovadītāja apliecība.
- Valsts valodas zināšanas – augstākais līmenis.
- Izglītība – vidējā profesionālā, augstākā izglītība tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
- Organizēt un patstāvīgi veikt pagasta teritorijas un dažādu objektu labiekārtošanu (piemēram, augu stādīšana un kopšana, zāliena pļaušana un kopšana, soliņu ierīkošana, sīki ēku remontdarbi, pēc nepieciešamības piedalīties autotransporta tehniskā stāvokļa uzturēšanā, apkopē, un citos darbus).
- Veikt autoceļu apsekošanu, piedalīties autoceļu greiderēšanas un attīrīšanas no sniega ziemas laikā organizēšanā, piedalīties lokālos autoceļu remontos.
- Organizēt traktortehnikas un citas tehnikas, iekārtu un aprīkojuma izmantošanu pagasta saimniecisko darbu vajadzībām, pēc nepieciešamības palīdzēt tehnikas remontdarbu veikšanā.
- Atbildēt par iestādes ēku (telpu) uzturēšanu, lietošanu un saglabāšanu, pēc nepieciešamības veikt sīkus ēkas remontus; organizēt kosmētiskos un citus telpu remontus; plānot un organizēt saimniecības preču, būvmateriālu un citu preču un materiālu iegādi saskaņā ar iestādes apstiprināto tāmi elektroniskajā iepirkumu sistēmā un tirdzniecības punktos atbilstoši iestādes vadītāja vai vietnieka rakstiskam pilnvarojumam.
- Atbildēt par iestādes (teritoriālās vienības) autotransportu, nepieciešamības gadījumā veic automašīnas vadītāja darba pienākumus, pēc nepieciešamības veic tā remontu vai remonta organizēšanu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 856,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance saimniecības pārzinis Lūznavas pagastā” līdz 2024. gada 7. oktobra plkst. 16.30 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 7. oktobra plkst. 16.30 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Lūznavas pagasta lietvedei, Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes remontstrādnieka amatu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme atbilstoši pamata līmenim 1. pakāpei (A1);
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- Category B driving licence;
- experience with tractors;
- zināšanas par individuālajiem aizsardzības līdzekļiem un to pielietošanu;savstarpējās sadarbošanās prasmes;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- vēlamas tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR2.
Remuneration of basic work 740,00 EUR.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance remontstrādnieks” līdz 2024. gada 7. oktobra plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail vai aizlīmētā aploksnē iesniegt personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā notiks intervijas.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes tehniskā strādnieka amatu Maltas pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- vēlamas tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR2;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work 700,00 EUR.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakancei tehniskais strādnieks" līdz 2024. gada 7. oktobra plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail vai aizlīmētā aploksnē jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā notiek intervijas.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes arhitekta amatu.
Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība arhitektūras jomā;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- atbilstība arhitekta profesijas prasībām;
- zināšanas būvniecību regulējošo normatīvo aktu jomā, par administratīvā procesa norisi valsts un pašvaldības institūcijās;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma, pašvaldības teritorijas plānojuma normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (vismaz vienu, par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS);
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumam;
- zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums arhitektam: atbilstoši nepilnam darba laikam – 0,3 slodzei (0,3 likmei) ir 450,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, pieteikuma anketu, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes arhitekta amatu" līdz 2024. gada 30. septembra plkst. 13.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 64623200, 28080773.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes būvinspektora amatu.
Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība būvniecības vai arhitektūras jomā;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā;
- atbilstība Būvinspektoru reģistrācijas prasībām;
- zināšanas būvniecības regulējošo normatīvo aktu jomā, par administratīvā procesa norisi valsts un pašvaldības institūcijās;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma, pašvaldības teritorijas plānojuma normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS);
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumam;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- vēlama B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība.
Pamatdarba atalgojums Būvinspektoram 1338,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, pieteikuma anketu, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Būvvaldes būvinspektora amatu" līdz 2024. gada 30. septembra plkst. 13.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 64623200, 28080773, 26531328, 20274312.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija (Reģ.Nr. 40900040439 Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu – 1 vakance
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV–4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21.panta pirmās daļas 1.,2.,3., un 4.punktā noteiktajām prasībām;
- augstākā (juridiskā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību) vai vismaz pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APAS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,pašvaldības policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā 3 gadi (pēdējo 5 gadu laikā);
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām un vēlams vienas svešvalodas zināšanas saziņas līmenī;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte Latvijas valsts republikai;
- nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Remuneration of basic work 1150,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam. Inspektoram ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Candidates until 2024. gada 30. septembrim plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV–4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz adresi: Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija, Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4611, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- autovadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- apliecinājumu, ka pretendents ir informēts un piekrīt, ka saņemto dokumentu izvērtēšanas konkursa komisija iegūs datus no Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Sodu reģistra par personas sodāmībām un administratīvajiem pārkāpumiem. (pielikumā veidlapa)
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 28080456
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes saimniecības pārziņa amatu Lūznavas pagastā
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vadīt un veikt saimnieciskos procesus Lūznavas pagastā nodrošinot pašvaldības īpašumu un mantas lietderīgu apsaimniekošanu un saglabāšanu, teritoriju labiekārtošanu, ielu apgaismošanu, kapsētu uzturēšanu u.c. iestādes uzticētos pienākumus.
- B kat. autovadītāja apliecība.
- Valsts valodas zināšanas – augstākais līmenis.
- Izglītība – vidējā profesionālā, augstākā izglītība tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
- Organizēt un patstāvīgi veikt pagasta teritorijas un dažādu objektu labiekārtošanu (piemēram, augu stādīšana un kopšana, zāliena pļaušana un kopšana, soliņu ierīkošana, sīki ēku remontdarbi, pēc nepieciešamības piedalīties autotransporta tehniskā stāvokļa uzturēšanā, apkopē, un citos darbus).
- Veikt autoceļu apsekošanu, piedalīties autoceļu greiderēšanas un attīrīšanas no sniega ziemas laikā organizēšanā, piedalīties lokālos autoceļu remontos.
- Organizēt traktortehnikas un citas tehnikas, iekārtu un aprīkojuma izmantošanu pagasta saimniecisko darbu vajadzībām, pēc nepieciešamības palīdzēt tehnikas remontdarbu veikšanā.
- Atbildēt par iestādes ēku (telpu) uzturēšanu, lietošanu un saglabāšanu, pēc nepieciešamības veikt sīkus ēkas remontus; organizēt kosmētiskos un citus telpu remontus; plānot un organizēt saimniecības preču, būvmateriālu un citu preču un materiālu iegādi saskaņā ar iestādes apstiprināto tāmi elektroniskajā iepirkumu sistēmā un tirdzniecības punktos atbilstoši iestādes vadītāja vai vietnieka rakstiskam pilnvarojumam.
- Atbildēt par iestādes (teritoriālās vienības) autotransportu, nepieciešamības gadījumā veic automašīnas vadītāja darba pienākumus, pēc nepieciešamības veic tā remontu vai remonta organizēšanu.
Remuneration of basic work 856,00 EUR.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakancei - saimniecības pārzinis Lūznavas pagastā” līdz 2024. gada 19. septembra plkst. 16.30 send to e-mail vai aizlīmētā aploksnē jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Lūznavas pagasta lietvedei, Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes palīgstrādnieka amatu Lūznavas pagastā
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme atbilstoši pamata līmenim 1. pakāpei (A1);
- vidējā izglītība;
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- Category B driving licence;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- zināt rokas instrumentu darbības principus, ekspluatācijas, kontroles un apkopes noteikumus; savstarpēji saistīto darba procesu izpildes secību;
- patstāvīgi plānot, organizēt un izpildīt uzdoto uzdevumu, ievērojot noteiktos darba uzdevumu termiņus;
- strādāt komandā, organizējot darba uzdevuma izpildi sadarbībā ar citiem iestādes darbiniekiem.
Remuneration of basic work 700,00 EUR.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance - palīgstrādnieks Lūznavas pagastā” līdz 2024. gada 17. septembra plkst. 16.30 send to e-mail vai aizlīmētā aploksnē jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Lūznavas pagasta lietvedei, Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Viļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900036645 adrese: Kultūras laukums 1A,Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4650) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes Viļānu pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes skolotāja palīgs amatu uz noteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Pamata vai vidējā izglītība (periodiska zināšanu papildināšana).
- Vēlama pieredze darbā ar bērniem.
- Spēja kvalitatīvi un precīzi veikt sava darba pienākumus.
- Spēja cieņpilni komunicēt ar bērniem un pieaugušajiem.
- Valsts valodas prasme augstākajā pakāpē.
- Teicamas komunikāciju prasmes un augsta atbildības sajūta.
- Labas saskarsmes spējas.
- Prasme plānot un organizēt savu darbu.
Principal duties:
- Nodrošina grupas telpu un inventāra tīrību, atbild par grupas inventāra saglabāšanu.
- Apkopj bērnus, palīdz skolotājam nodarbībās, pastaigās, kā arī citos režīma momentos.
- Pēc skolotāja norādījuma piedalās uzskates un izdales gatavošanā.
- Mazgā grupas traukus un bērnu rotaļlietas atbilstoši noteikumiem.
- Atbild par grupas veļu, marķē to un maina atbilstoši marķējumam.
- Atnes no virtuves ēdienu un sadala to bērniem.
- Kopā ar skolotāju un bērniem kopj puķes telpās.
- Mitrina smiltis smilšu kastē, kopj verandu.
- Nodrošina telpu vēdināšanu.
- Veic vienreizējus darbus pēc vadītājas norādījuma.
- Piedalās iestādes noformēšanā, labiekārtošanā un tās rīkotajos pasākumos.
Remuneration of basic work 750,00 EUR – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu. Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
The applicant must submit:
- Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV).
- Motivācijas vēstuli.
- Izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas.
- Pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā
Dokumentus ar norādi “Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes Viļānu pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes skolotāja palīga vakanci“ līdz 2024. gada 19. septembra plkst. 16.00 nosūta uz e-pastu vai iesniedz personīgi Viļānu apvienības pārvaldē Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – darba intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem pretendentiem.
Papildinformācija pa tālr. 64628033.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālais dienests (reģ. Nr. 40900003729, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sociālā dienesta sociālā darbinieka amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Maltas apvienībā.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
- work with a computer at a good user level.
Amata apraksts atrodams pašvaldības mājas lapā
Remuneration of basic work 995,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Malta, Rēzeknes novads.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 20. septemba plkst. 16.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Sociāla darbinieka amatu" sūta elektroniski uz e-pastu: vai iesniedz personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 110. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne) šādus dokumentus:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (;
- citus dokumentus, kas apliecina pretendentam izvirzīto prasību izpildi.
Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām. Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus un atbilstību kvalifikācijas prasībām. Uz otro kārtu – pretendentu darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Kontaktinformācija: 28780660
Viļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900036645 adrese: Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4650) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes autobusa vadītāja amatu un nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary education;
- Compulsory professional experience in the transport of passengers;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- B, C1, D kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība; 95. kods; digitālā tahogrāfa vadītāja karte, jo autobuss ir aprīkots ar digitālo tahogrāfu.
Principal duties:
- Veikt skolēnu pārvadājumus pa ikdienas maršrutu;
- Carry out the duties of a bus/coach driver in accordance with the instructions of the driver;
- The performance of appropriate documentation, accounting;
- Vienkāršu auto remontu, apkopes veikšana vai to organizēšana;
Remuneration of basic work 830,00 EUR – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu. Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copy of the driving licence.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “autobusa vadītājs” līdz 2024. gada 10.septembrim send to e-mail vai jāiesniedz personīgi Viļānu apvienības pārvaldē, Kultūras laukums 1A,Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads.
Papildinformācija pa tālr. 64628033.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā notiek darba intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem pretendentiem.
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Higher education;
- Nepieciešamas plašas normatīvo aktu zināšanas un spēja tajos orientēties, kā arī prasme veikt tiesību aktu analīzi un piemērošanu;
- Jāpārzina pašvaldības darbība, tās organizatoriskā struktūra un pārvaldes sistēma;
- Racionāla darba organizācijas prasme, sistematizācijas prasme, spēja identificēt kļūdas un nekavējoties tās novērst;
- Prasme lietot praksē teorētiskās zināšanas;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- The knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu;
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- Perfect reputation.
Mēnešalga vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatam pārbaudes laikā ir 1760,00 EUR , pēc pārbaudes laika - atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), Maltas apvienības pārvaldes attīstības koncepciju (ne vairāk kā viena A4 formāta lappuse), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu" līdz 2024. gada 9. septembra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz personīgi Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95 A, LV- 4601, 207. kabinetā, vai nosūta uz e-pastu: ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu".
Kontaktinformācija: Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju, tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) atkārtoti izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu.
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Pamatdarba vieta: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601 ar iespēju strādā Dricānu/ Nautrēnu apvienību teritoriālajās vienībās.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē tiek uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze darbā ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (vismaz vienu);
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication skills;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums iepirkumu speciālistam - 1140,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 12. septembra plkst. 12.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Kontaktinformācija: 64607171.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes arhitekta amatu
Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība arhitektūras jomā;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- atbilstība arhitekta profesijas prasībām;
- zināšanas būvniecību regulējošo normatīvo aktu jomā, par administratīvā procesa norisi valsts un pašvaldības institūcijās;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma, pašvaldības teritorijas plānojuma normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (vismaz vienu, par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS);
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumam;
- zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums arhitektam: atbilstoši nepilnam darba laikam – 0,3 slodzei (0,3 likmei) ir EUR 450,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, pieteikuma anketu, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes arhitekta amatu" līdz 2024. gada 29. augusta plkst. 12.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi. Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 64623200, 28080773.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Maltas apvienības pārvaldē (reģ Nr. 40900027426) tiek izsludināts konkurss uz vakanto skolotāja palīga amatu pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē Silmalas pagastā.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
- prasme organizēt savu un izglītojamo darbu atbilstoši pirmsskolas skolotāja norādījumiem;
- pieredze saskarsmē vai darbā ar bērniem;
- augsta atbildības sajūta, psiholoģiskā noturība un saskarsmes kultūra;
- prasme veidot lietišķu sadarbību ar pieaugušajiem un bērniem;
- spēja strādāt ātri un efektīvi;
- izglītība – vidējā vai vidējā profesionālā;
- valsts valodas prasmes augstākajā pakāpē.
Pamatdarba atalgojums ir 750,00 EUR, amata apraksts - atrodams mājaslapā .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes skolotāja palīga amatu pirmskolas izglītības iestādē Silmalas pagastā" līdz 2024. gada 26. augusta plkst. 16.00 we invite you to send email vai iesniegt personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldē, Saules 4, Gornica, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktinformācija detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai tālr. 64644830.
Scheduled start time: 2024. gada 2. septembris.
“Dricānu apvienības pārvalde” aicina darbā virtuves darbinieku Gaigalavas pamatskolā uz pilnu slodzi uz noteiktu laiku, uz 2024./2025. mācību gadu.
Requirements for candidates:
- pamatizglītība;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
- ievērot darba disciplīnu un darba laika grafiku, maksimāli laiku izmantot uzticētā darba veikšanai;
- national language skill.
Ar amata aprakstu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada mājaslapā: vai Gaigalavas pagasta lietvedībā.
Principal duties:
- palīdzēt pavāram veikt virtuves darbus Gaigalavas pamatskolas ēdnīcā, uzturēt tīrību un kārtību virtuvē, palīgtelpās un ēdamzālē;
- sagatavot traukus, veikt iekārtu, aprīkojuma un instrumentu tīrīšanu, mazgāšanu un dezinfekciju, darba virsmu tīrīšanu;
- uztur tīrību un kārtību virtuvē un palīgtelpās (sausā un mitrā uzkopšana), sekot līdzi lai virtuvē būtu nepieciešamie tīrīšanas un mazgāšanas līdzekļi, atbild par to uzglabāšanu un izmantošanu;
- veikt pārtikas produktu termisko apstrādi, ievērot ēdienu porciju lieluma, noformēšanas un pasniegšanas noteikumus;
- prasme pastāvīgi organizēt savu darba pienākumu izpildi, prasme strādāt komandā;
- pildīt citus darba uzdevumus saskaņā ar vadītāja norādījumiem.
Remuneration: 700,00 EUR par pilnu slodzi (1 likme).
Pieteikuma anketu, CV, izglītību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas sūtīt uz līdz 2024. gada 23. augusta plkst. 9.00 vai iesniegt personīgi Gaigalavas pagasta lietvedībā Rēzeknes iela 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas pag., Rēzeknes novads.
Phone for reference: 64644537
“Dricānu apvienības pārvalde” aicina darbā pavāru Gaigalavas pamatskolā uz pilnu slodzi uz noteiktu laiku, uz 2024./2025. mācību gadu
Requirements for candidates:
- vidējās pakāpes profesionālā izglītība;
- preference of previous experience in a similar capacity;
- computer skills – using e-mail, using electronic accounting systems, using office technique;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
- to comply with the working discipline and the working time schedule, to be used for the maximum period of time to carry out the work entrusted;
- the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative;
- national language skill.
Ar amata aprakstu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada mājaslapā: vai Gaigalavas pagasta lietvedībā.
Principal duties:
- plānot un organizēt virtuves darbu, novērtēt pārtikas produktu kvalitāti, veikt to pirmapstrādi;
- veikt pārtikas produktu termisko apstrādi (vārīšana, cepšana, tvaicēšana, sautēšana utt.), auksto ēdienu gatavošana (sviestmaizes, salāti), gatavot un noformēt ēdienus, ievērojot ēdienu porciju lieluma, noformēšanas un pasniegšanas noteikumus;
- sagatavot traukus, veikt iekārtu, aprīkojuma un instrumentu tīrīšanu, mazgāšanu un dezinfekciju, darba vietas, telpu tīrīšanu;
- sastādīt ēdienu tehnoloģiskās kartes;
- sastādīt ēdienkartes visām paredzētajām ēdienreizēm dienā, ņemot vērā enerģētisko vērtību (kcal) un uzturvērtību, ievadot datus programmā “Visvaris”, GVEDIS modulī “Ēdināšana”;
- strādāt ar ēdināšanas aprīkojumu, ievērojot higiēnas un darba aizsardzības noteikumus un uzņemties atbildību par sava darba kvalitāti;
- sadarboties ar struktūrvienības darbiniekiem, plānojot pārtikas produktu iegādes jautājumus.
Remuneration: 731,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā par pilnu slodzi (1 likme), pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši darbinieka novērtējumam.
Pieteikuma anketu, CV, motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas sūtīt uz up to 2024. gada 23. augusta plkst. 9.00, vai iesniegt personīgi Gaigalavas pagasta lietvedībā Rēzeknes iela 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas pag., Rēzeknes novads.
Phone for reference: 64644537
Rēzeknes novada sociālās aprūpes centrs (reģ. nr. 40900035777) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto MĀSAS AMATU STRUKTŪRVIENĪBĀ “PILCENE” (uz nenoteiktu laiku, 0,8 darba likme) UN MĀSAS AMATU STRUKTŪRVIENĪBĀ “MALTA” (uz nenoteikto laiku, 0,8 darba likme)
Requirements for the applicant:
- Māsas izglītība;
- Vēlama darba pieredze;
- Ļoti labas komunikācijas un motivēšanas spējas;
- Spēja patstāvīgi pildīt amata pienākumus un pieņemt lēmumus savas kompetences ietvaros;
- Prasme strādāt komandā un veicināt sadarbību;
- Spēja strādāt dinamiskos un mainīgos darba apstākļos;
- Teicamas valsts valodas zināšanas un krievu valodas zināšanas saziņas līmenī;
- Labā lietotāja līmenī strādāt ar datoru.
Principal duties:
- Veikt brūču aprūpi, pārsiešanu un citas medicīniskas manipulācijas;
- Katru dienu izsniegt medikamentus un atzīmēt klientu ordināciju lapās;
- Katra mēneša sākumā sagatavot ordinācijas lapas tekošajam mēnesim;
- Katra mēneša beigās sagatavot atskaiti par izlietotajiem medikamentiem;
- Pildīt ģimenes ārsta ordinācijas;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei.
Remuneration of basic work 951,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pretendenti līdz 2024. gada 30. augustam plkst. 16.30 (ieskaitot) aicināti iesniegt:
- Amatam motivētu pieteikumu;
- Profesionālo aprakstu (CV);
- Izglītību apliecinošo dokumentu kopijas;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: (ar norādi "Konkursam uz māsas amatu struktūrvienībā “Malta” vai struktūrvienībā “Pilcene”") vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada sociālās aprūpes centrā administrācijā (Slimnīcas 2, Strūžāni, Strūžānu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā).
Kontaktinformācija: 20230005
iļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900036645 adrese: Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4650) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes autobusa vadītāja amatu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary education;
- Compulsory professional experience in the transport of passengers;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- B, C1, D kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība; 95. kods; digitālā tahogrāfa vadītāja karte, jo autobuss ir aprīkots ar digitālo tahogrāfu.
Principal duties:
- Veikt skolēnu pārvadājumus pa ikdienas maršrutu;
- Carry out the duties of a bus/coach driver in accordance with the instructions of the driver;
- The performance of appropriate documentation, accounting;
- Vienkāršu auto remontu, apkopes veikšana vai to organizēšana;
Remuneration of basic work 830,00 EUR – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu . Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copy of the driving licence.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes vakanci autobusa vadītājs" līdz 2024. gada 26. augustam nosūtīt uz e-pastu vai iesniegt personīgi Viļānu apvienības pārvaldē Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads.
Papildinformācija pa tālr. 64628033. Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
Uz otro kārtu – darba intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem pretendentiem.
Viļānu apvienības pārvaldē (reģ Nr. 40900036645) tiek izsludināts konkurss uz vakanto saimniecības pārziņa amatu Dekšāru pagastā.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
- Vadīt un veikt saimnieciskos procesus Dekšāru pagastā nodrošinot pašvaldības īpašumu un mantas lietderīgu apsaimniekošanu un saglabāšanu, teritoriju labiekārtošanu, ielu apgaismošanu, kapsētu uzturēšanu u.c. iestādes uzticētos pienākumus.
- Izglītība – vidējā profesionālā, augstākā izglītība tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
- Organizēt un patstāvīgi veikt pagasta teritorijas un dažādu objektu labiekārtošanu (piemēram, augu stādīšana un kopšana, zāliena pļaušana un kopšana, soliņu ierīkošana, sīki ēku remontdarbi, pēc nepieciešamības piedalīties autotransporta tehniskā stāvokļa uzturēšanā, apkopē, un citos darbus)
- Veikt autoceļu apsekošanu, piedalīties autoceļu greiderēšanas un attīrīšanas no sniega ziemas laikā organizēšanā, piedalīties lokālos autoceļu remontos.
- Sadarbībā ar Viļānu saimniecības pārzini organizēt traktortehnikas un citas tehnikas, iekārtu un aprīkojuma izmantošanu pagasta saimniecisko darbu vajadzībām, pēc nepieciešamības palīdzēt tehnikas remontdarbu veikšanā.
- Atbildēt par iestādes ēku (telpu) uzturēšanu, lietošanu un saglabāšanu, pēc nepieciešamības veikt sīkus ēkas remontus; organizēt kosmētiskos un citus telpu remontus; plānot un organizēt saimniecības preču, būvmateriālu un citu preču un materiālu iegādi saskaņā ar iestādes apstiprināto tāmi elektroniskajā iepirkumu sistēmā un tirdzniecības punktos atbilstoši iestādes vadītāja vai vietnieka rakstiskam pilnvarojumam.
- Apkures sezonas laikā veikt kurinātāja pienākumus.
- Atbildēt par iestādes (teritoriālās vienības) autotransportu, nepieciešamības gadījumā veic automašīnas vadītāja darba pienākumus, pēc nepieciešamības veic tā remontu vai remonta organizēšanu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums ir 751,00 EUR, amata apraksts - atrodams mājaslapā .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) ar norādi "Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes saimniecības pārziņa amatu Dekšāres pagastā" līdz 2024. gada 26. augusta plkst. 16.00 send to e-mail vai iesniedz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldē, Kultūras laukumā 1A, Viļānos. Kontaktinformācija 64628033. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) darba dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose submitted documents are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work on the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants. the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas pagasta bibliotekāra vietu uz nenoteiktu laiku: Maltas pagasta bibliotēkā (1,00 slodze)
Prasības amata kandidātam:
- augstākā akadēmiskā vai profesionālā; vidējā speciālā izglītība bibliotēku darba jomā vai cita izglītība un tālākizglītības kursu beigšanas sertifikāts bibliotēku darba jomā;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations in the field of libraries, the ability to focus and apply them;
- desirable work experience in the field of library work;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- skills to work with computer, information technology, office technique;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām datubāzēm un citām elektroniskajām sistēmām, prasme strādāt ar bibliotēku informācijas sistēmu (BIS) Alise tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību;
- be able to plan and organise their own and library work, with creative thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high sense of contact and a sense of responsibility.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 26. augusta plkst. 09.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) pēc pārbaudes laika 1,00 slodzei: 748,00 EUR.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Santa Šveca (; tālr. 28678123).
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95a, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Būvvaldes būvinspektora amatu
Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
1. augstākā izglītība būvniecības vai arhitektūras jomā;
2. vēlama amatam atbilstoša pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā;
3. atbilstība Būvinspektoru reģistrācijas prasībām;
4. zināšanas būvniecības regulējošo normatīvo aktu jomā, par administratīvā procesa norisi valsts un pašvaldības institūcijās;
5. spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
6. prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
7. the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
8. ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma, pašvaldības teritorijas plānojuma normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
9. prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku;
10. prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS);
11. valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumam;
12. zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;
13. vēlama B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība.
Pamatdarba atalgojums Būvinspektoram 1338,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Būvvaldes būvinspektora amatu" līdz 2024. gada 23. augusta plkst. 16.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi. Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 26531328, 20274312.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – kandidātu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu uz nenoteiktu laiku: Dekšāres tautas namā (1,00 slodze)
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher or secondary education;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates for post līdz 2024. gada 26. augusta plkst. 09.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) pēc pārbaudes laika 1,00 slodzei: 998,00 EUR.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Santa Šveca (; tālr. 28678123).
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde aicina darbā elektriķi uz pilnu slodzi uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for candidates:
- secondary or secondary vocational training;
- “B” group certificate in electrical safety;
- national language use skills at average (B1, B2);
- Category B driving licence;
- preference of previous experience in a similar capacity;
- a high sense of responsibility and precision;
- knowledge of technical documentation;
- the ability to carry out works for the installation, operation, monitoring, maintenance, regulation and repair of electrical installations.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā un NVA mājaslapā.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā un pēc pārbaudes laika 750,00 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).
Applicants up to 2024. gada 23. augusta plkst. 16.30 jānosūta pieteikumu ar norādi "Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes elektriķa vakancei" uz e-pastu, by post or to submit personally Kaunatas in the management of the association: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, to which the following documents are attached:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- atsauksmes no iepriekšējās darba vietas vai iepriekšējās darba vietas darbinieka darbības un tās rezultātu novērtējums (ja ir).
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information - Deputy Head of the Rēzekne District Municipality Kaunatas Association for Agriculture Affairs Sergei Bashmakov, tel. 29224840; e-mail:
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde aicina darbā uzskaitvedi (ar kasiera pienākumiem) uz pilnu slodzi uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for candidates:
- Augstākā izglītība, nepabeigta augstākā izglītība (pēdējo kursu studenti) vai vidējā profesionālā izglītība (ekonomika, grāmatvedība);
- Amatam vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze grāmatvedības darbā, vēlama pieredze pašvaldības grāmatvedības uzskaitē;
- Normatīvo aktu zināšanas grāmatvedības jomā, spēja tajos orientēties un piemērot;
- Spēja analizēt lielāka apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- Zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu;
- Zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- Valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā un NVA mājaslapā.
Remuneration of basic work during the examination 831,00 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika pēc novērtējuma.
Applicants up to 2024. gada 15. augusta plkst. 16.30 jānosūta pieteikumu ar norādi "Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes uzskaitveža vakancei" uz e-pastu, by post or to submit personally Kaunatas in the management of the association: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, to which the following documents are attached:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- atsauksmes no iepriekšējās darba vietas vai iepriekšējās darba vietas darbinieka darbības un tās rezultātu novērtējums (ja ir).
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes galvenā grāmatvede Ināra Graudumniece-Viļuma, tālr. 29361680, e-pasts and
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija (Reģ. Nr. 40900040439 Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina (atkārtotu) atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas priekšnieka vietnieka amatu
Tiek izsludināts (atkārtots) atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas priekšnieka vietnieka amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Liepu aleja 1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV–4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21. panta pirmajā un otrajā daļā noteiktajām prasībām;
- augstākā juridiskā tiesību zinātnēs;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;
- spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,
- pašvaldības policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā (pēdējie) 5 gadi;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze pašvaldības vai valsts institūcijās vairāk par (pēdējie) 5 gadi;
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte Latvijas Republikai un Satversmei;
- nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- spēja strādāt paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- prasme plānot un organizēt savu un citu darba laiku, resursus un procesus.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 1300 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada lēmumu – atbilstoši novērtējumam. Pašvaldības policijas priekšnieka vietniekam ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 9. augustam plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas priekšnieka vietnieka amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV–4601 vai Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policijas pastkastītē - Liepu aleja 1 , Audriņu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā, LV–4611, vai nosūta pa pastu uz vienu no iepriekšminētajām adresēm, vai nosūta uz e-pastu , šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- Apliecinājums (pielikumā veidlapa).
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 28080456
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (Reģ. Nr. 40900027426) aicina darbā vadītāja vietnieku plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos.
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Higher education;
- Nepieciešamas plašas normatīvo aktu zināšanas un spēja tajos orientēties, kā arī prasme veikt tiesību aktu analīzi un piemērošanu;
- Jāpārzina pašvaldības darbība, tās organizatoriskā struktūra un pārvaldes sistēma;
- Racionāla darba organizācijas prasme, sistematizācijas prasme, spēja identificēt kļūdas un nekavējoties tās novērst;
- Prasme lietot praksē teorētiskās zināšanas;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- The knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu;
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- Perfect reputation.
Mēnešalga vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatam pārbaudes laikā ir EUR 1760,00, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), Maltas apvienības pārvaldes attīstības koncepciju (ne vairāk kā viena A4 formāta lappuse), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu" līdz 2024. gada 12. augusta plkst. 16.30 iesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedībā vai nosūta uz e-pastu, vai nosūta pa pastu uz adresi Brīvības ielā 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630. Kontaktinformācija: Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju, tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Jaunatnes lietu nodaļas Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu Ozolaines un Feimaņu pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- Category B driving licence;
- prasme pieņemt lēmumus un izrādīt iniciatīvu.
Principal duties:
- veikt darbu ar jaunatni Maltas apvienības pārvaldē, Ozolaines un Feimaņu pagastā;
- atbalstīt un veicināt jauniešu iniciatīvas, radot labvēlīgus apstākļus jaunatnes intelektuālajai un radošajai attīstībai;
- motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events;
- organising information and educational activities relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people of working life, career selection and non-formal education;
- encouraging the emergence of a positive culture of intercontact and behaviour among young people;
- sadarboties ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādēm, organizācijām, skolu pašpārvaldēm;
- to spend young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training;
- veicināt jauniešu iesaisti brīvprātīgajā darbā, sadarboties ar organizācijām un iestādēm;
- to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
- ensuring publicity in social networks;
- develop knowledge and skills for youth work.
Remuneration of basic work during the examination 825,00 EUR (pilna slodze Ozolaines un Feimaņu pagastā).
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika saskaņā ar ikgadējo darba izpildes novērtēšanas anketu.
Description of the position, by-laws, application form - found on the municipal website
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- pieteikuma anketa (download Here)
Dokumenti ar norādi "Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Ozolaines un Feimaņu pagasta Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu", līdz 2024. gada 12. augusta at 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 2024. gada 12. augusta plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts:
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija klātienē.
RĒZEKNES NOVADA BĀRIŅTIESA (reģ.Nr.40900038627, juridiskā adrese: Krasuhas iela 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklāto konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amatu (Nautrēnu pagastā, Stružānu pagastā, Dricānu pagastā, Rikavas pagastā). Amata pretendentam ir jāatbilst prasībām:
- Citizen or non-citizen of the Republic of Latvia.
- The applicant has reached the age of 30 years.
- The applicant has obtained at least the degree of academic bachelor degree or professional bachelor degree and level 5 professional qualification or other qualification of the European Qualifications Framework specified in the Classification of Education of Latvia in pedagogy, psychology, medicine, social work or law, educational management or the management of the company, and which shall have no less than three years of service in the thematic area of the acquired education or the fulfilment of the duties of the Chairperson of the Orphan's Court, the Vice-President of the Orphan's Court or a member of the Orphan's Court.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- Perfect reputation.
- High stress resilience and sense of responsibility, good communication and communication capabilities.
- Strategic and analytical thinking.
- Good computer skills, skills to work with office equipment and information technologies, document preparation skills.
- Control of the laws and regulations for the proper execution of the duties assigned to the position.
- A driving licence of category B is desirable.
- The skills necessary for professional activities of foreign languages (Russian and English).
- There is no obstacle to the position of a member of the Orphan's court referred to in Section 11 of the Orphan's Law Law.
- Applicants may submit:
- papildus apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopiju par speciālo zināšanu apguvi Ministru kabineta 2006.gada 5.decembra noteikumu Nr.984 noteiktajā apjomā un kārtībā;
- copies of additional training supporting documents shall be completed during the last five years corresponding to the performance of the duties.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 1136 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2024. gada 2. septembra.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
- letter of motivation;
- pretendenta dzīves un darba gaitu apraksts CV (Curriculum Vitae) ar obligātu norādi uz pieredzi un zināšanām bērnu tiesību aizsardzības jautājumos, CV jānorāda dzimšanas dati, kontakttālrunis, e-pasts saziņai;
- Copies of educational documents conforming to the requirements of the Regulation (Section 10, Paragraph two of the Orphan's Court Law);
- pretendents var iesniegt amata pienākumu izpildei atbilstošu papildu apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, kā arī rekomendācijas;
- apliecinājums, ka uz pretendentu neattiecas Bāriņtiesu likuma 11. pantā noteiktie ierobežojumi;
- the application form.
Dokumentus ar norādi “Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amata konkurss” var iesniegt līdz 2024. gada 12. augustam, plkst. 13.00:
- nosūtot uz e-pasta adresi:, dokumentiem jābūt parakstītiem ar drošu elektronisko parakstu,
- personīgi, slēgtā aploksnē ar attiecīgu uzrakstu uz aploksnes, iesniedzot Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesā, Krasuhas ielā 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novadā, LV-4611, bāriņtiesas kabinetā, vai ievietojot korespondencei paredzētajā pastkastītē pie Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas ēkas iepriekšminētajā adresē.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – interview - the applicants whose documents submitted conform to the requirements laid down in the tender regulations are invited.
Pamatojoties uz Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas (ES) 2016/679 par fizisko personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti un ar ko atceļ Direktīvu 95/46 EK (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula), 13. pantu, Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa informē, ka pieteikuma dokumentos norādītie personas dati tiks apstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu atlases konkursa norisi; minētās personas datu apstrādes pārzinis ir Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601. Lai iepazītos ar informāciju par personas datu apstrādi Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā, aicinām apmeklēt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības tīmekļa vietni:
Papildinformācija pa tālr. 20228847 vai 64640644.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto SOCIĀLĀ DARBINIEKA AMATU Nautrēnu apvienībā (Nautrēnu, Ilzeskalna un Lendžu pagastā) (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
- work with a computer at a good user level.
Principal duties:
- Informēt un konsultēt mājsaimniecības par viņu tiesībām uz sociālajiem pakalpojumiem un sociālo palīdzību un par to realizācijas iespējām, kā arī līdzdarbības pienākumiem sociālo pakalpojumu un sociālās palīdzības saņemšanā;
- To accept and register the written and oral submissions of a person, to ensure the examination of applications in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- Pārbaudīt klienta sniegto un par klientu saņemto informāciju valsts un pašvaldības datu reģistros;
- Uzraudzīt un nodrošināt vienotu pieeju mājokļa pabalsta aprēķināšanai SOPA;
- Sagatavot vai aktualizēt pašvaldības sociālās palīdzības informācijas sistēmā (turpmāk – SOPA) lēmumu projektus, normatīvos kritērijus atbilstoši izmaiņām tiesību aktos un pēc nepieciešamības citos gadījumos;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei
Remuneration of basic work EUR 995,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta (ar iespēju izvēlēties):
- “Pagastmāja”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu pag. Rēzeknes novads, LV–4652;
- Centra iela 1, Ilzeskalns, Rēzeknes novads, LV – 4619;
- Viraudas iela 3, Lendži, Lendžu pag., Rēzeknes novads, LV – 4625.
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 31. jūlijam plkt. 16.30 (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā (
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: (ar norādi „Konkursam uz sociālā darbinieka amatu”) vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 110. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktinformācija: 64607194
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” Gaigalavas pagasta bibliotēkas vadītāja amatu uz nenoteiktu laiku un 0,75 darba slodzi.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā akadēmiskā vai profesionālā; vidējā speciālā izglītība bibliotēku darba jomā vai cita izglītība un tālākizglītības kursu beigšanas sertifikāts bibliotēku darba jomā;
- desirable work experience in the field of library work;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations in the field of libraries, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- skills to work with computer, information technology, office technique;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām datubāzēm un citām elektroniskajām sistēmām, prasme strādāt ar bibliotēku informācijas sistēmu (BIS) Alise tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību;
- be able to plan and organise their own and library work, with creative thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high sense of contact and a sense of responsibility.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 0,75 darba slodzei 619,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika - atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Candidates must submit:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- izglītību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” Gaigalavas pagasta bibliotēkas vadītāja amatu” jāiesniedz elektroniski līdz 2024. gada 31. jūlijam plkst. 9.00 Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldē uz e-pastu:
Kontaktinformācija: Santa Šveca,, tel. 28678123
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (Reģ.Nr.40900027426) aicina darbā vadītāja vietnieku plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos.
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Higher education;
- Vismaz 3 (trīs) gadu darba pieredze pašvaldības institūcijā vai valsts pārvaldē;
- Nepieciešamas plašas normatīvo aktu zināšanas un spēja tajos orientēties, kā arī prasme veikt tiesību aktu analīzi un piemērošanu;
- Jāpārzina pašvaldības darbība, tās organizatoriskā struktūra un pārvaldes sistēma;
- Racionāla darba organizācijas prasme, sistematizācijas prasme, spēja identificēt kļūdas un nekavējoties tās novērst;
- Prasme lietot praksē teorētiskās zināšanas;
- Labas dator lietošanas prasmes (programmas MS Word, Excel);
- Prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- The knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu;
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- Perfect reputation.
Mēnešalga vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatam pārbaudes laikā ir EUR 1760,00, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu” līdz 2024. gada 22. jūlija plkst. 16.30 iesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedībā vai, nosūta uz e-pastu vai, nosūta pa pastu uz adresi: Brīvības ielā 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV - 4630. Kontaktinformācija: Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju, tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija (Reģ. Nr. 40900040439) Krasuhas iela 1 A k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu – 1 vakance
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Krasuhas iela 1A,k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV–4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21. panta pirmās daļas 1.,2.,3., un 4. punktā noteiktajām prasībām;
- augstākā (juridiskā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību) vai vismaz pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;
- spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,pašvaldības policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā 3 gadi (pēdējo 5 gadu laikā);
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte Latvijas valsts republikai;
- nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1150,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam. Inspektoram ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 5. jūlijam plkst. 14.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV–4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz adresi: Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija, Krasuhas iela 1 A k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- autovadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- apliecinājumu, ka pretendents ir informēts un piekrīt, ka saņemto dokumentu izvērtēšanas konkursa komisija iegūs datus no Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Sodu reģistra par personas sodāmībām un administratīvajiem pārkāpumiem. (pielikumā veidlapa)
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 28080754
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
“Dricānu apvienības pārvalde” aicina darbā Jaunatnes darbinieku 0.5 slodze Gaigalavas pagastā for a period of time
Requirements for candidates:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative
Ar amata aprakstu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada mājaslapā: vai Gaigalavas pagasta lietvedībā.
Principal duties:
• perform work with youth IN Gaigalavas civil parish;
• support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people;
• motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events;
• organize information and educational activities relevant to young people's age to raise awareness among young people about working life, career selection and non-formal education;
• promote the emergence of a positive culture of interaction and behaviour among young people;
• to cooperate with the authorities of the municipality of Rezekne, organisations;
• promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions;
• to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
• to ensure publicity in social networks;
• improve knowledge and skills for youth work;
Remuneration: 421,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā par nepilnu slodzi (0,5 likmes), pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši darbinieka novērtējumam.
A copy of the application, a CV, a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education uz be sent to until 2024. gada 15. jūlijamwhether to submit personally Gaigalavas parish records, by address: Rēzeknes street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644537
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Jaunatnes lietu nodaļas Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu Ozolaines pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme - augstākā līmeņa 1. pakāpe (C1);
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- labas saskarsmes un komunikācijas prasmes;
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- pieredze darbā ar pusaudžiem un jauniešiem, neformālo aktivitāšu un pasākumu organizēšanā, projektu īstenošanā, tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
Principal duties:
- veikt darbu ar jaunatni Maltas apvienības pārvaldē, Ozolaines pagastā.;
- atbalstīt un veicināt jauniešu iniciatīvas, radot labvēlīgus apstākļus jaunatnes intelektuālajai un radošajai attīstībai;
- motivēt jauniešus lietderīgi izmantot brīvo laiku - piedalīties sabiedriskās dzīves aktivitātēs, iesaistīties dažādos projektos un pasākumos.
- organising information and educational activities relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people of working life, career selection and non-formal education;
- encouraging the emergence of a positive culture of intercontact and behaviour among young people;
- sadarboties ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādēm, organizācijām, skolu pašpārvaldēm;
- pavadīt jauniešus starptautiskās jauniešu apmaiņās Erasmus+ programmas ietvaros un vietējās apmācībās;
- veicināt jauniešu iesaisti brīvprātīgajā darbā, sadarboties ar organizācijām un iestādēm;
- to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
- ensuring publicity in social networks;
- develop knowledge and skills for youth work.
Pusslodzes darba atalgojums 427,00 EUR.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- pieteikuma anketa (download Here)
Dokumenti ar norādi „Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Ozolaines pagasta Jaunatnes darbinieka amatu”, līdz 2024. gada 15. jūlija at 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 2024. gada 15. jūlijam plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Ozolaines pagastā, lietvedei 101. kab., “Lazdas”, Balbiši, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: .
Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Jaunatnes darbinieka amata atklātā konkursa nolikums
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija klātienē.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.Nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto SOCIĀLĀ DARBINIEKA DARBAM AR ĢIMENĒM AR BĒRNIEM AMATU Maltas apvienībā (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work with families with children;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru;
- Vēlama B kategorijas vadītāja apliecība.
Principal duties:
- To inform and advise families with children regarding their right to social services and social assistance and the opportunities for their implementation, as well as co-operation obligations in the receipt of social services and social assistance;
- To accept and register the written and oral submissions of a person, to ensure the examination of applications in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- Assess the social situation of families with children, if necessary, visit the family at the place of residence or location and agree on a social problem which needs to be supported;
- Carry out risk assessment or multi-stage evaluation in families with children with disabilities;
- Identify and raise the necessary resources in managing or addressing social cases, taking into account the specificities of social work in various areas of practice;
- Develop and implement individual social rehabilitation plans, change and complement them according to identified social challenges and needs
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 1002,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Workload - full-time work.
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 16. jūlijam (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- the application form.
Pieteikumus sūtīt elektroniski uz e-pastu vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
kontaktinformācija: 64607181
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes būvinspektora/ arhitekta amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Būvvaldes būvinspektora/ arhitekta amatu. Amata pretendentam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība arhitektūras jomā;
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā;
- pastāvīgās prakses tiesības arhitektūras jomā – būvspeciālista sertifikāts. Atbilstība Būvinspektoru reģistrācijas prasībām;
- zināšanas būvniecības regulējošo normatīvo aktu jomā, par administratīvā procesa norisi valsts un pašvaldības institūcijās;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma, pašvaldības teritorijas plānojuma normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS);
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumam;
- zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu.
Principal duties:
- piedalīties normatīvo aktu projektu izstrādāšanā par novada vides arhitektoniskajiem un estētiskajiem jautājumiem;
- izskatīt iesniegumus un pieņemt lēmumus par būvniecības ieceri, kā arī pārbaudīt lēmumos ietverto nosacījumu izpildi un iesniegto dokumentu saturu normatīvajos aktos noteiktajā apjomā;
- izvērtēt būvniecības darbu atbilstību būvprojektiem, būvniecības ieceru dokumentācijai;
- organizēt un veikt būvobjektu pieņemšanu ekspluatācijā;
- par katru pārbaudi sagatavot atzinumu vai citu dokumentu, kurā tiek ietverti apsekošanas rezultāti (izziņa par būves neesību u. c.);
- kontrolē, vai netiek veikta patvaļīga būvniecība pašvaldības administratīvajā teritorijā;
- izskatīt un saskaņot reklāmas/izkārtnes projektus un sagatavot izkārtnes/reklāmas pasi;
- piedalīties būvniecības ieceru publiskā apspriešanā, sagatavot pārskatu un lēmuma priekšlikumu par publiskās apspriešanas rezultātiem;
- sniegt informāciju un pārskatus par būvniecību, savu darbu, sniegt konsultācijas par būvniecības procesa kārtību;
- strādāt Būvniecības informācijas sistēmā (BIS);
- savas kompetences ietvaros sagatavot atbildes, atbilžu projektus fizisku un juridisku personu iesniegumiem;
- gatavot dokumentus izskatīšanai būvvaldes, pašvaldības komiteju un domes sēdēs;
- sniegt ziņas par teritorijas izmantošanas un apbūves nosacījumiem, kā arī teritorijā esošajiem inženiertīkliem;
- savas kompetences ietvaros, atbilstoši normatīvajiem aktiem pildīt citus pašvaldības izpilddirektora uzdevumus un funkcijas;
- savlaicīgi, precīzi un kvalitatīvi pildīt būvvaldes vadītāja lēmumus, rīkojumus, noteikumus, norādījumus un instrukcijas šo pienākumu ietvaros;
- ar būvvaldes vadītāja saskaņojumu vai, pamatojoties uz būvvaldes vadītāja doto uzdevumu, izpildīt citus uzdevumus amata vai profesionālās kompetences ietvaros;
- papildināt savas zināšanas un prasmes, pastāvīgi paaugstinot savu izglītības un profesionālo zināšanu līmeni atbilstoši nodaļas attīstības vajadzībām;
- ja ir saņemts tiešs darba uzdevums no Rēzeknes novada domes priekšsēdētāja, domes priekšsēdētāja vietnieka, pašvaldības izpilddirektora vai viņa vietnieka, par to informēt būvvaldes vadītāju;
- pildīt citu būvvaldes darbinieku pienākumus viņu prombūtnes laikā;
- ievērot Centrālās pārvaldes iekšējās darba kārtības noteikumus, darba drošības instrukcijas un ētikas normas, ievērot konfidencialitāti un ievērot personas datu aizsardzības prasības;
- būt lojālam pašvaldības politikai un darbības mērķiem, Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības vadībai, veicināt pašvaldības pozitīvā tēla veidošanu.
Remuneration of basic work 1729,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 16. jūlija plkst. 12.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu:, (ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes būvinspektora/ arhitekta amatu”) šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form.
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tadā apjomā, kādas nepieciešamas amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Kontaktinformācija pa tālruni: 26531328, 27334486 vai 26531802.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu
Tiek izsludināts konkurss uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (sociālo zinību, filoloģijas, sabiedrisko attiecību un/vai komunikāciju jomā);
- pieredze un zināšanas sabiedrisko attiecību un komunikāciju jomā; vēlama pieredze pašvaldības darbā amatam atbilstošā jomā;
- prasme darboties ar foto un videoapstrādes programmām, šo materiālu izvietošana mājaslapā un sociālo tīklu platformās;
- vēlama pieredze rakstu rediģēšanā un radīšanā;
- vēlama pieredze darbā ar medijiem, vēlama prasme sociālo tīklu un mājaslapas administrēšanā;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- valsts valodas prasmes augstākajā pakāpē, angļu valodas zināšnas vismaz vidējā līmenī;
- ar pašvaldības darbu un sabiedrisko attiecību jomu regulējuma pārzināšana un izmanotšana pienākumu veikšanā;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Pamatdarba atalgojums sabiedrisko attiecību speciālistam EUR 1167,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 11. jūlija plkst. 12.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact person detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciāliste Elza Indričāne, 64607198, 28607814.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde (Reģ.Nr.40900027411) aicina darbā vadītāja vietnieku plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Higher education;
- Vismaz 3 (trīs) gadu darba pieredze pašvaldības institūcijā vai valsts pārvaldē;
- Nepieciešamas plašas normatīvo aktu zināšanas un spēja tajos orientēties, kā arī prasme veikt tiesību aktu analīzi un piemērošanu;
- Jāpārzina pašvaldības darbība, tās organizatoriskā struktūra un pārvaldes sistēma;
- Racionāla darba organizācijas prasme, sistematizācijas prasme, spēja identificēt kļūdas un nekavējoties tās novērst;
- Prasme lietot praksē teorētiskās zināšanas;
- Labas dator lietošanas prasmes (programmas MS Word, Excel);
- Prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- The knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu;
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- Perfect reputation.
Mēnešalga vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatam pārbaudes laikā ir EUR 1700,00, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu” līdz 2024. gada 5. jūlija plkst. 16.30 iesniedz personīgi Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedībā vai, nosūta uz e-pastu vai, nosūta pa pastu uz adresi: Rāznas iela 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4622. Kontaktinformācija: Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Jānis Aleksāns, tel. 26451063. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata kandidātu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju, tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Maltas Association Board (Reg. No 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the technical worker of the administrative staff of THE Maltas association IN parish Maltas.
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- vēlamas tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR2;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- Category B driving licence.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 700,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance tehniskais strādnieks līdz 2024. gada 9. jūlijam plkst. 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 18. jūnija plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvalde Feimaņu pagasta jaunatnes darbinieka vakanto amatu (0,5 slodze)
The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- prasme pieņemt lēmumus un izrādīt iniciatīvu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 413,00 EUR (0,5 slodze Feimaņu pagastā)
Description of the position, by-laws, application form - can be found on the website of the municipality,
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvalde vakanci “Jaunatnes darbinieks Feimaņu pagastā”” līdz 2024. gada 1. jūlija at 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 2024. gada 1. jūlija plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
The applicant must submit:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja p.i. Gatis Pučka, tel.20221846, e-pasts:
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto SOCIĀLĀ DARBINIEKA AMATU Viļānu apvienībā (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru;
- Vēlama B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība.
Principal duties:
- Informēt un konsultēt mājsaimniecības par viņu tiesībām uz sociālajiem pakalpojumiem un sociālo palīdzību un par to realizācijas iespējām, kā arī līdzdarbības pienākumiem sociālo pakalpojumu un sociālās palīdzības saņemšanā;
- To accept and register the written and oral submissions of a person, to ensure the examination of applications in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- Pārbaudīt klienta sniegto un par klientu saņemto informāciju valsts un pašvaldības datu reģistros;
- To organise the social services necessary for adult persons or families of adult persons;
- Piedalīties un nepieciešamības gadījumā organizēt starpinstitucionālās tikšanās par sociālā gadījuma vadīšanu vai risināšanu un institūciju sadarbību;
- Pieņemt lēmumus par sociālo pakalpojumu piešķiršanu vai atteikumu piešķirt pakalpojumu. Organizēt saraksti ar klientu, juridiskām un fiziskām personām, valsts un pašvaldības institūcijām, sagatavojot sarakstes un citu dokumentu projektus atbilstoši lietvedības prasībām.
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 995,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 28. jūnijam (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- the application form.
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: (ar norādi "Konkursam uz sociālā darbinieka amatu Viļānu apvienībā") vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktinformācija: 64607181
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu uz noteiktu laiku:
Maltas pagasta kultūras namā (1,00 slodze)
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher or secondary education;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 27. jūnija plkst. 16.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) pēc pārbaudes laika 1,00 slodzei: 998,00 EUR.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Dace Škrjaba (; tālr. 28305472).
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde Veselības un sociālās aprūpes centrs “Viļāni” (reģ. Nr.40900039425) adrese: Rīgas iela 57A, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4650) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes Veselības un sociālās aprūpes centra “Viļāni” saimniecības pārzinis amata the position
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes Veselības un sociālās aprūpes centra “Viļāni” saimniecības pārzinis amatu. Pamatdarba vieta: Rīgas iela 57A, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4650.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- vēlama augstākā vai vidējā speciālā izglītība;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze valsts vai pašvaldību institūcijā vairāk par 6 mēnešiem;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze ar datu bāzēm un informācijas sistēmām vairāk par 6 mēnešiem;
- prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, e-pastu, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, elektroniskajiem saziņās līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku;
- valsts valodas prasmes augstāka līmenī;
- “B” kategorijas vadītāja apliecība;
- excellent communication and cooperation skills;
- prasmes strādāt komandā, prasme plānot un organizēt savu un padoto darbinieku darbu, radošums un elastīgas domāšanas prasmes, spēja izrādīt iniciatīvu;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
- ievērot darba disciplīnu un darba laika grafiku, maksimāli laiku izmantot uzticētā darba veikšanai.
Pamatdarba atalgojums saimniecības pārzinim 860,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Candidates until 2024. gada 21. jūnija plkst. 12.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes Veselības un sociālās aprūpes centra "Viļāni" saimniecības pārziņa amatu" iesniedz personīgi slēgtā aploksnē Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādē Veselības un sociālās aprūpes centrā "Viļāni", Rīgas ielā 57A, Rēzeknes novada, Viļānos, 26. kabinetā vai elektroniski (parakstot ar došu elektronisko parakstu) e-pasta adresi: pieteikumu ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes Veselības un sociālās aprūpes centrs "Viļāni" saimniecības pārzinis amatam" šādus dokumentus:
- pieteikuma anketa (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinoša dokumentu kopijas;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tāda apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 26188437
Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – darba interviju – amata kandidātu iestādes attīstības koncepcijas izvērtēšanu, teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un pārrunu daļu – tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” personāla speciālista (ar lietveža un arhivāra pienākumiem) amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education, preferably in the field of staff management or in law;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze personāla vadības jomā vairāk par 1 gadu;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze valsts vai pašvaldību institūcijā vairāk par 6 mēnešiem;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze ar datu bāzēm un informācijas sistēmām vairāk par 6 mēnešiem;
- prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, e-pastu, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Konkursa pirmajā kārtā komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus un to atbilstību konkursa nolikumam (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā Uz konkursa otro kārtu uzaicina amata kandidātus, kas ir iesnieguši visus nolikumā norādītos dokumentus, atbilst izvirzītajām prasībām. Konkursa otrā kārta sastāv no zināšanu, prasmju pārbaudes un darba intervijas.
Atalgojums pārbaudes laikā EUR 1105,00, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 17. jūnija plkst. 16.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- likuma noteiktajā gadījumā, dokuments, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kādas nepieciešamas amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Kontaktinformācija: Kultūras tūrisma pārvaldes vadītāja Daiga Miščenko, tālr. 26531338, e-pasts
Galvenā speciālista sociālās palīdzības un sociālā darba jautājumos AMATU (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- otrā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā vai akadēmiskā izglītība sociālajā darbā vai karitatīvajā sociālajā darbā;
- darba pieredze sociālajā darbā;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- labas iemaņas darbā ar datoru;
- pieredze darbā ar programmu SOPA.
Principal duties:
- Sniegt darbiniekiem konsultācijas, metodisku atbalstu un aktuālu informāciju par sociālā darba jautājumiem un sociālo palīdzību pilngadīgām personām, to nodrošināšanu un piešķiršanas kārtību;
- Pārbaudīt un saskaņot darbinieku pieņemtos lēmumus, sagatavotos sarakstes un citu dokumentu projektus;
- Nodrošināt informācijas pieejamību par Dienesta sniegtajiem sociālajiem pabalstiem un pakalpojumiem. Regulāri organizēt informācijas sagatavošanu un aktualizēšanu ievietošanai tīmekļvietnē un pašvaldības informatīvajā izdevumā.
- Analizēt un novērtēt pašvaldības finansēto sociālo pakalpojumu un sociālās palīdzības kvalitāti;
- Informēt un konsultēt pilngadīgas personas par viņu tiesībām uz sociālajiem pakalpojumiem un sociālo palīdzību un par to realizācijas iespējām, kā arī līdzdarbības pienākumiem sociālo pakalpojumu un sociālās palīdzības saņemšanā;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 1155,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Atbrīvošanas aleja 95 A, Rēzekne.
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 12. jūnijam (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- the application form.
Pieteikumus sūtīt elektroniski uz e-pastu: (ar norādi "Konkursam uz Galvenā speciālists sociālās palīdzības un sociālā darba jautājumos amatu") vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktinformācija: 64607181
RĒZEKNES NOVADA BĀRIŅTIESA (reģ.Nr.40900038627, juridiskā adrese: Krasuhas iela 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklāto konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amatu (Nautrēnu pagastā, Stružānu pagastā, Dricānu pagastā, Rikavas pagastā).
Amata pretendentam ir jāatbilst prasībām:
- Citizen or non-citizen of the Republic of Latvia.
- The applicant has reached the age of 30 years.
- Pretendents ir ieguvis vismaz akadēmisko bakalaura grādu vai profesionālo bakalaura grādu un 5.līmeņa profesionālo kvalifikāciju vai citu Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 6.līmenim atbilstošu kvalifikāciju pedagoģijā, psiholoģijā, medicīnā, sociālajā darbā vai tiesību zinātnē, izglītības vadībā vai sabiedrības vadībā un kurai ir ne mazāk kā triju gadu darba stāžs attiecīgi iegūtās izglītības tematiskajā jomā vai bāriņtiesas priekšsēdētāja, bāriņtiesas priekšsēdētāja vietnieka vai bāriņtiesas locekļa amata pienākumu pildīšanā.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- Perfect reputation.
- High stress resilience and sense of responsibility, good communication and communication capabilities.
- Strategic and analytical thinking.
- Good computer skills, skills to work with office equipment and information technologies, document preparation skills.
- Control of the laws and regulations for the proper execution of the duties assigned to the position.
- A driving licence of category B is desirable.
- The skills necessary for professional activities of foreign languages (Russian and English).
- There is no obstacle to the position of a member of the Orphan's court referred to in Section 11 of the Orphan's Law Law.
- Applicants may submit:
- papildus apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopiju par speciālo zināšanu apguvi Ministru kabineta 2006. gada 5. decembra noteikumu Nr.984 noteiktajā apjomā un kārtībā;
- copies of additional training supporting documents shall be completed during the last five years corresponding to the performance of the duties.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 1136 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2024. gada 8. jūlija.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
- letter of motivation;
- pretendenta dzīves un darba gaitu apraksts CV (Curriculum Vitae) ar obligātu norādi uz pieredzi un zināšanām bērnu tiesību aizsardzības jautājumos, CV jānorāda dzimšanas dati, kontakttālrunis, e-pasts saziņai;
- Copies of educational documents conforming to the requirements of the Regulation (Section 10, Paragraph two of the Orphan's Court Law);
- pretendents var iesniegt amata pienākumu izpildei atbilstošu papildu apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, kā arī rekomendācijas;
- apliecinājums, ka uz pretendentu neattiecas Bāriņtiesu likuma 11. pantā noteiktie ierobežojumi;
- the application form.
Dokumentus ar norādi “Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amata konkurss” var iesniegt līdz 2024. gada 25. jūnijam, plkst.13.00:
- nosūtot uz e-pasta adresi:, dokumentiem jābūt parakstītiem ar drošu elektronisko parakstu,
- personīgi, slēgtā aploksnē ar attiecīgu uzrakstu uz aploksnes, iesniedzot Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesā, Krasuhas ielā 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novadā, LV-4611, bāriņtiesas kabinetā, vai ievietojot korespondencei paredzētajā pastkastītē pie Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas ēkas iepriekšminētajā adresē.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – interview - the applicants whose documents submitted conform to the requirements laid down in the tender regulations are invited.
Pamatojoties uz Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas (ES) 2016/679 par fizisko personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti un ar ko atceļ Direktīvu 95/46 EK (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula), 13. pantu, Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa informē, ka pieteikuma dokumentos norādītie personas dati tiks apstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu atlases konkursa norisi; minētās personas datu apstrādes pārzinis ir Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601. Lai iepazītos ar informāciju par personas datu apstrādi Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā, aicinām apmeklēt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības tīmekļa vietni:
Papildinformācija pa 20228847 vai 64640644.
Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027411 adrese: Rāznas iela 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4622) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes autogreidera vadītaja amatu. Amata pretendentam ir jāveic Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes teritoriālajās vienībās autoceļu uzturēšanas darbus: autoceļu greiderēšanu, ceļa klātnes planēšanu un profilēšanu, sniega tīrīšanu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme pamata līmeņa 2. pakāpe atbilstoši (A2);
- tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR4;
- darba pieredze darbā ar traktortehniku ne mazākai pa 5 gadiem;
- zināt transportlīdzekļu ekspluatācijas, kontroles un apkopes noteikumus; savstarpēji saistīto darba procesu izpildes secību;
- veikt uzdotus darba uzdevumus labā kvalitātē.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 850,00, summēteis darba laiks, stundas amata likme EUR 5,09 EUR.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Profesionālās darbības apraksts (CV), izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas un pieteikuma anketu ar norādi “Konkursam uz Kauntas apvienības pārvaldes autogreidera vadītāja amatu” līdz 2024. gada 17. jūnijam plkst. 16.00 jāiesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde, Centrālā iela 27, Sprūževa, Griškānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4641.
Kontaktinformācija: Daivis Rudzgailis, tālr. 22403080
Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk ka 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisijas izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus, uz otro kārtu – darba interviju tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes tehniskā strādnieka amatu Maltas pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- vēlamas tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR2;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- Category B driving licence.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 700,00
Description of the position – found on the municipal website
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance tehniskais strādnieks līdz 2024. gada 18. jūnijam plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 18. jūnija plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā –intervija.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvalde Feimaņu pagasta jaunatnes darbinieka vakanto amatu
The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- developing digital content (affinity, social networking content);
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- prasme pieņemt lēmumus un izrādīt iniciatīvu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 413,00 EUR (0,5 slodze Feimaņu pagastā)
Description of the position, by-laws, application form - can be found on the website of the municipality,
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvalde vakanci “Jaunatnes darbinieks Feimaņu pagastā”” līdz 2024. gada 17. jūnija plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 2024. gada 17. jūnija plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
The applicant must submit:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- application questionnaire
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja p.i. Gatis Pučka, tālr.20221846, e-pasts:
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu
Tiek izsludināts konkurss uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (sociālo zinību, sabiedrisko attiecību un/vai komunikāciju jomā);
- pieredze un zināšanas sabiedrisko attiecību un komunikāciju jomā; vēlama pieredze pašvaldības darbā amatam atbilstošā jomā;
- prasme darboties ar foto un videoapstrādes programmām, šo materiālu izvietošana mājaslapā un sociālo tīklu platformās;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Pamatdarba atalgojums sabiedrisko attiecību speciālistam EUR 1167,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 13. jūnija plkst. 12.00 ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Contact person detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas sabiedrisko attiecību speciāliste Elza Indričāne, 64607198, 28607814.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Franča Trasuna muzejs “Kolnasāta” krājuma glabātāja vietu uz nenoteiktu laiku:
Requirements for the applicant:
- augstākā akadēmiskā izglītība, vēlams vēstures, kultūrvēstures, filoloģijas specialitātē;
- vēlama darba pieredze ar muzeja krājumu vismaz 1 gads;
- normatīvo aktu zināšanas muzeju likumā, spēja tajos orientēties un piemērot tos;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- skills to work with computer, information technology, office technique;
- izpratne par krājuma priekšmetiem, to vēsturisku analīzi un novērtēšanu;
- jāspēj plānot un organizēt savu un muzeja darbu;
- there must be a high sense of contact and a sense of responsibility.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 11. jūnijam plkst. 9.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) 1,00 slodzei: 871,00 EUR, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Dace Škrjaba (; tālr. 28305472).
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” producenta amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- obligāta augstākā izglītība pasākumu producēšanā vai mārketinga, komunikācijas, sociālo zinātņu jomā;
- obligāta vismaz 1 gada darba pieredze kultūras pasākumu vai projektu producēšanā;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- prasmes izstrādāt un realizēt kultūras aktivitāšu plānu;
- prasmes plānot, vadīt un īstenot kultūras aktivitātes un pasākumus;
- prasmes veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātās intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- prasmes analizēt situāciju un rīcību sekas, atrast piemērotāko risinājumu;
- valsts valodas prasmes augstākā pakāpē;
- vismaz viena svešvalodas, kas ir Eiropas Savienības oficiālā valoda, zināšanas;
- prasmes strādāt ar datoru, informācijas tehnoloģijām, kā arī ar biroja tehniku;
- prasmes pilnvērtīgi pielietot lietišķo rakstu valodas stilu ikdienas darbiem;
- izpratne par ētikas normām, prasmes strādāt komandā, prasmes plānot un organizēt savu darbu, radošums un elastīgas domāšanas prasmes, spēja izrādīt iniciatīvu;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Konkursa pirmajā kārtā komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus un to atbilstību konkursa nolikumam (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā Uz konkursa otro kārtu uzaicina amata kandidātus, kas ir iesnieguši visus nolikumā norādītos dokumentus, atbilst izvirzītajām prasībām. Konkursa otrā kārta sastāv no prasmju pārbaudes (praktiskā uzdevuma prezentācijas) un darba intervijas.
Atalgojums pārbaudes laikā EUR 998,00, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 10. jūnija plkst. 16.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- likuma noteiktajā gadījumā, dokuments, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kādas nepieciešamas amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Kontaktinformācija: Kultūras tūrisma pārvaldes vadītāja Daiga Miščenko, tālr. 26531338, e-pasts
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu uz noteiktu laiku:
- Čornajas pagasta Čornajas tautas namā (0,75 darba slodze);
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher or secondary education;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 10. jūnijam plkst. 16.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) 0,75 slodzei: 748,50 EUR, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Dace Škrjaba (; tālr. 28305472).
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” Kaunatas pagasta bibliotēkas vadītāja amatu uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā akadēmiskā vai profesionālā; vidējā speciālā izglītība bibliotēku darba jomā vai cita izglītība un tālākizglītības kursu beigšanas sertifikāts bibliotēku darba jomā;
- desirable work experience in the field of library work;
- normatīvo aktu zināšanas bibliotēku jomā, spēja tajos orientēties un piemērot tos;valsts valodas prasmes augstākajā pakāpē;prasme strādāt ar datoru, informācijas tehnoloģijām, biroja tehniku;prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām datubāzēm un citām elektroniskajām sistēmām, prasme strādāt ar bibliotēku informācijas sistēmu (BIS) Alise tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību;
- be able to plan and organise their own and library work, with creative thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high sense of contact and a sense of responsibility.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 825,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Candidates must submit:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- izglītības apliecinoša dokumenta kopija.
Dokumenti ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” Kaunatas pagasta bibliotēkas vadītāja amatu"" jāiesniedz elektroniski līdz 2024. gada 10. jūnijam plkst. 9.00 Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldē uz e-pastu:
Kontaktinformācija: Dace Škrjaba, tālr.: 28305472
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Administration of the Dricani Association (reģ.Nr. 40900027407, adrese: “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricānu pag., Rēzeknes nov.) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz Saimniecības un tehniskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas ceļu būvtehniķa amatu (uz pamatdarbinieka prombūtnes laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary vocational or higher education
- Previous experience in the design and construction of road maintenance or roads (streets, bridges) will be considered as an advantage for at least 2 years.
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to work in a team, ability to plan, coordinate and manage local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to schedule budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications.
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 937,00 EUR.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi „Konkursam uz Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes ceļu būvtehniķa amatu” līdz 2024. gada 5. jūnija plkst. 16.30 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 5. jūnijam plkst. 16.30 iesniedz personīgi iestādē Dricānu apvienības pārvalde, “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricanu pag., Rēzeknes novadā, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi "Konkursam uz Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes ceļu būvtehniķa amatu".
- Dricānu apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Andrejs Tārauds, tālr. 29388271.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus un atbilstību kvalifikācijas prasībām. Uz otro kārtu – pretendentu teorētisko zināšanu pārbaudi /darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027411 adrese: Rāznas iela 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4622) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes autogreidera vadītaja amatu. Amata pretendentam ir jāveic Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes teritoriālajās vienībās autoceļu uzturēšanas darbus: autoceļu greiderēšanu, ceļa klātnes planēšanu un profilēšanu, sniega tīrīšanu.
Requirements for the applicant:
valsts valodas prasme pamata līmeņa 2.pakāpe atbilstoši (A2)
tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR4;
darba pieredze darbā ar traktortehniku ne mazākai pa 5 gadiem;
zināt transportlīdzekļu ekspluatācijas, kontroles un apkopes noteikumus; savstarpēji saistīto darba procesu izpildes secību;
veikt uzdotus darba uzdevumus labā kvalitātē
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 850,00, summēteis darba laiks, stundas amata likme EUR 5,09 EUR
Profesionālās darbības apraksts (CV), izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas un pieteikuma anketu ar norādi “Konkursam uz Kaunatas apvienības pārvaldes autogreidera vadītāja amatu” līdz 2024. gada 30. maijam plkst. 16.00 jāiesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Kaunatas apvienības pārvalde, Centrālā iela 27, Sprūževa, Griškānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4641
Kontaktinformācija: Daivis Rudzgailis tālr. 22403080
Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk ka 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisijas izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus, uz otro kārtu - darba interviju tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālais dienests (reģ.Nr. 40900003729, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Sociālā dienesta struktūrvienības “Dienas aprūpes centra “Viļāni”” sociālā rehabilitētāja amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība - sociālā rehabilitētāja kvalifikācija vai otrā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā vai akadēmiskā izglītība sociālajā darba jomā vai iegūst attiecīgu izglītību;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- communication, ability to work in stress situations, ability to analyse critical situations;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good skills in working with computer in multiple programs, skills to work with office technics.
Amata galvenie pienākumi:
- piedalīties klientu individuālo sociālās rehabilitācijas plānu izstrādē un īstenošanā;
- uzlabot klienta sociālās prasmes un veicināt jaunu prasmju apgūšanu:
- iesaistīt un veicināt klientu līdzdalību brīvā laika pavadīšanā, izglītojošu, kultūras un sporta pasākumu organizēšanā, vadīšanā, apmeklēšanā;
- veicināt klienta līdzdalību sociālo prasmju apgūšanā, mācīt klientam uzņemties adekvātas sociālās lomas un veidot prasmi nodrošināt to pilnvērtīgu funkcionēšanu;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 805,00
Darba vietas adrese – Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads
Normal working time, full load
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- izglītību un papildizglītības apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- application questionnaire
Pretendentiem iesniegt dokumentus Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Sociālajā dienestā, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, 11. kabinetā, vai sūtīt uz e-pastu:, (ar norādi „Konkursam uz sociālā rehabilitētāja amatu”) pieteikumu.
Pieteikums jāiesniedz vai jānodrošina tā iesūtīšana līdz 2024. gada 31. maijam (ieskaitot), pēc šī termiņa saņemtie pieteikumi netiek vērtēti.
Kontaktinformācija 64607181
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes remontstrādnieka amatu
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme atbilstoši pamata līmenim 1. pakāpei (A1);
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- Category B driving licence;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- vēlamas tiesības traktortehnikas vadīšanai – TR2.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 740,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance remontstrādnieks” līdz 2024. gada 29. maija plkst. 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 27. maija plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, tālr. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95a, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienesta vecāko vides aizsardzības speciālista amatu
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pāraldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienesta vecākā vides aizsardzības speciālista amatu. Amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā vai profesionālā augstākā izglītība vides zinātnē ar vides aizsardzību un/vai vides inženieriju saistītā jomā;
- vēlama pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā ( darba pieredze vairāk par 1 (vienu) gadu pēdējo 5 gadu laikā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- augstākā vai profesionālā augstākā izglītība vides zinātnē ar vides aizsardzību un/vai vides vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze ( vismaz 2 (divi) gadi);
- vēlama pieredze projektu izstrādē, ieviešanā;
- vēlama pieredze darbam ar ģeogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmām (ĢIS);
- vides aizsardzības reglamentējošo normatīvu aktu pārzināšana un spēja tajos orientēties;
- teicamas datorlietošanas prasmes (datorprogrammas – MS Word, MS Excel vai tām pielīdzināmas citas ofisa programmas);
- prasme meklēt informāciju ārējos resursos;
- prasme orientēties kartēs, shēmās, projektos;
- prasme labi orientēties dabā;
- prasme rīkoties ar informācijas tehnoloģijām, elektroniskajiem saziņas līdzekļiem un biroja tehniku, komunikācijai izmantot visus izplatītākos saziņas kanālus;
- knowledge of the principles of drafting documents, their presentation and storage requirements;
- prasme ikdienas darbā pilnvērtīgi pielietot lietišķo rakstu valodas stilu;
- vēlamas zināšanas projektu izstrādē, ieviešanā un/vai pieredze ar teritorijas plānošanu saistītā jomā;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākajā pakāpē (C2 līmenis);
- komunikabilitāte, labas komandas darba iemaņas, spēja vadīt, organizēt procesu, augsta saskarsmes kultūra, spēja izdarīt objektīvus, pamatotus secinājumus un patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus, noturība stresa situācijās un spēja patstāvīgi risināt konfliktsituācijas;
- nevainojamai reputācija.
Pamatdarba atalgojums vecākajam vides aizsardzības speciālistam EUR 1166,00, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts, konkursa nolikums un pieteikuma anketa atrodami pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldības dienesta Vecākā vides aizsardzības speciālista amatu” līdz 2024. gada 16. maija plkst. 12.00 jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai jānosūta uz e-pastu vai eAdresi. Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 29436371.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – pretendentu teorētisko un darba interviju – tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes aukles amatu Ozolaines pagasta PII “Jāņtārpiņš”.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme atbilstoši augstākajam līmenim 1. pakāpei (C1);
- vēlama līdzīga darba pieredze pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē;
- pārzināt pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes darbības specifiku;
- labas saskarsmes un komunikācijas prasmes;
- prasme strādāt ar uzticētu inventāru.
Principal duties:
- veikt pienākumus, kas saistīti ar bērnu higiēnas prasību nodrošināšanu, atbilstoši normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- nodrošināt audzēkņu ēdināšanu un telpu uzkopšu, atbilstoši apstiprinātajam dienas režīmam;
- mācīt sadzīves iemaņas bērniem, veicināt radošās darbības izpausmes, organizēt attīstību veicinošus pasākumus, ievērot dienas režīmu;
- veicināt bērna saskarsmi ar vienaudžiem;
- rūpēties par izglītojamo drošību;
- nepieciešamības gadījumā aizvietot aukles citā grupā;
- veidot pozitīvu sadarbību ar vecākiem un kolēģiem.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 750,00
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- pieteikuma anketa (download Here)
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Ozolaines pagasta PII “Jāņtārpiņš” vakance aukle”, līdz 2024. gada 24. maija plkst. 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 24. maija plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldes Ozolaines pagastā, lietvedei 101. kab., “Lazdas”, Balbiši, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts .
Maltas apvienības pārvaldes tehniskā strādnieka amata atklātā konkursa nolikums
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija klātienē.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.Nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto Grupu mājas “Viļāni” aprūpētāja amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vispārējā vidējā izglītība;
- Profesionālā kvalifikācija “Aprūpētājs”;
- Spēja patstāvīgi pildīt amata pienākumus un pieņemt lēmumus savas kompetences ietvaros;
- Labas saskarsmes prasmes, spēja strādāt komandā;
- Valsts valodas zināšanas.
Principal duties:
- Nepieciešamības gadījumā palīdzēt klientam veikt pašaprūpi;
- Atbildēt par klientu drošību un sekot, lai klienti ievērotu iekšējās kārtības noteikumus;
- Veikt Grupu mājas klientu iesaistīšanu kopīgās aktivitātēs saskaņā ar sociālā darba speciālistu norādījumiem, palīdzēt klientiem pārvietoties telpās un ārpus telpām;
- Asistēt un palīdzēt aktivitāšu laikā, nodrošināt uzticēto aktivitāšu realizēšanu;
- Palīdzēt klientiem gatavot ēdienus;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei.
Remuneration of basic work 741,00 EUR.
Darba vieta – Liepu iela 2B , Viļāni, Rēzeknes novads.
Darba laika organizācija – maiņu darbs.
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 23. maijam (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- Izglītības apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- the application form.
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: vai iesniegt personīgi Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktinformācija: 64607181
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina” aicina darbā for an indefinite period lietvedi (ar arhivāra un iepirkumu speciālista pienākumiem).
Galvenie pienākumi
- Organizēt lietvedības dokumentu apriti atbilstoši nomenklatūrai.
- Nodrošināt personāla kustības, darba laika uzskaites, personāla atlases dokumentāciju.
- Darbs Visvaris e-vidē – Dokumentu aprites nodrošināšana DVS (dokumentu vadības sitēma) Lietvaris, Kadri, Darba laika uzskaite.
- Arhīva pārziņa pienākumi.
- Iepirkumu speciālista pienākumi.
- Klientu pieņemšana un telefona zvanu koordinēšana.
- Informācijas aprites nodrošināšana.
- Atbalsta sniegšana uzņēmuma vadībai un darbiniekiem ikdienas darbos.
- Higher education.
- Zināšanas par dokumentu pārvaldības normatīvajiem aktiem un spēja tajos orientēties.
- Zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu.
- Darba pieredze pašvaldības vai valsts institūcijās dokumentu un arhīva pārvaldības jomā.
- Valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām.
- The ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment.
- Prasme strādāt ar datoru, elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu, eparakstu.
- Labas komunikācijas un sadarbības prasmes.
- Augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte.
- Spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas plūsmu.
- Perfect reputation.
Darba vieta: Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina”, Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4601
Atalgojums bruto EUR 987,00. CV, motivācijas vēstuli un izglītības dokumentu kopijas sūtīt uz epastu līdz 2024. gada 15. maijam. Tālrunis informācijai 64646135.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview, tenderers whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklāto konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības izpilddirektorathe position
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības izpilddirektora amatu. Konkursa Nolikums ir atrodams Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā:
Izpilddirektora amata kandidātam jāatbilst šādām galvenajām prasībām:
- atbilstība Pašvaldību likuma 21.panta ceturtās daļas prasībām,
- augstākā akadēmiskā izglītība vai otrā līmeņa augstākā profesionālā izglītība, vēlams maģistra grāds, periodiska zināšanu papildināšana amata atbildības jomās,
- vismaz 3 (trīs) gadu profesionālā darba pieredze vadošā amatā, pieredze valsts vai pašvaldību institūcijā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību,
- orientācija uz attīstību, spēja pieņemt lēmumus, izvērtējot informāciju un uzņemties atbildību,
- prasme plānot, vadīt un organizēt komandas darbu, lai nodrošinātu pašvaldības mērķu sasniegšanu,
- labas stratēģiskās plānošanas, sadarbības, komunikācijas un prezentācijas prasmes,
- jābūt izpratnei par ētikas normām, jāpiemīt radošai un elastīgai domāšanai, iniciatīvai, jābūt augstai saskarsmes kultūrai, atbildības sajūtai un precizitātei,
- sistēmiska pieeja jautājumu risināšanā, spēja uztvert un analizēt liela apjoma informāciju dažādās pašvaldībai noteiktās jomās,
- vēlamas zināšanas par valsts pārvaldes, tai skaita pašvaldības darbības principiem un ar pašvaldības darbību saistītu tiesību aktu pārzināšana,
- vēlama pieredze un izpratne par valsts un pašvaldību kapitālsabiedrību pārvaldību,
- valsts valodas zināšanas augstākajā līmenī, atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām,
- angļu valodas un/vai citas ES oficiālās valodas prasme profesionālai darbībai nepieciešamajā apjomā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību,
- teicamas datorprasmes (MS Office, e-pasts, darbam nepieciešamās IT sistēmas, interneta pārlūkprogrammas),
- nevainojama reputācija,
- nepieciešama B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība.
Izpilddirektora amatam noteiktie galvenie darba pienākumi:
- pilda Pašvaldības likumā izpilddirektoram noteiktos pienākumus,
- nodrošina domes lēmumu izpildi,
- iesniedz domei priekšlikumus par pašvaldības iestāžu un citu institūciju, kā arī pašvaldības kapitālsabiedrību izveidošanu, reorganizēšanu un likvidēšanu,
- ir tiesīgs apturēt un atcelt pašvaldības iestāžu vadītāju nelikumīgus un nelietderīgus lēmumus, ja normatīvajos aktos nav noteikts citādi,
- pašvaldības nolikumā noteiktajā kārtībā rīkojas ar pašvaldības mantu un finanšu resursiem, kā arī veic tiesiskus darījumus,
- saskaņā ar Publiskas personas kapitāla daļu un kapitālsabiedrību pārvaldības likumu veic kapitāla daļu turētāja pārstāvja pienākumus kapitālsabiedrībās, kurās kapitāla daļu turētājs ir pašvaldība,
- organizē pašvaldības gada pārskata, konsolidētā gada pārskata un gada publiskā pārskata sagatavošanu,
- atbilstoši kompetencei pieņem pārvaldes lēmumus un kontrolē pašvaldības dibināto iestāžu pieņemto pārvaldes lēmumu tiesiskumu,
- organizē pašvaldības iekšējās kontroles sistēmas izveidi, kā arī uzrauga un pilnveido to,
- sniedz pārskatu par savu darbību pašvaldības nolikumā noteiktajā kārtībā.
Izpilddirektora pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā – 3115,00 EUR, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Candidates until 2024. gada 9. maija plkst .14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail, vai Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības e-adresi šādus dokumentus:
- motivētu pieteikuma vēstuli ar praktiskās pieredzes aprakstu attiecībā uz amatam noteiktajām atbildības jomām,
- profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), ar norādītu informāciju par personām (vismaz trīs), no kurām komisija var iegūt atsauksmes par kandidātu par pēdējiem 5 (pieciem) gadiem un pievienotu vismaz vienu rakstisku atsauksmi,
- izglītību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, ja augstākā izglītība, akadēmiskais vai zinātniskais grāds iegūts ārvalstīs, papildus - Akadēmiskās informācijas centra izziņu par ārvalstīs iegūtās izglītības pielīdzināšanu Latvijā piešķirtajam akadēmiskajam grādam vai diplomam,
- valsts valodas prasmi apliecinoša dokumenta kopija, nepieciešamais valsts valodas prasmes līmenis - C līmeņa 2. pakāpe (izņemot personas, kuras ieguvušas pamata, vidējo vai augstāko izglītību akreditētās izglītības programmās latviešu valodā),
- amata kandidāts pieteikumam papildus var pievienot citus dokumentus, kas raksturo viņa kvalifikāciju vakantajam amatam, tostarp kvalifikācijas paaugstināšanu amata kompetences jomās (nav obligāta prasība),
- apliecinājums par atbilstību Pašvaldības likuma 21.panta ceturtās daļas prasībām atbilstoši pievienotajai formai (1.pielikums),
- B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecības kopija,
- ir jāiesniedz un jāprezentē (~ 5 min.) stratēģiskais redzējums par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības darbības prioritātēm, attīstību un izpilddirektora lomu pašvaldības darba organizēšanā.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Juridiskās un lietvedības nodaļas vecākā juriste Silvija Kipļuka, 64607202, Centrālās pārvaldes Juridiskās un lietvedības nodaļas vadītāja Ilona Turka, 64607200.
The competition is organised in two stages:
- Konkursa pirmajā kārtā tiek izvērtēti amata kandidātu iesniegtie dokumenti un uz Konkursa otro kārtu tiek uzaicināti amata kandidāti, kas ir iesnieguši visus Nolikuma 8.punktā norādītos attiecināmos dokumentus un atbilst Nolikuma 6.punktā izvirzītajām prasībām,
- Konkursa otrā kārta sastāv no Konkursa pirmajā kārtā atlasīto amata kandidātu zināšanu pārbaudes un Nolikuma 8.7.apakšpunktā norādītā stratēģiskā redzējuma prezentācijas – pēc prezentācijas amata kandidātiem var tikt uzdoti jautājumi, lai papildus noskaidrotu amata kandidāta piemērotību izpilddirektora amatam.
Par amata konkursa rezultātiem amata kandidāti tiek informēti ar e-pasta starpniecību trīs darba dienu laikā pēc amata kandidātu izvērtēšanas procedūras beigām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” vadītāja vietnieka amatu uz noteiktu laiku.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (izņemot 1. līmeņa profesionālo augstāko izglītību);
- vēlama darba pieredze vadības jomā;
- vēlama darba pieredze kultūras jomā;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- knowledge of laws and regulations in the field of cultural centres, libraries, museums and tourism, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the ability to analyse large-scale documents, including legal documents, to assess their compliance with the regulatory framework;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the administrative system;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- knowledge of at least one foreign language, which is the official language of the European Union;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- izpratne par ētikas normām, prasmes strādāt komandā, prasmes plānot un organizēt savu un padoto darbinieku darbu, radošums un elastīgas domāšanas prasmes, spēja izrādīt iniciatīvu;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- perfect reputation.
A description of the position can be found on the municipal website
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Konkursa pirmajā kārtā komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus un to atbilstību konkursa nolikumam (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā Uz konkursa otro kārtu tiek aicināti amata kandidāti, kas ir iesnieguši visus nolikumā norādītos dokumentus un kas atbilst izvirzītajām prasībām un ir saņēmuši pietiekamu punktu skaitu pēc komisijas vērtējuma. Konkursa otrā kārta sastāv no teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudes.
Pamatalga pārbaudes laikā - 1302,00 EUR, pēc pārbaudes laika - atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 7. maija plkst. 9.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- izglītību un apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumenti, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Kontaktinformācija: Kultūras tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Dace Škrjaba, tālr.28305472, e-pasts .
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes skolotāja palīga amatu Maltas pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- valsts valodas prasme atbilstoši augstākajam līmenim 1. pakāpei (C1)
- vēlama līdzīga darba pieredze pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē;
- pārzināt pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes darbības specifiku;
- labas saskarsmes un komunikācijas prasmes;
- prasme strādāt ar uzticētu inventāru.
Principal duties:
- veikt pienākumus , kas saistīti ar bērnu higiēnas prasību nodrošināšanu, atbilstoši normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- nodrošināt audzēkņu ēdināšanu un telpu uzkopšu, atbilstoši apstiprinātajam dienas režīmam;
- sniegt atbalstu bērniem pedagoģiskā procesa laikā, ņemot vērā katra bērna attīstību un individualitāti un veselības stāvokli;
- rūpēties par izglītojamo drošību;
- vajadzības gadījumā aizvietos skolotāja palīgus citā grupā;
- veidot pozitīvu sadarbību ar vecākiem un kolēģiem.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 750,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance skolotāja palīgs līdz 2024.gada 10.maija plkst. 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 10.maija plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3.kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Contact person for more detailed information - Maltas association manager Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail: (in absence: Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests” vadītāja amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests” vadītāja amatu. Pamatdarba vieta: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- otrā līmeņa profesionālā vai akadēmiskā augstākā izglītība vadības zinībās, sociālajā darbā, pedagoģijā;
- augstākā izglītība sociālā darba jomā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību;
- darba pieredze pašvaldības institūcijā vai valsts pārvaldē;
- darba pieredze sociālajā darbā;
- vēlama darba pieredze vadības jomā;
- normatīvo aktu zināšanas, tostarp sociālā darba jomā, spēja tajos orientēties un piemērot tos;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, tajā skaita juridiskus dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātās intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- prasme analizēt situāciju un rīcību sekas, atrast piemērotāko risinājumu;
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, kā arī zināšanas par sociālā dienesta darbību, tā organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, zināšanas par tā dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākā pakāpē;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- spēja pilnvērtīgi pielietot lietišķo rakstu valodas stilu ikdienas darbiem;
- izpratne par ētikas normām;
- prasmes strādāt komandā, prasmes plānot un organizēt savu un padoto darbinieku darbu, radošums un elastīgas domāšanas prasmes, spēja izrādīt iniciatīvu;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- skills in conflict resolution, good communication and cooperation skills;
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums Sociālā dienesta vadītājam EUR 1634,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika EUR - atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 30. aprīļa plkst.12:00 ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests” vadītāja amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu/eAdresi šādus dokumentus:
1. iestādes – Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienesta - attīstības koncepciju;
2. profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV);
2. a letter of motivation;
3. the application form (located on the website of the State);
4. copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
5. in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 20228843 vai 26531497.
Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - darba interviju - amata kandidātu iestādes attīstības koncepcijas izvērtēšanu, teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un pārrunu daļu - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) atkārtoti izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Pamatdarba vieta (ar iespēju izvēlēties):
- Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV–4601;
- Centra iela 1, Sondori-Škeņeva, Vērēmu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4647;
- Krasuhas iela 1A k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4611;
- “Pagastmāja”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu pag. Rēzeknes novads, LV–4652;
- Rītupes iela 34, Bērzgales ciems, Bērzgales pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4612;
- Centra iela 1, Ilzeskalns, Rēzeknes novads, LV–4619;
- Viraudas iela 3, Lendži, Lendžu pag., Rēzeknes novads, LV–4625.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē tiek uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- pieredze darbā ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- spēja analizēt liela apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- zināšanas par Pašvaldību likumu, publisko iepirkumu regulējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana un spēja tajos orientēties;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication skills;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, ētiskums, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums iepirkumu speciālistam - EUR 1140,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata apraksts – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Candidates until 2024. gada 30. aprīlim plkst. 12.00 ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Publisko iepirkumu nodaļas iepirkumu speciālista amatu" ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV–4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Kontaktinformācija: 64607171.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu - amata kandidātu teorētisko, praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.Nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz struktūrvienības “Dienas aprūpes centra “Viļāni”” vakanto Sociālā mentora – nodarbību vadītāja (kokapstrādes) amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vispārējā vidējā izglītība;
- Iepriekšējā darba pieredze koka materiālu ražošanas tehnoloģijās;
- Labas prasmes darbā ar kokapstrādes iekārtām
- Labas saskarsmes prasmes, spēja strādāt komandā;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
Principal duties:
- Piedāvāt piemērotāko specializētās darbnīcas pakalpojuma nodarbinātības formu, izvērtējot klienta funkcionālās spējas un intereses;
- Organizēt un vadīt kokapstrādes nodarbības, ņemot vērā katra klienta individuālās prasmes;
- Vadīt darba iemaņu apgūšanu, skaidrot un uzraudzīt, kā klients lieto darbam nepieciešamos instrumentus un līdzekļus;
- Organizēt un iesaistīt klientu labdarības izstādēs - tirdziņos, sekmējot klientā panākumu izjūtu;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei
Pamatdarba atalgojums 805,00 EUR.
Darba vieta - Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni
Darba laika organizācija – normāls darba laiks
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 16. aprīlim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- amatam motivētu pieteikumus;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- the application form.
Pieteikumus sūtīt elektroniski uz e-pastu („Konkursam uz Sociālā mentora – nodarbību vadītāja (kokapstrādes) amatu”) vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktinformācija : 64607181
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina” calls for work Klīnisko PSIHOLOGU uz noteiktu laiku (1 vakance)
Basic duties of the office:
- plānot psihologa konsultācijas, ievērojot darbību reglamentējošos noteikumus;
- sniegt individuālās psihologa konsultācijas personai krīzes situācijā, problēmsituācijās un psiholoģiska diskomforta gadījumā;
- sniegt individuālās psihologa konsultācijas personas uzvedības problēmu gadījumos, iesaistot psiholoģiskās rehabilitācijas procesā;
- sadarbībā ar citiem sociālā darba speciālistiem analizēt personas sociālpsiholoģiskos problēmu cēloņus un izstrādāt priekšlikumus to risināšanai.
Position requirements:
- maģistra grāds psiholoģijā;
- sertifikāts klīniskajā psiholoģijā;
- pieredze psiholoģijas jomā;
- reģistrācija psihologu reģistrā;
- latviešu valodas zināšanas C līmeņa 1. pakāpē;
- veselības stāvoklis un psiholoģiskās īpašības, kas atbilst Ministru kabineta noteiktajām prasībām (Ministru kabineta 10.03.2009. noteikumi Nr.219 "Kārtība, kādā veicama obligātā veselības pārbaude");
- teicamas komunikācijas prasmes;
- spēja strādāt kā komandā, tā arī individuāli;
- augsta atbildības sajūta, precizitāte, analītiska domāšana, prasme strādāt paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- kvalitatīvi, atbilstoši prasībām, noformēt medicīnisko dokumentāciju;
- sertifikāts, kas apliecina izglītību un profesionālo sagatavotību smilšu spēles terapijas metodē (priekšrocība).
Darba vietas adrese – Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina”, Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4636.
Atalgojums 1340 EUR.
CV, motivācijas vēstuli un izglītību apliecinošus dokumentus iesūtīt līdz 2024. gada 26. aprīlim to e-mail, with indication “Konkursam uz klīniskā Psihologa amatu”, tel.: 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina” calls for work on Interest education teacher the position for an indefinite period (1 vakance)
Basic duties of the office:
- izstrādāt interešu izglītības programmu, paredzot konkrētus un reālus rezultātus.
- interešu izglītības procesu veikt atbilstoši klienta individuālajām vajadzībām un interesēm.
- notivēt uz nodarbību apmeklēšanu, saskatot un aktivizējot klienta iekšējos resursus.
- veikt tematisko nodarbību un sasniegto rezultātu ierakstus Interešu izglītības programmas žurnālā un programmā ELIIS.
- ievērot noteiktus principus darba procesā, ņemot vēra aktivitāšu mērķi un to tematiku.
- ģenerēt un realizēt inovatīvas idejas, organizējot centra klientu brīvo laiku vakaros un brīvdienās.
- amata prasības:
- izglītība atbilstoši normatīvajiem aktiem par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izglītību un profesionālo kvalifikāciju.
- national language skills at the highest level.
- augstas komunikācijas un sadarbības prasmes.
Position requirements:
- Higher education
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good computer skills;
- communication and communication skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Darba vieta atrodas Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4636.
Atalgojums 1080 EUR.
CV, motivācijas vēstuli un izglītību apliecinošus dokumentus iesūtīt līdz 2024. gada 26. aprīlim to e-mail:, with indication “Konkursam uz Interešu izglītības skolotāja amatu”.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina” aicina darbā Mākslas terapeitu uz nenoteiktu laiku (1 vakance)
Basic duties of the office:
- izstrādāt mākslas terapijas rehabilitācijas pasākumu plānu centra klientiem;
- realizēt mākslas terapijas plānu atbilstoši klientu problēmām un resursiem;
- nodrošināt drošu, korektu un efektīvu uz klientu centrētu aprūpi mākslas terapijas procesā;
- veikt klientu novērtēšanu;
- dokumentēt novērtēšanas rezultātus atbilstoši normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- organizēt un vadīt mākslas terapijas rehabilitācijas nodarbības, u.c.
Position requirements:
- augstākā izglītība ar mākslas terapeita kvalifikāciju;
- sertifikāts, kas apliecina tiesības praktizēt profesijā;
- reģistrācija ārstniecības personu reģistrā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Latvijas Republikas normatīvo tiesību aktu prasībām;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, emocionāla noturība;
- vēlama darba pieredze ārstniecības iestādē;
- good computer skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- vēlama darba pieredze darbā ar bērniem.
Darba vieta atrodas Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4636.
Atalgojums 1555 EUR.
CV un motivācijas vēstuli sūtīt līdz 2024. gada 26. aprīlim to e-mail, with indication “Mākslas terapeita amatam”, phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina” calls for work Klīnisko psihologu uz nenoteiktu laiku (1 vakance)
Basic duties of the office:
- plānot psihologa konsultācijas, ievērojot darbību reglamentējošos noteikumus;
- sniegt individuālās psihologa konsultācijas personai krīzes situācijā, problēmsituācijās un psiholoģiska diskomforta gadījumā;
- sniegt individuālās psihologa konsultācijas personas uzvedības problēmu gadījumos, iesaistot psiholoģiskās rehabilitācijas procesā;
- sadarbībā ar citiem sociālā darba speciālistiem analizēt personas sociālpsiholoģiskos problēmu cēloņus un izstrādāt priekšlikumus to risināšanai.
Position requirements:
- maģistra grāds psiholoģijā;
- sertifikāts klīniskajā psiholoģijā;
- pieredze psiholoģijas jomā;
- reģistrācija psihologu reģistrā;
- latviešu valodas zināšanas C līmeņa 1. pakāpē;
- veselības stāvoklis un psiholoģiskās īpašības, kas atbilst Ministru kabineta noteiktajām prasībām (Ministru kabineta 10.03.2009. noteikumi Nr. 219 "Kārtība, kādā veicama obligātā veselības pārbaude");
- teicamas komunikācijas prasmes;
- spēja strādāt kā komandā, tā arī individuāli;
- augsta atbildības sajūta, precizitāte, analītiska domāšana, prasme strādāt paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- kvalitatīvi, atbilstoši prasībām, noformēt medicīnisko dokumentāciju.
Darba vieta atrodas Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4636.
Atalgojums 986 EUR.
CV, motivācijas vēstuli un izglītību apliecinošus dokumentus iesūtīt līdz 2024. gada 26. aprīlim e-mail,, with indication “Konkursam uz klīniskā Psihologa amatu”, tālr. 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina” calls for work Sociālo rehabilitētāju uz nenoteiktu laiku (1 vakance)
Basic duties of the office:
- participate in the development, implementation and development of the individual social rehabilitation plan of clients;
- developing and improving customer self-care, hygiene, ethical standards and other social skills;
- teach clients to focus on their social environment;
- instruct clients to identify needs, set targets and plan actions to achieve it;
- to involve and promote the participation of customers in leisure time – in interest groups, recreational afternoons, discussion afternoons, games, singing, drawing, etc.;
- iesaistīt un veicināt klientu līdzdalību izglītojošu, kultūras un sporta pasākumu, veselību veicinošu un dažādu citu pasākumu apmeklēšanā un organizēšanā u.c.
Position requirements:
- first-level vocational higher education
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good computer skills;
- communication and communication skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Darba vieta atrodas Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4636.
Atalgojums 803 EUR.
CV un motivācijas vēstuli sūtīt līdz 2024. gada 26. aprīlim e-mail,, with indication “Contest for the position of social rehabilitator” phone for inquiries 64646135
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina” calls for work on Social carer amatu uz noteiktu laiku (1 vakance)
Basic duties of the office:
- veikt klienta aprūpi un uzraudzību;
- piedalīties klientu individuālā sociālās aprūpes plāna izstrādē, realizācijā un pilnveidē;
- developing and improving customer self-care, hygiene, ethical standards and other social skills;
- mācīt klientiem dzīves prasmes, prasmi orientēties savā sociālajā vidē;
- instruct clients to identify needs, set targets and plan actions to achieve it;
- iesaistīt un veicināt klientu līdzdalību brīvā laika pavadīšanā.
Position requirements:
- first-level vocational higher education
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good computer skills;
- communication and communication skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Darba vieta atrodas Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4636
Atalgojums 808 EUR
CV and motivation letter līdz 2024. gada 26. aprīlim e-mail,, with indication “Konkursam uz Sociālā aprūpētāja amatu” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr. 90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas ceļu inženiera amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas ceļu inženiera amatu ( uz nenoteiktu laiku).
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība inženierzinātnēs (vēlama autoinženierbūvju jomā vai būvniecībā, kas var tikt uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- vēlama amatam atbilstoša darba pieredze vismaz 3 (trīs) gadi (valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā, kas var tikt uzskatīta par priekšrocību);
- pieredze tāmju sagatavošanā, to analīzē, darbā ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem tai skaitā (BIS sistēmu) datu bāzēm, kas izšķiroties par pretendenta atbilstību, var tikt uzskatīta par priekšrocību kā arī pieredze iepirkumu darbu organizēšanā un veikšanā;
- pieredze būvprojektu izskatīšanā, analīzē, atzinumu sagatavošanā un spēja patstāvīgi plānot, organizēt, kontrolēt savu un komandas darbu īsā un ilgstošā laika periodā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- valsts valodas zināšanas augstākajā līmenī, kā arī vēlamas vienas svešvalodas zināšanas.
- communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
- Category B driving licence.
Pamatdarba atalgojums ceļu inženierim pārbaudes laikā EUR 1276,00; pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
A description of the position can be found on the municipal website
Candidates until 2024. gada 22. aprīlim at 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas ceļu inženiera amatu") šādus dokumentus:
- the application form;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- izglītības un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības izpilddirektora vietnieks Andris Stafeckis, tālr. – 28374718, vai Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Saimnieciskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas vadītājs Andris Koļčs tālr. - 29426388.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus un uz konkursa otro kārtu uzaicina amata kandidātus, kas atbilst konkursa nolikuma (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Informācijas tehnoloģiju nodaļas datorsistēmu un datortīklu administratora amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Informācijas tehnoloģiju nodaļas datorsistēmu un datortīklu administratoraamatu. Amata pretendentam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- Augstākā izglītība IKT jomā, elektronikā vai citā radniecīgā specialitātē;
- Vismaz 1 gada pieredze IKT jomā un klientu datortehnikas apkalpošanā;
- Specifisku IKT infrastruktūras elementu un sistēmu pārzināšana, vispārējas zināšanas par IKT infrastruktūru kopumā;
- Vispārējas zināšanas par TCP/ IP, ISCSI, FC u.c. tīkliem, lai veiktu tam pieslēgto iekārtu diagnostiku;
- Datoru uzbūve un to darbības principi;
- Datortīkla ierīkošana un izveide;
- Sistēmu uzturēšana un administrēšana;
- Augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- Spēja patstāvīgi pildīt amata pienākumus un pieņemt lēmumus savas kompetences ietvaros;
- Prasme strādāt komandā un veicināt sadarbību;
- Spēja strādāt dinamiskos un mainīgos darba apstākļos;
- Valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām;
- Category B driving licence.
Principal duties:
- Veikt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības rīcībā esošās informācijas komunikāciju tehnoloģiju (IKT) iekārtu profilaktiskās apkopes, organizēt remontus un ar informācijas tehnoloģiju iekārtu uzlabošanu saistītus darbus;
- Konfigurēt datorus, informācijas tehnoloģiju iekārtas, instalēt programmnodrošinājumu, konsultēt IS un IKT iekārtu lietotājus;
- Dokumentēt datortehniku un tajā uzstādīto programmatūru, sagatavot priekšlikumus datortehnikas un programmatūras ieviešanai;
- Rūpēties par standartprogrammatūras regulāru atjaunošanu uz lietotāju datoriem, kā arī analizēt licenču skaitu lietotajai programmatūrai un ziņot nodaļas vadītājam par nepieciešamību iegādāties papildus licences;
- Veikt Rēzeknes novada iestāžu rīcībā esošās datortehnikas un programmatūras uzturēšanu;
- Sniegt konsultācijas Rēzeknes novada iestāžu darbiniekiem darbā ar biroja tehniku un programmatūru, konsultēt par nepieciešamo informācijas tehnoloģiju iekārtu iegādi un izmantošanu;
- Nodrošināt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības drukāšanas iekārtu funkcionēšanu, izejmateriālu uzskaiti un pasūtīšanu, apkopi, organizēt remontus un ar iekārtu uzlabošanu saistītus darbus;
- Pēc pieprasījuma uzstādīt un darbināt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības audio, video un prezentācijas tehniku, rūpēties par šīs tehnikas pareizu un saudzīgu ekspluatāciju;
- Rēzeknes novada domes un pastāvīgo komiteju sēžu audio un video ierakstu veidošana, tiešraides nodrošināšana;
- Patstāvīgi veikt darbus IT nodaļas noteikto uzdevumu izpildē, izmantojot spēkā esošās instrukcijas un esošās iestrādnes, kā arī radoši pilnveidot tās;
- Ievērto darba drošības, elektrodrošības un ugunsdrošības noteikumus;
- Veikt citus iepriekš nenosauktus pienākumus pēc nodaļas vadītāja pieprasījuma.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 1155,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 15. aprīļa plkst. 12.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu:, (ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Informācijas tehnoloģiju nodaļas datorsistēmu un datortīklu administratora amatu") šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form.
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tadā apjomā, kādas nepieciešamas amata pienākumu veikšanai;
- B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecības kopiju.
Kontaktinformācija pa tālr. 27878199.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Viļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ Nr. 40900036645) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes dārznieka amatu uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vidējā izglītība tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
- Labas valsts valodas zināšanas.
- Par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta iepriekšējā pieredze - zināšanas par ainavas ierīkošanas arhitektūru, plānošanu, agrotehnikas pamatiem, augu stādīšanu, laistīšanu, pārstādīšanu un augu slimību novēršanu.
- Pildīt ainavu dizainera pienākumus – plānot stādījumus, puķu dobes, projektēt.
- Prast veikt stādāmā materiāla sagatavošanu – zemes apstrādi un minerālmēslojuma, papildmēslojuma iestrādi augsnē, iznīcināt kaitēkļus, sagatavot stādījumus pārziemošanai.
- Prast izvēlēties un pasūtīt augu sortimentu apzaļumošanai.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 800,00
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire ar norādi „Konkurss uz Viļānu apvienības pārvalde dārznieka amatu” līdz 2024. gada 18. aprīlim plkst. 16.00 sūtīt uz e-pastu vai līdz 2024. gada 18. aprīlim plkst.16.00 iesniegt Viļānu apvienības pārvalde Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļānos.
Contact: 64628033; 29357314.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to the second round – work interview.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija (Reģ.Nr. 40900040439) Krasuhas iela 1 A k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina (atkārtotu) atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu – 2 vakances
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Krasuhas iela 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21.panta pirmās daļas 1.,2.,3., un 4.punktā noteiktajām prasībām;
- augstākā (juridiskā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību) vai vismaz pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;
- spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,pašvaldības;
- policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā 3 gadi (pēdējo 5 gadu laikā);
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte Latvijas valsts republikai;
- nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1150,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam. Inspektoram ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 19. aprīlim plkst. 14.00 ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz adresi: Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policija, Krasuhas iela 1 A k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- autovadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- apliecinājumu, ka pretendents ir informēts un piekrīt, ka saņemto dokumentu izvērtēšanas konkursa komisija iegūs datus no Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Sodu reģistra par personas sodāmībām un administratīvajiem pārkāpumiem. (pielikumā veidlapa)
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 28080456
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Pamatojoties uz Rēzeknes novada domes 2023. gada 20. aprīļa noteikumu "Par personāla atlases kārtību Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā" 36. pantu, komisija nolēma pagarināt atkārtotu ārējo konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības policijas diviem inspektoru amatiem par 5 (piecām) darba dienām.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes tehniskā speciālista Lūznavā amatu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary vocational or higher education in engineering, technical service;
- Appropriate work experience of civil engineering, including economic activities, is desirable for the post;
- Ability to obtain information independently, to address technical issues and to organise the execution of work;
- The ability to compile estimates of repairs, tasks and specifications;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- The initiative, the ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence
Duties of the office:
- Know and coordinate technical supervision issues of the architectural monument of national significance, in order to ensure the preservation of historical values.
- Ensure the management and operation of the building.
- Ensure the proper operation and operation of the engineering communications (heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply, automatic fire-fighting, signalling, telecommunications, etc.), knowledge of their structure, principles of principal activities and regimes.
- Ensure the quality operation, service and operation of installations installed in the building in accordance with instructions and safety regulations.
- Plan and implement repair and repair of the building, repair and replacement of equipment.
- Participate in the technical service of the activities organised in the building, to carry out the preparation of premises and equipment for the qualitative progress of the activities in accordance with the specificity of the measure.
- Plan and, in coordination with the direct manager, carry out the acquisition of material and other resources for the operation of the building.
- Prepare and submit to the direct manager the reports, analyses and plans of the building maintenance works.
- Cooperate with suppliers, outsourcing services in the technical field;
- Develop and maintain updated technical documentation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 770,00 EUR
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “tehniskais speciālists Lūznavā”” līdz 2024. gada 15. jūlijam uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 15. jūlijam jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē "Maltas apvienības pārvalde", lietvedei Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pag., Rēzeknes novads.
Papildu informācija pa tālr 64607421, lietvede Ina Tuče, Lūznavas pag.
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
For the second round, work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.Nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto Sociālā mentora- nodarbību vadītāja (šūšanas) amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Dienas aprūpes centrā “Viļāni” (Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni)
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vispārējā vidējā izglītība ;
- Iepriekšējā darba pieredze tekstiliju ražošanas tehnoloģijās;
- Labas prasmes darbā ar šūšanas iekārtām
- Labas saskarsmes prasmes, spēja strādāt komandā;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
Principal duties:
- Piedāvāt piemērotāko specializētās darbnīcas pakalpojuma nodarbinātības formu, izvērtējot klienta funkcionālās spējas un intereses;
- Organizēt un vadīt šūšanas nodarbības, ņemot vērā katra klienta individuālās prasmes;
- Vadīt darba iemaņu apgūšanu, skaidrot un uzraudzīt, kā klients lieto darbam nepieciešamos instrumentus un līdzekļus;
- Organizēt un iesaistīt klientu labdarības izstādēs - tirdziņos, sekmējot klientā panākumu izjūtu;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei
Pamatdarba atalgojums – 805, 00 EUR.
Darba vieta – Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni.
Darba laika organizācija – normāls darba laiks.
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 9. aprīlim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- amatam motivētu pieteikumus;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- the application form.
Pieteikumus sūtīt elektroniski uz e-pastu (ar norādi „Konkursam uz Sociālā mentora- nodarbību vadītāja (šūšanas) amatu”) vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktinformācija: 64607181
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto SOCIĀLĀ DARBINIEKA AMATU Maltas apvienībā (uz noteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
- work with a computer at a good user level.
Principal duties:
- Informēt un konsultēt mājsaimniecības par viņu tiesībām uz sociālajiem pakalpojumiem un sociālo palīdzību un par to realizācijas iespējām, kā arī līdzdarbības pienākumiem sociālo pakalpojumu un sociālās palīdzības saņemšanā;
- To accept and register the written and oral submissions of a person, to ensure the examination of applications in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- Pārbaudīt klienta sniegto un par klientu saņemto informāciju valsts un pašvaldības datu reģistros;
- Uzraudzīt un nodrošināt vienotu pieeju mājokļa pabalsta aprēķināšanai SOPA;
- Sagatavot vai aktualizēt pašvaldības sociālās palīdzības informācijas sistēmā (turpmāk – SOPA) lēmumu projektus, normatīvos kritērijus atbilstoši izmaiņām tiesību aktos un pēc nepieciešamības citos gadījumos;
- Būt lojālam Latvijas Republikai un tās Satversmei
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 935,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta – Malta, Rēzeknes novads
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 9. aprīlim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- the application form.
Pieteikumus sūtīt elektroniski uz e-pastu: (ar norādi „Konkursam uz sociālā darbinieka amatu”) vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktinformācija: 64607181
Seminārs norisināsies tiešsaistē 26. martā plkst. 10.00.
Norises datums: 2024. gada 26. martā, no plkst.10.00 līdz 11.00
Venue: Tiešsaistē, Zoom platformā
Semināra norises vieta: Zoom platforma – ( pieslēgšanās saite tiks nosūtīta reģistrētiem dalībniekiem 25. martā.)
Pasākumam var reģistrēties up to 25. martam, nosūtot savu apstiprinājumu uz e-pasta adresi – vai zvanīt pa tālruni: 29235055

Ik gadu pavasarī lauksaimniecības, mežsaimniecības, būvniecības un ceļu būves jomā, kā arī tūrisma un viesmīlības nozarē darba devēji meklē darbiniekus sezonas darbiem. Šogad akcijas “Sezonas darbi” ietvaros Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūra (NVA) sadarbībā ar pilsētu pašvaldībām organizē klātienes tikšanos darba devējiem ar darba meklētājiem. Akcija notiks Rīgā, Daugavpilī, Siguldā, Preiļos, Kuldīgā, Jelgavā, Cēsīs, Limbažos, Rēzeknē, Kuldīgā , Dobelē, kā arī citās pilsētās.
Rēzeknē pasākums tiek organizēts š.g. 26. aprīlī no plkst. 11.00 līdz 14.00 NVA Rēzeknes filiāles telpās, Atbrīvošanas alejā 155, 200. kabinetā.
Pasākuma laikā darba meklētāji klātienē varēs satikt visdažādāko nozaru darba devējus. Tā ir lieliska iespēja darba devējiem uzrunāt potenciālos darbiniekus, sniegt informāciju par savu uzņēmumu, informēt darba meklētājus par aktuālajām vakancēm, darba apstākļiem, nosacījumiem un darba specifiku, kā arī atbildēt uz interesentu jautājumiem.
Pieteikties dalībai darba devējus aicinām, aizpildot elektronisko pieteikuma anketu

RĒZEKNES NOVADA BĀRIŅTIESA (reģ.Nr.40900038627, juridiskā adrese: Krasuhas iela 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklāto konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amatiem (Nautrēnu pagastā, Stružānu pagastā, Dricānu pagastā, Rikavas pagastā un Audriņu pagastā, Sakstagala pagastā, Ozolmuižas pagastā, Kantinieku pagastā). Amata pretendentiem ir jāatbilst prasībām:
- Citizen or non-citizen of the Republic of Latvia.
- The applicant has reached the age of 30 years.
- Pretendents ir ieguvis vismaz akadēmisko bakalaura grādu vai profesionālo bakalaura grādu un 5.līmeņa profesionālo kvalifikāciju vai citu Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 6.līmenim atbilstošu kvalifikāciju pedagoģijā, psiholoģijā, medicīnā, sociālajā darbā vai tiesību zinātnē, izglītības vadībā vai sabiedrības vadībā un kurai ir ne mazāk kā triju gadu darba stāžs attiecīgi iegūtās izglītības tematiskajā jomā vai bāriņtiesas priekšsēdētāja, bāriņtiesas priekšsēdētāja vietnieka vai bāriņtiesas locekļa amata pienākumu pildīšanā.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- Perfect reputation.
- High stress resilience and sense of responsibility, good communication and communication capabilities.
- Strategic and analytical thinking.
- Good computer skills, skills to work with office equipment and information technologies, document preparation skills.
- Control of the laws and regulations for the proper execution of the duties assigned to the position.
- A driving licence of category B is desirable.
- The skills necessary for professional activities of foreign languages (Russian and English).
- There is no obstacle to the position of a member of the Orphan's court referred to in Section 11 of the Orphan's Law Law.
- Applicants may submit:
- papildus apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopiju par speciālo zināšanu apguvi Ministru kabineta 2006.gada 5.decembra noteikumu Nr.984 noteiktajā apjomā un kārtībā;
- copies of additional training supporting documents shall be completed during the last five years corresponding to the performance of the duties.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 1136 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2024.gada 2.maija.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
- letter of motivation;
- pretendenta dzīves un darba gaitu apraksts CV (Curriculum Vitae) ar obligātu norādi uz pieredzi un zināšanām bērnu tiesību aizsardzības jautājumos, CV jānorāda dzimšanas dati, kontakttālrunis, e-pasts saziņai;
- Copies of educational documents conforming to the requirements of the Regulation (Section 10, Paragraph two of the Orphan's Court Law);
- pretendents var iesniegt amata pienākumu izpildei atbilstošu papildu apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, kā arī rekomendācijas;
- apliecinājums, ka uz pretendentu neattiecas Bāriņtiesu likuma 11. pantā noteiktie ierobežojumi;
- veidlapa par pieteikšanos uz Bāriņtiesas locekļa pienākumu izpildi Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības teritoriālajās vienībās ( pielikums Nr.1.);
- the application form.
Dokumentus ar norādi “Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amata konkurss” var iesniegt līdz 2024. gada 12. aprīlim, plkst.13.00:
- nosūtot uz e-pasta adresi:, dokumentiem jābūt parakstītiem ar drošu elektronisko parakstu,
- personīgi, slēgtā aploksnē ar attiecīgu uzrakstu uz aploksnes, iesniedzot Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesā, Krasuhas ielā 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novadā, LV-4611, bāriņtiesas kabinetā, vai ievietojot korespondencei paredzētajā pastkastītē pie Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas ēkas iepriekšminētajā adresē.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – interview - the applicants whose documents submitted conform to the requirements laid down in the tender regulations are invited.
Pamatojoties uz Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas (ES) 2016/679 par fizisko personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti un ar ko atceļ Direktīvu 95/46 EK (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula), 13. pantu, Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa informē, ka pieteikuma dokumentos norādītie personas dati tiks apstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu atlases konkursa norisi; minētās personas datu apstrādes pārzinis ir Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601. Lai iepazītos ar informāciju par personas datu apstrādi Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā, aicinām apmeklēt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības tīmekļa vietni:
Papildinformācija pa 20228847 vai 64640644.
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes (reģ. Nr. 40900027407) Saimniecības un tehniskā nodrošinājuma nodaļas Stružānu pagastā – vieglās automašīnas vadītāja amatu (1 likme) uz nenoteiktu laiku.
The main tasks of the work:
- Driving a car, maintaining it in working order;
- Carry out service journeys only in accordance with the instructions of the Head of Administration and responsible for road transport;
- Pārvadāt Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes darbiniekus braucienos pašvaldības funkciju veikšanai;
- To carry out accurate tracking and fuel consumption and fuel consumption of light cars;
- Monitor the technical condition of the light car and carry out detailed repairs;
- The timely release of the trademarks in accounting;
- Comply with the prescribed fuel consumption standards;
- Respect road traffic rules and good driving manners.
Requirements for candidates:
- B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecības (stāžs 5 gadi un vairāk), vēlama D kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība;
- Know the technical design of the light car;
- The desired higher or secondary education in the automation;
- Vidējā vai vidējā speciālā izglītība;
- A high sense of responsibility;
- Good communication and cooperation skills;
- Skill in the team;
- Darba pieredze līdzīgā amatā;
- Prasme pieņemt lēmumus un izrādīt iniciatīvu.
Ar amata aprakstu var iepazīties pie lietvedes - Miera iela 14A, Strūžāni, Stružānu pagasts.
We offer:
- pilna laika darbu (1 likme);
- mēnešalga automašīnas vadītāja amatam 750.00 EUR;
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- a copy of the certificate of education;
- letter of motivation.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
Otrajā kārtā – darba intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem pretendentiem.
Dokumenti jāiesniedz personīgi līdz 2024. gada 2. aprīlim (ieskaitot) Stružānu pagastā pie lietvedes vai pieteikums elektroniski jāsūta uz e-pastu, vai nosūta pa pastu (adrese: “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4615).
Informācija pa telefonu 64667552
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu Maltas pagasta Maltas kultūras namā (1,00 darba slodze uz noteiktu laiku).
Requirements for the applicant:
- vēlama augstākā vai vidējā speciālā izglītība;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2024. gada 27. marta plkst. 9.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 998 EUR, atbilstoši novērtējumam. Atalgojums pārbaudes laikā – 948,10 EUR.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciālists Dace Škrjaba (; tālr. 28305472).
Administration of Malta Association
aicina darbā lietvedi (ar arhīva un saimnieciskiem pienākumiem)
Feimaņu pamatskolā uz noteiktu laiku
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedes (ar arhīva un saimnieciskiem pienākumiem) Feimaņu pamatskolā amatu uz noteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- average vocational or higher education;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- the need for regulatory expertise in the field of records, staff, labour law and the ability to address them and the ability to carry out their analysis and application;
- the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the management system must be familiar;
- rational skills of the work organisation, the system of systematisation, the ability to identify errors and eliminate them immediately;
- the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā (3 mēneši) – 825,00 EUR.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika saskaņā ar ikgadējo darba izpildes novērtēšanas anketu.
Ar konkursa nolikumu, amata aprakstu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “lietvede Feimaņu pamatskolā”” up to 2024. gada 13. marta plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 2024. gada 13. marta plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldei, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts:
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu darba interviju par pretendentu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Viļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ Nr. 40900036645) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes amatu "Ceļu būvtehniķis", uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- average vocational or higher education;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta iepriekšējā pieredze ceļu uzturēšanas vai ceļu (ielu, tiltu) projektēšanas vai būvniecības jomā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas;
- spēja patstāvīgi iegūt informāciju ceļu būvniecības, autoceļu ikdienas un periodiskās uzturēšanas, autoceļu (ielu, tiltu) uzturēšanas tehnoloģiju attīstības, kā arī satiksmes organizācijas jautājumos;
- spēja strādāt komandā, spēja plānot, koordinēt un vadīt pašvaldības autoceļu un ielu infrastruktūras attīstības un uzturēšanas darbus;
- spēja organizēt darba izpildi, patstāvīgi pilnveidot amata kompetenci;
- spēja plānot budžetu, kontrolēt budžeta līdzekļu izlietojumu grāmatvedības un resursu vadības lietojumprogrammās;
- spēja sastādīt vienkāršotas ceļu remontdarbu tāmes, darba uzdevumus un specifikācijas;
- labas komunikācijas spējas, augsta atbildības sajūta, precizitāte un spēja strādāt komandā;
- labas datorlietošanas prasmes (programmas MS Word, Excel);
- iniciatīva, analītiska domāšana, spēja konstatēt problēmu un piedāvāt tās risināšanas variantus;
- Category B driving licence.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 972,00
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire ar norādi "Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvalde Ceļu būvtehniķa amatam" līdz 2024. gada 15. martam plkst. 16.00 sūtīt uz e-pastu vai līdz 2024. gada 15. martam plkst. 16.00 iesniegt Viļānu apvienības pārvalde Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļānos.
Contact: 64628033; 29357314.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to the second round – work interview.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.Nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto Specializētā automobiļa vadītāja amatu (uz noteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- vispārējā vidējā izglītība;
- zināšanas par darbā izmantojamo tehnisko līdzekļu darbības principiem to lietošanas nosacījumiem;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Category B driving licence.
Principal duties:
- uzturēt tehniskā kārtībā transporta līdzekli, veikt automobiļa tehniskās apskates;
- regulāri aizpildīt ceļazīmes un nodot atskaites par izlietoto degvielu pamatojoties uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības 2022. gada 3. februāra noteikumiem Nr.4 "Par transportlīdzekļu izmantošanu un izdevumu uzskaites kārtību Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā";
- nodrošināt aprūpētāju un citu sociālajā aprūpē un sociālajā rehabilitācijā iesaistīto speciālistu nogādāšanu pie klientiem;
- atbildēt par drošību automobilī brauciena laikā;
- palīdzēt klientiem iekāpt un izkāpt no automobiļa veikt asistenta pienākumus, pārvadājot un pavadot klientus pie ģimenes ārsta vai uz ārstniecības iestādi;
- nodrošināt guļošas personas fizisku atbalstu transportēšanas laikā.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 5,17 EUR/h
Darba laika organizācija – summētais darba laiks.
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 5. martam (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- Vadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- Izglītības apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- the application form.
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Vadītājas vietniece Inta Greivule-Loca ( tālrunis 64607181)
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas pagasta bibliotekāra amatu
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā akadēmiskā vai profesionālā; vidējā speciālā izglītība bibliotēku darba jomā vai cita izglītība un tālākizglītības kursu beigšanas sertifikāts bibliotēku darba jomā;
- desirable work experience in the field of library work;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations in the field of libraries, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- skills to work with computer, information technology, office technique;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām datubāzēm un citām elektroniskajām sistēmām, prasme strādāt ar bibliotēku informācijas sistēmu (BIS) Alise tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību;
- be able to plan and organise their own and library work, with creative thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high sense of contact and a sense of responsibility.
Remuneration of basic work 722,95 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Candidates must submit:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- izglītības apliecinoša dokumenta kopija.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde ”Maltas pagasta bibliotekāra amatu“” jāiesniedz elektroniski līdz 2024. gada 26. februārim plkst. 9.00 Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldē uz e-pastu:
Kontaktinformācija: Dace Škrjaba, tālr. 28305472
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvalde aicina darbā arhitektu
Announcing open contest to vacancy arhitekta the position. The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība arhitekta specialitātē;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS;
- good contact abilities, reasoning skills;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- teicamas prasmes darbā ar datoru (MS Word, Excel);
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Principal duties:
- Participate in the development of draft regulatory enactments regarding the architectural and aesthetic issues of the environmental environment.
- To examine applications and take decisions regarding the intention of construction, as well as to examine the fulfilment of the conditions laid down in the decisions and the content of the documents submitted in the amount specified in regulatory enactments;
- Assess the conformity of construction works with construction projects, the documentation of construction projects;
- Participate in the Commission's work on the recruitment of construction sites;
- Plan the development of the environmental environment and develop a vision for the overall image of the architectural elements;
- Review and co-ordinate promotional/signer projects and prepare signs/ad passport;
- Participate in the public consultation of the construction project, prepare a report and a proposal for a decision on the results of public consultation;
- In the framework of its competence, prepare answers, draft answers to the submissions of natural and legal persons;
- Preparing documents for examination in the meetings of the construction board, local government committees and council;
- To provide information regarding the conditions of utilisation and building of the territory;
- Provide advice on the procedures for the construction process.
Mēnešalga arhitekta amatam ir EUR 450,00 par 0,3 slodzi (0,3 likmi).
Pamatdarba vieta: “Lazdas”, Balbišos, Ozolaines pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality,
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes arhitekta amatu” līdz 2024. gada 20. februāra plkst. 12.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai jāievieto pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, Rēzeknē. Kontaktinformācija 26531328.. Pretendentu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata pretendentus iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata pretendentu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests (reģ.Nr. 40900003729) aicina pieteikties uz vakanto THE POSITION OF a SOCIAL WORKER WITH CHILDREN IN a Dricānu association (for an indefinite period)
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work with families with children;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- teicamas valsts valodas zināšanas un krievu valodas zināšanas saziņas līmen
- work with a computer at a good user level.
Principal duties:
- To inform and advise families with children regarding their right to social services and social assistance and the opportunities for their implementation, as well as co-operation obligations in the receipt of social services and social assistance;
- To accept and register the written and oral submissions of a person, to ensure the examination of applications in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- Assess the social situation of families with children, if necessary, visit the family at the place of residence or location and agree on a social problem which needs to be supported;
- Carry out risk assessment or multi-stage evaluation in families with children with disabilities;
- Identify and raise the necessary resources in managing or addressing social cases, taking into account the specificities of social work in various areas of practice;
- Develop and implement individual social rehabilitation plans, change and complement them according to identified social challenges and needs
Pamatdarba atalgojums 935,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Workload - full-time work.
Pretendents līdz 2024. gada 7. februārim. (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- application questionnaire
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: vai iesniegt personiski Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienestā 11. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne).
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Vadītājas vietniece Inta Greivule-Loca (tālrunis 64607181)
- vidējā speciālā vai pirmā līmeņa augstākā medicīniskā izglītība;
- reģistrācija Ārstniecības personu reģistrā;
- good computer skills;
- a high sense of responsibility;
- labas saskarsmes un organizatoriskās prasmes;
- spēja strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā.
- respondentu iekļaušana pētījumā;
- procedūru māsas pienākumi (venozo asins paraugu ņemšana, to sagatavošana glabāšanai u. c.;
- antropometrisko mērījumu veikšana;
- pētījuma dalībnieku intervēšana un informācijas ievadīšana datu bāzē (apmācības nodrošinām);
- darbs ar laboratorijas iekārtām;
- elptesta veikšana;
- eradikācijas terapiju izsniegšana.
We offer:
- Iespēju piedalīties unikālā zinātniskā pētījumā;
- atbildīgu, dinamisku un interesantu pilnas slodzes darbu uz projekta realizācijas laiku;
- atbilstošas apmācības darba pienākumu veikšanai;
- iespēju profesionāli pilnveidoties un gūt vērtīgu pieredzi;
- darba laiks – 40 stundas nedēļā;
- atalgojums (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) - 1350 EUR.
Kontaktpersona Aiga Rūdule, LU KPMI Vadošais eksperts, GISTAR pētījuma koordinators, tālr. 26443802, e-pasts
Darba meklētāji tiek aicināti reģistrēties tiešsaistes semināram, lai uzzinātu vairāk par NVA pakalpojumiem un atbalstu darba meklēšanā, droša darba meklēšanu ārvalstīs, sociālo drošību, strādājot ārvalstīs, administratīvajām procedūrām un dokumentiem, kas nepieciešami aizbraucot vai atgriežoties Latvijā.
Seminārs notiks attālināti Zoom platformā ceturtdien, 8. februārī plkst. 10.00 – 11.00.
Dalībai tiešsaistes seminārā var pieteikties elektroniski:
Jautājumu gadījumā, sazinieties ar konsultanti EURES jautājumos
Zani Meļķi, e-pasts, tālrunis +371 25678091
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvalde Feimaņu pagasta jaunatnes darbinieka vakanto amatu
The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- developing digital content (affinity, social networking content);
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- prasme pieņemt lēmumus un izrādīt iniciatīvu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 413,00 EUR (0,5 slodze Feimaņu pagastā)
Description of the position, by-laws, application form - can be found on the website of the municipality,
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvalde vakanci “Jaunatnes darbinieks Feimaņu pagastā”” līdz 2024. gada 15. februārim plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 2024. gada 15. februārim plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei 3.kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
The applicant must submit:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- application questionnaire
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tālr. 27870687, e-pasts
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļa aicina darbā teritorijas plānotāju (2 vakances)
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas teritorijas plānotāja amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība vai nepabeigta augstākā izglītība (pēdējo kursu studenti) - inženierzinātnēs, arhitektūrā (tai skaitā ainavu), pilsētplānošanā, telpiskās attīstības plānošanā, teritorijas plānošanā, zemes ierīcībā, ģeogrāfijā vai sociālajās zinātnēs;
- understanding of the development of municipal planning documents;
- a desirable experience in the development of local government planning documents, spatial planning or land use;
- experience of working with cartographic material and experience at work with drawing computer programs (Micro Station, AutoCAD, ArcGIS) at user level;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Mēnešalga teritorijas plānotāja amatam pārbaudes laikā ir EUR 1105,00, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas teritorijas plānotāja amatu” līdz 2024. gada 1. februāra plkst. 12.00 send to e-mail vai jāievieto pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, Rēzeknē vai jānosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi. Kontaktinformācija 64607185, 26582773. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvalde aicina darbā juristu
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto Būvvaldes jurista the position
Requirements for the applicant:
- Augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē;
- Vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā;
- Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language;
- The ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- Knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- Communication, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making.
Principal duties:
- Piedalīties Būvvaldes sēdēs un lēmumu pieņemšanā par iesniegtajiem būvniecības iesniegumiem, būvprojektiem minimālā sastāvā, būvprojektiem, apliecinājuma kartēm, paskaidrojuma rakstiem, atzinumiem par būves pārbaudi.
- Patvaļīgas būvniecības gadījumā sadarbībā ar būvinspektoru sagatavot attiecīgu atzinumu, pārbaudīt administratīvo aktu atbilstību spēkā esošajām tiesību normām, sagatavot lēmumu projektus par Atzinumiem administratīvajās un administratīvo pārkāpumu lietās, kā arī pašvaldības domes lēmumu projektus Būvvaldes darbības jomā.
- Savas kompetences ietvaros sagatavot Būvvaldes administratīvo aktu un lēmumu projektus.
- Veikt Būvvaldes darbinieku sagatavoto administratīvo aktu projektu un iesniegto dokumentu tiesiskuma kontroli.
- Kontrolēt Būvvaldes lēmumu izpildi, sagatavojot brīdinājumus un piespiedu izpildes dokumentus.
- Sniegt informāciju un juridiska rakstura konsultācijas pašvaldības iestāžu vadītājiem, Centrālās pārvaldes vadītājiem un darbiniekiem nodaļas darbības jomā.
- Nodaļas kompetences jomā analizēt, iztulkot un piemērot tiesību normas, kā arī izstrādāt un sagatavot juridiska rakstura dokumentus pašvaldības Centrālajai pārvaldei.
- Sagatavot priekšlikumus par spēkā esošo rīkojumu, nolikumu, instrukciju, kā arī citu pašvaldības izdoto normatīvo aktu grozīšanu vai spēku zaudējušo atcelšanu, kas saistīti nodaļas darbības jomu un ar amata pienākumu veikšanu.
- Sagatavot atbildes uz personu iesniegtajām sūdzībām, priekšlikumiem un iesniegumiem Būvvaldē un pašvaldībā saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes priekšsēdētāja, domes priekšsēdētāja vietnieka, pašvaldības izpilddirektora vai viņa vietnieka, vai nodaļas vadītāja norādījumiem.
Mēnešalga jurista amatam pārbaudes laikā EUR 1156,00 par 1 slodzi. Pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši darbinieka novērtējumam.
Pamatdarba vieta: -“Lazdas”, Balbišos, Ozolaines pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas un pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā ar norādi "Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes jurista amatu" līdz 2024. gada 1. februāra plkst. 12.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai jāievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, Rēzeknē, LV-4601 vai sūtīt pieteikumu pa pastu uz norādīto adresi. Kontaktinformācija 26531328. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Dricānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027407) aicina darbā vadītāja vietnieku plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Higher education;
- Vismaz 3 (trīs) gadu darba pieredze pašvaldības institūcijā vai valsts pārvaldē;
- Nepieciešamas plašas normatīvo aktu zināšanas un spēja tajos orientēties, kā arī prasme veikt tiesību aktu analīzi un piemērošanu;
- Jāpārzina pašvaldības darbība, tās organizatoriskā struktūra un pārvaldes sistēma;
- Racionāla darba organizācijas prasme, sistematizācijas prasme, spēja identificēt kļūdas un nekavējoties tās novērst;
- Prasme lietot praksē teorētiskās zināšanas;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- The knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu;
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte;
- Nevainojama reputācija
Mēnešalga vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatam pārbaudes laikā ir EUR 1770,00, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes vadītāja vietnieka plānošanas un īpašumu apsaimniekošanas jautājumos amatu” līdz 2024. gada 5. februāra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei vai nosūta uz e-pastu, vai nosūta pa pastu (adrese: “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4615). Kontaktinformācija- iestādes Dricānu apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Andrejs Tārauds, tel.29388271. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Dricānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027407) aicina darbā uzskaitvedi grāmatvedības nodaļā
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes grāmatvdības nodaļas uzskaitveža amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Augstākā, pirmā līmeņa augstākā izglītība vai nepabeigta augstākā izglītība (pēdējo kursu studenti) (ekonomika, grāmatvedība);
- Amatam vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze grāmatvedības darbā, vēlama pieredze pašvaldības grāmatvedības uzskaitē;
- Normatīvo aktu zināšanas grāmatvedības jomā, spēja tajos orientēties un piemērot;
- Spēja analizēt lielāka apjoma dokumentus, novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- Zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu;
- Zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- Valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
Mēnešalga uzskaitveža amatam pārbaudes laikā ir EUR 781,00, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi "Konkursam uz Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes grāmatvedības nodaļas uzskaitveža amatu" līdz 2024. gada 5. februāra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei vai nosūta uz e-pastu, vai nosūta pa pastu (adrese: “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4615). Kontaktinformācija – iestādes Dricānu apvienības pārvalde galvenā grāmatvde Vija Dundeniece, tālr. 28703307. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
RĒZEKNES NOVADA BĀRIŅTIESA (reģ.Nr.40900038627, juridiskā adrese: Krasuhas iela 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4611) izsludina atklāto konkursu uz Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amatu (Nautrēnu pagastā, Stružānu pagastā, Dricānu pagastā, Rikavas pagastā). Amata pretendentiem ir jāatbilst prasībām:
- Citizen or non-citizen of the Republic of Latvia.
- The applicant has reached the age of 30 years.
- Pretendents ir ieguvis vismaz akadēmisko bakalaura grādu vai profesionālo bakalaura grādu un 5.līmeņa profesionālo kvalifikāciju vai citu Latvijas izglītības klasifikācijā noteiktajam Eiropas kvalifikācijas ietvarstruktūras 6.līmenim atbilstošu kvalifikāciju pedagoģijā, psiholoģijā, medicīnā, sociālajā darbā vai tiesību zinātnē, izglītības vadībā vai sabiedrības vadībā un kurai ir ne mazāk kā triju gadu darba stāžs attiecīgi iegūtās izglītības tematiskajā jomā vai bāriņtiesas priekšsēdētāja, bāriņtiesas priekšsēdētāja vietnieka vai bāriņtiesas locekļa amata pienākumu pildīšanā.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- Perfect reputation.
- High stress resilience and sense of responsibility, good communication and communication capabilities.
- Strategic and analytical thinking.
- Good computer skills, skills to work with office equipment and information technologies, document preparation skills.
- Control of the laws and regulations for the proper execution of the duties assigned to the position.
- A driving licence of category B is desirable.
- The skills necessary for professional activities of foreign languages (Russian and English).
- There is no obstacle to the position of a member of the Orphan's court referred to in Section 11 of the Orphan's Law Law.
- Applicants may submit:
- papildus apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopiju par speciālo zināšanu apguvi Ministru kabineta 2006. gada 5. decembra noteikumu Nr. 984 noteiktajā apjomā un kārtībā;
- copies of additional training supporting documents shall be completed during the last five years corresponding to the performance of the duties.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 1136 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Amata pienākumu izpildi būtu vēlams uzsākt no 2024. gada 1. marta.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
- letter of motivation;
- pretendenta dzīves un darba gaitu apraksts CV (Curriculum Vitae) ar obligātu norādi uz pieredzi un zināšanām bērnu tiesību aizsardzības jautājumos, CV jānorāda dzimšanas dati, kontakttālrunis, e-pasts saziņai;
- Copies of educational documents conforming to the requirements of the Regulation (Section 10, Paragraph two of the Orphan's Court Law);
- pretendents var iesniegt amata pienākumu izpildei atbilstošu papildu apmācību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, kā arī rekomendācijas;
- apliecinājums, ka uz pretendentu neattiecas Bāriņtiesu likuma 11. pantā noteiktie ierobežojumi;
- the application form.
Dokumentus ar norādi “Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas locekļa amata konkurss” var iesniegt līdz 2024. gada 9. februārim, plkst.13.00:
- nosūtot uz e-pasta adresi, dokumentiem jābūt parakstītiem ar drošu elektronisko parakstu,
- personīgi, slēgtā aploksnē ar attiecīgu uzrakstu uz aploksnes, iesniedzot Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesā, Krasuhas ielā 1A, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novadā, LV-4611, bāriņtiesas kabinetā, vai ievietojot korespondencei paredzētajā pastkastītē pie Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesas ēkas iepriekšminētajā adresē.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – interview - the applicants whose documents submitted conform to the requirements laid down in the tender regulations are invited.
Pamatojoties uz Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulas (ES) 2016/679 par fizisko personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti un ar ko atceļ Direktīvu 95/46 EK (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula), 13. pantu, Rēzeknes novada bāriņtiesa informē, ka pieteikuma dokumentos norādītie personas dati tiks apstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu atlases konkursa norisi; minētās personas datu apstrādes pārzinis ir Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601. Lai iepazītos ar informāciju par personas datu apstrādi Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā, aicinām apmeklēt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības tīmekļa vietni:
Papildinformācija pa 20228847 vai 64640644.
Dricānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027407) aicina darbā projektu vadītāju
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes projektu vadītāja amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Augstākā izglītība vai nepabeigta augstākā izglītība (pēdējo kursu studenti) (ekonomika, vadības zinātnes, juridiskā)
- Amatam vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze projektu vadībā un projektu pieteikumu izstrādē, vēlama pieredze pašvaldības projektu vadībā un projektu pieteikumu izstrādē;
- Zināšanas un izpratne par finansējuma piesaistes iespējām pašvaldību projektiem;
- Zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- Valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
Mēnešalga projektu vadītāja amatam pārbaudes laikā ir EUR 901,00, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes projektu vadītāja amatu” līdz 2024. gada 31. janvāra plkst. 16.30 iesniedz Dricānu apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei vai nosūta uz e-pastu, vai nosūta pa pastu (adrese: “Pagastmāja”, Dricāni, Dricānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4615). Kontaktinformācija – iestādes Dricānu apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Andrejs Tārauds, tel. 29388271. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina” aicina darbā Veļas pārzini (uz nenoteiktu laiku) 1 vakance
Basic duties of the office:
- nodrošināt centra klientu kvalitatīvas aprūpes vajadzībām nepieciešamo mīksto inventāru.
- veikt tekstilizstrādājumu uzskaiti, mazgāšanu, gludināšanu, komplektēšanu;
- veikt pareizu veļas pieņemšanu, šķirošanu;
- nepieciešamības gadījumā šūt un labot klientu apģērbus, pārējos tekstilmateriālus;
- sagatavot veļas mazgājamās mašīnas programmu uzstādījumus, atbilstoši noteiktām prasībām;
- plānot veļas mazgātavas inventāra un līdzekļu iegādi, uzraudzīt to racionālu un efektīvu izlietojumu;
- piedalīties veļas stāvokļa izvērtēšanā un nepieciešamības gadījumā sagatavot tās norakstīšanas dokumentāciju;
- savas kompetences ietvaros veikt telpu apsekošanu, ar nolūku pārbaudīt tekstilistrādājumu un mīkstā inventāra stāvokli;
- organizēt uzskaiti un materiālo vērtību (tekstilistrādājumu, mīkstā inventāra) kustību.
Position requirements:
- vidējā, vai vidējā profesionālā izglītība;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good computer skills;
- communication and communication skills;
- spēja pieņemt patstāvīgi lēmumus un uzņemties atbildību par savu profesionālo darbību.
CV and motivation letter līdz 2024. gada 19. janvārim e-mail,, with indication “Konkursam uz Veļas pārzines amatu” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rēzeknes novada Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina” calls for work on Interest education teacher amatu (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Basic duties of the office:
- izstrādāt interešu izglītības programmu, paredzot konkrētus un reālus rezultātus;
- interešu izglītības procesu veikt atbilstoši klienta individuālajām vajadzībām un interesēm;
- motivēt uz nodarbību apmeklēšanu, saskatot un aktivizējot klienta iekšējos resursus;
- veikt tematisko nodarbību un sasniegto rezultātu ierakstus Interešu izglītības programmas žurnālā;
- ievērot noteiktus principus darba procesā, ņemot vēra aktivitāšu mērķi un to tematiku;
- ģenerēt un realizēt inovatīvas idejas, organizējot centra klientu brīvo laiku;
- organizēt centra klientu brīvo laiku vakaros un brīvdienās.
Position requirements:
- izglītība atbilstoši normatīvajiem aktiem par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izglītību un profesionālo kvalifikāciju;
- valsts valodas prasmes augstākajā līmenī;
- augstas komunikācijas un sadarbības prasmes.
The target audience: nepilngadīgi klienti.
Alga bruto 1080 EUR
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education līdz 2024. gada 12. februārim send to e-mail,, with indication “Konkursam uz Interešu izglītības skolotāja amatu”
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rēzeknes novada Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina” aicina darbā Mākslas terapeitu (uz nenoteiktu laiku) 1 vakance
Basic duties of the office:
- izstrādāt mākslas terapijas rehabilitācijas pasākumu plānu centra klientiem;
- realizēt mākslas terapijas plānu atbilstoši klientu problēmām un resursiem;
- nodrošināt drošu, korektu un efektīvu uz klientu centrētu aprūpi mākslas terapijas procesā;
- veikt klientu novērtēšanu;
- dokumentēt novērtēšanas rezultātus atbilstoši normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- organizēt un vadīt mākslas terapijas rehabilitācijas nodarbības, u.c.
Position requirements:
- augstākā izglītība ar mākslas terapeita kvalifikāciju;
- sertifikāts, kas apliecina tiesības praktizēt profesijā;
- reģistrācija ārstniecības personu reģistrā;
- valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši latvijas republikas normatīvo tiesību aktu prasībām;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, emocionāla noturība;
- vēlama darba pieredze ārstniecības iestādē;
- good computer skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- vēlama darba pieredze darbā ar bērniem.
CV and motivation letter līdz 2024. gada 19. janvārim e-mail,, with indication “Mākslas terapeita amatu”, phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rēzeknes novada Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina” aicina darbā Aprūpētāju (uz nenoteiktu laiku) 2 vakances
Basic duties of the office:
- developing and improving customer self-care, hygiene, ethical standards and other social skills;
- mācīt klientiem dzīves prasmes, prasmi orientēties savā sociālajā vidē;
- instruct clients to identify needs, set targets and plan actions to achieve it;
- iesaistīt un veicināt klientu līdzdalību brīvā laika pavadīšanā – interešu pulciņos, izglītojošu, kultūras un sporta pasākumu, veselību veicinošu un dažādu citu pasākumu apmeklēšanā un organizēšanā u.c.
- veikt klientu aprūpi sociālā darba speciālista uzraudzībā saskaņā ar klienta individuālo sociālās aprūpes plānu;
- palīdzēt personām, kuras pašas sevi nevar aprūpēt, t.i., veikt klientam ikdienas higiēnas procedūras - sakārtot matus, palīdzēt apgulties vai piecelties no gultas, palīdzēt apģērbties, nomazgāties, apmainīt gultas veļu;
- sekot klienta apģērba un veļas tīrībai, ja nepieciešams, apmainīt to, sekot apavu kārtībai, tīrībai;
- gatavot ēdienu kopā ar klientiem vai saņemt ēdienu no virtuves un izdalīt klientiem istabiņās, nepieciešamības gadījumā barot;
- novērot klientu veselības stāvokli un informēt par to medicīnas māsu vai sociālo darbinieku;
- veikt klientu uzraudzību u.c.
Position requirements:
- vidējā, vai vidējā profesionālā izglītība
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good computer skills;
- communication and communication skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- work experience in social work with children is desirable.
CV and motivation letter līdz 2024. gada 19. janvārim e-mail,, with indication “Konkursam uz Aprūpētāja amatu” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vecākā pavāra amatu Silmalas pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē uz noteiktu laiku
Principal duties:
- vadīt pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes virtuves komandu ;
- plānot nepieciešamo produktu daudzumu, izstrādāt ēdienkartes, kontrolēt produktu izlietošanu un uzglabāšanu;
- kārtot virtuves dokumentāciju;
- atbildēt par ēdiena sagatavošanu un kvalitāti;
- veikt izglītības iestādes virtuvē sistemātisku paškontroli;
- gatavot un pasniegt ēdienu un dzērienu, atbildēt par kvalitāti;
- ievērot un sekot kārtībai, tīrībai virtuvē, ēdnīcā un palīgtelpās.
Requirements for applicants/s:
- izglītība - vidējā profesionālā;
- valsts valodas prasmes augstākajā līmenī;
- rational skills of the work organisation;
- spēja patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- vēlama darba pieredze pavāra darbā.
Applicants/- to apply for up to 2024. gada 3. februārim Pieteikuma vēstule, motivācijas vēstule, CV, izglītību un citu pretendenta kvalifikāciju apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas iesniegt vai nosūtīt pa pastu - “Maltas apvienības pārvalde” (Saules iela 4, Gornica, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV 4630) vai uz e-pastu, tālrunis uzziņām: 646 44830.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes tehniskā strādnieka amatu Maltas pagastā.
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- the right to drive tractors — TR2;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- Category B driving licence.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 700,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakance tehniskais strādnieks līdz 2024. gada 31. janvārim plkst. 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 31. janvārim plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas apvienības pārvalde vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-pasts: (prombūtnes laikā – Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu pieteikumus un iesniegtos dokumentus. Otrajā kārtā – intervija.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes autobusa vadītāja Lūznavas pagastā amatu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary education;
- Compulsory professional experience in the transport of passengers;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- B, C1, D driving licence; code 95; driver card, as the bus is equipped with a digital tachograph.
Principal duties:
- To carry out the transport of pupils by route;
- Carry out the duties of a bus/coach driver in accordance with the instructions of the driver;
- The performance of appropriate documentation, accounting;
- Repair of simple car, maintenance;
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 830,00 EUR – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copy of the driving licence.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “autobusa vadītājs Lūznavā”” līdz 2024. gada 31. janvārim uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 31. janvārim jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē „Maltas apvienības pārvalde”, lietvedei Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pag., Rēzeknes novads.
Papildinformācija pa 64607421 lietvede Ina Tuče Lūznavas pag. Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
For the second round, work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada Tūrisma informācijas centra speciālista vietu (0,5 darba slodze (iespēja apvienot ar Kultūras pasākuma organizatora darbu Lūznavas pagasta kultūras centrā, vakance));
Requirements for the applicant:
- obligāta vidējā izglītība, vēlama izglītība tūrisma, viesmīlības vai komunikācijas jomā;
- vēlama pieredze tūrisma vai viesmīlības jomās;
- teicamas latviešu valodas un angļu valodas zināšanas;
- spēja pielāgoties un darboties elastīgi, strādājot gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā;
- pozitīva attieksme pret klientiem;
- labas datora un biroja tehnikas lietošanas prasmes;
- prasmes informācijas sagatavošanai publicēšanai sociālajos tīklos un drukas materiālos;
- spēja plānot darbu atbilstoši izvirzītajiem mērķiem, prioritātēm un atbilstoši noteiktajam budžetam.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2023. gada 19. janvārim plkst. 9.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 455,05 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika -atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciālists Dace Škrjaba (; tālr. 28305472).
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu Lūznavas pagasta kultūras centrā (1 darba slodze vai 0,5 slodze (apvienojot ar darbu Tūrisma informācijas centrā, vakance ));
Requirements for the applicant:
- vēlama augstākā vai vidējā speciālā izglītība kultūras jomā;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates until 2023. gada 22. janvāra plkst. 9.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pilnas slodzes darbam pārbaudes laikā – 998 EUR, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciālists Dace Škrjaba (; tālr. 28305472).
Viļānu apvienības pārvalde (reģ Nr. 40900036645) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto Viļānu Mūzikas un mākslas skolas lietveža amatu uz noteiktu laiku.
Amata pretendentam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā vai vispārējā vidējā izglītība, profesionālā vidējā izglītība, kas papildināta ar speciālajām zināšanām dokumentu pārvaldības jomā,
- labām iemaņām darbā ar informācijas tehnoloģijām,
- teicamām komunikācijas un sadarbības prasmēm,
- radošai un patstāvīgai pieejai darbam,
- atbildības sajūtai un precizitātei,
- vēlmei apgūt jaunas zināšanas un prasmes,
- prasmei strādāt ar modernām informācijas tehnoloģijām.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 758,00
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire ar norādi "Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvalde Viļānu Mūzikas un mākslas skolas lietveža amatam" līdz 2024. gada 10. janvārim plkst. 12.00 sūtīt uz e-pastu vai līdz 2024. gada 10. janvārim plkst. 12.00 iesniegt Viļānu apvienības pārvalde Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļānos.
Contact: 64628033; 26532699.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to the second round – work interview.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu – 2 vakances
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Krasuhas iela 1A,k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21.panta pirmās daļas 1.,2.,3., un 4.punktā noteiktajām prasībām;
- augstākā (juridiskā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību) vai vismaz pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;
- spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,pašvaldības policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā 3 gadi (pēdējo 5 gadu laikā);
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- zināšanas par dokumentu izstrādi, noformēšanu un uzglabāšanu;valsts valodas zināšanas atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām un vēlams vienas svešvalodas zināšanas saziņas līmenī;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte;nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1150,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam. Inspektoram ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 5. janvārim plkst. 14.00 ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas inspektora amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- autovadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- apliecinājumu, ka pretendents ir informēts un piekrīt, ka saņemto dokumentu izvērtēšanas konkursa komisija iegūs datus no Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Sodu reģistra par personas sodāmībām un administratīvajiem pārkāpumiem. (pielikumā veidlapa)
Kontaktinformācija: tālr.28080456
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas priekšnieka vietnieka amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas priekšnieka vietnieka amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Krasuhas iela 1A,k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21. panta pirmajā un otrajā daļā noteiktajām prasībām;
- higher education in the speciality of legal sciences;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;
- spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,
- pašvaldības policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā 5 gadi (pēdējo 5 gadu laikā);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze pašvaldības vai valsts institūcijās vairāk par 5 gadi;
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte;
- nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
- prasme plānot un organizēt savu un citu darba laiku, resursus un procesus.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1300,00 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika – atbilstoši novērtējumam. Priekšnieka vietniekam ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2024. gada 5. janvārim plkst. 14.00 ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas priekšnieka vietnieka amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- autovadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- apliecinājumu, ka pretendents ir informēts un piekrīt, ka saņemto dokumentu izvērtēšanas konkursa komisija iegūs datus no Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Sodu reģistra par personas sodāmībām un administratīvajiem pārkāpumiem (pielikumā veidlapa)
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 28080456
Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) darba dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Nautrēnu apvienības pārvalde”, (reģ.Nr.40900027430, adrese: “PAGASTMĀJA”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV 4652), izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Verēmu pamatskolas lietveža (ar personāla uzskaites un arhivāra pienākumiem) amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Verēmu pamatskolas lietveža (ar personāla uzskaites un arhivāra pienākumiem) amatu
Pamatdarba vieta: “Verēmu pamatskola”, adrese: Sondoru-Škeņevas ciems, Vērēmu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV 4647.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- vēlama augstākā izglītība vai vidējā profesionālā lietvedības jomā:
- amatam vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā vismaz 2 (divi) gadi;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems;
- pieredze darbā ar reģistriem, datu bāzēm, personālvadību, arhīvu;
- zināšanas par dokumentu, personāla un arhīva pārvaldības normatīvajiem aktiem;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- pārzināt iestādes struktūru, informācijas plūsmas mehānismu, likumdošanu informācijas izmantošanā, sniegšanā, datu aizsardzībā;
- The knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte.
Remuneration of basic work 821,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2023. gada 27. decembrim plkst. 16.00 send to e-mail vai ievieto Nautrēnu apvienības pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas “Pagastmāja”, Rogovkā, Nautrēnu pagastā, Rēzeknes novadā, vai iesniedz personīgi Nautrēnu apvienības pārvaldes vecākajai lietvedei, vai lietvedei Vērēmu pagastā Centra iela 1, Sondori-Škeņeva, Vērēmu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi „Konkursam uz “Nautrēnu apvienības pārvalde” struktūrvienības “Lietvedības un personāla nodaļa” Vērēmu pamatskolas lietveža (ar personāla uzskaites un arhivāra pienākumiem) amatu”, kurā ir ievietoti šādi dokumenti:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Pa pastu nosūtīts pieteikums un tam pievienotie dokumenti tiks izskatīti, ja tie tiks saņemti līdz 2023. gada 27. decembrim plkst. 16.00.
Kontaktinformācija pa tālr. 64628805; 64628833.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas lietveža (ar personāla
uzskaites un arhivāra pienākumiem) the position
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas lietveža (ar personāla uzskaites un arhivāra pienākumiem) amatu .
Pamatdarba vieta: Krasuhas iela 1A,k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (izņemot 1. līmeņa);
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- prasme strādāt ar elektroniskajām dokumentu vadības sistēmām (vismaz vienu);
- pieredze darbā ar valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm, personālvadību, arhīvu;
- zināšanas par dokumentu, personāla un arhīvu pārvaldības normatīvajiem aktiem;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- spēja analizēt dokumentus un novērtēt to atbilstību normatīvajam ietvaram;
- spēja strādāt ar lielu informācijas apjomu un prasme veikt uzdotos uzdevumus arī paaugstinātas intensitātes apstākļos;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- ar pašvaldības darbu saistītā normatīvā regulējuma pārzināšana un izmantošana pienākumu veikšanā;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,
Remuneration of basic work 891,00 EUR pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2023. gada 8. decembrim plkst. 14.00 ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas lietveža (ar personāla uzskaites un arhivāra pienākumiem) amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Kontaktinformācija pa tālr. 28080456.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība (reģ. Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas vecākā inspektora amatu
Tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto (uz nenoteiktu laiku ) Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas vecākā inspektora amatu (valsts amatpersonas amats).
Pamatdarba vieta: Krasuhas iela 1A,k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- atbilstība likuma “Par policiju” 21. panta pirmās daļas 1.,2.,3., un 4. punktā noteiktajām prasībām;
- augstākā (juridiskā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību) vai vismaz pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība tiesību zinātņu specialitātē;
- normatīvo aktu pārzināšana administratīvo pārkāpumu jomā, kā arī spēja patstāvīgi strādāt APS sistēmā un Administratīvā procesa likuma izpratne;
- “B” kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība un ne mazāk kā 3 gadus ilgs autovadītāja stāžs;
- laba fiziska sagatavotība un stresa noturība;
- spēja darboties komandā, kā arī patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus;
- labas saskarsmes spējas, precizitāte un augsta atbildības sajūta,
- pašvaldības policijas darbu reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
- spēja sastādīt procesuālos dokumentus (iesniegumus, lēmumus, pieņemt liecības, sastādīt apskates protokolus u.t.t);
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatīta darba pieredze sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanā vai tiesībsargājošās institūcijās, ne mazāk kā 3 gadi;
- zināšanas par pašvaldības darbību, tās organizatorisko struktūru un pārvaldes sistēmu, par pašvaldības Saistošajiem noteikumiem un spēja tajos orientēties;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- prasme strādāt ar datoru, dokumentu vadības sistēmām, e-pastu;
- nevainojama reputācija, lojalitāte;
- nav aizlieguma patstāvīgi glabāt un nēsāt šaujamieroci, kas tiks izsniegts lietošanai dienesta vajadzībām;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1250,00 during probationary period -atbilstoši novērtējumam. Vecākajam inspektoram ir noteikts summētais darba laiks.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2023. gada 24. novembrim plkst. 14.00 ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada Pašvaldības policijas vecākā inspektora amatu” ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norāda informāciju par izvirzītajām prasībām, tajā aprakstot pretendenta iepriekšējo pieredzi;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- autovadītāja apliecības kopiju;
- apliecinājumu, ka pretendents ir informēts un piekrīt, ka saņemto dokumentu izvērtēšanas konkursa komisija iegūs datus no Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centra Sodu reģistra par personas sodāmībām un administratīvajiem pārkāpumiem (pielikumā veidlapa)
Kontaktinformācija: tālr. 28080456
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvalde aicina darbā arhitektu
Announcing open contest to vacancy arhitekta the position. The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība arhitekta speciālitātē;
- par priekšrocību tiks uzskatītas prasmes darbā BIS;
- good contact abilities, reasoning skills;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- teicamas prasmes darbā ar datoru (MS Word, Excel);
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
Principal duties:
- Participate in the development of draft regulatory enactments regarding the architectural and aesthetic issues of the environmental environment.
- To examine applications and take decisions regarding the intention of construction, as well as to examine the fulfilment of the conditions laid down in the decisions and the content of the documents submitted in the amount specified in regulatory enactments;
- Assess the conformity of construction works with construction projects, the documentation of construction projects;
- Participate in the Commission's work on the recruitment of construction sites;
- Plan the development of the environmental environment and develop a vision for the overall image of the architectural elements;
- Review and co-ordinate promotional/signer projects and prepare signs/ad passport;
- Participate in the public consultation of the construction project, prepare a report and a proposal for a decision on the results of public consultation;
- In the framework of its competence, prepare answers, draft answers to the submissions of natural and legal persons;
- Preparing documents for examination in the meetings of the construction board, local government committees and council;
- To provide information regarding the conditions of utilisation and building of the territory;
- Provide advice on the procedures for the construction process.
Mēnešalga arhitekta amatam ir EUR 450,00 par 0,3 slodzi (0,3 likmi) (saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu).
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality,
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas, pieteikuma anketu (atrodama pašvaldības mājaslapā, likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Būvvaldes arhitekta amatu” līdz 2023. gada 22. novembra plkst. 12.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai jāievieto pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, Rēzeknē. Kontaktinformācija 26531328.
Pretendentu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – amata pretendentu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi un darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļa aicina darbā projektu vadītāju
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto projektu vadītāja amatu. Amata pretendentam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība (vēlams inženierzinātnēs, ekonomikā);
- pieredze un zināšanas projektu vadībā un projektu pieteikumu izstrādē, vēlama pieredze pašvaldības projektu vadībā un projektu pieteikumu izstrādē;
- a desirable understanding of funding opportunities for local government projects;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Mēnešalga projektu vadītāja amatam ir EUR 1170,00 (saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu).
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas projektu vadītāja amatu” līdz 2023. gada 17. novembra plkst.12.00 send to e-mail vai jāievieto pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, Rēzeknē. Kontaktinformācija 64607185, 26582773. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība “Nautrēnu apvienības pārvalde” (reģ Nr. 40900027430) announce open konkursu uz vakanto jurista/ iepirkumu speciālista the position.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
- vēlama augstākā (otrā līmeņa) izglītība juridisko zinātņu specialitātē vai finanses-grāmatvedība;
- amatam vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā vismaz 2 (divi) gadi;
- prasmes tiesvedības procesu dokumentu sagatavošanā, darbs ar dažādiem valsts reģistriem, datu bāzēm un pieredze parādu piedziņā, kas izšķiroties par pretendenta atbilstību, var tikt uzskatīta par priekšrocību; pieredze iepirkumu darba organizēšanā un veikšanā;
- knowledge of the national language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- communication, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making.
Remuneration of basic work during the examination EUR 957,60
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika EUR 1008,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Applicants until 2023. gada 17. novembra plkst. 10.00 send to e-mail vai iesniedz personīgi iestādē „Nautrēnu apvienības pārvalde” lietvedei, vai ievieto Nautrēnu apvienības pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas “Pagastmāja”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes „Nautrēnu apvienības pārvalde” jurista-iepirkumu speciālista amatu” un kurā ir ievietoti šādi dokumenti:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - iestādes „Nautrēnu apvienības pārvalde” vadītājs Līvija Plavinska, tel. 29468107, e-pasts
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Viļānu Association Board” (tail No 40900036645) is announced open a competition on a vacant holding office in the parish OF Sokolku.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
- Education – preferable in higher or secondary vocational engineering, commercial service management, construction, real estate management or similar areas; higher education will be considered an advantage;
- Amatam vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze materiālo vērtību uzskaitē, saimnieciska rakstura darbu plānošanā un organizēšanā, labiekārtošanas darbu organizēšanā, ielu, ceļu uzturēšanas darbos, ar transportu saistītu jautājumu risināšanā un padoto darbinieku vadīšanā, organizēšanā un kontrolē valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā vai privātā komercstruktūrā .
- Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, good communication and cooperation capacities;
- The ability to handle information technologies, office equipment, electronic document management and procurement systems and electronic means of communication;
- Knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of office and the ability to orientate them;
- Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
- Category B driving licence; in addition TO the CATEGORY C1 or C driving licence, the right will be considered as an advantage;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 748.00, description of office - found on the website .
Profesionālās darbības aprakstu (CV), motivācijas vēstuli, izglītību un darba pieredzi apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas un pieteikuma anketu ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Viļānu apvienības pārvalde” saimniecības pārziņa vadītāja amatu Sokolku pagastā” līdz 2023. gada 9. novembrim plkst. 12.00 jānosūta uz e-astu or by 2023. gada 9. novembrim plkst.12.00 the “Viļānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne, cultural area 1A, Viļānos shall be submitted. Contact information 64628033. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose submitted documents are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work on the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants. the requirements set.
- vidējā profesionālā izglītība vai pabeigti santehniķa kursi;
- valsts valodas zināšanas;
- iepriekšēja darba pieredze santehnikas, ūdensapgādes, kanalizācijas tīklu cauruļvadu montāžā, apkopē un remontā;
- prasme veikt citus remontdarbus, ēku un teritorijas apsaimniekošanā.
- veikt santehnikas u.c. remontdarbus, tehnisko apkopi;
- veikt citus līdzīga satura uzdevumus.
We offer:
- stabilu atalgojumu;
- sociālās garantijas.
Darba līgums uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Normālais darba laiks.
Darba vieta: Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina”, Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV- 4636.
CV ar norādi ,,Santehniķis”, lūdzam sūtīt uz e-pastu:
Sazināsimies ar kandidātiem, kuri tiks uzaicināti uz interviju!
Alga bruto 660 EUR
Aktuāla līdz 30.11.2023.
Rezekne municipality
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Interest education teacher the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
- Develop an interest education programme with concrete and realistic results.
- Carry out the education of interest in accordance with the individual needs and interests of the client.
- Motivate the attendance by seeing and activating the client's internal resources.
- Perform the thematic lesson and the results of the results achieved in the interest education program journal.
- Respect certain principles in the work process, taking into account the objectives of the activities and their themes.
- Generate and implement innovative ideas.
Position requirements:
- Education in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding education and professional qualification necessary for teachers.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- Augstas komunikācijas un sadarbības prasmes.
The target audience: nepilngadīgi klienti.
Alga bruto 882 EUR
Darba vietas adrese – Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina”, Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4636.
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education līdz 2023. gada 30. novembrim send to e-mail,, with indication “Konkursam uz Interešu izglītības skolotāja amatu”
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for a vacancy
Social rehabilitator the position
(uz nenoteiktu laiku) 2 vakances
Basic duties of the office:
- participate in the development, implementation and development of the individual social rehabilitation plan of clients;
- developing and improving customer self-care, hygiene, ethical standards and other social skills;
- teach clients to focus on their social environment;
- instruct clients to identify needs, set targets and plan actions to achieve it;
- to involve and promote the participation of customers in leisure time – in interest groups, recreational afternoons, discussion afternoons, games, singing, drawing, etc.;
- involve and promote the participation of customers in the attendance and organisation of educational, cultural and sporting events - theatre, cinema, concerts, exhibitions, hiking, excursions, sports days, physical cultural activities - and various other events etc.
Position requirements:
- pirmā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā izglītība;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good computer skills;
- communication and communication skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- work experience in social work with children is desirable.
CV and motivation letter līdz 2023. gada 30. novembrim e-mail,, with indication “Contest for the position of social rehabilitator” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Psychologist the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
- Plan psychologist advice in accordance with the documents governing the activities.
- Provide personal psychologist advice to a person in crisis situations, problems and psychological discomfort.
- Provide personal psychologist advice in cases of personal behaviour involving psychological rehabilitation.
- In cooperation with other social workers, analyse the causes of the socio-psychological problems of the person and draw up proposals to address them.
Position requirements:
- Higher vocational education - Master's degree in psychology.
- A high sense of responsibility, flexibility and initiative.
- Compliance with the requirements of Section 72 of the Law on the Protection of Children.
- Excellent knowledge of Latvian and Russian language.
- Good skills in working with a computer.
- Skills to work in the team, skills in job scheduling and organization.
Salary Gross 986 EUR
Darba vietas adrese – Daudzfunkcionālais sociālo pakalpojumu centrs “Vecružina”, Ezera iela 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4636.
CV, motivācijas vēstuli un izglītību apliecinošus dokumentu kopijas līdz 2023. gada 30. novembrim send to e-mail,, with indication “Contest to a psychologist”
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Ergotherapist the position
(for an indefinite period)
Duties of work:
- Veikt pilnu darbības ciklu ergoterapijas pacientam (funkcionālā stāvokļa, resursu un spēju novērtēšana, terapijas plāna un slēdziena gatavošana, ergoterapijas procedūras nodrošināšana, rehabilitācijas rezultātu novērošana un analīze).
- Prepare and prepare medical and accounting documentation.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Bachelor's degree in health care, qualification – ergotherapist.
- Registration in the Register of Medical Persons.
- Preferably certificate in the speciality of ergotherapist
- Compliance with the requirements of the national language law.
The competencies necessary for the performance of the duties of work:
- Skill to work in the Multidisciplinary team.
- The medical technologies necessary for professional activities should be familiar with.
- The theoretical and practical knowledge corresponding to speciality must be managed.
- Good communication skills. The ability to communicate with the patient and his or her own language in a language that is comprehensible to them.
- Basic skills in the use of information technologies and the preparation of documents.
Working time - full load
Wages and salaries brutto - EUR 1555
Place of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina” on the street OF lake 23A, Vecrujin, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
THE CV and the letter of application are requested to be sent to e-mail: līdz 2023. gada 30. novembrim.
Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” izsludina atklātu konkursu uz legal advisor
Remuneration: eur 1356 (before tax).
Principal duties:
- prepare and develop draft contracts, draft decisions, opinions, regulations, acts, claims, complaints, claims, regulations, powers, orders, letters, statements and other documents in good quality and within certain deadlines;
- to examine and harmonise draft decisions regarding compliance with the requirements of external laws and regulations and the requirements of internal regulatory enactments of the institution;
- sagatavot informāciju par juridiskajiem jautājumiem iestādes informatīvo materiālu vajadzībām, kā arī sekot informatīvajos un reprezentatīvajos materiālos, kā arī iestādes mājaslapā izvietotās informācijas atbilstībai ārējo normatīvo aktu prasībām un iestādes iekšējo normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- advise the supervisory board of the institution and the enforcement officer in legal matters;
- to organise a document submitted by commercial companies for the acquisition of the status of Rezekne SEZ commercial company and for the performance of investments and to draw up opinions regarding the conformity of the documents submitted with the requirements of regulatory enactments for the granting of legal aid for the performance of investments and for the performance of commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ;
- to prepare a contract regarding investments for the performance of commercial activities, a contract regarding the performance of commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ and a contract regarding the performance of investments/regarding the performance of the expected wage costs;
- to prepare a contract regarding the performance of commercial activities in the territory of the Rēzekne SEZ free zone;
- to prepare a permit for commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ with the right to apply direct tax relief projects specified in the Law on the Application of Taxes in Free Ports and Special Economic Areas;
- organise a contract regarding the performance of investments/regarding the performance of the expected wage costs and the contract regarding the performance of commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ and the supervision of the fulfilment of planned terrestrial conditions referred to therein in conformity with the requirements of external regulatory enactments and the requirements of the internal regulatory enactments of the institution;
- advise the potential investors OF Rezekne SEZ and the commercial company of Rezekne SEZ regarding the acquisition of the status of Rezekne SEZ commercial company, the performance of investments and the performance of commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ, as well as the legal issues and the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- ensure the development and implementation of the documents regulating the activities of the Rēzekne SEZ commercial activity fund in accordance with their competence and ensure compliance of the administration of the Rēzekne SEZ commercial activity fund with the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- to ensure the development of internal laws, regulations and other documents relating to the leasing and management of immovable property placed at the disposal of the institution;
- etc.
Requirements for applicants:
- second level higher legal education and preferably master's degree in law (may also apply for students at the relevant study programme);
- vēlama darba pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā;
- national language skills at the highest level;
- angļu valodas zināšanas amata uzdevumu profesionālai izpildei nepieciešamajā apjomā;
- the ability to work with computer programs and office equipment;
- high level of cultural and management of the organisation of negotiations;
- precizitāte un atbildības sajūta;
- ability to work independently, plan and organize;
- Category B driving licence.
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
The application documents must be submitted or provided by: 2023. gada 1. novembrim: pa pastu ierakstītā vēstulē, sūtot uz adresi: Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde”, Atbrīvošanas aleja 93, Rēzekne, LV-4601 (pasta zīmogs 2023. gada 1. novembris); personīgi slēgtā aploksnē pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” 222. kabinetā; elektroniski (parakstot ar drošu elektronisko parakstu) uz e-pasta adresi: In the “Subject” section of the envelope or e-mail, the “application for tender to the office of a solicitor of the“ Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board ”of the municipality of Rezekne” shall be indicated.
A tender by-law may be found in the website of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” “vacancies” in the website.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Santa Kuzncova, Deputy manager of the “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board” of the local government institution, tel. 24428646.
- The personal data specified in the application documents of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 EC (General Data Protection Regulation) with a view to ensuring the progress of the selection competition. The controller is municipal Joint Authority “Administration of the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone”, registration No 90009259543, registered office: Liberation alley 93, Rezekne. Additional information on the processing of personal data is found in municipal Joint Institutions “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” on the website, under “Privacy Policy”.
Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” izsludina atklātu konkursu uz biroja administratora amatu (uz noteiktu laiku)
Atalgojums – 1062,00 eiro (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).
Principal duties:
- organizēt un vadīt iestādes arhīva darbu (nodrošināt dokumentu uzkrāšanu, saglabāšanu, nodošanu/pieņemšanu arhīvā u.c.);
- noteikt dokumentu glabāšanas termiņus saskaņā ar normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- veikt dokumentu izvērtēšanu un atlasi ilglaicīgai un pastāvīgai glabāšanai, veikt dokumentu aprakstīšanu normatīvajos aktos noteiktajā kārtībā;
- veikt dokumentu izvērtēšanu un atlasi iznīcināšanai,, saskaņot dokumentu iznīcināšanu normatīvajos aktos noteiktajā kārtībā;
- izstrādāt arhīva dokumentus (klasifikatorus, lietu nomenklatūru, instrukcijas u.c.);
- organizēt iestādes biroja informācijas apriti;
- kārtot iestādes lietvedību (pieņemt, pārbaudīt, reģistrēt, klasificēt, nosūtīt, uzskaitīt un glabāt saņemtos un nosūtāmos dokumentus atbilstoši normatīvo aktu prasībām un lietu nomenklatūrai);
- veikt izziņu, dokumentu norakstu, izrakstu, kopiju izsniegšanu;
- gatavot pārvaldes (organizatoriskos, rīkojuma, sarakstes, izziņu un pārskatu, personāla) dokumentus atbilstoši spēkā esošajiem normatīvajiem aktiem;
- pārbaudīt citu darbinieku sagatavoto dokumentu projektu atbilstību dokumentu noformēšanas ārējo un iekšējo normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- kontrolēt dokumentos norādīto izpildes termiņu ievērošanu;
- izstrādāt iestādes lietvedības reglamentējošos normatīvos aktus un dokumentus atbilstoši ārējo normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- organizēt un saskaņot iestādes sēdes;
- protokolēt iestādes sēžu norisi;
- gatavot personāla dokumentus (rīkojumus, amatu aprakstus, darba līgumus, atvaļinājumu grafikus u.c.);
- uzturēt darbinieku personas lietas;
- organizēt ikgadējo novērtēšanu atbilstoši iestādes Amatpersonu un darbinieku darba izpildes novērtēšanas kārtībai;
- organizēt konkursus uz vakantajiem amatiem iestādē;
- nodrošināt biroja saimniecisko un tehnisko apgādi (krājumi, inventārs, pakalpojumi);
- gatavot līgumus (saimnieciskos), kontrolēt to izpildi;
- organizēt inventāra un dienesta automobiļa apkopes un remontu;
- etc.
Requirements for applicants:
- higher education;
- vēlama darba pieredze dokumentu un arhīvu pārvaldības jomā vismaz 1 gads;
- vēlama darba pieredze valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā;
- zināšanas dokumentu un arhīvu pārvaldības reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu jomā;
- zināšanas personāla lietvedības reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu jomā;
- zināšanas darba tiesisko attiecību reglamentējošo normatīvo aktu jomā;
- national language skills at the highest level;
- angļu valodas zināšanas amata uzdevumu profesionālai izpildei nepieciešamajā apjomā;
- the ability to work with computer programs and office equipment;
- labas komunikācijas prasmes, precizitāte un atbildības sajūta;
- zināšanas par lietišķo etiķeti;
- ability to work independently, plan and organize;
- Category B driving licence.
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
The application documents must be submitted or provided by: 2023. gada 30. oktobrim: pa pastu ierakstītā vēstulē, sūtot uz adresi: Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde”, Atbrīvošanas aleja 93, Rēzekne, LV-4601 (pasta zīmogs 2023. gada 30. oktobris); personīgi slēgtā aploksnē pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” 222. kabinetā; elektroniski (parakstot ar drošu elektronisko parakstu) uz e-pasta adresi: Uz aploksnes vai e-vēstules sadaļā „Temats” jābūt norādei „Pieteikums konkursam uz pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” biroja administratora amatu”.
A tender by-law may be found in the website of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” “vacancies” in the website.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Santa Kuzncova, Deputy manager of the “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board” of the local government institution, tel. 24428646.
The personal data specified in the application documents of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 EC (General Data Protection Regulation) with a view to ensuring the progress of the selection competition. The controller is municipal Joint Authority “Administration of the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone”, registration No 90009259543, registered office: Liberation alley 93, Rezekne. Additional information on the processing of personal data is found in municipal Joint Institutions “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” on the website, under “Privacy Policy”.
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas teritorijas plānotāja amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība vai nepabeigta augstākā izglītība - inženierzinātnēs, arhitektūrā (tai skaitā ainavu), pilsētplānošanā, telpiskās attīstības plānošanā, teritorijas plānošanā, zemes ierīcībā, ģeogrāfijā vai sociālajās zinātnēs;
- understanding of the development of municipal planning documents;
- a desirable experience in the development of local government planning documents, spatial planning or land use;
- experience of working with cartographic material and experience at work with drawing computer programs (Micro Station, AutoCAD, ArcGIS) at user level;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Mēnešalga teritorijas plānotāja amatam ir EUR 1105,00 (saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu)
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas teritorijas plānotāja amatu” līdz 2023. gada 3. novembra plkst. 12.00 send to e-mail vai jāievieto pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, Rēzeknē. Kontaktinformācija 64607185, 26582773.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu:
- Čornajas pagasta Čornajas tautas namā (0,5 darba slodze);
- Kaunatas pagasta Kaunatas tautas namā un Dubuļu klubā (1 darba slodze).
Requirements for the applicant:
- vēlama augstākā vai vidējā speciālā izglītība kultūras jomā;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates until 2023. gada 1. novembra plkst. 9.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) pilnai darba slodzei: 998 EUR
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes vadītāja Daiga Miščenko (; tālr. 26531338).
Rezekne municipality pašvaldība (reģ.Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Viļānu vidusskolas direktora the position
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Viļānu vidusskolas direktora amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- uz pretendentu neattiecas Izglītības likumā un Bērnu tiesību aizsardzības likumā noteiktie ierobežojumi strādāt par pedagogu;
- pretendenta izglītība atbilst Izglītības likumā un Ministru kabineta noteikumos par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izglītību un profesionālo kvalifikāciju un profesionālās pilnveides kārtību noteiktajām prasībām;
- vismaz triju gadu pedagoģiskā darba pieredze izglītības jomā vai izglītības vadības darbā, vai līdzīga rakstura koordinējošā, konsultatīvajā vai izglītojošā darbā;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākajā līmenī atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām;
- vismaz vienas svešvalodas, kas ir Eiropas Savienības oficiālā valoda, zināšanas profesionālajai darbībai nepieciešamajā apjomā;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- psiholoģiskā noturība stresa situācijās, prasme analizēt situāciju un rīcības sekas, atrast piemērotāko risinājumu;
- labas komunikācijas un sadarbības prasmes, tai skaitā- prasme strādāt komandā, plānot un organizēt savu un padoto darbinieku darbu;
- there must be an understanding of ethical standards, be able to work in a team, be able to plan and organize the work of their and subordinate employees, have creative and flexible thinking, initiative;
- radoša un elastīga domāšana, iniciatīva;
- zināšanas skolvadībā un izglītības satura jautājumos;
- vēlama pieredze projektu darbā;
- the right of the driver of the driver.
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums, darba gaitas uzsākot, ir EUR 1716,00.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Amata kandidāti līdz 2023. gada 30. oktobra plkst.11.30 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
- a letter of motivation;
- dzīves gājuma apraksts (CV);
- the application form;
- izglītību un valsts valodas prasmes (ja nepieciešams) apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas (oriģināls jāņem līdzi uz interviju);
- tālākizglītību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Viļānu vidusskolas attīstības koncepciju (ne vairāk kā divas A4 formāta lappuses datorrakstā).
Kontaktinformācija tālr. 64607201. Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
SIA “Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss”, Reģistrācijas Nr.42403000932, adrese: Parka iela 10, Malta, Maltas pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4630, tālr.64631056; 22041477, e-pasts:,
uzņēmums (pašvaldības 100% kapitālsabiedrība), kura darbības nozares: namu apsaimniekošana, ūdenssaimniecības un siltumenerģijas pakalpojumu sniegšana iedzīvotājiem, iestādēm un organizācijām, aicina darbā:
- economists, ar darba vietas izvēli: Viļānos, Strūžānos vai Maltā
(normālais darba laiks, uz nenoteiktu laiku, bruto alga EUR 1050.00)
Main duties of work, in accordance with the description of the position:
- carry out research on internal and external economic environment, conduct economic activity process and analysis of results;
- formulēt ekonomiskās darbības mērķus un noteikt mērķu sasniegšanas ceļus;
- prognozēt un plānot ekonomisko darbību kopumā un atsevišķus tās posmus;
- nodrošināt apsaimniekojamo māju lietu uzturēšanu,
- sagatavot faktiskās ieņēmumu-izdevumu tāmes apsaimniekošanā esošajām mājām;
- sagatavot plānotās ieņēmumu-izdevumu tāmes apsaimniekošanā esošajām mājām;
- apkopot datus, analizēt un veikt aprēķinus apsaimniekojamo māju bilancēm;
- izstrādāt tāmes un cenrāžus uzņēmuma sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem;
- sagatavot un iesniegt dzīvojamā fonda statistikas datus;
- piedalīties dzīvojamo māju apsaimniekošanas darbu plānu sagatavošanā;
- aprēķināt dabas resursu nodokli;
- rēķinu sagatavošana juridiskām personām.
- augstākā izglītība (vēlams finansēs vai ekonomikā);
- darba pieredze līdzīgā amatā, ne mazāk par 2 gadiem;
- good skills in working with a computer (Word, Excel, CN program WinNams)
- analytical thinking, ability to predict and analyse figures;
- good communication, reasoning and cooperation skills;
- national language skills AT C1 level;
- high sense of responsibility, ability to concentrate, accuracy.
We offer:
- Interesting and dynamic work;
- Friendly and responsive collective;
- Social guarantees;
- Stable remuneration.
A LETTER OF motivation and a letter of motivation, līdz 2023. gada 20. oktobrim, lūdzam sūtīt uz e-pastu:, “economist”
Pamatojoties uz Vispārējo datu aizsardzības regulu, informējam, ka pieteikuma dokumentos norādītie personas dati tiks apstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu šīs atlases norisi. Datu pārzinis ir SIA “Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss”, adrese: Parka iela 10, Malta, Maltas pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4630.
SIA “Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss”, Reģistrācijas Nr.42403000932, adrese: Parka iela 10, Malta, Maltas pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4630, tālr.64631056; 22041477, e-pasts:, uzņēmums (pašvaldības 100% kapitālsabiedrība), kura darbības nozares: namu apsaimniekošana, ūdenssaimniecības un siltumenerģijas pakalpojumu sniegšana iedzīvotājiem, iestādēm un organizācijām, aicina darbā:
- economists, ar darba vietas izvēli: Viļānos, Strūžānos vai Maltā
(normālais darba laiks, uz nenoteiktu laiku, bruto alga EUR 1050.00)
Main duties of work, in accordance with the description of the position:
- carry out research on internal and external economic environment, conduct economic activity process and analysis of results;
- formulate the objectives of economic activity and identify pathways for achieving objectives; predict and plan economic activities in general and individual stages;
- ūdenssaimniecības pakalpojumu tarifu izstrādāšana, saskaņā ar Ūdenssaimniecības pakalpojumu tarifu aprēķināšanas metodiku;
- sagatavot atskaites kontrolējošām instancēm, par uzņēmuma ekonomisko situāciju un ražošanas rādītājiem;
- aprēķināt dabas resursu nodokli;
- rēķinu sagatavošana juridiskām personām.
- augstākā izglītība (vēlams finansēs vai ekonomikā);
- darba pieredze līdzīgā amatā, ne mazāk par 2 gadiem;
- good skills in working with a computer (Word, Excel, CN program WinNams)
- analytical thinking, ability to predict and analyse figures;
- good communication, reasoning and cooperation skills;
- national language skills AT C1 level;
- high sense of responsibility, ability to concentrate, accuracy.
We offer:
- Interesting and dynamic work;
- Friendly and responsive collective;
- Social guarantees;
- Stable remuneration.
A LETTER OF motivation and a letter of motivation, līdz 2023. gada 20. oktobrim, lūdzam sūtīt uz e-pastu:, “economist”
Pamatojoties uz Vispārējo datu aizsardzības regulu, informējam, ka pieteikuma dokumentos norādītie personas dati tiks apstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu šīs atlases norisi. Datu pārzinis ir SIA “Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss”, adrese: Parka iela 10, Malta, Maltas pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4630.
Darbības joma: Strūžānu iecirkņa siltumapgāde, notekūdeņu attīrīšana, ūdens sagatavošana un padeve, namu apsaimniekošana
Duties of work:
- Nodrošināt Strūžānu iecirkņa siltumapgādes sistēmu, notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtu, pārsūknēšanas staciju un ūdens sagatavošanas un padeves iekārtu darbību;
- Veikt ar namu apsaimniekošanu saistītas darbības (ūdensvada, kanalizācijas sistēmu remontu daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamajās mājās iekšienē);
- Informēt un saskaņot ar tiešo priekšniecību nepieciešamos remontdarbus namu apsaimniekošanas jomā;
- Uzraudzīt nepārtrauktu notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtu un ūdensapgādes sistēmu darbību;
- Veikt komunālo pakalpojumu objektu apkalpošanu, kārtējo remontu veikšanu un avāriju novēršanu;
- Strādāt komandā un veikt inženiertīklu remonta un montāžas darbus;
- Veikt inženiertīklu remonta, apkalpošanas un tehniskās apkopes;
- Izvērtēt ekonomiski izdevīgākos remontdarbiem nepieciešamos materiālus;
- Reaģēt un novērst komunālo pakalpojumu avārijas;
- Veikt autotransporta un traktortehnikas darbu organizēšanu, kontroli un vadību, vadīt tehnikas remontdarbus;
- Piegādāt nepieciešamos materiālus, rezerves daļas un instrumentus, veikt to izlietojuma uzskaiti;
- Pārraudzīt darba aizsardzību iekārtu remonta un montāžas darbos.
Kvalifikācijas pamatprasības:
- Jāzina: darbā lietojamo tehnisko līdzekļu uzbūve, darbības principi, lietošanas noteikumi, savstarpēji saistīto darbu procesu izpildes secība, to racionāla organizācija, darba režīmi, darbības veidu izmaksu veidošana; ar nozari saistītie normatīvie akti un standarti; darba aizsardzības un vides aizsardzības normatīvo aktu prasības.
- Jāprot: izmantot praksē teorētiskās zināšanas un prasmi un tās nepārtraukti papildināt; pašizglītoties. Pilnveidot profesionālās prasmes un iemaņas; izmantot informācijas tehnoloģijas.
- Izglītība: vidējā izglītība.
- Valodas prasme: B2 (vidējais līmenis), vēlamas krievu un angļu valodas zināšanas.
- Citas prasmes:
- Datorprasmes,
- B kategorijas vadīšanas apliecība,
- Pirmās medicīniskās palīdzības kursi.
Atalgojums: 1200 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas)
Pieteikšanās līdz 20. oktobrim. Pieteikumu brīvā formā var iesūtīt uz e-pastu
Darba devēja kontaktinformācija: SIA “Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss”, tālrunis 64631056, mob.:22041477, e-pasts:, biroja adrese, Brīvības iela 6-10 kabinets, Malta, Maltas pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4630
Darbības joma: Strūžānu iecirkņa siltumapgāde, notekūdeņu attīrīšana, ūdens sagatavošanas un padeve, namu apsaimniekošana.
Duties of work:
- Veikt ar namu apsaimniekošanu saistītas darbības (ūdensvada, kanalizācijas sistēmu remontu daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamajās mājās iekšienē);
- Informēt un saskaņot ar tiešo priekšniecību nepieciešamos remontdarbus namu apsaimniekošanas jomā;
- Apkalpot un remontēt ūdens attīrīšanas iekārtas un to mehānismus;
- Kontrolēt ūdensapgādes sistēmas darbību, novērst noplūdes un bojājumus;
- Ievērot darba drošības noteikumus un vides aizsardzības prasības.
- Veikt darbus, kuri saistīti ar siltumapgādes objektu ekspluatāciju.
- Citu santehnisko darbu veikšana.
Kvalifikācijas pamatprasības:
- Jāzina: darbā lietojamo tehnisko līdzekļu uzbūve, darbības principi, lietošanas noteikumi, savstarpēji saistīto darbu procesu izpildes secība, to racionāla organizācija, darba režīmi; nozares terminoloģija, ar nozari saistītie normatīvie akti un standarti; darba aizsardzības un vides aizsardzības normatīvo aktu prasības, darba tiesisko attiecību normas; profesionālās ētikas pamatprincipus un uzvedības normas.
- Jāprot: izmantot praksē teorētiskās zināšanas, tās nepārtraukti papildināt; pašizglītoties, pilnveidot profesionālās prasmes un iemaņas; izmantot informācijas tehnoloģijas.
- Izglītība: vidējās pakāpes profesionālā izglītība, arodizglītība.
- Remontatslēdzniekam ir jābūt veiktai apmācībai un jābūt atļaujai strādāt attiecīgus darbus saskaņā ar izziņu par veselības stāvokli.
- Citas prasības:
- B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība;
- Traktortehnikas vadītāja apliecība;
- Fiziskā noturība, spēja koncentrēties, precizitāte.
Atalgojums: 930 EUR(pirms nodokļu nomaksas)
Pieteikšanās līdz 20. oktobrim. Pieteikumu brīvā formā var iesūtīt uz e-pastu
Darba devēja kontaktinformācija: SIA “Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss”, tālrunis 64631056, mob.:22041477, e-pasts:, biroja adrese, Brīvības iela 6-10 kabinets, Malta, Maltas pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4630
Darbības joma: Strūžānu iecirkņa siltumapgāde, notekūdeņu attīrīšana, ūdens sagatavošana un padeve, namu apsaimniekošana.
Duties of work:
1.Veikt ūdensvada, kanalizācijas sistēmu remontu daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamajās mājās iekšienē.
2.Operatīva un kvalitatīva avārijas situāciju likvidēšana daudzdzīvokļu dzīvojamajās mājās.
3.Kontrolēt ūdensapgādes sistēmas darbību, novērst noplūdes un bojājumus.
4.Ievērot darba drošības noteikumus un vides aizsardzības prasības.
5.Veikt darbus, kuri saistīti ar siltumapgādes objektu ekspluatāciju.
6.Citu santehnisko darbu veikšana.
Kvalifikācijas pamatprasības:
- Jāzina: santehnikā apkalpojamo iekārtu un mašīnu darbības principus, ekspluatācijas, kontroles un apkopes noteikumus; savstarpēji saistīto darba procesu izpildes secību, to racionālu organizāciju, darba režīmus; drošības kontroles sistēmas un remontdarbu tehnoloģijas; nozares terminoloģiju, ar nozari saistītos normatīvos aktus un standartus; darba aizsardzības un vides aizsardzības normatīvo aktu prasības, darba tiesisko attiecību normas; profesionālās ētikas pamatprincipus un uzvedības normas.
- Jāprot: izmantot praksē teorētiskās zināšanas un prasmi un tās nepārtraukti papildināt; pašizglītoties, pilnveidot profesionālās prasmes un iemaņas; izmantot informācijas tehnoloģijas.
- Santehniķim ir jābūt veiktai apmācībai un jābūt atļaujai strādāt attiecīgus darbus saskaņā ar izziņu par veselības stāvokli.
- Fiziska noturība, spēja koncentrēties, precizitāte
Citas prasības (vēlams):
- B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecība;
- Traktortehnikas vadītāja apliecība;
Atalgojums: 750 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas)
Pieteikšanās līdz 20. oktobrim. Pieteikumu brīvā formā var iesūtīt uz e-pastu
Darba devēja kontaktinformācija: SIA “Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss”, tālrunis 64631056, mob.:22041477,, biroja adrese, Brīvības iela 6-10 kabinets, Malta, Maltas pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV-4630
Darbības joma: SIA „Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss” Strūžānu iecirkņa klientu apkalpošana un konsultēšana.
Darbinieka pienākumi:
1.veikt darbības ar skaidru naudu (saņemšana, izsniegšana, glabāšana) uzņēmuma kasē, nodrošinot darījumu atbilstību Latvijas Republikas normatīvajiem aktiem.
2.savā darbā ievērot atbilstošos Latvijas Republikas normatīvos aktus un darba devēja instrukcijas, patstāvīgi analizēt saņemtā dokumenta ekonomisko un finansiālo saturu pēc tā būtības.
3.ievadīt aktuālo kontaktinformāciju komunālo maksājumu programmā.
4.veikt atskaišu noformēšanu un nepieciešamo datu apkopošanu no maksājumu programmas.
5.veikt kases grāmatu kārtošanu, pamatojoties uz ieņēmumu un izdevumu dokumentiem.
6.veikt kases atskaišu sastādīšanu.
7.veikt īres, apsaimniekošanas, komunālo pakalpojumu maksājumu aprēķinu un uzskaiti iedzīvotājiem, katru mēnesi veikt rēķinu noformēšanu iedzīvotājiem, ievadot programmā nepieciešamos datus.
8.veikt noformēto rēķinu pārbaudi.
9.izsūtīt rēķinus iedzīvotājiem, saskaņā ar programmā fiksētajām e-pasta adresēm.
Kvalifikācijas pamatprasības:
1.Spēja sazināties ar klientu mutvārdos, lietišķajā sarakstē, elektroniski, pa telefonu.
2.Spēja patstāvīgi sagatavot, sekot un apkopot informāciju par finanšu operācijām klientu apkalpošanā.
3.Darbam nepieciešamo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana.
4.Valsts valodas prasme augstākajā pakāpē.
5.Prasme strādāt ar datoru un citu biroja tehniku, kā arī pārzināt grāmatvedības programmas.
6.Augsta atbildības sajūta, precizitāte un punktualitāte.
7.Vēlams B kategorijas vadīšanas apliecība.
Atalgojums: 750 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas)
Pieteikšanās līdz 20. oktobrim. Pieteikumu brīvā formā var iesūtīt uz e-pastu
Darba devēja kontaktinformācija: SIA “Rēzeknes novada komunālserviss”, tāl. 64631056, mob. 22041477, e-pasts:, biroja adrese: Brīvības iela 6 (10. kab.), Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV – 4630.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvalde Feimaņu pagasta jaunatnes darbinieka vakanto amatu
The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- developing digital content (affinity, social networking content);
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- prasme pieņemt lēmumus un izrādīt iniciatīvu.
Pamatdarba atalgojums 412,50 EUR (0,5 slodze Feimaņu pagastā)
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 391,87 EURO.
Amata apraksts, nolikums, pieteikuma anketa – atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvalde vakanci “Jaunatnes darbinieks Feimaņu pagastā”” līdz 2023. gada 27. oktobrim plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 2023. gada 27. oktobrim plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvaldes lietvedei 3. kabinetā, Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
The applicant must submit:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- application questionnaire
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-pasts
The social service of the municipality of Rezekne invites to apply for a vacancy
THE POSITION OF a SOCIAL WORKER WITH CHILDREN IN a Dricānu association (for an indefinite period)
Requirements for the applicant:
• otrā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā vai akadēmiskā izglītība sociālajā darbā vai karitatīvajā sociālajā darbā vai iegūst atbilstošo izglītību;
• vēlama darba pieredze sociālajā darbā ar ģimenēm ar bērniem;
• very good communication and motivation capabilities
• ability to carry out his duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of his competence;
• prasme strādāt komandā un veicināt sadarbību;
• spēja strādāt dinamiskos un mainīgos darba apstākļos;
• excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
• labā lietotāja līmenī strādāt ar datoru.
Principal duties:
- To inform and advise families with children regarding their right to social services and social assistance and the opportunities for their implementation, as well as co-operation obligations in the receipt of social services and social assistance;
- To accept and register the written and oral submissions of a person, to ensure the examination of applications in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- Assess the social situation of families with children, if necessary, visit the family at the place of residence or location and agree on a social problem which needs to be supported;
- Carry out risk assessment or multi-stage evaluation in families with children with disabilities;
- Identify and raise the necessary resources in managing or addressing social cases, taking into account the specificities of social work in various areas of practice;
- Develop and implement individual social rehabilitation plans, change and complement them according to identified social challenges and needs
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 888, 25 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika EUR 935,00 – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Workload - full-time work.
Applicant by 2023 7. novembrim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
• a motivated application;
• profesionālo aprakstu (CV);
• izglītību apliecinošo dokumentu kopijas;
• pieteikuma anketu
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: or to submit a personal Rezekne municipality in the social service of the local government in the 11 th office (Alley OF Liberation 95A, Rezekne).
Additional information can be requested by phone 20223392 (Sylvia Strankale).
We will contact applicants who meet the requirements and will be included in the second round of the selection.
Candidates for the vacant will be invited to a work interview, during which it will be possible to ascertain the knowledge and experience of labour issues.
(for an indefinite period)
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests aicina pieteikties uz vakanto
SOCIĀLĀ DARBINIEKA AMATU Dricānu apvienībā (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
• otrā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā vai akadēmiskā izglītība sociālajā darbā vai karitatīvajā sociālajā darbā vai iegūst atbilstošu izglītību;
• vēlama darba pieredze sociālajā darbā;
• very good communication and motivation capabilities
• ability to carry out his duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of his competence;
• prasme strādāt komandā un veicināt sadarbību;
• spēja strādāt dinamiskos un mainīgos darba apstākļos;
• excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
• labā lietotāja līmenī strādāt ar datoru.
Principal duties:
- To inform and advise adult persons on their right to social services and social assistance and the opportunities for their implementation as well as their co-operation obligations in the provision of social services and social assistance;
- To accept and register written and oral submissions of the adult person, to ensure the examination of submissions in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- To assess the social situation of the family of adult or adult persons, if necessary, to visit a person, family in a place of residence or location and to agree on a social problem which requires support;
- Identify and raise the necessary resources in managing or addressing social cases, taking into account the specificities of social work in various areas of practice;
- Develop and implement individual social rehabilitation plans, change and complement them according to identified social challenges and needs;
- Organizēt pilngadīgām personām vai pilngadīgu personu ģimenēm nepieciešamos sociālos pakalpojumus
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 888, 25 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika EUR 935,00 – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Workload - full-time work.
Applicant by 2023 7. novembrim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
• a motivated application;
• profesionālo aprakstu (CV);
• izglītību apliecinošo dokumentu kopijas;
• pieteikuma anketa.
Pieteikumus iesniegt noteiktajā termiņā, līdz 2023.gada 7.novembrim p88lkst.16.30, Rēzeknes novada Sociālajā dienestā, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, ievietot Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, vai sūtīt uz e-pastu:, (ar norādi „Konkursam uz sociālā darbinieka amatu Dricānu apvienībā”).
Additional information can be requested by phone 20223392 (Sylvia Strankale).
We will contact applicants who meet the requirements and will be included in the second round of the selection.
Candidates for the vacant will be invited to a work interview, during which it will be possible to ascertain the knowledge and experience of labour issues.
Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” izsludina atklātu konkursu uz grāmatveža amatu
Principal duties:
- Sagatavot pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes “Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” (turpmāk – IESTĀDE) iekšējos normatīvos aktus saistībā ar IESTĀDES grāmatvedību atbilstoši LR normatīvo aktu prasībām;
- veikt IESTĀDES un Komercdarbības atbalsta fonda (turpmāk – FONDA) darbības finanšu analīzi, izteikt priekšlikumus to darbības uzlabošanā un finanšu līdzekļu mērķtiecīgu izmantošanā;
- organizēt IESTĀDES un FONDA grāmatvedības un statistisko uzskaiti saskaņā ar Grāmatvedības likumu, Ministru kabineta noteikumiem “Gada pārskata sagatavošanas kārtība”, citiem spēkā esošajiem LR normatīvajiem aktiem, IESTĀDES nolikumu un citiem iekšējiem normatīvajiem aktiem;
- kontrolēt IESTĀDES un FONDA naudas līdzekļu un materiālo vērtību saglabāšanu;
- nodrošināt ienākošo naudas līdzekļu, materiālo vērtību un pamatlīdzekļu pilnu uzskaiti, saimnieciski finansiālās darbības rezultātu precīzu uzskaiti, ar to saistīto operāciju kustības savlaicīgu atspoguļošanu un pareizības kontroli;
- pareizi aprēķināt un savlaicīgi pārskaitīt maksājumus valsts budžetā, ieguldījumus, finansēšanas līdzekļus, atskaitījumus rezervēs;
- pareizi aprēķināt un izmaksāt IESTĀDES darbiniekiem darba algu, kompensācijas un citus maksājumus, pieņemt un pārbaudīt avansa norēķinus;
- savlaicīgi veikt pārbaudes un dokumentālās revīzijas, sistemātiski organizēt plāna un ārpusplāna inventarizācijas, veikt pasākumus konstatēto pārkāpumu novēršanā;
- veikt finanšu datu un maksājumu kārtības pārbaudi un saskaņošanu IESTĀDES līgumos;
- savlaicīgi sagatavot un iesniegt rēķinus RSEZ komercsabiedrībām par ikmēneša atskaitījumiem FONDA budžetā saskaņā ar katram konkrētam pārskata gadam noslēgtajiem grafikiem pie līgumiem par komercdarbības veikšanu RSEZ teritorijā, kā arī citus rēķinus saistībā ar RSEZ darbību;
- sastādīt IESTĀDES grāmatvedības pārskatus, maksājumu deklarācijas, paziņojumus par IESTĀDES finansiālo darbību, pamatojoties uz sākotnējiem dokumentiem un grāmatvedības ierakstiem, iesniegt tos noteiktos termiņos atbilstošajām valsts un pašvaldības institūcijām (VID, statistika, utt.);
- pastāvīgi sekot IESTĀDES budžeta izpildei un finanšu izlietojumam atbilstoši budžetam, apkopot datus par budžeta izpildi, sastādot un iesniedzot IESTĀDES pārvaldniekam ceturkšņa, pusgada un gada atskaites;
- sagatavot noteiktajā kārtībā un termiņos IESTĀDES gada pārskatu, kā arī regulārus pārskatus (ieņēmumu un izdevumu tāmes veidā) par IESTĀDES budžetu izpildi;
- katru gadu IESTĀDĒ noteiktajā kārtībā un termiņos sastādīt IESTĀDES pamatbudžeta un speciālā budžeta projektu nākamajam gadam;
- etc.
Requirements for applicants:
- augstākā / profesionālā izglītība grāmatvedībā vai finansēs;
- vismaz divu gadu darba pieredze grāmatvedības kārtošanā;
- national language skills at the highest level;
- angļu valodas zināšanas amata uzdevumu profesionālai izpildei nepieciešamajā apjomā;
- the ability to work with computer programs and office equipment;
- augsta atbildības sajūta un spēja strādāt patstāvīgi, plānot un organizēt savu darbu;
- pieredze darbā ar sistēmu “Ozols” tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību;
- pieredze darbā pašvaldībā vai pašvaldības iestādē tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
The application documents must be submitted or provided by: 2023.gada 6.oktobrim: pa pastu ierakstītā vēstulē, sūtot uz adresi: Pašvaldību kopīgā iestāde „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde”, Atbrīvošanas aleja 93, Rēzekne, LV-4601 (pasta zīmogs 2023.gada 6.oktobris); personīgi slēgtā aploksnē pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” 222.kabinetā; elektroniski (parakstot ar drošu elektronisko parakstu) uz e-pasta adresi: Uz aploksnes vai e-vēstules sadaļā „Temats” jābūt norādei „Pieteikums konkursam uz pašvaldību kopīgās iestādes „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” grāmatveža amatu”.
Atalgojums – 1238,00 eiro (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).
A tender by-law may be found in the website of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” “vacancies” in the website.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Santa Kuzncova, Deputy manager of the “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board” of the local government institution, tel. 24428646.
The personal data specified in the application documents of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 EC (General Data Protection Regulation) with a view to ensuring the progress of the selection competition. The controller is municipal Joint Authority “Administration of the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone”, registration No 90009259543, registered office: Liberation alley 93, Rezekne. Additional information on the processing of personal data is found in municipal Joint Institutions “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” on the website, under “Privacy Policy”.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” mārketinga speciālista amatu.
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” mārketinga speciālista amatu. Amata kandidātiem jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- augstākā izglītība mārketinga jomā, komunikācijas vai sociālo zinātņu jomā;
- vēlama vismaz 1 gada darba pieredze mārketinga jomā;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- izpratne par kultūras un tūrisma jomu;
- prasmes izstrādāt un realizēt mārketinga aktivitāšu plānu;
- prasmes plānot, vadīt un īstenot iestādes ārējo komunikāciju, reklāmas jautājumus;
- prasmes veikt uzdotos uzdevumus paaugstinātās intensitātes un ierobežota laika apstākļos;
- prasmes analizēt situāciju un rīcību sekas, atrast piemērotāko risinājumu;
- valsts valodas prasmes augstākā pakāpē;
- vismaz viena svešvalodas, kas ir Eiropas Savienības oficiālā valoda, zināšanas;
- prasmes strādāt ar datoru, informācijas tehnoloģijām, kā arī ar biroja tehniku;
- prasmes pilnvērtīgi pielietot lietišķo rakstu valodas stilu ikdienas darbiem;
- izpratne par ētikas normām, prasmes strādāt komandā, prasmes plānot un organizēt savu darbu, radošums un elastīgas domāšanas prasmes, spēja izrādīt iniciatīvu;
- augsta saskarsmes kultūra, atbildības sajūta un precizitāte.
A description of the position can be found on the municipal website
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Konkursa pirmajā kārtā komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus un to atbilstību konkursa nolikumam (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā Uz konkursa otro kārtu uzaicina amata kandidātus, kas ir iesnieguši visus nolikumā norādītos dokumentus, atbilst izvirzītajām prasībām un ir saņēmuši pietiekamu punktu skaitu pēc komisijas vērtējuma. Konkursa otrā kārta sastāv no teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudes un darba intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem amata kandidātiem.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā EUR 997,50.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika EUR 1050,00.
Darbu iespējams veikt attālinātā darba režīmā.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2023. gada 10. oktobra plkst. 9.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumenti, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Kontaktinformācija: Kultūras tūrisma pārvaldes vadītāja Daiga Miščenko, tālr. 26531338, e-pasts .
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvalde jaunatnes darbinieka vakanto amatu.
The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- prasme pieņemt lēmumus un izrādīt iniciatīvu.
Description of the position, by-laws, application form - found on the municipal website
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvalde vakanci “Jaunatnes darbinieks Maltā” līdz 2023. gada 6. oktobra plkst. 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2023. gada 6. oktobrim plkst. 14.00 jāiesniedz personīgi Maltas apvienības pārvalde, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads.
The applicant must submit:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- application questionnaire
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai - Maltas bērnu un jauniešu centra vadītāja Vija Kažoka tel.26441799,
Pamatdarba atalgojums 825 EUR ( 1 slodze Maltā)
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 783,75 EUR
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
To the second round: theoretical (written test-response) of applicants and work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
The social service of the municipality of Rezekne invites to apply for a vacancy
THE POSITION OF a SOCIAL WORKER WITH CHILDREN IN a Dricānu association (for an indefinite period)
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work with families with children;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
- work with a computer at a good user level.
Principal duties:
- To inform and advise families with children regarding their right to social services and social assistance and the opportunities for their implementation, as well as co-operation obligations in the receipt of social services and social assistance;
- To accept and register the written and oral submissions of a person, to ensure the examination of applications in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- Assess the social situation of families with children, if necessary, visit the family at the place of residence or location and agree on a social problem which needs to be supported;
- Carry out risk assessment or multi-stage evaluation in families with children with disabilities;
- Identify and raise the necessary resources in managing or addressing social cases, taking into account the specificities of social work in various areas of practice;
- Develop and implement individual social rehabilitation plans, change and complement them according to identified social challenges and needs
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 888,25 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika EUR 935,00 – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Workload - full-time work.
Pretendents līdz 2023. gada 2. oktobrim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- B kategorijas autovadītāja apliecības kopiju (būtu vēlams).
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: or to submit a personal Rezekne municipality in the social service of the local government in the 11 th office (Alley OF Liberation 95A, Rezekne).
Additional information can be requested by phone 20223392 (Sylvia Strankale).
We will contact applicants who meet the requirements and will be included in the second round of the selection.
Candidates for the vacant will be invited to a work interview, during which it will be possible to ascertain the knowledge and experience of labour issues.
Rēzeknes novada Sociālais dienests aicina pieteikties uz vakanto
SOCIĀLĀ DARBINIEKA AMATU Dricānu apvienībā (uz nenoteiktu laiku)
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
- work with a computer at a good user level.
Principal duties:
- To inform and advise adult persons on their right to social services and social assistance and the opportunities for their implementation as well as their co-operation obligations in the provision of social services and social assistance;
- To accept and register written and oral submissions of the adult person, to ensure the examination of submissions in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- To assess the social situation of the family of adult or adult persons, if necessary, to visit a person, family in a place of residence or location and to agree on a social problem which requires support;
- Identify and raise the necessary resources in managing or addressing social cases, taking into account the specificities of social work in various areas of practice;
- Develop and implement individual social rehabilitation plans, change and complement them according to identified social challenges and needs;
- Organizēt pilngadīgām personām vai pilngadīgu personu ģimenēm nepieciešamos sociālos pakalpojumus.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 888,25 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika EUR 935,00 – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Workload - full-time work.
Pretendents līdz 2023. gada 2. oktobrim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- izglītību apliecinošo dokumentu kopijas.
Pieteikumus iesniegt noteiktajā termiņā, līdz 2023. gada 2. oktobrim plkst. 16.30, Rēzeknes novada Sociālajā dienestā, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, ievietot Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, vai sūtīt uz e-pastu: (ar norādi „Konkursam uz sociālā darbinieka amatu Dricānu apvienībā”).
Additional information can be requested by phone 20223392 (Sylvia Strankale).
We will contact applicants who meet the requirements and will be included in the second round of the selection.
Candidates for the vacant will be invited to a work interview, during which it will be possible to ascertain the knowledge and experience of labour issues.
Rezekne Municipality Authority “Culture and Tourism Administration” (tail. No 40900040015) announces an open invitation to tender for the location of the vacancy operator:
- Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Dricānu apvienībā;
- Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Maltas apvienībā;
- Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Viļānu apvienībā.
The work duties of the operator of the sound operator shall be performed in cultural and tourism administration cultural centres (with the understanding of cultural houses, the People's House or other cultural centre names), which are located in the territory of the abovementioned Rēzekne District Association.
Tiek piedāvāta nepilna darba slodze -0,7.
Requirements for the applicant:
- general secondary or secondary vocational training;
- understanding and configuring digital sound consoles
- understanding and skills for working with light systems;
- ability to organise their work, self-initiative and a high sense of responsibility;
- skills to use the necessary accessories and ancillary equipment, information and communication technologies for the performance of work;
- the desire to improve professional qualifications;
- Category B driving licence.
Candidates until 2023. gada 12. septembra plkst. 9.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) nepilnai darba slodzei: 577,50 EUR
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speiciāliste Dace Škrjaba, tālr.: tālr. 28305472, e-pasts:
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto mākslinieka-noformētāja vietu:
Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Maltas apvienībā;
Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Kaunatas apvienībā;
The work duties of the artist-designer shall be performed in cultural and tourism administration cultural centres (with the understanding of cultural houses, the People's House or other cultural centre names), which are located in the territory of the abovementioned Rēzekne District Association.
Less workload is offered - 0.5.
Ir iespēja pilnas slodzes darbam, strādājot gan Maltas, gan Kaunatas apvienībās.
Requirements for the applicant:
- general secondary or secondary vocational training;
- the ability to design stage, room and environmental designs in festive events;
- skills for printing and publishing visual material in the digital environment;
- izpratne par zīmolvedību un vizuālo identitāti;
- zināšanas par sociālo tīklu darbību un prasmes pārvaldīt sociālo tīklu profilus;
- the skills to take photos and process photos;
- the desire to improve professional qualifications.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2023. gada 12. septembra plkst. 9.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- a collection of creative works (Portfolio);
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Ar konkursa nolikumu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) nepilnai darba slodzei: 412,5 EUR.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) pilnai darba slodzei: 825,00 EUR
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Dace Škrjaba, tālr.: tālr. 28305472, e-pasts:
Administration of Malta Association
aicina darbā saimniecības pārzini Feimaņu pagastā
uz pilnu slodzi (1 likme) uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for candidates:
- secondary or secondary education;
- the need for prior experience in the organisation and management of economic processes;
- good computer skills - Word, Excel prorams, skills to use office hardware, email and other applications and know-how about using digital technologies.
- excellent communication and cooperation skills;
- creative and independent approach to work;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 718,20 EUR (before tax)
Remuneration of basic work after probationary period 756,00 EUR (before tax)
Applicants until 2023. gada 19. septembrim at 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai iesniedz personīgi iestādē Maltas apvienības pārvaldei lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “Saimniecības pārzinis Feimaņu pagastā” un kurā ir ievietoti šādi dokumenti:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vadītājs Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687 e-pasts
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvalde tehniskā speciālista Lūznavas pagastā amatu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary vocational or higher education in engineering, technical service;
- Appropriate work experience of civil engineering, including economic activities, is desirable for the post;
- Ability to obtain information independently, to address technical issues and to organise the execution of work;
- The ability to compile estimates of repairs, tasks and specifications;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- The initiative, the ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence
Amata pienākumi:
- Know and coordinate technical supervision issues of the architectural monument of national significance, in order to ensure the preservation of historical values.
- Ensure the management and operation of the building.
- Ensure the proper operation and operation of the engineering communications (heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply, automatic fire-fighting, signalling, telecommunications, etc.), knowledge of their structure, principles of principal activities and regimes.
- Ensure the quality operation, service and operation of installations installed in the building in accordance with instructions and safety regulations.
- Plan and implement repair and repair of the building, repair and replacement of equipment.
- Participate in the technical service of the activities organised in the building, to carry out the preparation of premises and equipment for the qualitative progress of the activities in accordance with the specificity of the measure.
- Plan and, in coordination with the direct manager, carry out the acquisition of material and other resources for the operation of the building.
- Prepare and submit to the direct manager the reports, analyses and plans of the building maintenance works.
- Cooperate with suppliers, outsourcing services in the technical field;
- Develop and maintain updated technical documentation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 731,50 EURO
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period of EUR 770,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “tehniskais speciālists Lūznavā”” līdz 2023. gada 18. augustam uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2023. gada 17. septembrim jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē „Maltas apvienības pārvalde”, lietvedei Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pag., Rēzeknes novads.
Additional information by 64607421 lietvede ina Tuče Lūznavas parish
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
For the second round, work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības (reģ. Nr.90009112679) Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļa aicina darbā projektu vadītāju
Announcing open konkurss uz vakanto projektu vadītāja amatu. Amata pretendentam jāatbilst šādām prasībām:
- higher education;
- pieredze un zināšanas projektu vadībā un projektu pieteikumu izstrādē, vēlama pieredze pašvaldības projektu vadībā un projektu pieteikumu izstrādē;
- a desirable understanding of funding opportunities for local government projects;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Mēnešalga projektu vadītāja amatam ir EUR 1105,00 (saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim), projektu vadītājam var noteikt piemaksu par papildus pienākumiem līdz 31.12.2023. – 30% no mēnešalgas. No 01.01.2024. mēnešalga – no EUR 1400 līdz EUR 1600 (39.1.apakšsaime, III līmenis, 10. mēnešalgu grupa).
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), likumā noteiktajā gadījumā dokumentu, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai, ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes Attīstības plānošanas nodaļas projektu vadītāja amatu” līdz 2023.gada 13.septembra plkst.12.00 send to e-mail vai jāievieto pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, Rēzeknē. Kontaktinformācija 64607185, 26582773. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Nautrēnu Pre-school education institution “Crisis”
calls for work
darbam 5-6 gadīgo izglītojamo grupā
no 01.09.2023.
Requirements for the applicant:
1. augstākā pedagoģiskā vai augstākā izglītība un pirmsskolas skolotāja kvalifikācija;
2. augstākā pedagoģiskā vai augstākā izglītība un sākumizglītības skolotāja kvalifikācija;
3. augstākā izglītība pedagoģijā un apgūta šo noteikumu 21.3. apakšpunktā noteiktā profesionālās kompetences pilnveides programma pirmsskolas saturā un didaktikā.
Tiek piedāvāta pilna darba slodze.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) pilnai darba slodzei: 1240,00 EUR
Pretendentiem lūdzam līdz 2023. gada 30. augustam nosūtīt CV uz e pastu:
Adrese: Rogovka, Nautrēnu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV- 4652
Kontakttālrunis: 28345571
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Kultūras pasākumu organizatora vietu Ozolmuižas pagasta kultūras namā (0,75 darba slodze);
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher or secondary education in the field of culture;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2023. gada 5. septembra plkst. 9.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) pilnai darba slodzei: 998 EUR
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla specialiste Dace Škrjaba, tālr.: tālr. 28305472, e-pasts:
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” (reģ. Nr. 40900040015) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes "Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde” vadītāja vietnieka amatu.
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the head of the head of the “cultural and tourism administration” of the local government institution of the municipality of Rezekne. Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- augstākā izglītība (izņemot 1. līmeņa profesionālo augstāko izglītību);
- vēlama darba pieredze vadības jomā;
- vēlama darba pieredze kultūras jomā;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- knowledge of laws and regulations in the field of cultural centres, libraries, museums and tourism, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the ability to analyse large-scale documents, including legal documents, to assess their compliance with the regulatory framework;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the administrative system;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- knowledge of at least one foreign language, which is the official language of the European Union;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- izpratne par ētikas normām, prasmes strādāt komandā, prasmes plānot un organizēt savu un padoto darbinieku darbu, radošums un elastīgas domāšanas prasmes, spēja izrādīt iniciatīvu;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- perfect reputation.
A description of the position can be found on the municipal website
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Konkursa pirmajā kārtā komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus un to atbilstību konkursa nolikumam (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā konkursa otro kārtu uzaicina amata kandidātus, kas ir iesnieguši visus nolikumā norādītos dokumentus, atbilst izvirzītajām prasībām un ir saņēmuši pietiekamu punktu skaitu pēc komisijas vērtējuma. Konkursa otrā kārta sastāv no teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudes un darba intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem amata kandidātiem.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1201,75.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika EUR 1265,00 (saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam).
Amata kandidāti līdz 2023. gada 5. septembra plkst. 9.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas, Rēzeknē, Atbrīvošanas alejā 95A, LV-4601, vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu the following documents:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- likumā noteiktajā gadījumā, dokumenti, kas apliecina valsts valodas zināšanas tādā apjomā, kāds nepieciešams amata pienākumu veikšanai.
Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Kontaktinformācija: Kultūras tūrisma pārvaldes vadītāja Daiga Miščenko, tālr. 26531338, e-pasts .
Iestāde „Maltas apvienības pārvalde”
aicina darbā palīgstrādnieku/sētnieku Feimaņu pamatskolā uz nenoteiktu laiku
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Maltas apvienības pārvalde” (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Maltas apvienības pārvalde” palīgstrādnieka/sētnieka Feimaņu pamatskolā amatu uz nenoteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Pamatizglītība vai vidējā vai vidējā profesinālā izglītība;
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- prasme strādāt ar uzticētu inventāru;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 620,00 EUR.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 620,00 EUR- saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
Ar konkursa nolikumu, amata aprakstu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde „Maltas apvienības pārvaldes” vakanci “Palīgstrādnieks/sētnieks Feimaņu pamatskolā”” by 2023 4. septembrim plkst. 14.00 send to e-mail or in sealed envelope until 2023 4. septembrim plkst. 14.00 to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, lietvedei 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Maltas association” Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail:
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu darba interviju par pretendentu praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Requirements for candidates:
- basic or secondary vocational training;
- preference of previous experience in a similar capacity;
- computer skills – using e-mail, using electronic accounting systems, using office technique;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
- ievērot darba disciplīnu un darba laika grafiku, maksimāli laiku izmantot uzticētā darba veikšanai;
- the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative;
- national language skill.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 620,00 EUR (before tax)
Remuneration of basic work after probationary period 630,00 EUR (before tax)
Applicants until 2023. gada 30. augustam at 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai iesniedz personīgi iestādē “Maltas apvienības pārvalde”, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi “Junior cook Feimaņu in elementary school” for “COMPETITION to Rēzekne municipality” and containing the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - Head of the “Maltas association management” of the municipality of Rezekne Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687 e-mail
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Viļānu Association Board” (tail No 40900036645) is announced open a competition on a vacant holding office in the parish OF Sokolku.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
Vadīt un veikt saimnieciskos procesus Sokolku pagastā nodrošinot pašvaldības īpašumu un mantas lietderīgu apsaimniekošanu un saglabāšanu, skolēnu pārvadājumus, pašvaldības autoceļu uzturēšanu, teritoriju labiekārtošanu, ielu apgaismošanu, kapsētu uzturēšanu u.c. iestādes uzticētos pienākumus.Izglītība – vēlama augstākā vai vidējā profesionālā inženiertehniskā, ar komercpakalpojumu vadību, būvniecību, nekustamo īpašumu pārvaldību saistītās vai līdzīgās jomās, augstākā izglītība tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību.
Organizēt un patstāvīgi veikt pagasta teritorijas un dažādu objektu labiekārtošanu (piemēram, augu stādīšana un kopšana, zāliena pļaušana un kopšana, soliņu ierīkošana, sīki ēku remontdarbi, pēc nepieciešamības piedalīties autotransporta tehniskā stāvokļa uzturēšanā, apkopē, un citus darbus)
Organizēt un piedalīties autoceļu ikdienas un periodiskās uzturēšanas darbu veikšanā, autoceļu greiderēšanu un attīrīšanu no sniega ziemas laikā, amata pienākumu veikšanai nepieciešamo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana un spēja tajos orientēties.
Sadarbībā ar Viļānu saimniecības pārzini organizēt traktortehnikas un citas tehnikas, iekārtu un aprīkojuma izmantošanu pagasta saimniecisko darbu vajadzībām, pēc nepieciešamības palīdzēt tehnikas remontdarbu veikšanā.
Atbildēt par iestādes ēku (telpu) uzturēšanu, lietošanu un saglabāšanu, pēc nepieciešamības veikt sīkus ēkas remontus; organizēt kosmētiskos un citus telpu remontus; plānot un organizēt saimniecības preču, būvmateriālu un citu preču un materiālu iegādi saskaņā ar iestādes apstiprināto tāmi elektroniskajā iepirkumu sistēmā un tirdzniecības punktos atbilstoši iestādes vadītāja vai vietnieka rakstiskam pilnvarojumam.
Atbild par iestādes (teritoriālās vienības) autotransportu, nepieciešamības gadījumā veic automašīnas vadītāja darba pienākumus, pēc nepieciešamības tā remontu.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 748.00, description of office - found on the website .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with an indication “for the competition to Rezekne Municipality Authority“ 1 TP5T Association Board ”, the position of the manager of the holding manager IN the parish OF Sokolku” until 2023.gada 15.augustam plkst.12.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu or by 2023.gada 15.augustam plkst.12.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Viļānu apvienības pārvalde”, Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļānos. Kontaktinformācija 64628033. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose submitted documents are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work on the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants. the requirements set.
Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvalde dārznieka Lūznavas pagastā amatu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Vidējā profesionālā/pilnveides izglītība dārzkopībā vai augkopībā;
- Vismaz divi gadi profesionālā darba pieredze augkopībā;
- Teicama valsts valodas prasme;
- Nozarei saistošo normatīvo aktu pārzināšana;
Duties of the office:
- Plānot, organizēt un vadīt darba procesus, kas saistīti ar Lūznavas parka un pagasta teritorijas ainaviskās vides veidošanu, labiekārtošanu, kopšanu (zālāja, koku, krūmu un puķu dobju stādījumu) un uzturēšanu;
- Veikt muižas parkā un pagasta teritorijā esošo vides objektu uzturēšanu kārtībā, plānot un organizēt puķu dobju un košumkrūmu pakāpenisku atjaunošanu, pozitīvu parka, pagasta teritorijas tēla veidošanu;
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 665,00 EUR
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 700,00 EUR – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation.
Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “dārznieks Lūznavas pagastā”” līdz 2023. gada 18. augustam uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2023. gada 18. augustam jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē „Maltas apvienības pārvalde”, lietvedei Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pag., Rēzeknes novads.
Additional information by 64607421 lietvede ina Tuče Lūznavas parish
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
For the second round, work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādē “Viļānu apvienības pārvalde” (reģ Nr.40900036645) tiek izsludināts atklātais konkurss uz vakanto saimniecības pārziņa amatu Sokolku pagastā.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
Education – preferable in higher or secondary vocational engineering, commercial service management, construction, real estate management or similar areas; higher education will be considered an advantage;
Amatam vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze materiālo vērtību uzskaitē, saimnieciska rakstura darbu plānošanā un organizēšanā, labiekārtošanas darbu organizēšanā, ielu, ceļu uzturēšanas darbos, ar transportu saistītu jautājumu risināšanā un padoto darbinieku vadīšanā, organizēšanā un kontrolē valsts vai pašvaldības institūcijā vai privātā komercstruktūrā .
Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, good communication and cooperation capacities;
The ability to handle information technologies, office equipment, electronic document management and procurement systems and electronic means of communication;
Knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of office and the ability to orientate them;
Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
Category B driving licence; in addition TO the CATEGORY C1 or C driving licence, the right will be considered as an advantage;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 748.00, description of office - found on the website .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) ar norādi „Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Viļānu apvienības pārvalde” saimniecības pārziņa vadītāja amatu Sokolku pagastā” līdz 2023. gada 1. augustam plkst. 12.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai līdz 2023. gada 1. augustam plkst. 12.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes “Viļānu apvienības pārvalde”, Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļānos. Kontaktinformācija 64628033. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose submitted documents are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work on the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants. the requirements set.
Iestāde „Maltas apvienības pārvalde”
aicina darbā lietvedi (ar arhīva un saimnieciskiem pienākumiem) Feimaņu pamatskolā uz noteiktu laiku
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Maltas apvienības pārvalde” (reģ. Nr.40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Maltas apvienības pārvalde” lietvedes (ar arhīva un saimnieciskiem pienākumiem) Feimaņu pamatskolā amatu uz noteiktu laiku.
Requirements for the applicant:
- average vocational or higher education;
- vēlama darba pieredze pašvaldības institūcijā vai valsts pārvaldē;nepieciešamas normatīvo aktu
- zināšanas lietvedības, personāla, darba tiesību jomā un spēja tajos orientēties, kā arī prasme veikt to analīzi un piemērošanu;
- the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the management system must be familiar;
- rational skills of the work organisation, the system of systematisation, the ability to identify errors and eliminate them immediately;
- the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 760,00 EUR.
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 800,00 EUR.
Ar konkursa nolikumu, amata aprakstu var iepazīties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības mājaslapā
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication “Competition on Rezekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” vacancy “novede Feimaņu primary school” by 2023 31.jūlijam plkst.14.00 send to e-mail or in sealed envelope until 2023 31. jūlijam plkst. 14.00 to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, lietvedei 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Maltas association” Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail:
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē pretendentu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu darba interviju par pretendentu teorētisko un praktisko zināšanu pārbaudi tiek uzaicināti tie pretendenti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā izvirzītajām prasībām.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” IN Feimaņu parish invites the farm manager to work on full-time (1 rate)
for an indefinite period.
Requirements for candidates:
- secondary or secondary education;
- the need for prior experience in the organisation and management of economic processes;
- good computer skills - Word, Excel prorams, skills to use office hardware, email and other applications and know-how about using digital technologies.
- excellent communication and cooperation skills;
- creative and independent approach to work;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 718,20 EUR (before tax)
Remuneration of basic work after probationary period 756,00 EUR (before tax)
Applicants until 2023. gada 31. jūlijam at 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai iesniedz personīgi iestādē “Maltas apvienības pārvalde”, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi “Konkursam uz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde „Maltas apvienības pārvalde” vakanci “Saimniecības pārzinis Feimaņu pagastā” un kurā ir ievietoti šādi dokumenti:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - Head of the “Maltas association management” of the municipality of Rezekne Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687 e-mail
Maltas Board of association invites senior cook Feimaņu to a full-time primary school (1 rate) for an indefinite period
Requirements for candidates:
- basic or secondary vocational training;
- preference of previous experience in a similar capacity;
- computer skills – using e-mail, using electronic accounting systems, using office technique;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
- ievērot darba disciplīnu un darba laika grafiku, maksimāli laiku izmantot uzticētā darba veikšanai;
- the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative;
- national language skill.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 620,00 EUR (before tax)
Remuneration of basic work after probationary period 630,00 EUR (before tax)
Applicants until 2023. gada 31. jūlijam plkst. 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai iesniedz personīgi iestādē “Maltas apvienības pārvalde”, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi “Junior cook Feimaņu in elementary school” for “COMPETITION to Rēzekne municipality” and containing the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - Head of the “Maltas association management” of the municipality of Rezekne Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687 e-mail
Rezekne Municipality Authority “Culture and Tourism Administration” (tail. No 40900040015) announces an open invitation to tender for a vacant artist-designer place:
- Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Maltas apvienībā;
- Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Kaunatas apvienībā;
The work duties of the artist-designer shall be performed in cultural and tourism administration cultural centres (with the understanding of cultural houses, the People's House or other cultural centre names), which are located in the territory of the abovementioned Rēzekne District Association.
Less workload is offered - 0.5.
Ir iespēja pilnas slodzes darbam, strādājot gan Maltas, gan Kaunatas apvienībās.
Requirements for the applicant:
- general secondary or secondary vocational training;
- the ability to design stage, room and environmental designs in festive events;
- skills for printing and publishing visual material in the digital environment;
- izpratne par zīmolvedību un vizuālo identitāti;
- zināšanas par sociālo tīklu darbību un prasmes pārvaldīt sociālo tīklu profilus;
- the skills to take photos and process photos;
- the desire to improve professional qualifications.
Amata kandidāti līdz 2023. gada 31. jūlija plkst. 16.00 ievieto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- a collection of creative works (Portfolio);
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work gross (pre-tax) for part-time work: EUR 412,5
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speciāliste Dace Škrjaba, tālr.: tālr. 28305472, e-pasts:
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādē “Viļānu apvienības pārvalde” (reģ Nr.40900036645) tiek izsludināts konkurss uz vakanto datorsistēmu un datortīklu administratora amatu.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
Education – average, secondary education, higher education will be considered an advantage;
Amatam vēlama atbilstoša darba pieredze. Palīdzēt organizēt mācību procesu skolā:
- datorzinību, informātikas stundās sniegt konsultācijas izglītojamajiem;
- citu mācību priekšmetu stundās tehniski nodrošināt mācību procesu un sniegt nepieciešamo informāciju gan skolotājiem, gan izglītojamajiem;
- priekšmetu skolotājiem palīdzēt organizēt mācību procesu datorkabinetos.
Carry out the technical process of the computer network and the provision of programmes at school.
Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, good communication and cooperation capacities;
Communication, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 720,00 amata apraksts - atrodams mājaslapā .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) ar norādi „Konkursam uz Viļānu apvienības pārvaldes Viļānu vidusskolas datorsistēmu un datortīklu administrators amatu” līdz 2023. gada 7. augustam plkst. 12.00 send to e-mail or by 2023. gada 7. augustam plkst. 12.00 iesniedz Viļānu apvienības pārvalde, Kultūras laukums 1A, Viļānos. Kontaktinformācija 64628033. Kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work. the requirements set.
Rezekne municipality pašvaldība (reģ.Nr.90009112679, adrese: Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Verēmu pamatskolas direktora the position
Tiek izsludināts atklāts konkurss uz vakanto Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Verēmu pamatskolas direktora amatu.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- uz pretendentu neattiecas Izglītības likumā un Bērnu tiesību aizsardzības likumā noteiktie ierobežojumi strādāt par pedagogu;
- pretendenta izglītība atbilst Izglītības likumā un Ministru kabineta noteikumos par pedagogiem nepieciešamo izglītību un profesionālo kvalifikāciju un profesionālās pilnveides kārtību noteiktajām prasībām;
- vismaz triju gadu pedagoģiskā darba pieredze izglītības jomā vai izglītības vadības darbā, vai līdzīga rakstura koordinējošā, konsultatīvajā vai izglītojošā darbā;
- valsts valodas prasme augstākajā līmenī atbilstoši Valsts valodas likuma prasībām;
- vismaz vienas svešvalodas, kas ir Eiropas Savienības oficiālā valoda, zināšanas profesionālajai darbībai nepieciešamajā apjomā;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- psiholoģiskā noturība stresa situācijās, prasme analizēt situāciju un rīcības sekas, atrast piemērotāko risinājumu;
- labas komunikācijas un sadarbības prasmes, tai skaitā- prasme strādāt komandā, plānot un organizēt savu un padoto darbinieku darbu;
- there must be an understanding of ethical standards, be able to work in a team, be able to plan and organize the work of their and subordinate employees, have creative and flexible thinking, initiative;
- radoša un elastīga domāšana, iniciatīva;
- zināšanas skolvadībā un izglītības satura jautājumos;
- vēlama pieredze projektu darbā;
- the right of the driver of the driver.
- perfect reputation.
Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR 1360,00 (no 01.09.2023, MK noteikumi 445).
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 2023. gada 3. augusta plkst. 11.30 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
- a letter of motivation;
- dzīves gājuma apraksts (CV);
- pieteikuma anketu (skat.1. Pielikumu);
- izglītību un valsts valodas prasmes (ja nepieciešams) apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas (oriģināls jāņem līdzi uz interviju);
- tālākizglītību apliecinošu dokumentu kopijas;
- Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Verēmu pamatskolas attīstības koncepciju (ne vairāk kā divas A4 formāta lappuses datorrakstā).
Kontaktinformācija t. 64607201. Amata kandidātu izvērtēšana tiek uzsākta ne vēlāk kā 3 (trīs) dienas pēc dokumentu iesniegšanas termiņa beigām.
Konkurss tiek organizēts divās kārtās. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa komisija izvērtē amata kandidātu iesniegtos dokumentus. Uz otro kārtu – darba interviju - tiek uzaicināti tie amata kandidāti, kuru iesniegtie dokumenti atbilst konkursa nolikumā (atrodams pašvaldības mājaslapā the requirements set.
Maltas Association Board (Reg. No 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the technical worker of the administrative staff of THE Maltas association IN parish Maltas.
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- the right to drive tractors — TR2;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 620,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with a reference to “contest Maltas association management vacancy technical worker” until 17 July 2023 at 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 17 July 2023 14.00 must be submitted personally to the institution of THE Maltas association, the council in box 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information – head of THE Maltas association, Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail (in absence: Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” (tail. No. 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open invitation to tender for a vacant Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” for the position of technical specialist Luznava.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary vocational or higher education in engineering, technical service;
- Appropriate work experience of civil engineering, including economic activities, is desirable for the post;
- Ability to obtain information independently, to address technical issues and to organise the execution of work;
- The ability to compile estimates of repairs, tasks and specifications;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- The initiative, the ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence
Duties of the office:
- Know and coordinate technical supervision issues of the architectural monument of national significance, in order to ensure the preservation of historical values.
- Ensure the management and operation of the building.
- Ensure the proper operation and operation of the engineering communications (heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply, automatic fire-fighting, signalling, telecommunications, etc.), knowledge of their structure, principles of principal activities and regimes.
- Ensure the quality operation, service and operation of installations installed in the building in accordance with instructions and safety regulations.
- Plan and implement repair and repair of the building, repair and replacement of equipment.
- Participate in the technical service of the activities organised in the building, to carry out the preparation of premises and equipment for the qualitative progress of the activities in accordance with the specificity of the measure.
- Plan and, in coordination with the direct manager, carry out the acquisition of material and other resources for the operation of the building.
- Prepare and submit to the direct manager the reports, analyses and plans of the building maintenance works.
- Cooperate with suppliers, outsourcing services in the technical field;
- Develop and maintain updated technical documentation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 731,50 EURO
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period of EUR 770,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
Documents with an indication of “competitions to the municipality of Rezekne” “Maltas Association Board” vacancy “Technical Specialist Luznava” until 30 June 2023 to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 30 April 2023 June to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, node la street 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Additional information by 64607421 lietvede ina Tuče Lūznavas parish
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
For the second round, work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” (tail. No. 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open competition to the vacancy of the municipality of Rēzekne, “Maltas Association Board”, head of the bus driver Luznava.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary education;
- Compulsory professional experience in the transport of passengers;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- B, C1, D driving licence; code 95; driver card, as the bus is equipped with a digital tachograph.
Principal duties:
- To carry out the transport of pupils by route;
- Carry out the duties of a bus/coach driver in accordance with the instructions of the driver;
- The performance of appropriate documentation, accounting;
- Repair of simple car, maintenance;
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 627,00 EUR
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period of 660,00 EUR – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copy of the driving licence.
Documents with an indication of “competitions to the municipality of Rezekne” “Maltas Association Board” vacancy “bus driver Luznava” until 2023 30 June to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 30 June 2023 to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, node la street 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Additional information by 64607421 lietvede ina Tuče Lūznavas parish
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
For the second round, work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Maltas Association Board (Reg. No 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the management repairer of the vacancy Maltas.
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- the right to drive tractors — TR2;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 636,50
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 670,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication of “contest Maltas” vacancy technical worker until 21 June 2023 at 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 21 June 2023 14.00 must be submitted personally to the institution of THE Maltas association, the council in box 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information - Maltas association manager Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail: (in absence: Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted. In the second round, the practical task and interviews.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” IN Feimaņu parish invites the farm manager to work on full-time (1 rate)
for an indefinite period.
Requirements for candidates:
- secondary or secondary education;
- the need for prior experience in the organisation and management of economic processes;
- good computer skills - Word, Excel prorams, skills to use office hardware, email and other applications and know-how about using digital technologies.
- excellent communication and cooperation skills;
- creative and independent approach to work;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 718,20 EUR (before tax)
Remuneration of basic work after probationary period 756,00 EUR (before tax)
Applicants until 19 June 2023 at 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, to the clerk 3. cab, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, application in a sealed envelope marked “invitation to tender for Rezekne municipality” vacancy “1 TP44T association” vacancy “farm manager Feimaņu parish” and containing the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - Head of the “Maltas association management” of the municipality of Rezekne Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687 e-mail
The Central Board of the municipality of Rezekne invites the local government of the municipality of Rezekne to submit to the construction board of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne the position of the assistant of the building supervisor (the classification of professions – the assistant of the building inspector 2422 55) for a specified period of time, which is the time of absence of the building inspector. The place of work is determined by the liberation alley 81, Rezekne.
The remuneration OF the basic work AT EUR 1080.44 during the verification period, after a probationary period OF EUR 1137.30, in accordance with the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne District Council, to the employee, according to the assessment.
Principal duties:
- Participate in the meetings of the construction board and decision-making regarding submitted construction applications, construction projects, certification cards, explanatory memoranda.
- To verify conformity of construction work with the construction project and the requirements of regulatory enactments.
- In conjunction with the building inspector, verify the existence of the conformity of construction products at the construction site and inform the supervising authority of the market for construction products regarding the deficiencies detected.
- In conjunction with the building inspector, verify compliance with environmental protection requirements in the construction site and inform the institutions which perform the State control of the environment regarding the deficiencies detected.
- Verify that the supervision or construction supervision is carried out in cases where the necessary supervision needs to be laid down by regulatory enactments and whether the construction monitoring plan is complied with.
- For each inspection, prepare an opinion or another document containing the results of the survey (a statement of absence of the structure, etc.).
- After commencement of construction work, control the construction process by surveying together with the site of construction of construction inspectors in conformity with the construction monitoring plan.
- Inspect the documentation necessary for commencement of construction work prior to the marking of the mark in the building permit (certification card/explanatory memorandum) regarding fulfilment of the conditions for commencement of construction work.
- To perform the acceptance of buildings and structures in service for the objects specified in the instructions of the manager of the construction board or to prepare a decision to prevent the deficiencies indicated.
- Provide advice on construction opportunities in the area concerned, on the construction process and examining applications.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Secondary vocational or higher/non-finished higher education in the construction or architectural study programme;
- At least one year's professional experience in construction is desirable;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Know the administrative process;
- Excellent skills in working with a computer (MS Word, Excel); desirable skills in the use of the construction information system.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality,
Candidates until 16 June 2023 12.00 shall be submitted to the central administration mailbox of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, release alley 95A, LV-4601, or send an application to e-mail or eAdresi with a reference to “the position of the assistant of the building inspector of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne”) and the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact information 26531328. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 2 (two) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”, tail No. 52403003451, address: Liep street 2C, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV-4650, tel. 26171835, e-mail:,
enterprise (local government 100% capital company), operating sectors: provision of water-holding services TO residents of Viļānu, institutions and organisations and house management, calls for work:
- economists, (normal working time, for a certain time, gross wage EUR 990.00).
Main duties of work, in accordance with the description of the position:
- carry out research on internal and external economic environment, conduct economic activity process and analysis of results;
- formulate the objectives of economic activity and identify pathways for achieving objectives; predict and plan economic activities in general and individual stages;
- prepare pay invoices for natural and legal persons; prepare debt schedules and control their execution;
- development of tariff for water management services, in accordance with the methodology for calculation of tariffs for water management services;
- ensure the maintenance of managed house files, the preparation of revenue-expenditure estimates; collect data, analyse and perform calculations on the balance sheets of the houses to be managed;
- prepare reports for the Controlling Instances, the company's economic situation and production indicators; calculate the natural resources tax; prepare and submit statistics.
- higher education in finance or economics;
- work experience in a similar capacity, not less than 3 years;
- good skills in working with a computer (Word, Excel, CN program WinNams)
- analytical thinking, ability to predict and analyse figures;
- good communication, reasoning and cooperation skills;
- national language skills AT C1 level;
- high sense of responsibility, ability to concentrate, accuracy.
We offer:
- Interesting and dynamic work;
- Friendly and responsive collective;
- Social guarantees;
- Stable remuneration.
A LETTER OF motivation and a letter of motivation, by 9 June 2023, please send to e-mail: “economist”
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to ensure the progress of this selection. The data controller is SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”, address: Liep street 2C, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV - 4650.
SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”, tail No. 52403003451, address: Liep street 2C, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV-4650, tel. 26171835, e-mail:,
enterprise (local government 100% capital company), operating sectors: provision of water-holding services TO residents of Viļānu, institutions and organisations and house management, calls for work:
- Chief accountants, (normal working time, for a fixed period of time, gross wage OF EUR 950.00)).
The main tasks of the work:
- organisation of the company's accounting processes, in accordance with THE requirements of THE LAWS and regulations OF THE LR;
- preparation of financial and tax reports for management and public institutions;
- payroll calculation and working time accounting;
- accurate accounting of economic and financial activities;
- preparation of annual report and operational reports;
- operation of bank operations;
- participation in the drawing up and control of the budget;
- higher education in accounting, financing or economics;
- 3 years of experience in the office of chief accounting officer;
- good skills in working with computer (Word, Excel, Tildes Jumis)
- analytical thinking, ability to predict and analyse figures;
- good communication, reasoning and cooperation skills, competence in all accounting processes;
- national language skills AT C1 level;
- high sense of responsibility, ability to concentrate, accuracy.
We offer:
- Interesting and dynamic work;
- Friendly and responsive collective;
- Social guarantees;
- Stable remuneration.
A LETTER OF motivation and a letter of motivation, by 26 May 2023, please send to e-mail: “Chief Accounting Officer”
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to ensure the progress of this selection. The data controller is SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”, address: Liep street 2C, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV - 4650.
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the spatial planning department of the Central Government Development Planning Division of the municipality of Rezekne.
Principal place of work: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education in urban planning, spatial development planning, spatial planning, architecture, landscape architecture, land-use or geography;
- the ability to focus on local government spatial planning issues;
- desirable experience in the development of local government planning documents, spatial planning, land use or landscape architecture;
- experience with cartographic material and experience with computer programs (MicroStation, AutoCAD, ArcGIS) at user level;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1106.75 during probationary period EUR 1165, 00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 21 June 2023 at 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the abovementioned address, or sent to an e-mail or eAdresi application with an indication “invitation to the office of the spatial planning department of the Central Government Development Planning Division of Rezekne”, the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Deputy Head of the Regional Development Planning Division of Rezekne Brigita Arbidane, 64607185, 26582773.
The competition is organised in two stages:
- in the first round of the competition, the Commission shall assess the applications of candidates and the documents submitted and invite candidates who comply with the requirements laid down in the regulations, which are certified by the documents submitted, to the second round of the competition;
- the second round of the competition shall consist of an examination of the theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and an interview with the candidates selected in the first round.
Maltas Association Board (Reg. No 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the technical worker of the vacancy Maltas.
Requirements for the applicant:
- national language skill according to baseline level 1 (A1)
- the ability to work with a trustworthy inventory;
- the right to drive tractors — TR2;
- experience with tractors;
- knowledge of personal protective equipment and their use;
- mutual cooperation skills;
- the ability to work in tight and limited time, operational planning and execution of the work process;
- know the principles of operation, operation, control and maintenance of service equipment and machinery; order of execution of interconnected work processes;
- independently plan, organize and execute the assigned task, taking into account the specified terms of reference;
- working in a team by organising the execution of a task in cooperation with other staff of the institution;
- Category B driving licence
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 620,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with a reference to “contest Maltas association management vacancy technical worker” by 12 June 2023 at 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 12 June 2023 14.00 must be submitted personally to the institution of THE Maltas association, the council in box 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information - Maltas association manager Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail: (in absence: Gatis Pučka, mob. 20221846).
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted. In the second round, the practical task and interviews.
Rezekne Municipality Authority “Culture and Tourism Administration” (tail. No 40900040015) announces an open invitation to tender for the organiser of a vacancy event place:
- Bērzgales parish cultural house (1 workload);
- Ozolmuižas parish culture house (0.5 workload);
- Sakstagala parish public activity centre (0.5 workload);
- Dekšāres in the People's House (1 workload);
- Kaunatas parish in the People's House and Kaunatas parish in the Dubular Club (1 workload).
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher or secondary education;
- the ability to design, prepare and manage cultural activities;
- the ability to plan work in accordance with the objectives, priorities and corresponding budgets;
- skills to use information technology to carry out the duties of office.
Candidates until 8 June 2023 at 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance (Rezekne, Liberation alley 95A, LV-4601) or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- a letter of motivation;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work gross (pre-tax) for full workload: EUR 998.
Contact person for more detailed information – Deputy Head of Culture and Tourism Management, Agnese Lukjanova, tel. 28398367, e-mail
Rezekne Municipality Authority “Culture and Tourism Administration” (tail. No 40900040015) announces an open invitation to tender for a vacant artist-designer place:
- Cultural and tourism management units in THE management of THE Dricānu association;
- Cultural and tourism management units in THE management of THE Maltas association;
- Cultural and tourism management departments in THE management of THE Kaunatas association;
- In the Department of Culture and Tourism, Viļānu in the administration of the association.
The work duties of the artist-designer shall be performed in cultural and tourism administration cultural centres (with the understanding of cultural houses, the People's House or other cultural centre names), which are located in the territory of the abovementioned Rēzekne District Association.
Less workload is offered - 0.5.
Requirements for the applicant:
- general secondary or secondary vocational training;
- the ability to design stage, room and environmental designs in festive events;
- skills for printing and publishing visual material in the digital environment;
- understanding of branding and visual identity; knowledge of social networking activities and skills to manage social network profiles;
- the skills to take photos and process photos;
- the desire to improve professional qualifications.
Candidates until 8 June 2023 at 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance (Rezekne, Liberation alley 95A, LV-4601) or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- a collection of creative works (Portfolio);
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work gross (pre-tax) for part-time work: EUR 412,5
Contact person for more detailed information – Deputy Head of Culture and Tourism Management, Agnese Lukjanova, tel.: tel. 28398367, e-mail:
SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”, tail No. 52403003451, address: Liep street 2C, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV-4650, tel. 26171835, e-mail:, company (local government 100% capital company) whose activities: provision of water-holding services TO the people of THE Viļānu association, institutions and organisations and house management, calls for work:
- economists,
(normal working time, for a certain time, gross wage EUR 990.00)
Main duties of work, in accordance with the description of the position:
- carry out research on internal and external economic environment, conduct economic activity process and analysis of results;
- formulate the objectives of economic activity and identify pathways for achieving objectives; predict and plan economic activities in general and individual stages;
- prepare pay invoices for natural and legal persons; prepare debt schedules and control their execution;
- development of tariff for water management services, in accordance with the methodology for calculation of tariffs for water management services;
- ensure the maintenance of managed house files, the preparation of revenue-expenditure estimates; collect data, analyse and perform calculations on the balance sheets of the houses to be managed;
- prepare reports for the Controlling Instances, the company's economic situation and production indicators; calculate the natural resources tax; prepare and submit statistics.
- higher education in finance or economics;
- work experience in a similar capacity, not less than 3 years;
- good skills in working with a computer (Word, Excel, CN program WinNams)
- analytical thinking, ability to predict and analyse figures;
- good communication, reasoning and cooperation skills;
- national language skills AT C1 level;
- high sense of responsibility, ability to concentrate, accuracy.
We offer:
- Interesting and dynamic work;
- Friendly and responsive collective;
- Social guarantees;
- Stable remuneration.
A LETTER OF motivation and a letter of motivation, by 31 May 2023, please send to e-mail: “economist”
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to ensure the progress of this selection. The data controller is SIA “VILNIUS HOUSEKEEPER”, address: Liep street 2C, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV - 4650.
SIA “VILNIUS HEAT”, tail No. 42403003341, address: Rēzeknes street 6a, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV-4650, tel. 26171835, e-mail:, company (local government 100% capital company), whose activity sector - heating supply Viļānu for residents, institutions and organisations of the city, calls for work:
Chief accountants,
(normal working time, for a fixed period of time, gross wage OF EUR 950.00)
The main tasks of the work:
- organisation of the company's accounting processes, in accordance with THE requirements of THE LAWS and regulations OF THE LR;
- preparation of financial and tax reports for management and public institutions;
- payroll calculation and working time accounting;
- accurate accounting of economic and financial activities;
- preparation of annual report and operational reports;
- operation of bank operations;
- participation in the drawing up and control of the budget;
- development of the tariff for heating energy service in accordance with the methodology for calculation of tariffs for heating energy supply services.
- higher education in accounting, financing or economics;
- 3 years of experience in the office of chief accounting officer;
- work experience in the development of the tariff for heating energy services will be considered as an advantage;
- good skills in working with computer (Word, Excel, accounting program zalkis)
- analytical thinking, ability to predict and analyse figures;
- good communication, reasoning and cooperation skills, competence in all accounting processes;
- national language skills AT C1 level;
- high sense of responsibility, ability to concentrate, accuracy.
We offer:
- Interesting and dynamic work;
- Friendly and responsive collective;
- Social guarantees;
- Stable remuneration.
CV and motivation letter by 9 June 2023 please send to e-mail: “Chief Accounting Officer”
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to ensure the progress of this selection. The data controller is SIA “VILNIUS WARMTH”, address: Rēzeknes street 6a, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV - 4650.
Rezekne Municipality Authority “Culture and Tourism Administration” (tail. No 40900040015) announces an open invitation to tender for the location of the vacancy operator:
- Cultural and tourism management units in THE management of THE Dricānu association;
- Cultural and tourism management units in THE management of THE Maltas association;
- In the Department of Culture and Tourism, Viļānu in the administration of the association.
The work duties of the operator of the sound operator shall be performed in cultural and tourism administration cultural centres (with the understanding of cultural houses, the People's House or other cultural centre names), which are located in the territory of the abovementioned Rēzekne District Association.
A part-time workload of 28 h per week is offered.
Requirements for the applicant:
- general secondary or secondary vocational training;
- understanding and configuring digital sound consoles
- understanding and skills for working with light systems;
- ability to organise their work, self-initiative and a high sense of responsibility;
- skills to use the necessary accessories and ancillary equipment, information and communication technologies for the performance of work;
- the desire to improve professional qualifications;
- Category B driving licence.
Candidates until 8 June 2023 at 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance (Rezekne, Liberation alley 95A, LV-4601) or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Basic pay gross (pre-tax) for part-time work: EUR 577,75
Contact person for more detailed information – Deputy Head of Culture and Tourism Management, Agnese Lukjanova, tel. 28398367, e-mail:
Rezekne District Municipalities (Reg. No 90009112679) the Central Administration's real estate management service calls for the work of land-based specialists with an activity area OF Kaunatas parcel, Mākoņkalna parcel
Announcing open contest to vacancy Land Affairs Specialist with an activity area OF Kaunatas parish, Mākoņkalna parish. The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- at least secondary education;
- vocational higher education or education in land, forestry, melioration will be considered as an advantage;
- work experience in State or local government institutions over the last 5 years of the year will be considered as an advantage;
- The data of the State cadastre system of the immovable property;
- knowledge regarding the work with land affairs and the regulatory enactments regulating the immovable property of the local government and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of cartographic material, topographic plans, ability to focus on nature, knowledge of the cadastre information structure;
- knowledge of land and land surveying processes;
- knowledge of the principles of drafting documents, their presentation and storage requirements;
- knowledge of the official language of the official (Level 2);
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- good computer skills, skills to work with optical programs (MS Word, MS Excel), ability to quickly learn work with special programs and systems required to perform tasks;
- ability to be mobile, periodically changing the workplace;
- driving licence (category B);
- perfect reputation;
The remuneration of the basic salary after probationary period shall be EUR 883 (according to the decision of the Rēzekne District Council), which is correlated in accordance with the assessment of the employee. The remuneration is fixed at EUR 838.85 during the verification.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of the duties of office, with an indication “for the competition to the position of the Land Registry Officer of the Central Administration of the Local Government of Rezekne” until the meeting of 19 May 2023. 12:00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to the e-mail or eAddress. Contact information: t. 64607188.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces open competition to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne
The position of the staff specialist of the Legal and Registry Officer for an indefinite period of time
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the staff specialist of the legal and administrative department of the central administration of the local government of Rezekne.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education, preferably in the field of professional staff management or in law;
- the experience will be considered as an advantage over the past 15 years in the field of staff management for more than 1 year;
- work experience over the past 15 years in national or local government institutions over 6 months will be considered as an advantage;
- the experience will be considered as an advantage over the past 5 years with databases and information systems over 1 year;
- knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and administration system, regarding the laws and regulations of labour law and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with computer, electronic personnel and document management systems, e-mail;
- the resulting supplementary education in the field of the practical application of information technologies – working with databases, information systems will be considered as an advantage;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 1049,75 during the verification period, after a probationary period OF EUR 1105.00 - in accordance with the decision of the Rēzekne District Council A level, for the employee – according to the assessment.
Candidates until On 2 June 2023 at 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to the e-mail or eAddress for the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact information: 64607191.
The competition is organised in two stages:
- in the first round of the competition, the Commission shall evaluate the documents submitted by candidates and invite candidates in the competition which comply with the requirements laid down in the regulations;
- the second round of the competition shall consist of an examination of the theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and an interview with the candidates selected in the first round.
The personal data specified in the application documents of candidates will be processed in order to ensure the conduct of this selection competition in accordance with regulatory enactments. The controller of the Personal Data Processor is the municipality of Rezekne.
The municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Kaunatas is invited to work on a full-time electrician for an indefinite period
Requirements for candidates:
- secondary or secondary vocational training;
- “B” group certificate in electrical safety;
- national language use skills at average (B1, B2);
- Category B driver certificate;
- preference of previous experience in a similar capacity;
- a high sense of responsibility and precision;
- knowledge of technical documentation;
- the ability to carry out works for the installation, operation, monitoring, maintenance, regulation and repair of electrical installations.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 630,00 EUR (before tax).
Remuneration of basic work after probationary period 660,00 EUR (before tax).
Applicants up to 20 June 2023 at 16:30 .00 submit an application with an indication “Kaunatas for an electric vacancy of an association of association” to e-mail, by post or to submit personally Kaunatas in the management of the association: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, to which the following documents are attached:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- feedback from previous jobs or previous jobs (if any).
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information - Deputy Head of the Rēzekne District Municipality Kaunatas Association for Agriculture Affairs Sergei Bashmakov, tel. 29224840; e-mail:
Social service of the municipality of Rezekne (reg. No 40900003729, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the vacant social service unit group “Pilcene” (address: Piļcine, Dricānu parish) as a social rehabilitator (for an indefinite period).
Requirements for the applicant:
- first level vocational higher education - qualification of social rehabilitator or second level vocational higher or academic education in the field of social work;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- communication, ability to work in stress situations, ability to analyse critical situations;
- excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
- good skills in working with computer in multiple programs, skills to work with office technics.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 723
Normal working time, full load
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- copies of documents certifying supplementary education
Applicants shall submit documents to the social service of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 11 th office, or send to e-mail:, (with an indication of “invitation to a social rehabiliter in the house“ Pilcene ”).
The application must be submitted or provided by: 16 June 2023 (including), applications received after this deadline are not evaluated.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces open competition to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne (for a certain period)
Legal and Registry Officer's Legal Officer
An open competition to a vacancy is announced (for a definite period - the time of absence of a basic employee) the position of a lawyer of the legal and record-keeping unit of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education in the speciality of legal sciences;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- the experience of representation in judicial proceedings and the preparation of procedural documents, work with different national registers, databases and experience in debt collection, which are critical of the eligibility of a tenderer, may be regarded as an advantage;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the laws of local governments, the law of administrative procedure, as well as the knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication skills;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- perfect reputation.
The remuneration OF the basic work AT EUR 1098.20 during the verification period, after a probationary period OF EUR 1156, 00 – in accordance with the decision of the Council of Rēzekne council A level, for the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 26 May 2023 at 12:00 with a reference to “the position of a lawyer of the legal and record-keeping unit of the municipality of Rezekne” shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, in Rezekne, in the alley OF release 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the abovementioned address, or sent to e-mail or eAddress the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Contact information: 64607200
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. For the second round - the examination of the theoretical, practical knowledge of candidates and the part of the negotiations - candidates of the office whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited. the requirements set.
The personal data specified in the application documents of candidates will be processed in order to ensure the conduct of this selection competition in accordance with regulatory enactments. The controller of the Personal Data Processor is the municipality of Rezekne.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” (tail. No. 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open competition to the vacancy of the municipality of Rēzekne, “Maltas Association Board”.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Average vocational or higher education;
- An appropriate professional experience in the performance or management of engineering communications, including motorways, operations, maintenance or economic activities;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Ability to continuously obtain information on the development of road operation, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation;
- Ability to operate in a team, plan and co-ordinate the development and maintenance works of the local government road and street infrastructure;
- Ability to plan budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications;
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications;
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently;
- Skills in drawing up the budget plan and organising its execution;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 880,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication of “competitions to the municipality of Rezekne” of THE “Maltas Association Board” vacancy “road construction technician” until 26 May 2023 at 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 26 May 2023 at 14.00 to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, lietvedei 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Maltas association” Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail: (in absence: Gatis Pučka, mob. 26493459).
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted. For the second round: theoretical (written test-response) and practical knowledge (computer skills) tests, as well as working interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Rezekne municipality
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Interest education teacher the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
- Develop an interest education programme with concrete and realistic results.
- Carry out the education of interest in accordance with the individual needs and interests of the client.
- Motivate the attendance by seeing and activating the client's internal resources.
- Perform the thematic lesson and the results of the results achieved in the interest education program journal.
- Respect certain principles in the work process, taking into account the objectives of the activities and their themes.
- Generate and implement innovative ideas.
Position requirements:
- Education in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding education and professional qualification necessary for teachers.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- High communication and collaboration skills.
The target audience: Minors with functional disorders.
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 29 May 2023 send to e-mail,, with indication “Invitation to tender” Post of interest education teacher”
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Social worker the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
- Identify the social needs of customers and identify social problems.
- Create and collect customer files.
- Schedule individual social care and social rehabilitation.
- Regularly update customer documents in accordance with the specified terms.
- Co-ordinate the development of individual social care and social rehabilitation plans in cooperation with members of the interprofessional team, in conformity with the results and needs of the assessment of the performance of clients.
- Provide support to customers in addressing social problems and provide information on opportunities to improve their social situation.
- Consider customer proposals and complaints.
- Make proposals relating to the improvement of the quality of the social care/social rehabilitation process.
Position requirements:
- Second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work.
- Experience with customer service, social case management.
- The ability to assess the quality of the social care and social rehabilitation service provided.
- The ability to collect, analyse and process information obtained during the care and rehabilitation process.
- Expertise in health care, psychology, pedagogy and social work.
- Skill to manage and promote team activities.
- Ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities.
Work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Normal working time
Salary Gross EUR 935
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 29 May 2023
send to e-mail,, with indication “Call for the position of a social worker” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for a vacancy
Social rehabilitator the position
(indefinite) 1 vacancy
1. Basic duties of the office:
1.1. to participate in the development, implementation and improvement of the individual social rehabilitation plan of clients;
1.2. to develop and improve customer self-care, hygiene, ethical standards and other social skills;
1.3. to teach customers the ability to focus on their social environment;
1.4. to instruct clients to identify needs, set targets and plan actions to achieve it;
1.5. to involve and promote the participation of customers in leisure time – in groups of interests, recreational afternoons, discussion afternoon, games, singing, drawing, etc.;
1.6. to involve and promote the participation of clients in the attendance and organisation of educational, cultural and sporting events - theatre, cinema, concerts, exhibitions, hiking, excursions, sports days, physical cultural activities - and various other events etc.
2. Position requirements:
2.1. first level vocational higher education
2.2. excellent knowledge of the official language;
2.3. good computer use skills;
2.4. communication and communication skills;
2.5. the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for his or her professional activities;
2.7. work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Salary Gross 706,50 EUR
CV and motivation letter by 29 May 2023 e-mail,, with indication “Contest for the position of social rehabilitator” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Psychologist the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
Plan psychologist advice in accordance with the documents governing the activities.
Provide personal psychologist advice to a person in crisis situations, problems and psychological discomfort.
Provide personal psychologist advice in cases of personal behaviour involving psychological rehabilitation.
In cooperation with other social workers, analyse the causes of the socio-psychological problems of the person and draw up proposals to address them.
Position requirements:
Higher vocational education - Master's degree in psychology.
A high sense of responsibility, flexibility and initiative.
Compliance with the requirements of Section 72 of the Law on the Protection of Children.
Excellent knowledge of Latvian and Russian language.
Good skills in working with a computer.
Skills to work in the team, skills in job scheduling and organization.
Salary Gross 986 EUR
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 29 May 2023 send to e-mail,, with indication “Contest to a psychologist”
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Physiotherapist the position
(for an indefinite period)
Duties of work:
- perform evaluation and analysis of patient/client functional status;
- to draw up an individual rehabilitation plan according to the needs of the patient/client;
- manage physiotherapy individual activities for the patient/customer;
- train patient/customer for daily activities and their performance;
Requirements for the applicant:
- professional bachelor degree in health care, qualification – physiotherapist, medical practitioner;
- professional experience in physiotherapy;
- a high sense of responsibility.
The competencies necessary for the performance of the duties of work:
- psychological persistence and high-exposure culture;
- the ability to create applied cooperation with the staff of the institution, clients and their parents;
- the ability to work in a team;
- national language skills at the highest level.
Working time - full load
Wages and salaries brutto - EUR 1555
Place of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina” on the street OF lake 23A, Vecrujin, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
THE CV and the letter of application are requested to be sent to e-mail: by 29 May 2023.
Municipal Joint Authority “Administration of the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone”
open open competition to
legal advisor
Principal duties:
- prepare and develop draft contracts, draft decisions, opinions, regulations, acts, claims, complaints, claims, regulations, powers, orders, letters, statements and other documents in good quality and within certain deadlines;
- to examine and harmonise draft decisions regarding compliance with the requirements of external laws and regulations and the requirements of internal regulatory enactments of the institution;
- to prepare information regarding the legal issues for the needs of the information material of the institution, as well as to follow the information and representative material, as well as the conformity of the information placed on the website of the institution to the requirements of the external regulatory enactments and the requirements of the internal regulatory enactments of the institution;
- advise the supervisory board of the institution and the enforcement officer in legal matters;
- to organise a document submitted by commercial companies for the acquisition of the status of Rezekne SEZ commercial company and for the performance of investments and to draw up opinions regarding the conformity of the documents submitted with the requirements of regulatory enactments for the granting of legal aid for the performance of investments and for the performance of commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ;
- to prepare a contract regarding investments for the performance of commercial activities, a contract regarding the performance of commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ and a contract regarding the performance of investments/regarding the performance of the expected wage costs;
- to prepare a contract regarding the performance of commercial activities in the territory of the Rēzekne SEZ free zone;
- to prepare a permit for commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ with the right to apply direct tax relief projects specified in the Law on the Application of Taxes in Free Ports and Special Economic Areas;
- organise a contract regarding the performance of investments/regarding the performance of the expected wage costs and the contract regarding the performance of commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ and the supervision of the fulfilment of planned terrestrial conditions referred to therein in conformity with the requirements of external regulatory enactments and the requirements of the internal regulatory enactments of the institution;
- advise the potential investors OF Rezekne SEZ and the commercial company of Rezekne SEZ regarding the acquisition of the status of Rezekne SEZ commercial company, the performance of investments and the performance of commercial activities in the territory of Rezekne SEZ, as well as the legal issues and the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- ensure the development and implementation of the documents regulating the activities of the Rēzekne SEZ commercial activity fund in accordance with their competence and ensure compliance of the administration of the Rēzekne SEZ commercial activity fund with the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- to ensure the development of internal laws, regulations and other documents relating to the leasing and management of immovable property placed at the disposal of the institution;
- etc.
Requirements for applicants:
- second level higher legal education and preferably master's degree in law (may also apply for students at the relevant study programme);
- national language skills at the highest level;
- the knowledge of Russian and English in the extent necessary for the professional execution of the duties of office;
- the ability to work with computer programs and office equipment;
- high level of cultural and management of the organisation of negotiations, presentation skills;
- ability to work independently, plan and organize;
- Category B driving licence.
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
The application documents must be submitted or provided by: 21 May 2023: by post in a registered letter, sending to the address: local authority of local governments “Administration of the Special Economic Zone of Rezekne”, Liberation Alliance 93, Rezekne, LV-4601 (Postal stamp 21 May 2023); in a personally closed envelope, “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” in Study 222; electronically (by signing with a secure electronic signature) to the e-mail address: In the “Subject” section of the envelope or e-mail, the “application for tender to the office of a solicitor of the“ Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board ”of the municipality of Rezekne” shall be indicated.
Remuneration: eur 1356 (before tax).
A tender by-law may be found in the website of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” “vacancies” in the website.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Santa Kuzncova, Deputy manager of the “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board” of the local government institution, tel. 24428646.
The personal data specified in the application documents of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 EC (General Data Protection Regulation) with a view to ensuring the progress of the selection competition. The controller is municipal Joint Authority “Administration of the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone”, registration No 90009259543, registered office: Liberation alley 93, Rezekne. Additional information on the processing of personal data is found in municipal Joint Institutions “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” on the website, under “Privacy Policy”.
“Culture and Tourism Board” of the municipality of Rezekne shall open an open competition to the office of the head of the parish library OF Nagļu
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher academic, higher professional, secondary education in the field of libraries or higher academic, higher vocational, secondary education and further certificate of completion of educational courses in the field of library work;
- desirable work experience in the field of library work;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations in the field of libraries, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- skills to work with computer, information technology, office technology; skills to work with electronic databases and electronic systems; the ability to work with the library information system (BIS) Alice will be considered a priority;
- ability to organise work independently and work on a collective basis;
- be able to plan and organise their own and library work, with creative thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high sense of contact and a sense of responsibility.
Remuneration: EUR 391,87 at the time of verification for part-time (0,5 rates), after a probationary period OF EUR 412,50, in accordance with the decision OF the Rēzekne District Council for Level IIIa, for the employee, according to the assessment.
Candidates must submit:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- a copy of the certificate of education;
Documents entitled “Cultural and tourism administration of the municipality of Rezekne” “Culture and Tourism Board” SHALL be submitted electronically by the head of the library of the parish library OF Nagļu by 15 May 2023. 12.00 Rēzeknes municipality in the cultural and tourism administration of the municipality to e-mail:
Contact information: tel. 64607193
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by candidates and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round - examination of the theoretical knowledge of applicants/work interview - candidates of the office whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations (found on the website of the shall be invited.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” IN Feimaņu parish invites the farm manager to work on full-time (1 rate)
for an indefinite period.
Requirements for candidates:
- secondary or secondary education;
- the need for prior experience in the organisation and management of economic processes;
- good computer skills - Word, Excel prorams, skills to use office hardware, email and other applications and know-how about using digital technologies.
- excellent communication and cooperation skills;
- creative and independent approach to work;
- sense of responsibility and accuracy;
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 718,20 EUR (before tax)
Remuneration of basic work after probationary period 756,00 EUR (before tax)
Applicants until 20 May 2023 at 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, to the clerk 3. cab, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, application in a sealed envelope marked “invitation to tender for Rezekne municipality” vacancy “1 TP44T association” vacancy “farm manager Feimaņu parish” and containing the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - Head of the “Maltas association management” of the municipality of Rezekne Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687 e-mail
“Culture and Tourism Board” of the municipality of Rezekne shall open an open competition to the office of the head of the parish library OF Nagļu
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher academic, higher professional, secondary education in the field of libraries or higher academic, higher vocational, secondary education and further certificate of completion of educational courses in the field of library work;
- desirable work experience in the field of library work;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations in the field of libraries, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the highest degree of national language skills;
- skills to work with computer, information technology, office technique;
- the ability to work with electronic databases and electronic systems; the ability to work with the library information system (BIS) Alice will be considered a priority;
- ability to organise work independently and work on a collective basis;
- be able to plan and organise their own and library work, with creative thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high sense of contact and a sense of responsibility.
Remuneration: EUR 391,87 at the time of verification for part-time (0,5 rates), after a probationary period OF EUR 412,50, in accordance with the decision OF the Rēzekne District Council for Level IIIa, for the employee, according to the assessment.
Candidates must submit:
- letter of motivation;
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- a copy of the certificate of education;
Documents entitled “Cultural and tourism administration of the municipality of Rezekne” “Culture and Tourism Administration” SHALL be submitted in electronic form by the head of the library of the parish library OF Nagļu by 08_May_2023. 12.00 Rēzeknes municipality in the cultural and tourism administration of the municipality to e-mail:
Contact information: tel. 64607193
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by candidates and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round - examination of the theoretical knowledge of applicants/work interview - candidates of the office whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations (found on the website of the shall be invited.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Dricānu Association Board” invites Full-time funeral (1 rate) IN Gaigalavas civil parish for an indefinite period
Requirements for candidates:
- Education: average or average - special
- Desire and ability to work actively
- Physical resilience
- National language use skills at higher grade
- Preferred motor saw, bushcutter operator certificate
We are invited to see a description of the position IN THE county of Gaigalavas parish or on the website of the municipality:
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 620,00 (before tax))
A copy of the application, a CV, a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education uz be sent to until 16 May 2023 (including)whether to submit personally Gaigalavas parish records, by address: Rēzeknes street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644537
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Dricānu Association Board” invites 0.5 load of youth employees IN Gaigalavas civil parish for an indefinite period
Requirements for candidates:
• higher, secondary or secondary education;
• ability to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others;
• digital content (affinity, social networking) skills;
• understanding of what is non-formal learning, what methods are;
• ability to organise non-formal education activities, events;
• high responsibility for work;
• creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
• experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
the preferred category B driving licence;
• the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative.
A description of the job can be found IN THE records of Gaigalavas parish or on the website of the municipality:
Principal duties:
• perform work with youth IN Gaigalavas civil parish;
• support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people;
• motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events;
• organize information and educational activities relevant to young people's age to raise awareness among young people about working life, career selection and non-formal education;
• promote the emergence of a positive culture of interaction and behaviour among young people;
• to cooperate with the authorities of the municipality of Rezekne, organisations;
• promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions;
• to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
• to ensure publicity in social networks;
• improve knowledge and skills for youth work;
Remuneration: EUR 391,88 on part-time verification (0.5 rates), after test time EUR 412,50 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
A copy of the application, a CV, a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education uz be sent to until 16 May 2023whether to submit personally Gaigalavas parish records, by address: Rēzeknes street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644537
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Dricānu Association Board” launches open competition for vacancy The post of a youth employee IN Ozolmuižas, Sakstagala and Kantinieku civil parish
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Dricānu Association Board” calls for an indefinite period of time Youth worker full-time,
Profession code: 2422 57
Requirements for candidates:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- national language skills at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative
We are invited to see a description of the job IN Dricānu in the management of the association or on the website:
Contact person for more detailed information - lietvede Zahare phone - 64644539.
We offer:
- a contract of employment for an indefinite period of time;
- opportunities for professional development and education;
- remuneration EUR 783,75 during probationary period EUR 825, 00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
Applicants until 16 May 2023 submit to the institution (“Last House”, Dricāni, Dricānu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV – 4615,) or send to e-mail: an application with an indication “ to the position of a youth employee” of the “1 TP7T association of the municipality of Rezekne” shall be indicated in the following documents:
1.1. the application questionnaire;
1.2. a description of the professional activity (CV);
1.3. a letter of motivation;
1.4. copies of documents certifying education.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (Reg. No. 40900036645) an invitation to tender shall be issued for the position of a vacant wheelchair. The applicant must carry OUT THE maintenance of Viļānu PII, Viļānu administrative territory of the association, greening of the surroundings, improvement and maintenance of the market area.
Remuneration of basic work: EUR 620.00. Full load.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to 'invitation to tender for THE office of an association of Viļānu' until 12 May 2023 at 12.00 send to e-mail or by 2023 12 May at 12.00 the “Viļānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne, cultural area 1A, Viļānos shall be submitted.
Contact information: 64628033.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to interview the work interview.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces open competition to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne Development planning departments territory Planner Position
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the spatial planning department of the Central Government Development Planning Division of the municipality of Rezekne.
Principal place of work: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1106.75 during probationary period EUR 1165, 00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 10 May 2023 at 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the abovementioned address, or sent to an e-mail or eAdresi application with an indication “invitation to the office of the spatial planning department of the Central Government Development Planning Division of Rezekne”, the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Deputy Head of the Regional Development Planning Division of Rezekne Brigita Arbidane, 64607185, 26582773.
The competition is organised in two stages:
- in the first round of the competition, the Commission shall assess the applications of candidates and the documents submitted and invite candidates for the second round of the competition which comply with the requirements laid down in Section 6 of the Regulation, attested by the documents submitted in paragraph 7;
- the second round of the competition shall consist of an examination of the theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and an interview with the candidates selected in the first round.
“Rēzekne Municipality Authority“ Administration of Vilnius Alliance ”(tail 40900036645) launches open competition to the position of a vacancy specialist.
Applicants must meet the following requirements: second-level vocational higher education in the field of commercial knowledge and administration science or law; an appropriate working experience of a national or local government institution at least 2 (two) years; an appropriate working experience with different national registers, databases that are critical of the eligibility of the applicant, may be considered an advantage; experience in organising and performing procurement work may be considered an advantage; the experience of the organisation of the procurement work at the highest level; the knowledge of the national language at the highest level; the knowledge of information technologies, electronic means of communication and office technique; communication of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties; communication of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of duties; communication, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
The remuneration OF the basic salary OF EUR 880.00, AT the time of the verification, EUR 836,00, description of the post - can be found in the Annex.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to “competition to Rezekne”, the office of the “1 TP5T association of the association” shall hold the position of the procurement specialists ”until 21 April 2023 at 12.00 send to e-mail or by 21 April 2023 at 12.00 the “Viļānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne, cultural area 1A, Viļānos shall be submitted. Contact information 64628033. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to an interview on the examination of the theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants.
Rezekne Municipality Institution “Dricāni Union Board” (Reg. No 40900027407 shall open an open invitation to tender for the position of the construction technician of the vacancy and technical security department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary vocational or higher education
- Previous experience in the design and construction of road maintenance or roads (streets, bridges) will be considered as an advantage for at least 2 years.
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to work in a team, ability to plan, coordinate and manage local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to schedule budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications.
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 880,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with reference to “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” authority of the institution “Dricānu association” road construction technician 'until 28 April 16.30 To be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 28 April 2023 at 16.30 is submitted personally to the institution “Dricānu Association Board”, “Last House”, Dricāni, Dricanu parish, Rezekne municipality, application in a sealed envelope marked “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” authority of the institution “Dricānu association” road construction technician '.
- head of the institution “Dricānu Association” Andrejs Tsarud, tel. 29388271
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants/work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rezekne Municipality Institution “Dricāni Union Board” (Reg. No 40900027407 shall open an open invitation to tender for the position of the head of the Road Grid of the vacancy department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary or secondary vocational training;
- Category of driver of tractor (TR4);
- A level 2 national language knowledge;
- A high sense of responsibility and precision;
- Desirable work experience in this capacity;
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 705,85.
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 743.00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with reference to “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” authority of the institution “Dricānu association” “Head of the driver of the road grader” until 2023 28 April at 16.30 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 28 April 2023 at 16.30 submitted personally to the institution “Dricānu Association Board”, “Last House”, Dricāni, Dricanu parish, Rezekne municipality, application in a sealed envelope marked “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” authority of the institution “Dricānu association” “Head of the driver of the road grader”.
- head of the institution “Dricānu Association” Andrejs Tsarud, tel. 29388271.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For a second round - work interview, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzekne District Municipality “Maltas Association Board” (tail. No. 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open invitation to tender for the vacant position of the “Maltas association of the municipality of Rezekne”
The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- developing digital content (affinity, social networking content);
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative
Description of the position, by-laws, application form - can be found on the website of the municipality,
Documents with an indication of “competitions to the municipality of Rezekne” in the “Maltas Association Board” vacancy “youth employee Feimaņu parish” until 20 April 2023 at 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 20 April 2023 at 14.00 to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, lietvedei 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
The applicant must submit:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- application questionnaire
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Maltas association” Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail:
Remuneration of basic work 412,50 EUR (0.5 load IN Feimaņu civil parish)
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 391,87 EURO.
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
To the second round: theoretical (written test-response) of applicants and work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces open competition to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne Development planning departments territory Planner Position
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the spatial planning department of the Central Government Development Planning Division of the municipality of Rezekne.
Principal place of work: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education in engineering, architecture, urban planning, spatial development planning, spatial planning, land-use or geography;
- understanding of the development of municipal planning documents;
- experience of working with cartographic material and experience at work with drawing computer programs (Micro Station, AutoCAD, ArcGIS) at user level;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1106.75 during probationary period EUR 1165, 00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 20 April 2023 at 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the abovementioned address, or send to e-mail a application with an indication of “invitation to the office of the spatial planning department of the Central Government Development Planning Division of Rezekne”, the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Deputy Head of the Regional Development Planning Division of Rezekne Brigita Arbidane, 64607185, 26582773.
The competition is organised in two stages:
- in the first round of the competition, the Commission shall assess the applications of candidates and the documents submitted and invite candidates for the second round of the competition which comply with the requirements laid down in Section 6 of the Regulation, attested by the documents submitted in paragraph 7;
- the second round of the competition shall consist of an examination of the theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and an interview with the candidates selected in the first round.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board”
calls for an umbrella (with archives and economic duties) AT Feimaņu in primary school
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” (tail. No. 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open competition to the vacancy of the municipality of Rēzekne “Maltas Association Board” (with archives and economic duties) AT Feimaņu primary school.
Requirements for the applicant:
- average vocational or higher education;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- the need for regulatory expertise in the field of records, staff, labour law and the ability to address them and the ability to carry out their analysis and application;
- the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the management system must be familiar;
- rational skills of the work organisation, the system of systematisation, the ability to identify errors and eliminate them immediately;
- the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 760,00 EUR
The remuneration of basic work after a probationary period of EUR 800,00 – in accordance with the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position, by-laws, application form - found on the municipal website
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication “Competition on Rezekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” vacancy “novede Feimaņu primary school” by 2023 20 April at 14.00 send to e-mail or in sealed envelope until 2023 20 April at 14.00 to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, lietvedei 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Maltas association” Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail:
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
To the second round: theoretical (written test-response) of applicants and work interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Social worker the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
- Identify the social needs of customers and identify social problems.
- Create and collect customer files.
- Schedule individual social care and social rehabilitation.
- Regularly update customer documents in accordance with the specified terms.
- Co-ordinate the development of individual social care and social rehabilitation plans in cooperation with members of the interprofessional team, in conformity with the results and needs of the assessment of the performance of clients.
- Provide support to customers in addressing social problems and provide information on opportunities to improve their social situation.
- Consider customer proposals and complaints.
- Make proposals relating to the improvement of the quality of the social care/social rehabilitation process.
Position requirements:
- Second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work.
- Experience with customer service, social case management.
- The ability to assess the quality of the social care and social rehabilitation service provided.
- The ability to collect, analyse and process information obtained during the care and rehabilitation process.
- Expertise in health care, psychology, pedagogy and social work.
- Skill to manage and promote team activities.
- Ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities.
- Work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Normal working time
Salary Gross EUR 935
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 28 April 2023.
send to e-mail,, with indication “Call for the position of a social worker” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for a vacancy
Social rehabilitator the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
- participate in the development, implementation and development of the individual social rehabilitation plan of clients;
- developing and improving customer self-care, hygiene, ethical standards and other social skills;
- teach clients to focus on their social environment;
- instruct clients to identify needs, set targets and plan actions to achieve it;
- to involve and promote the participation of customers in leisure time – in interest groups, recreational afternoons, discussion afternoons, games, singing, drawing, etc.;
- involve and promote the participation of customers in the attendance and organisation of educational, cultural and sporting events - theatre, cinema, concerts, exhibitions, hiking, excursions, sports days, physical cultural activities - and various other events etc.
Position requirements:
- 1. first level vocational higher education;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good computer skills;
- communication and communication skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- work experience in social work with children is desirable.
CV and motivation letter by 28 April 2023 e-mail,, with indication “Contest for the position of social rehabilitator” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Salary Gross 706,50 EUR
Company - Rezekne municipality, multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
Address of work - LATVIA, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Psychologist the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
Plan psychologist advice in accordance with the documents governing the activities.
Provide personal psychologist advice to a person in crisis situations, problems and psychological discomfort.
Provide personal psychologist advice in cases of personal behaviour involving psychological rehabilitation.
In cooperation with other social workers, analyse the causes of the socio-psychological problems of the person and draw up proposals to address them.
Position requirements:
Higher vocational education - Master's degree in psychology.
A high sense of responsibility, flexibility and initiative.
Compliance with the requirements of Section 72 of the Law on the Protection of Children.
Excellent knowledge of Latvian and Russian language.
Good skills in working with a computer.
Skills to work in the team, skills in job scheduling and organization.
Salary Gross 986 EUR
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 28 April 2023 send to e-mail,, with indication “Contest to a psychologist”
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Ergotherapist the position
(for an indefinite period)
Duties of work:
- Perform a full-cycle ergotherapy patient (evaluation of functional condition, resources and abilities, preparation of treatment plan and conclusions, provision of ergotherapy procedure, observation and analysis of rehabilitation results).
- Prepare and prepare medical and accounting documentation.
For the applicant:
- Bachelor's degree in health care, qualification – ergotherapist.
- Registration in the Register of Medical Persons.
- Preferably certificate in the speciality of ergotherapist
- Compliance with the requirements of the national language law.
The competencies necessary for the performance of the duties of work:
- Skill to work in the Multidisciplinary team.
- The medical technologies necessary for professional activities should be familiar with.
- The theoretical and practical knowledge corresponding to speciality must be managed.
- Good communication skills. The ability to communicate with the patient and his or her own language in a language that is comprehensible to them.
- Basic skills in the use of information technologies and the preparation of documents.
Working time - full load
Wages and salaries brutto-1555 EUR
Place of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina” on the street OF lake 23A, Vecrujin, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
THE CV and the letter of application are requested to be sent to e-mail: by 28 April 2023
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (Reg. No. 40900036645) izsludina konkursu uz vakanto projektu vadītāja amatu.
The applicant must have higher education complemented with expertise in the field of document management, good skills at work with information technologies, excellent communication and cooperation skills, creative and independent approaches to work, sense of responsibility and accuracy, a desire to acquire new skills and knowledge, skills to work with modern information technologies.
Remuneration of basic work: EUR 919, EUR 60 at the time of verification, EUR 968.00 after probationary period.
Description of the position - see below.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to 'invitation to tender for THE management project of THE 1 TP5T association' until 12 April 2023 at 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 12 April 2023 12.00 is to be submitted to the Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Viļānu Association Board”, cultural area 1A, Viļānos.
Contact information: 64628033.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to interview the work interview.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Viļānu Association Board” (tail No 40900036645) is announced open a competition on a vacant holding office in the parish OF Sokolku.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
Education – preferable in higher or secondary vocational engineering, commercial service management, construction, real estate management or similar areas; higher education will be considered an advantage;
An appropriate work experience in accounting of material values, planning and organisation of economic activities, organisation of work placement works, street, road maintenance work, handling of transport-related issues and management, organisation and control of subordinate employees in a State or local government institution or private commercial structure is desirable.
Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, good communication and cooperation capacities;
The ability to handle information technologies, office equipment, electronic document management and procurement systems and electronic means of communication;
Knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of office and the ability to orientate them;
Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
Category B driving licence; in addition TO the CATEGORY C1 or C driving licence, the right will be considered as an advantage;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 748.00, description of office - found on the website .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with an indication “for the competition to Rezekne Municipality Authority“ 1 TP5T Association Board ”, the position of the manager of the holding manager IN the parish OF Sokolku” until 12 April 2023 at 12.00 send to e-mail or by 12 April 2023 at 12.00 the “Viļānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne, cultural area 1A, Viļānos shall be submitted. Contact information 64628033. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose submitted documents are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work on the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants. the requirements set.
In the municipality of Rezekne, THE “Viļānu Association Board” (tail No 40900036645) is open to tender for the vacant kitchen staff position.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
Education – secondary education, vocational education, primary education. National language use skills at average (B1, B2).
Appropriate work experience is desirable for the post:
- Responsible for the sanitary condition of the kitchen and canteen rooms, taking part in cleaning and arranging them.
- Ensure that dishes are washed regularly and qualitatively, they are properly stored and disinfected. To comply with the working discipline and the working time schedule, to use maximum working time to carry out the work entrusted.
- Communication, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making.
Remuneration OF basic work OF EUR 620,00 - found on the website .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) by means of an indication “for the competition to Rēzekne Municipality Authority“ Viļānu Association Board ”Viļānu secondary school staff position” until 6 April 2023 at noon 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or by 6 April 2023 at 12.00 is submitted by the “Viļānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne, cultural area 1A, Viļānos. Contact information 64628033. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work. the requirements set.
In the municipality of Rezekne, THE “Viļānu Association Board” (tail No 40900036645) is issued a call for a vacancy cook.
Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
Education – average, secondary education, higher education will be considered an advantage;
An appropriate working experience to ensure the preparation of high-quality food in the school canteen, subject to sanitary norms and requirements, is desirable.
Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, good communication and cooperation capacities;
Skills to handle information technology, office technique.
Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 630,00, description of office - found on the website .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with a reference to “the competition on Rezekne Municipal Authority“ Viļānu Association Board ”cook AT Viļānu in secondary school” until 6 April 2023 at noon 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or by 6 April 2023 at 12.00 is submitted by the “Viļānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne, cultural area 1A, Viļānos. Contact information 64628033. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose submitted documents are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work on the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants. the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the post of Deputy Head of the “Culture and Tourism Board” of the municipality of Rezekne.
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the head of the head of the “cultural and tourism administration” of the local government institution of the municipality of Rezekne. Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education (with the exception of Level 1 vocational higher education) in the field of cultural management;
- desirable work experience in cultural management;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- a desirable experience in organising the general Latvian song and dance festival and/or Latvian school youth songs and dance festivals at local government level;
- knowledge of laws and regulations in the field of cultural centres, libraries, museums and tourism, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the ability to analyse large-scale documents, including legal documents, to assess their compliance with the regulatory framework;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the administrative system;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- knowledge of at least one foreign language, which is the official language of the European Union;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- there must be an understanding of ethical standards, be able to work in a team, be able to plan and organize the work of their and subordinate employees, have creative and flexible thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high culture of contact, sense of responsibility and precision;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1201,75.
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1265,00 – in accordance with the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates for post by 31 March 2023 at 14.00 inserts Rezekne municipality in the central administration mailbox at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or send by post to the above address, or send to e-mail the following documents:
- a letter of motivation;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact information 64607174; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates' candidates shall be commenced no later than 3 (three) days after the end of the time period for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces open competition to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne (for a certain period)
Legal and Registry Officer's Legal Officer
An open competition to a vacancy is announced (for a definite period - the time of absence of a basic employee) the position of a lawyer of the legal and record-keeping unit of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne.
Principal place: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education in the speciality of legal sciences;
- work experience relevant to the post at the State or local government institution;
- the experience of representation in judicial proceedings and the preparation of procedural documents, work with different national registers, databases and experience in debt collection, which are critical of the eligibility of a tenderer, may be regarded as an advantage;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the laws of local governments, the law of administrative procedure, as well as the knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication skills;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work EUR 1098.20 during probationary period EUR 1156, 00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 31 March 2023 at 14.00 the following documents shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the abovementioned address, or sent to e-mail, with the indication “competitions to Rēzekne Municipality's legal and record-keeping unit”:
1. a description of the professional activity (CV);
2. a letter of motivation;
3. the application form (located on the website of the State);
4. copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
5. in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
Contact information: 64607200
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Nautrēnu Association Board” (tail. No 40900027430, address: “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4652) re-launches open competition on the vacancy of the municipality of Rēzekne “Nautrēnu association” road construction technician the position.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Average vocational or higher education.
- An appropriate work experience in the field of engineering communications, including motorways, operating, maintenance or economic activities, is desirable.
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
- Ability to continuously obtain information on the development of road operation, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to operate in a team, plan and coordinate local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- Ability to schedule budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications.
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Principal duties:
- To perform regular surveys of the state of the local government road, their elements, organise and monitor their maintenance, in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
- Organise and monitor activities for improvement of traffic organisation (also during events and repairs).
- Coordinating activities in the field of road construction and reconstruction.
- Develop and update road lists and road maintenance logs and other documentation, promote the use of digital systems.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 880,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Applicants until 31 March 2023 at 16.00 send to e-mail or submitted personally to the institution “Nautrēnu Association Board” for the node, “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, application in a sealed envelope marked “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” the authority of the institution “Nautrēnu association” means the establishment of a road builder and which contains the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Nautrēnu association” Livija Plavinska, tel. 29468107, e-mail:
(for a certain period)
The social service of the municipality of Rezekne invites to apply for a vacancy
THE POSITION OF a SOCIAL WORKER IN a Kaunatas association (for a specified period)
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work or obtain appropriate education;
- desirable work experience in social work;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- the ability to work in the team and promote cooperation;
- ability to work in dynamic and changing working conditions;
- excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
- work with a computer at a good user level.
Principal duties:
- To inform and advise adult persons on their right to social services and social assistance and the opportunities for their implementation as well as their co-operation obligations in the provision of social services and social assistance;
- To accept and register written and oral submissions of the adult person, to ensure the examination of submissions in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
- To assess the social situation of the family of adult or adult persons, if necessary, to visit a person, family in a place of residence or location and to agree on a social problem which requires support;
- Identify and raise the necessary resources in managing or addressing social cases, taking into account the specificities of social work in various areas of practice;
- Develop and implement individual social rehabilitation plans, change and complement them according to identified social challenges and needs;
- To organise the social services necessary for adult persons or families of adult persons;
Wages and salaries (gross) 935 euro.
Workload - full-time work.
Applicant by 2023 19 April (including) invited to submit:
- a reasoned application;
- professional description (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- Copy of category B driving licence (preferably)
Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: or to submit a personal Rezekne municipality in the social service of the local government in the 11 th office (Alley of Liberation 95 A, Rezekne)
Additional information can be requested by phone 20223392 (Sylvia Strankale).
We will contact applicants who meet the requirements and will be included in the second round of the selection.
Candidates for the vacant will be invited to a work interview, during which it will be possible to ascertain the knowledge and experience of labour issues.
Social service of the municipality of Rezekne (reg. No. 40900003729, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open competition to the position of social rehabilitator of the social rehabilitator of the social support unit of the social support unit of the vacant social service unit (for an indefinite period).
Requirements for the applicant:
- first level vocational higher education - qualification of social rehabilitator or second level vocational higher or academic education in the field of social work;
- specific knowledge in the field of the protection of children's rights;
- very good communication and motivation capabilities;
- the ability to carry out its duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of its competence;
- communication, ability to work in stress situations, ability to analyse critical situations;
- excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
- good skills in working with computer in multiple programs, skills to work with office technics.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 723
Normal working time, full load
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- copies of documents certifying education;
- copies of documents certifying supplementary education
Applicants shall submit documents to the social service of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 11 th Cabinet, or send to e-mail:, (with a reference to “competition to the position of social rehabiliter”).
The application must be submitted or made available by 19 April 2023 (including), the applications received after that deadline are not evaluated.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Nautrēnu Association Board” (tail. No 40900027430, address: “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4652) re-launches open competition on the vacancy of the municipality of Rēzekne “Nautrēnu association” road construction technician the position.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Average vocational or higher education.
- An appropriate work experience in the field of engineering communications, including motorways, operating, maintenance or economic activities, is desirable.
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
- Ability to continuously obtain information on the development of road operation, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to operate in a team, plan and coordinate local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- Ability to schedule budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications.
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Principal duties:
- To perform regular surveys of the state of the local government road, their elements, organise and monitor their maintenance, in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
- Organise and monitor activities for improvement of traffic organisation (also during events and repairs).
- Coordinating activities in the field of road construction and reconstruction.
- Develop and update road lists and road maintenance logs and other documentation, promote the use of digital systems.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 880,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Applicants until 31 March 2023 at 16.00 send to e-mail or submitted personally to the institution “Nautrēnu Association Board” for the node, “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, application in a sealed envelope marked “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” the authority of the institution “Nautrēnu association” means the establishment of a road builder and which contains the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Nautrēnu association” Livija Plavinska, tel. 29468107, e-mail:
Announcing open contest to vacancy Energist the position. The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- at least first level higher education in energy, engineering, construction, manufacturing, or other secondary education;
- a training course involving sustainable energy sector management issues will be considered an advantage;
- at least one year's professional experience in the work or profession related to his duties;
- a certificate of energy auditor will be considered as an advantage;
- experience in the implementation of the energy management system or the performance of energy audits will be considered as an advantage;
- work experience in State or local government institutions over the last 5 years of the year will be considered as an advantage;
- be familiar with energy and energy efficiency issues;
- be able to carry out an analysis of the factors affecting energy costs;
- the planning, management, implementation and control of projects;
- be able to present its vision and vision of dealing with energy-planning issues in the municipality;
- knowledge of the principles of drafting documents, presentation and storage of documents;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- perfect reputation;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- good computer skills, skills to work with optical programs (MS Word, MS Excel), skills to work with GIS, CAD programs, ability to quickly learn work with special programs and systems required to perform tasks;
- Category B driving licence.
The remuneration of the basic salary after probationary period shall be EUR 1113 (according to the decision of the Rēzekne District Council), which is correlated in accordance with the assessment of the employee. During the verification, the remuneration is set at EUR 1057.35.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of the duties of office, with an indication “for the competition to the position of the energy manager of the real estate management service of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne” until On 4 April 2023 at 12.00 send to e-mail whether to be placed in the municipal central administration mailbox at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne. Contact information: t .22013625; t .64607202. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces open competition to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne
Position of the construction technician of the construction board
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of construction technician of the construction board of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne.
Principal place of work: Liberation alley 81, Rezekne, LV-4601
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- secondary vocational or higher/non-finished higher education in the construction or architectural study programme;
- at least one year's professional experience in construction is desirable;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- know the legislation of the construction process;
- know the administrative process;
- excellent skills in working with a computer (MS Word, Excel); desirable skills in the use of the construction information system;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work during the examination EUR 1049.75, after probationary period EUR 1105, 00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 27 March 2023 at 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
1. a description of the professional activity (CV);
2. a letter of motivation;
3. the application form;
4. copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
5. in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact information: 26531328.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzekne District Municipality “Kaunatas Association Board” (tail. No 40900027426, address: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4622) announces an open invitation to tender for the vacant position of the “Kaunatas association” of the municipality of Rezekne.
The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher, secondary or secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- developing digital content (affinity, social networking content);
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- a driving licence of category B is desirable;
- the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative
Applicants until 23 March of the year submitted to the administration (central street 27, Sprudzev, Griškānu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4641) or sent to e-mail: an application with an indication “Competitions on the position of the government youth employee of the municipal council Kaunatas of the municipality of Rezekne ” and the following documents:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- application questionnaire
Contact person for more detailed information – head of “Kaunatas association” Janis Aleksans email:, mob. 26451063
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 412,50 (0,5 load IN Griškānu and Stoļerovas parish)
By-laws of the open competition, description of the position and application form - found on the local government website
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board”
calls for work road construction technicians
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” (tail. No. 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open competition to the vacancy of the municipality of Rēzekne, “Maltas Association Board”.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Average vocational or higher education;
- An appropriate professional experience in the performance or management of engineering communications, including motorways, operations, maintenance or economic activities;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Ability to continuously obtain information on the development of road operation, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation;
- Ability to operate in a team, plan and co-ordinate the development and maintenance works of the local government road and street infrastructure;
- Ability to plan budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications;
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications;
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently;
- Skills in drawing up the budget plan and organising its execution;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 880,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication “Contest to Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” vacancy technician“” by 2023 24 March at 14.00 send to e-mail or in sealed envelope until 2023 24 March at 14.00 to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, lietvedei 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Maltas association” Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail: (in absence: Gatis Pučka, mob. 26493459).
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted. For the second round: theoretical (written test-response) and practical knowledge (computer skills) tests, as well as working interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board”
calls for an umbrella (with archives and economic duties) AT Feimaņu in primary school
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” (tail. No. 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open competition to the vacancy of the municipality of Rēzekne “Maltas Association Board” (with archives and economic duties) AT Feimaņu primary school.
Requirements for the applicant:
- average vocational or higher education;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- the need for regulatory expertise in the field of records, staff, labour law and the ability to address them and the ability to carry out their analysis and application;
- the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the management system must be familiar;
- rational skills of the work organisation, the system of systematisation, the ability to identify errors and eliminate them immediately;
- the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification 760,00 EUR
The remuneration of basic work after a probationary period of EUR 800,00 – in accordance with the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication “Competition on Rezekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” vacancy “novede Feimaņu primary school” by 2023 24 March at 14.00 send to e-mail or in sealed envelope until 2023 24 March at 14.00 to be submitted personally to the institution “Maltas Association Board”, lietvedei 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Maltas association” Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687, e-mail:
The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
For the second round: theoretical (written test-response) and practical knowledge (computer skills) tests, as well as working interviews with candidates selected in the first round.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the office of the administrative inspection officer of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of an inspector of the administrative inspector of the local government of Rezekne.
Principal place of work: Krasuha Street-1, k-1, Audriņi, Audriņu civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4611.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- second-level higher education (higher education in law will be considered an advantage);
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the law on administrative liability as well as the laws and regulations governing administrative liability and administrative infringement processes and the ability to address them;
- recommended work experience in local government or public institutions in the field of administrative infringement proceedings, or professional experience in law enforcement or controlling institution (institution);
- the experience of accounting, storage and use of material values may be considered as an advantage;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail; understanding of the functioning of the e-case platform and the administrative infringement support information system (APAS);
- a driving licence of category “B”;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- a perfect reputation;
Remuneration of basic work EUR 957.60 during probationary period EUR 1008, 00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, the level of the employee, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 21 March 2023 at 14:00 the following documents shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne, in Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the abovementioned address, or sent to e-mail for the following documents, with the indication “ to Rēzekne District Administrative Inspection Inspectorate”:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- the application form (located on the website of the State);
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- Copy of category “B” certificate
Contact information: 28080456
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
The municipality of Rezekne, “Maltas Association Board”, calls for an indefinite period of time for youth workers to 0.5 load.
Profession code: 2422 57
Requirements for candidates:
• at least secondary education;
• ability to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others;
• digital content (affinity, social networking) skills;
• understanding of what is non-formal learning, what methods are;
• ability to organise non-formal education activities, events;
• high responsibility for work;
• creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
• experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
category B driving licence;
• the national language skills at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and at least one official language of the European Union to the extent necessary for professional activity;
Principal duties:
• perform work with youth IN Feimaņu civil parish;
• support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people;
• motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events;
• organize information and educational activities relevant to young people's age to raise awareness among young people about working life, career selection and non-formal education;
• promote the emergence of a positive culture of interaction and behaviour among young people;
• to cooperate with the municipal authorities of Rezekne, organisations, see school authorities;
• to spend young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training;
• promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions;
• to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
• to ensure publicity in social networks;
develop knowledge and skills for youth work.
We offer:
- a contract of employment for an indefinite period of time;
- opportunities for professional development and education;
- remuneration of EUR 412.50 before tax
CV, letter of motivation, copies of documents certifying education and answers to the following questions:
“What do you associate with young people?”
“What do you think is a mobile job with youth?”
- call at least 3 ideas for activities that you can offer and implement within mobile exits,
send to to 20 March 2023whether to submit a personal Feimaņu in the parish administration, after the address “parish house”, c. Feimaņi, Feimaņu parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 26128599
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Dricānu Association Board” invites Full-time funeral (1 rate) IN Gaigalavas civil parish for an indefinite period
Requirements for candidates:
- Education: average or average - special
- Desire and ability to work actively
- Physical resilience
- National language use skills at higher grade
- Preferred motor saw, bushcutter operator certificate
We invite you to see the description of the job and the rules in the files you've added.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 620,00 (before tax).
A CV, a letter of motivation, a copy of documents certifying education to to 9 March 2023 (including)whether to submit personally IN Gaigalavas parish, by address: Rēzeknes street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644537
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the office of the head of the “cultural and tourism administration” of the municipality of Rezekne
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the head of the “cultural and tourism administration” of the local government institution of the municipality of Rezekne. Candidates must meet the following requirements:
1. higher education (except 1 st level vocational higher education);
2. work experience in cultural management;
3. a desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
4. knowledge of laws and regulations in the field of cultural centres, libraries, museums and tourism, the ability to focus and apply them;
5. ability to analyse large-scale documents, including legal documents, to assess their compliance with the regulatory framework;
6. the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
7. the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
8. knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the administrative system;
9. national language skills at the highest grade;
10. knowledge of at least one foreign language, which is the official language of the European Union;
11. ability to work with computer, information technology, as well as with office equipment;
12. ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
13. the ability to fully apply the applied pattern language style to day-to-day work;
14. be aware of ethical standards, be able to work in a team, be able to plan and organise the work of their and subordinate staff, have creative and flexible thinking, initiative;
15. have a high culture of contact, sense of responsibility and precision;
16. a perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1401,25.
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1475,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality,
Candidates until On 8 March 2023 at 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
1. a letter of motivation;
2. a description of the professional activity (CV);
3. the application form;
4. copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
5. The concept of development of the cultural and tourism administration of the municipality of Rezekne (not more than one A4 format lapaspuse);
In the case laid down in Law 6, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of the duties of office.
Contact information 64607174; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates' candidates shall be commenced no later than 3 (three) days after the end of the time period for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview shall be invited by candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations (found in the of the local government).
Duties of work:
- Perform full-cycle ergotherapy patient (functional condition,
assessment of resources and capabilities, preparation of treatment plan and conclusions, provision of ergotherapy procedures, monitoring and analysis of rehabilitation results).
- Prepare and prepare medical and accounting documentation.
For the applicant:
- Bachelor's degree in health care, qualification – ergotherapist.
- Registration in the Register of Medical Persons.
- Preferably certificate in the speciality of ergotherapist
- Compliance with the requirements of the national language law.
The competencies necessary for the performance of the duties of work:
- Skill to work in the Multidisciplinary team.
- The medical technologies necessary for professional activities should be familiar with.
- The theoretical and practical knowledge corresponding to speciality must be managed.
- Good communication skills. The ability to communicate with the patient and his or her own language in a language that is comprehensible to them.
- Basic skills in the use of information technologies and the preparation of documents.
Working time - full load
Wages and salaries brutto-1555 EUR
Place of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina” on the street OF lake 23A, Vecrujin, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
THE CV and the letter of application are requested to be sent to e-mail: by 31 March 2023
Duties of work:
- perform evaluation and analysis of patient/client functional status;
- to draw up an individual rehabilitation plan according to the needs of the patient/client;
- manage physiotherapy individual activities for the patient/customer;
- train patient/customer for daily activities and their performance;
Requirements for the applicant:
- professional bachelor degree in health care, qualification – physiotherapist, medical practitioner;
- professional experience in physiotherapy;
- a high sense of responsibility.
The competencies necessary for the performance of the duties of work:
- psychological persistence and high-exposure culture;
- the ability to create applied cooperation with the staff of the institution, clients and their parents;
- the ability to work in a team;
- national language skills at the highest level.
Working time - full load
Wages and salaries brutto - EUR 1555
Place of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina” on the street OF lake 23A, Vecrujin, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
THE CV and the letter of application are requested to be sent to e-mail: by 31 March 2023
Basic duties of the office:
Identify the social needs of customers and identify social problems.
Create and collect customer files.
Schedule individual social care and social rehabilitation.
Regularly update customer documents in accordance with the specified terms.
Co-ordinate the development of individual social care and social rehabilitation plans in cooperation with members of the interprofessional team, in conformity with the results and needs of the assessment of the performance of clients.
Provide support to customers in addressing social problems and provide information on opportunities to improve their social situation.
Consider customer proposals and complaints.
Make proposals relating to the improvement of the quality of the social care/social rehabilitation process.
Position requirements:
Second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work.
Experience with customer service, social case management.
The ability to assess the quality of the social care and social rehabilitation service provided.
The ability to collect, analyse and process information obtained during the care and rehabilitation process.
Expertise in health care, psychology, pedagogy and social work.
Skill to manage and promote team activities.
Ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities.
Work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Normal working time
Salary Gross EUR 935
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 20 March 2023
send to e-mail,, with indication “Call for the position of a social worker” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Basic duties of the office:
Plan psychologist advice in accordance with the documents governing the activities.
Provide personal psychologist advice to a person in crisis situations, problems and psychological discomfort.
Provide personal psychologist advice in cases of personal behaviour involving psychological rehabilitation.
In cooperation with other social workers, analyse the causes of the socio-psychological problems of the person and draw up proposals to address them.
Position requirements:
Higher vocational education - Master's degree in psychology.
A high sense of responsibility, flexibility and initiative.
Compliance with the requirements of Section 72 of the Law on the Protection of Children.
Excellent knowledge of Latvian and Russian language.
Good skills in working with a computer.
Skills to work in the team, skills in job scheduling and organization.
Salary Gross 986 EUR
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 20 March 2023 send to e-mail,, with indication “Contest to a psychologist”
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Basic duties of the office:
1.1. to participate in the development, implementation and improvement of the individual social rehabilitation plan of clients;
1.2. to develop and improve customer self-care, hygiene, ethical standards and other social skills;
1.3. to teach customers the ability to focus on their social environment;
1.4. to instruct clients to identify needs, set targets and plan actions to achieve it;
1.5. to involve and promote the participation of customers in leisure time – in groups of interests, recreational afternoons, discussion afternoon, games, singing, drawing, etc.;
1.6. to involve and promote the participation of clients in the attendance and organisation of educational, cultural and sporting events - theatre, cinema, concerts, exhibitions, hiking, excursions, sports days, physical cultural activities - and various other events etc.
Position requirements:
2.1. first level vocational higher education
2.2. excellent knowledge of the official language;
2.3. good computer use skills;
2.4. communication and communication skills;
2.5. the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for his or her professional activities;
2.7. work experience in social work with children is desirable.
CV and motivation letter by 15 March 2023 e-mail,, with indication “Contest for the position of social rehabilitator” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Dricānu Association Board” invites youth employee 0.5 load, sports hall manager 0.25 load (total 0.75 rates) IN Gaigalavas civil parish for indefinite time
Requirements for candidates:
• higher, secondary or secondary education;
• ability to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others;
• digital content (affinity, social networking) skills;
• understanding of what is non-formal learning, what methods are;
• ability to organise non-formal education activities, events;
• high responsibility for work;
• creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
• experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
the preferred category B driving licence;
• Competence to take decisions and take the initiative
A description of the job can be found IN THE parish administration of Gaigalavas or on the website of the municipality
Principal duties:
• perform work with youth IN Gaigalavas civil parish;
• support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people;
• motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events;
• organize information and educational activities relevant to young people's age to raise awareness among young people about working life, career selection and non-formal education;
• promote the emergence of a positive culture of interaction and behaviour among young people;
• to cooperate with the authorities of the municipality of Rezekne, organisations;
• promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions;
• to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
• to ensure publicity in social networks;
• improve knowledge and skills for youth work;
• manage and monitor an ongoing trainer in the hall.
Remuneration OF EUR 573,75 (before tax)
A CV, a letter of motivation, a copy of documents certifying education to to 3 March 2023, or submit personally IN Gaigalavas parish administration, by address: Rēzeknes street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644537
02 March from the 13.00 to 14.30 ZOOM website of the country of employment for any interested party
offers an opportunity to meet STATE REVENUE SERVICE for representatives and learn about work and career opportunities.
It will be possible for participants to ask questions of interest to their representatives.
Login Help:
- in Marchemail sent to your questionnaire will send a meeting link ZOOMon the site.
THE STATE REVENUE SERVICE (SRS) is one of the largest public institutions in Latvia. In order to carry out their tasks in the field of taxation, customs and excise supervision, we need educated, motivated, honest and responsible employees - the enthusiastic of tax, customs, social and legal sciences, records, ETC.
Forming a career SRS and we'll make better Latvia together! "
Current vacancies
- NNVP HEAD OF BUSINESS UNIT (legal education required)
Additional information -
Information on the institution -
The municipality of Rezekne, “Dricānu Association Board” IN Gaigalavas parish, invites the farm manager to work on full-time (1 rate) for an indefinite period.
Requirements for candidates:
- Education: average or medium - special;
- The need for prior experience in the organisation and management of economic processes;
- Good computer skills, skills to use office techniques;
- Category B driving licence;
- High responsibility for work;
- The initiative, analytical thinking, the ability to identify the problem and find a solution to it;
- National language use skills at the highest grade.
We are invited to see a description of the position IN THE parish administration of Gaigalavas or on the website of the
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 807,50 (before tax)
Remuneration of basic work after probationary period OF EUR 850,00 (before tax)
A CV, a letter of motivation, a copy of documents certifying education to to 23 February 2023 (including), or submit personally IN Gaigalavas parish administration, by address: Rēzeknes street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644537
Social service of the municipality of Rezekne (reg. No. 40900003729, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the head of the “Pilcene” family of the vacant social service unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education in the field of social work;
- the knowledge of the official language at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the skills necessary for professional activity of at least one official language of the European Union are desirable;
- at least 3 years of experience in social work
- experience with persons with mental disorders will be considered as an advantage;
- knowledge of regulatory enactments regulating the activities of the institution;
- understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the local government in the field of social protection of the population, social services;
- good working organisation and management skills, ability to work in a team, organise work to achieve the objectives of the unit;
- good skills in working with MS Office programs;
- ability to build positive relationships, skills in conflict resolution, good communication skills, psychological stress in stress situations;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 950,00
Description of the position - found on the municipal website.
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the quality of life (curriculum vitae);
- copies of documents certifying education and training;
- other documents confirming the fulfilment of the requirements of the applicant;
- the organisation and development priorities of the vision group's home activities in the next 2 (two) years, future developments, challenges and solutions (up to two A4 pages).
The application with the indication 'head of the group “Pilcene”/social worker ”shall be submitted within the prescribed time period to the social service of the municipality of Rezekne, the alley OF Liberation 95A, Rezekne, 11 th Cabinet, or send to e-mail:, (with an indication - competition on the position of the head of the group“ Pilcene ”/socialworker)
The application must be submitted or provided by: 3 March 2023. The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. The applicants whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second – the applicant's work interview.
Municipal authority of Rezekne municipalityViļānu association management '(tail No 40900036645, address: Cultural area 1A, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV-4650) announces an open competition to the office of the local government authority “Viļānu association” of the municipality of Rezekne.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Average vocational or higher education;
- An appropriate professional experience in the performance or management of engineering communications, including motorways, operations, maintenance or economic activities;
- Excellent knowledge of the national language;
- Ability to continuously obtain information on the development of road operation, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation;
- Ability to operate in a team, plan and co-ordinate the development and maintenance works of the local government road and street infrastructure;
- Ability to plan budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications;
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications;
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently;
- Skills in drawing up the budget plan and organising its execution;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 880,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 28 February 2023 14.00 must be submitted TO THE Management Board of THE Viļānu association 2.7. Cultural area 1A, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV-4650whether to be sent by post to the above address, or may be submitted by electronic mail to e-mail, the following documents:
- description of life (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact information 29285545.
The evaluation of candidates' candidates shall be commenced no later than 3 (three) working days after the end of the time period for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview shall be invited by candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations (found in the of the local government).
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Kaunatas Association Board”, Tail. No 40900027411, registered office: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4622, announces an open invitation to tender for the office of the “Kaunatas association of the municipality of Rezekne”.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Average vocational or higher education.
- An appropriate work experience in the field of engineering communications, including motorways, operating, maintenance or economic activities, is desirable.
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
- Ability to continuously obtain information on the development of road operation, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to operate in a team, plan and coordinate local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- Participate in the planning of road fund funds; follow the utilisation of the allocated road fund funds according to the annual expenditure estimates.
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Good computing skills (MS Word, Excel, etc.).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Principal duties:
- To perform regular surveys of the state of the local government road, their elements, organise and monitor their maintenance, in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
- To organise the supervision of road safety at the time of repairs of roads (streets, bridges), during the organisation of events etc.
- Coordinating activities in the field of road construction and reconstruction.
- Develop and update road lists and road maintenance logs and other documentation, promote the use of digital systems.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00. After a probationary period OF EUR 880,00, according to the decision of the Rēzekne District Council A level, the employee, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Applications by applicants until 25 February 2023 at 14.00 send to e-mail kaunatasapvieniba@rezeknesnovads.lvby writing letters to THE administration address OF THE Kaunatas association: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4622, or submit a personal administration in a sealed envelope with an indication of “competition to THE office of the building technician of THE 1 TP22T association”.
The following documents shall be appended to the application:
- description of the applicant's activities (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Kaunatas association” Janis Aleksans, mob. tel. 26451063, e-mail:
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Viļānu Association Board” (tail. No 40900036645, address: Cultural area 1A, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV-4650) announce an open competition on the position of the local government authority of the municipality of Rēzekne “Viļānu Association Board” in economic matters.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education;
- desirable work experience in the construction, design or management of economic processes at least 3 (three) years;
- there is a need for a wide range of laws and regulations and the ability to address them, as well as the ability to carry out analysis and application of legislation;
- the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the management system must be familiar;
- rational skills of the work organisation, the system of systematisation, the ability to identify errors and eliminate them immediately;
- the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1672,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1760,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality Candidates until 24 February 2023 14.00 must be submitted TO THE Management Board of THE Viļānu association 2.7. Cultural area 1A, Viļāni, Rezekne municipality, LV-4650whether to be sent by post to the above address, or may be submitted by electronic mail to e-mail, the following documents:
- a letter of motivation;
- a description of the life (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- The concept of development of the “Viļānu Association” of the municipality of Rezekne (not more than one A4 format lapaspuse);
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact information 29285545.
The evaluation of candidates' candidates shall be commenced no later than 3 (three) working days after the end of the time period for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview shall be invited by candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations (found in the of the local government).
Rezekne Municipality Institution “Dricāni Union Board” (Reg. No 40900027407 shall open an open invitation to tender for the position of the construction technician of the vacancy department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary vocational or higher education
- Previous experience in the design and construction of road maintenance or roads (streets, bridges) will be considered as an advantage for at least 2 years.
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to work in a team, ability to plan, coordinate and manage local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to schedule budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications.
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 880,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with reference to “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” authority of the institution “Dricānu association” road construction technician 'until 24 February at 14.00 send to e-mail or in sealed envelope until 2023 24 February at 14.00 submitted personally to the institution “Dricānu Association Board”, “Last House”, Dricāni, Dricanu parish, Rezekne municipality, application in a sealed envelope marked “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” authority of the institution “Dricānu association” road construction technician '.
- head of the institution “Dricānu Association” Andrejs Tsarud, tel. 29388271
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants/work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Nautrēnu Association Board” (tail. No 40900027430, address: “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4652) announces open competition to the municipality of the municipality of Rēzekne “Nautrēnu association” road construction technician the position.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Average vocational or higher education.
- An appropriate work experience in the field of engineering communications, including motorways, operating, maintenance or economic activities, is desirable.
- Excellent knowledge of the national language.
- Ability to continuously obtain information on the development of road operation, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to operate in a team, plan and coordinate local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- Ability to schedule budget, control the use of budget resources in accounting and resource management applications.
- The ability to compile simple road repairs, work tasks and specifications.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Principal duties:
- To perform regular surveys of the state of the local government road, their elements, organise and monitor their maintenance, in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
- Organise and monitor activities for improvement of traffic organisation (also during events and repairs).
- Coordinating activities in the field of road construction and reconstruction.
- Develop and update road lists and road maintenance logs and other documentation, promote the use of digital systems.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 836,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 880,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Applicants until 28 February 2023 at 10.00 send to e-mail or submitted personally to the institution “Nautrēnu Association Board” for the node, “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, application in a sealed envelope marked “competition on the municipality of Rezekne” the authority of the institution “Nautrēnu association” means the establishment of a road builder and which contains the following documents:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Contact person for more detailed information - head of the institution “Nautrēnu association” Livija Plavinska, tel. 29468107, e-mail:
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for work on Social worker the position
(for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
- Identify the social needs of customers and identify social problems.
- Create and collect customer files.
- Schedule individual social care and social rehabilitation.
- Regularly update customer documents in accordance with the specified terms.
- Co-ordinate the development of individual social care and social rehabilitation plans in cooperation with members of the interprofessional team, in conformity with the results and needs of the assessment of the performance of clients.
- Provide support to customers in addressing social problems and provide information on opportunities to improve their social situation.
- Consider customer proposals and complaints.
- Make proposals relating to the improvement of the quality of the social care/social rehabilitation process.
Position requirements:
- Second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work.
- Experience with customer service, social case management.
- The ability to assess the quality of the social care and social rehabilitation service provided.
- The ability to collect, analyse and process information obtained during the care and rehabilitation process.
- Expertise in health care, psychology, pedagogy and social work.
- Skill to manage and promote team activities.
- Ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities.
- Work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Normal working time
Salary Gross EUR 935
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 13 February 2023 send to e-mail,, with indication “Call for the position of a social worker” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina”
calls for a vacancy
Social rehabilitator the position
(indefinite) 2 vacancies
Basic duties of the office:
- participate in the development, implementation and development of the individual social rehabilitation plan of clients;
- developing and improving customer self-care, hygiene, ethical standards and other social skills;
- teach clients to focus on their social environment;
- instruct clients to identify needs, set targets and plan actions to achieve it;
- to involve and promote the participation of customers in leisure time – in interest groups, recreational afternoons, discussion afternoons, games, singing, drawing, etc.;
- involve and promote the participation of customers in the attendance and organisation of educational, cultural and sporting events - theatre, cinema, concerts, exhibitions, hiking, excursions, sports days, physical cultural activities - and various other events etc.
Position requirements:
- first-level vocational higher education
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- good computer skills;
- communication and communication skills;
- the ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities;
- work experience in social work with children is desirable.
We offer:
- contract of employment for an indefinite period
- Gross remuneration of EUR 706,50
A LETTER of motivation and a letter of motivation by 24 February 2022 to e-mail,, entitled “invitation to tender for the position of social rehabilitator”, telephone for reference 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina” calls for work on Psychologist position (for an indefinite period)
Basic duties of the office:
- Plan psychologist advice in accordance with the documents governing the activities.
- Provide personal psychologist advice to a person in crisis situations, problems and psychological discomfort.
- Provide personal psychologist advice in cases of personal behaviour involving psychological rehabilitation.
- In cooperation with other social workers, analyse the causes of the socio-psychological problems of the person and draw up proposals to address them.
Position requirements:
- Higher vocational education - Master's degree in psychology.
- A high sense of responsibility, flexibility and initiative.
- Compliance with the requirements of Section 72 of the Law on the Protection of Children.
- Excellent knowledge of Latvian and Russian language.
- Good skills in working with a computer.
- Skills to work in the team, skills in job scheduling and organization.
Salary Gross 986 EUR
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
Up to 03.03.2023
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 3 March 2023 send to e-mail,, with indication “Contest to a psychologist” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Dricānu Association Board” invites youth employee to 0.5 load IN Gaigalavas civil parish for indefinite time
Requirements for candidates:
• higher, secondary or secondary education;
• ability to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others;
• digital content (affinity, social networking) skills;
• understanding of what is non-formal learning, what methods are;
• ability to organise non-formal education activities, events;
• high responsibility for work;
• creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
• experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
the preferred category B driving licence;
• the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative.
A description of the job can be found in THE parish administration OF Gaigalavas.
Principal duties:
• perform work with youth IN Gaigalavas civil parish;
• support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people;
• motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events;
• organize information and educational activities relevant to young people's age to raise awareness among young people about working life, career selection and non-formal education;
• promote the emergence of a positive culture of interaction and behaviour among young people;
• to cooperate with the authorities of the municipality of Rezekne, organisations;
• promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions;
• to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
• to ensure publicity in social networks;
develop knowledge and skills for youth work.
We offer:
- contract of employment for an indefinite period
- opportunities for professional development and education;
- remuneration of EUR 412.50 before tax
A CV, a letter of motivation, a copy of documents certifying education to to 15 February 2023, or submit personally IN Gaigalavas parish administration, by address: Rēzeknes street 2, Gaigalava, Gaigalavas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644537
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the economic security division of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education.
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution, which may be regarded as an advantage, is desirable for the position.
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language.
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to design documentation related to the development and maintenance of road and street infrastructure (traffic organisation schemes, technical specifications, etc.).
- Ability to plan, coordinate and manage local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to control compliance of road infrastructure design, traffic organisation, construction and maintenance service providers.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, QGIS).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1212,20
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1276,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents entitled “Contest to the vacancy of the economic security division of the municipality of Rezekne” by the “road engineer” until 15 February 2023. 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 15 February 2023 at 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne, the Liberation Alliance 95A, Rezekne, 17 th Cabinet.
- head of Unit Andris Koļčs, 64607170, (in absence - Andris Stafeckis)
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants/work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Maltas Association Board” (tail. No. 40900027426, address: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4630) announces an open invitation to tender for the deputy of the head of the “Maltas association” of the municipality of Rezekne planning and Property Management the position.
An open invitation to tender shall be opened for municipal authority of the municipality of Rēzekne “Maltas Association Board” the position of Planning and Property Management. Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education;
- 3 (three) years of work experience in a local government institution or public administration if there is higher education;
- there is a need for a wide range of laws and regulations and the ability to address them, as well as the ability to carry out analysis and application of legislation;
- the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the management system must be familiar;
- rational skills of the work organisation, the system of systematisation, the ability to identify errors and eliminate them immediately;
- the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1672,00
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1760,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 17 February 2023 at 14.00 to be submitted TO the Management Board of THE Maltas Association for Cab 3, Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV-4630, or to be sent by post to the above address, or may be submitted by electronic mail to e-mail the following documents:
- a letter of motivation;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- The concept of development of the “Maltas association” of the municipality of Rezekne (not more than one A4 format lapaspuse);
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact information 27870687 The evaluation of candidates' candidates shall be commenced no later than 3 (three) days after the end of the time period for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Social service of the municipality of Rezekne (reg. No. 40900003729, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open competition to the position of social rehabilitator of the social rehabilitator of the social support unit of the social support unit of the vacant social service unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
first level vocational higher education - qualification of social rehabilitator or second level vocational higher or academic education in the field of social work;
• specific expertise in the field of children's rights;
• very good communication and motivation capabilities
• ability to carry out his duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of his competence;
• Communications, ability to work in stress situations, ability to analyse critical situations;
• excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;
• Good skills in working with a computer in multiple programs, skills to work with office hardware.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 723
Normal working time, full load
The applicant must submit:
• a motivated application;
a description of the professional activity (CV);
copies of documents certifying education;
copies of documents certifying supplementary education
Applicants shall submit documents to the social service of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 11 th Cabinet, or send to e-mail:, (with a reference to “competition to the position of social rehabiliter”).
The application must be submitted or sent by 6 February 2023 (including), the applications received after that deadline are not evaluated.
Social service of the municipality of Rezekne (reg. No. 40900003729, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the head of the “Pilcene” family of the vacant social service unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education in the field of social work;
- the knowledge of the official language at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the skills necessary for professional activity of at least one official language of the European Union are desirable;
- at least 3 years of experience in social work
- experience with persons with mental disorders will be considered as an advantage;
- knowledge of regulatory enactments regulating the activities of the institution;
- understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the local government in the field of social protection of the population, social services;
- good working organisation and management skills, ability to work in a team, organise work to achieve the objectives of the unit;
- good skills in working with MS Office programs;
- ability to build positive relationships, skills in conflict resolution, good communication skills, psychological stress in stress situations;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 950,00
Description of the position - found on the municipal website.
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the quality of life (curriculum vitae);
- copies of documents certifying education and training;
- other documents confirming the fulfilment of the requirements of the applicant;
- the organisation and development priorities of the vision group's home activities in the next 2 (two) years, future developments, challenges and solutions (up to two A4 pages).
The application with the indication 'head of the group “Pilcene”/social worker ”shall be submitted within the prescribed time period to the social service of the municipality of Rezekne, the alley OF Liberation 95A, Rezekne, 11 th Cabinet, or send to e-mail:, (with an indication - competition on the position of the head of the group“ Pilcene ”/socialworker)
The application must be submitted or provided by: 16 February 2023 (including), applications received after this deadline are not evaluated.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. The applicants whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second – the applicant's work interview.
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the head of the head of the “cultural and tourism administration” of the local government institution of the municipality of Rezekne. Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education in the field of cultural management;
- desirable work experience in cultural management;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- a desirable experience in organising the general Latvian song and dance festival and/or Latvian school youth songs and dance festivals at local government level;
- knowledge of laws and regulations in the field of cultural centres, libraries, museums and tourism, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the ability to analyse large-scale documents, including legal documents, to assess their compliance with the regulatory framework;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the administrative system;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- knowledge of at least one foreign language, which is the official language of the European Union;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- there must be an understanding of ethical standards, be able to work in a team, be able to plan and organize the work of their and subordinate employees, have creative and flexible thinking, initiative;
- there must be a high culture of contact, sense of responsibility and precision;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1201,75.
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1265,00 – in accordance with the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 10 February 2023 at 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
- a letter of motivation;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact information 64607174; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates' candidates shall be commenced no later than 3 (three) days after the end of the time period for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the office of the head of the “cultural and tourism administration” of the municipality of Rezekne
An open invitation to tender shall be announced for the position of the head of the “cultural and tourism administration” of the local government institution of the municipality of Rezekne. Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- higher education or higher education in the field of cultural management;
- 3 (three) years of professional experience in cultural management where there is higher education;
- 1 (one) annual work experience in cultural management where there is higher education in the field of cultural management;
- desirable work experience in a local government institution or public administration;
- knowledge of laws and regulations in the field of cultural centres, libraries, museums and tourism, the ability to focus and apply them;
- the ability to analyse large-scale documents, including legal documents, to assess their compliance with the regulatory framework;
- the ability to perform assigned tasks under increased intensity and limited time;
- the ability to analyse the situation and the consequences of the action, find the most appropriate solution;
- knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the administrative system;
- national language skills at the highest grade;
- knowledge of at least one foreign language, which is the official language of the European Union;
- skills to work with computer, information technologies as well as office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management and other systems;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- there must be an understanding of ethical standards, be able to work in a team, be able to plan and organize the work of their and subordinate employees, have creative and elesty thinking, initiative,
- there must be a high culture of communication, sense of responsibility and precision;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1401,25.
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1475,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Candidates until 10 February 2023 14.00 is placed in the central administration mailbox of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, Rezekne, Liberation Alliance 95A, LV-4601, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail the following documents:
- a letter of motivation;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- The concept of development of the cultural and tourism administration of the municipality of Rezekne (not more than one A4 format lapaspuse);
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
Contact information 64607174; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates' candidates shall be commenced no later than 3 (three) days after the end of the time period for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the candidates. On the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates and the work interview - candidates for which the documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rezekne District Municipalities Multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina” calls for work on Social worker the position (for an indefinite period).
Basic duties of the office:
- Identify the social needs of customers and identify social problems.
- Create and collect customer files.
- Schedule individual social care and social rehabilitation.
- Regularly update customer documents in accordance with the specified terms.
- Co-ordinate the development of individual social care and social rehabilitation plans in cooperation with members of the interprofessional team, in conformity with the results and needs of the assessment of the performance of clients.
- Provide support to customers in addressing social problems and provide information on opportunities to improve their social situation.
- Consider customer proposals and complaints.
- Make proposals relating to the improvement of the quality of the social care/social rehabilitation process.
Position requirements:
- Second-level professional or academic education in social work or caritative social work.
- Experience with customer service, social case management.
- The ability to assess the quality of the social care and social rehabilitation service provided.
- The ability to collect, analyse and process information obtained during the care and rehabilitation process.
- Expertise in health care, psychology, pedagogy and social work.
- Skill to manage and promote team activities.
- Ability to take independent decisions and take responsibility for their professional activities.
- Work experience in social work with children is desirable.
Normal working time
Salary Gross EUR 935
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
Up to 29.01.2023
CV, motivation letter and evidence of education by 29 January 2023 send to e-mail,, with indication “Call for the position of a social worker” phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Rezekne District Municipalities (Reg. No 90009112679) The Central Administration's real estate management service calls for a real estate registration specialist
Announcing open competitions to the position of a vacant real estate legal registration specialist. The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher education;
- a level 2 higher education or education in law will be considered as an advantage;
- an advantage will be seen at least 3 months' work experience over the past 5 years in connection with real estate formation, management or strengthening of ownership;
- work experience in State or local government institutions over the last 5 years of the year will be considered as an advantage;
- work experience with national information systems over the last 5 years will be considered as an advantage;
- the processes and progress of the building and ownership of real estate and the regulatory enactments regulating them should be familiar;
- be able to navigate in the data of the State cadastre system of the immovable property;
- be able to navigate in the information contained in the Land Register compartments;
- knowledge of the principles of drafting documents, presentation and storage of documents;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- perfect reputation;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- good computer skills, skills to work with optical programs (MS Word, MS Excel), ability to quickly learn work with special programs and systems required to perform tasks.
The remuneration of the basic salary after probationary period shall be EUR 1084,00 (according to the decision of the Rēzekne District Council), which is correlated in accordance with the assessment of the employee. During the verification, the remuneration is set at EUR 1029,80.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of the duties of office, with an indication “for the competition to the office of the immovable property management service of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne” until the date of 27 January 2023. 12.00 send to e-mail whether to be placed in the municipal central administration mailbox at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne. Contact information 64607188; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) to open in the event of a call for a vacant Rezekne, the head of the economic security division of the central government of the local government shall be held.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Secondary education in the field of road transport, or secondary education with driver experience of at least three years;
- An appropriate professional experience in a local government institution may be regarded as an advantage;
- Knowledge of the national language at secondary level (B2), as well as the desired knowledge of one foreign language;
- Ability to handle electronic means of communication, navigation equipment and etc.
- The ability to apply technical knowledge in the field of road transport, the implementation of the principles of the performance of road vehicles and the activities of the most important aggregates (nodes). Identification of the Indicative Indicators of the auto panel and the ability to independently take decisions on the further operation of road vehicles due to control panel displays.
- Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and to take decisions independently within the framework of their competence;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 4,43/h, corresponding to the monthly salary of EUR 707,75. The remuneration of the basic salary after a probationary period of 4,66 EUR/h, corresponding to the monthly salary OF EUR 745,60, in accordance with the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne District Council, according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- the application form;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience.
Documents with an indication “contest to the vacancy of the economic security division of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne” until 27 January 2023 at 12.00 send to e-mail or in sealed envelope until 2023 27 January at 12.00 to be placed in the central administration mailbox of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne, the release alley IN 95A, Rezekne, 17 th Cabinet.
- head of Unit Andris Koļčs, 64607170
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. The applicants whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round – the practical examination of applicants/work interview. the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the head of the economic security division of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education;
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution is desirable for a position at least 2 (two) years;
- Experience in the field of construction, building supervision, preparation of estimates, work with different national registers, including (BIS system) databases, which are critical of the applicant's eligibility, may be considered as an advantage as well as experience in the organisation and performance of procurement work;
- Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language;
- The ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment.
- A skill in the preparation of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the work of a building engineer and the ability to plan, organise and control his or her work independently during a short and long period of time;
- Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1212,20
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1276,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- the application form;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience.
Documents with an indication “contest to the vacancy“ construction Ingenieris ”of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne” until 25 January 2023 at 12.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 25 January 2023 at 12.00 to be placed in the central administration mailbox of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne, the release alley IN 95A, Rezekne, 17 th Cabinet.
- head of Unit Andris Koļčs, 64607170, (in absence - Andris Stafeckis)
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants/work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Administration of the municipality of Rēzekne Municipality Viļānu
announces login to
holding of the housekeeper AT Viļānu in the cultural house
Principal duties:
- Managing and coordinating the economic activities of the institution;
- Be responsible for the technical and sanitary condition of the cultural house;
- Ensuring the planning and acquisition of economic resources, materials and equipment necessary for the work of the cultural house;
- Be responsible for the preservation and strict accounting of the property;
- Take measures in the economic and efficient use of resources;
- Know the list of necessary technical features for sound and other electronic equipment (microphones, sound amplifiers, projectors, computers, connection wires and cables, sound puls etc.) to ensure the technical requirements of the measures in organised cultural events IN THE Viļānu association;
- Maintain exchange of information between units/institutions/staff of THE Viļānu association;
- Verify and coordinate the timely verification and maintenance of equipment in the institution (ventilation, fire safety, water supply, heating);
- Participate in the drawing up of the basic budget and the planning documents of THE management and cultural house OF THE Viļānu association;
- Perform the delegated functions of the Head of Unit.
Requirements for candidates:
- The basic tasks of professional activity require technical education or experience and appropriate technical knowledge;
- Excellent knowledge of the Latvian language;
- Ability to independently take reasonable decisions and find solutions in changing or unclear conditions;
- Work requires intellectual effort, the use of new experience and knowledge, skills to work in the team and communication with society;
- The ability to use information technologies for the performance of their activities;
- To create positive contacts, respect ethical and behavioural standards;
- The ability to comply with labour protection, fire safety and electrical safety regulations, environmental protection regulations and environmental protection;
- The ability to ensure compliance with labour law standards.
Login modalities:
The application documents (motivation letter, CV, educational documents) are requested by: 27 January 2023 at 16.00 Viļānu in the management of the association, cultural area 1A, Viļāni, Rēzekne municipality or e-mail:
More information on the phone: 28662346
More information about the vacancy in the job description.
Administration of the municipality of Rēzekne Municipality Viļānu announces login to
librarian's job with children
Requirements for candidates:
- Higher academic or higher vocational education in a library or higher education in another related field; level 1 vocational higher education in a library or other related field;
- Professional experience in librarians or other areas of work with children will be considered an advantage;
- The ability to use and desire to improve skills at work with the latest information and communication technologies;
- High-contact culture and communication skills with children;
- Skill in front of the audience
- The sense of responsibility and the ability to carry out the tasks entrusted to them independently;
- Excellent knowledge of the Latvian language
Principal duties:
- Ensuring the promotion of children's reading, the introduction of innovative forms of work with children and the execution of other functions laid down in the law of the institution;
- Perform user service in children's literature department
- Train library users in the use of information resources;
- Participate in the organisation of events, in coordination with schools, students of pre-school educational institution;
- Implement the reading promotion programmes and their promotion measures;
- Implement the introduction of innovative forms of work with children
- Participate in the implementation of projects related to the operation or improvement of the activities of the institution;
- Work with the BAR ALICE library.
Login modalities:
The application documents (motivation letter, CV, educational documents) are requested by: 20 January 2023 at 16.00 Viļānu in the management of the association, cultural area 1A, Viļāni or e-mail
Telephone information: 64628033
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the economic security division of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education.
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution, which may be regarded as an advantage, is desirable for the position.
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language.
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to design documentation related to the development and maintenance of road and street infrastructure (traffic organisation schemes, technical specifications, etc.).
- Ability to plan, coordinate and manage local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to control compliance of road infrastructure design, traffic organisation, construction and maintenance service providers.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, QGIS).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1212,20
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1276,00 – according to the decision of the Council of Rezekne, level of the employee – according to the assessment.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents entitled “Contest to the vacancy of the economic security division of the municipality of Rezekne” by the “road engineer” until 24 January 2023. 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 24 January 2023 at 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted to the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne, the Liberation Alliance 95A, Rezekne, 17 th Cabinet.
- head of Unit Andris Koļčs, 64607170, (in absence - Andris Stafeckis)
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants/work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Announcing open competitions on the position of a vacant staff specialist. The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher education, preferably in the field of staff management or in law;
- the experience will be considered as an advantage over the past 15 years in the field of staff management for more than 1 year;
- work experience over the past 15 years in national or local government institutions over 6 months will be considered as an advantage;
- the experience will be considered as an advantage over the past 5 years with databases and information systems over 1 year;
- knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and administration system, regarding the laws and regulations of labour law and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with computer, electronic personnel and document management systems, e-mail;
- the resulting supplementary education in the field of the practical application of information technologies – working with databases, information systems will be considered as an advantage;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 1049,75 during the verification period, after a probationary period OF EUR 1105.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of the duties of office, with an indication “for the competition to the office of the legal and administrative unit of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne” until 16 January 2023 at 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 16 January 2023 12.00 be placed in the municipal central administration mailbox at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne. Contact information 64607200; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Unit of the municipality of Rezekne “Dricānu parish association” unit “Sakstagala parish administration” (Reg. No. 40900027407) offers a vacancy for an indefinite period, on the position of the bus driver (Classification of professions – 8331 01). Basic salary (gross) 660.00 EUR.
Principal duties:
- To carry out the self-transport of pupils, in accordance with the approved routes;
- Follow the technical condition of the bus and organise maintenance and repairs in accordance with the contracts concluded;
Education and knowledge required:
- Appropriate category of driver;
- Secondary or secondary vocational training;
- ensuring road safety;
- know the rules on passenger transport, road traffic rules;
- the knowledge of the official language according to the requirements of the national language law - B1 or second (average) level;
- Appropriate driving category - D and code 95 certificate;
- Driver card;
Application documents - CV, copy of documents certifying education, please send to e-mail address: or submit up to 2023 20 January at 16.30 Sakstagala parish administration in Kalna street 2, Sakstagala, Sakstagala civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV 4638. Contact information for tel. 27508050.
The municipality of Rezekne, “Maltas Association Board”, calls for an indefinite period of time for youth workers to 0.5 load.
Profession code: 2422 57
Requirements for candidates:
- at least secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- Category B driving licence;
- The national language skills at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and at least one official language of the European Union in the amount necessary for professional activity;
Principal duties:
- perform work with youth IN Feimaņu civil parish;
- support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people;
- motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events;
- organising information and educational activities relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people of working life, career selection and non-formal education;
- encouraging the emergence of a positive culture of intercontact and behaviour among young people;
- to cooperate with the municipal authorities of Rezekne, organisations, see school authorities;
- to spend young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training;
- promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions;
- to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
- ensuring publicity in social networks;
- develop knowledge and skills for youth work.
We offer:
- a contract of employment for an indefinite period;
- professional development and learning opportunities;
- remuneration of EUR 412.50 before tax.
CV, letter of motivation, copies of documents certifying education and answers to the following questions:
- How do you associate with young people?
- What do you think is a mobile job with youth?
- Call at least 3 ideas for activities that you can offer and implement within mobile exits,
send to to 16 January 2023whether to submit a personal Feimaņu in the parish administration, after the address “parish house”, c .1 TP47T, Feimaņu parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 20223650
Rezekne District Municipalities (Reg. No 90009112679) The Legal and Registry Office of the Central Administration invites a staff specialist
Announcing open competitions on the position of a vacant staff specialist. The applicant shall comply with the following requirements:
- higher education, preferably in the field of staff management or in law;
- the experience will be considered as an advantage over the past 15 years in the field of staff management for more than 1 year;
- work experience over the past 15 years in national or local government institutions over 6 months will be considered as an advantage;
- the experience will be considered as an advantage over the past 5 years with databases and information systems over 1 year;
- knowledge of the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and administration system, regarding the laws and regulations of labour law and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with computer, electronic personnel and document management systems, e-mail;
- the resulting supplementary education in the field of the practical application of information technologies – working with databases, information systems will be considered as an advantage;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 1049,75 during the verification period, after a probationary period OF EUR 1105.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience, an application questionnaire (located at the local government website), in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of the duties of office, with an indication “for the competition to the office of the legal and administrative unit of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne” until 16 January 2023 at 12.00 send to e-mail or by 16 January 2023 at 12.00 be placed in the municipal central administration mailbox at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne. Contact information 64607200; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the central administration of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education;
- Desirable professional development certificates in the work protection, fire safety or civil protection 160 hours training programme;
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution which may be regarded as an advantage is desirable for the position;
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language;
- Ability to independently obtain information on civil protection, labour protection, fire safety and other engineering solutions;
- Ability to develop development-driven solutions for job-related issues, establish and systematise data registers;
- Ability to plan, organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently;
- Ability to control compliance of contractual service providers;
- The skills in drawing up the budget plan (within the scope of its competence) and in the organisation of its execution;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Excellent computer-based skills (MS Word, Excel, VISVARIS Environment, QGIS);
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1092,50
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1150,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents entitled “Contest to the vacancy of the economic security division of the municipality of Rezekne” “Communications Ingenieris” until 12 January 2023 at 14.00 send to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 12 December 2023 in January at 14.00 to be placed in the mailbox of the local government administration of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted to the local government administration of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 17 th Cabinet.
- head of Unit Andris Koļčs, 64607170, (in absence - Andris Stafeckis)
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rezekne municipality's multi-functional social service centre “Vecružina” calls for work on Cleaner the position (for an indefinite period).
Basic duties of the office:
- Maintain and take care of the purity and order of the institution.
- Comply with hygiene and sanitary standards during cleaning.
- Take responsibility for the quality of your work.
- Perform other work duties, in accordance with the description of the position.
Position requirements: - Average or basic education.
- Ability to perform work with increased physical load.
- Knowledge of the Latvian language at the level of the language.
- Prior experience in the work of the cleaner was desirable.
- Desire to take care of a clean environment.
Normal working time
Salary Gross 620 EUR
Address of work – multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina”, lake street 23A, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
Up to 15.01.2023
CV, motivation letter and documents supporting education until 15 January 2023 send to e-mail,, with indication “Contest to a cleaner position phone for inquiries 64646135.
Applications submitted which meet the requirements laid down will be considered.
On the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, it is informed that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to provide only the selection process for this vacancy.
Announcing external contest to a vacancy library manager.
Gaigalavas Library Manager (less than 0.75, monthly salary 618,75 EUR (gross)).
Requirements for applicants:
- Higher academic, higher professional, secondary education in the field of libraries or higher academic, higher vocational, secondary education and certificate of completion of further education courses in the field of library work.
- Higher education
- a high sense of responsibility;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with computer, electronic document management systems, e-mail, e-signatures;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- skill in the team;
- the ability to take decisions and take an initiative (with a description of the job can be found in the parish administration).
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- a copy of the certificate of education;
- letter of motivation.
Documents must be submitted in person by 3 January 2023 (including) IN THE administration of Gaigalavas parish or the application must be sent electronically to e-mail:
Telephone information 64644537
Social service of the municipality of Rezekne (reg. No. 40900003729, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for a vacant social service psychologist.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Master degree in psychology with specialisation in clinical or educational psychology (may also be an uncertified clinical or educational psychologist, but who has a great interest in working directly in this field);
- Compliance with the requirements of Section 72 of the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child;
- Excellent knowledge of Latvian and Russian language.
- Good skills in working with computer in multiple programs.
- Communication, ability to work in stress situations, conformity assessment skills, effective planning skills, training skills of professional documents, ability to analyse critical situations, team work skills.
- Skills to work in the team, skills in job planning and organisation;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 986,00
Description of the position - found on the municipal website.
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the quality of life (curriculum vitae);
- copies of documents certifying education and training;
- other documents confirming the fulfilment of the requirements of the applicant;
An application with an indication of 'social service psychologist' within the prescribed period shall be submitted to the social service of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 11 th office, or send to e-mail:, (with an indication - competition to the position of the psychologist of the social service)
The application must be submitted or made available by 12 January 2023 (including), the applications received after that deadline are not evaluated.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. The applicants whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second – the applicant's work interview.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the head of the district of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne and the building engineer of the real estate management unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education in the construction sector;
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution is desirable for a position at least 2 (two) years;
- Experience in the field of construction, building supervision, preparation of estimates, work with different national registers, including (BIS system) databases, which are critical of the applicant's eligibility, may be considered as an advantage as well as experience in the organisation and performance of procurement work;
- Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language;
- The ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- A skill for the preparation, management and ability of the laws and regulations necessary for the work of a building engineer to plan, organise and control his or her work in a short and long period of time;
- Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1117,20.
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1176,00.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- the application form;
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience.
Documents entitled “Contest to the position of the construction engineer of the municipality of Rezekne and the building engineer of the real estate” until 6 January 2023. 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 6 January 2023 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted to the administration of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 17 th Cabinet.
- Kristaps Kalva, phone 26531242.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Announcing internal a call for a vacancy OF THE Head of the Library OF Gaigalavas, for an indefinite period
Requirements for applicants:
- Higher academic, higher professional, secondary education in the field of libraries or higher academic, higher vocational, secondary education and certificate of completion of further education courses in the field of library work.
- a high sense of responsibility;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with computer, electronic document management systems, e-mail, e-signatures;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- skill in the team;
- the ability to take decisions and take an initiative (with a description of the job can be found in the parish administration).
- A description of the job can be found here
Gaigalavas Library Manager (total 0,75 rates, salary 618,75 EUR (gross))
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- a copy of the certificate of education;
- letter of motivation.
Documents shall be submitted in person by 22 December 2022 (including) IN THE administration of Gaigalavas parish or the application to send electronically to e-mail:
Telephone information 64644537
The Legal and Registry Office of the municipality of Rezekne (tail 90009112679) invites the staff specialist
Announcing open competitions on the position of a vacant staff specialist.
For the applicant:
- there must be higher vocational training in the management of staff or higher education in law;
- the need for regulatory knowledge in the field of labour law, the ability to target them, the use of quality documents and the performance of day-to-day work;
- the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the management system must be familiar;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- have a rational skills of the work organisation, a system of systematisation, an ability to identify errors and prevent them immediately;
- desirable work experience in the field of local government or public institutions;
- the knowledge of the official language is necessary in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- need to be able to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- be able to work with computer, electronic personnel and document management systems, e-mail;
- have good communication and cooperation skills; high communication culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- must be able to work with a large amount of information;
- be able to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- there must be a perfect reputation.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 1049,75 during the verification period, after a probationary period OF EUR 1105.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with a reference to “the position of the staff specialist of the State legal and record-keeping unit of the municipality of Rezekne” until 20 December 2022 15.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 20 December 2022 15.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the central administration of the local government at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne. Contact information 64607200; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the municipality of the municipality of Rēzekne and the building engineer of the real estate management department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education in engineering, preferably in the transport or road building sector.
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution, which may be regarded as an advantage, is desirable for the position.
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language.
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to design documentation related to the development and maintenance of road and street infrastructure (traffic organisation schemes, technical specifications, etc.).
- Ability to plan, coordinate and manage local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to control compliance of road infrastructure design, traffic organisation, construction and maintenance service providers.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, QGIS).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1117,20
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1176,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents entitled “Contest to the position of the municipality of Rēzekne and the position of the“ road engineer ”of the real estate management unit” until 21 December 2022 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 21 December 2022 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted to the administration of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 17 th Cabinet.
- head of Unit Andris Koļčs, 64607170,
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited Requirements
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the communal engineer of the municipality of Rēzekne and the real estate management department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher vocational education (preferable in the field of civil protection, environmental protection, water management, thermal energy, plumbing, labour protection or transport engineering);
- Desirable professional development certificates in the work protection, fire safety or civil protection 160 hours training programme;
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution which may be regarded as an advantage is desirable for the position;
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language;
- Ability to independently obtain information on civil protection, labour protection, fire safety and other engineering solutions;
- Ability to develop development-driven solutions for job-related issues, establish and systematise data registers;
- The ability to plan, organise the execution of work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to control, contractual service providers' obligations;
- The skills in drawing up the budget plan (within the scope of its competence) and in the organisation of its execution;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, QGIS)
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1002,25
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1055,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- the application form.
Documents with an indication of “competition to the municipality of Rēzekne” and the “Communications Ingenieris” section of the real estate management unit until 21 December 2022 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or in a sealed envelope until 21 December 2022 14.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted to the administration of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 17 th Cabinet.
- head of Unit Andris Koļčs, 64607170, (in absence - Andris Stafeckis)
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Announcing internal competitions on the position of a vacant staff specialist. The tender shall have the right to apply only to employees working in the local government institutions.
The applicant must be:
- higher education in vocational or higher education in law;
- the need for regulatory knowledge in the field of labour law, the ability to target them, the use of quality documents and the performance of day-to-day work;
- the activities of the local government, its organisational structure and the management system must be familiar;
- rational work organisation skills, systematisation skills, ability to identify errors and immediately prevent them; work experience in local or national institutions;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with computer, electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to make full use of the applied pattern language style in day-to-day work;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 954 during verification, after probationary period OF EUR 1004, description of office - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with a reference to “the position of the staff specialist of the State legal and record-keeping unit of the municipality of Rezekne” until 6 December 2022 16.30 To be sent to e-mail or until 6 December 2022 16.30 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne.
Contact information 64607200; 64607202.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
In January 2023, the Primary School of Verham searches for mathematics teachers in classes 5, 6, 7, 8 (21 contact hours).
It is possible to divide the load: in classes 5, 6 (11 contact hours) and 7 th, 8 th classes (10 contact hours).
Send to e-mail address
Phone for information 29421475
The Primary School of Verham, with January 2023, is looking for an assistant for Class 1 students. Workload: 6 h per day, 30 h per week.
Payment according to the number of hours actually worked in the assistant at eur 4.50 per hour.
Requirements for assistant: work or personal experience in the care of persons with disabilities or appropriate education or professional experience in the field of pedagogy, psychology, medical, health or social work.
Send to e-mail address
Phone for information 29421475
The legal and record-keeping unit of the municipality of Rezekne (tail 90009112679) invites the senior clerk
Announcing internal competition for vacant senior clerk.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations of the management of documents and the ability to address them;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- work experience in local government or state institutions in the field of documents and archives management;
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and preferably knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with computer, electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with great information;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 954 during verification, after probationary period OF EUR 1004, description of office - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) by means of an indication “to the position of the senior clerk of the legal and record-keeping unit of the municipality of Rezekne” until 29 November 2022. 16.30 To be sent to e-mail or until 29 November 2022 16.30 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne.
Contact information 64607200; 64607202.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Calls for Gaigalavas parish management – light cars, bus driver (0.5 rates) for indefinite time
The municipality of Rēzekne, Gaigalavas parish administration, offers a job to the driver of the light car.
The main tasks of the work:
- Driving a car, maintaining it in working order;
- Carry out service journeys only in accordance with the instructions of the Head of Administration and responsible for road transport;
- Transporting Gaigalavas parish administration and unit employees for the performance of local government functions;
- To carry out accurate tracking and fuel consumption and fuel consumption of light cars;
- Monitor the technical condition of the light car and carry out detailed repairs;
- The timely release of the trademarks in accounting;
- Comply with the prescribed fuel consumption standards;
- Respect road traffic rules and good driving manners.
Requirements for candidates:
- Category B driving licences (5 years and more), driving licence of category D;
- Know the technical design of the light car;
- The desired higher or secondary education in the automation;
- Secondary or secondary education
- A high sense of responsibility;
- Good communication and cooperation skills;
- Skill in the team;
- Work experience in a similar capacity
- The ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative
A description of the job can be found in the parish administration.
We offer:
- part-time work (0.5 rates);
- stable, competitive remuneration (gross wage of 300.00 EUR)
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- a copy of the certificate of education;
- letter of motivation.
Documents shall be submitted in person by 29 November 2022 (including) IN the administration of Gaigalavas parish at the office or the application must be sent electronically to
Telephone information 64644537
From 6 January 2023, the Primary School of Verham invites music teachers to work on their own. primary school with a rate of 0,623 h and for work pre-school with 0.48 h rate . We also offer 2 hours of interest in education. A total of 40 h is provided. The possibility of working separately in one of the stages – primary or pre-school – may also be considered.
Send to e-mail address
Phone for information 29421475
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Dricānu Association Board” calls for an indefinite period of time Youth worker full-time,
Profession code: 242257
Requirements for candidates
- at least secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- Category B driving licence
- The national language skills at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the professional activity of at least one official language of the European Union; to the extent necessary;
Principal duties:
- Perform work with youth Ozolmuiža civil parish
- Support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people.
- Motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events.
- Organise information and educational activities relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people about working life, career selection and non-formal education.
- Promote the emergence of a positive culture of interaction and behaviour among young people.
- Co-operate with local authorities of Rezekne, organisations, see school self-administrations.
- Spend young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training.
- Promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions.
- schedule and perform mobile work with youth Sakstagala and Kantinieku in parish
- to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
- ensuring publicity in social networks;
- develop knowledge and skills on youth work;
We offer:
- a contract of employment for an indefinite period of time;
- opportunities for professional development and education;
- remuneration of 750 EUR before tax
CV, letter of motivation, copies of documents certifying education and answers to the following questions:
How do you associate with young people?
What do you think is a mobile job with youth?
Call at least 3 ideas for activities that you can offer and implement within mobile exits.
send to by November 11, 2022, or bring personally Dricānu in parish administration, “Last House”, Dricāni, Dricānu civil parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone calls:
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open competition to the office of the editor of the vacancy website in the Central Administration Development Planning Unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education;
- desirable experience and knowledge in public relations or journalism;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- knowledge of the preferred English language;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- mandatory work experience in editing and creating articles.
- desirable skills in the administration of the website.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 954 during the verification period, after a probationary period OF EUR 1004.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the website of the local government with a reference to “the invitation to the office of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne to a vacant website in the development planning department of the Central Administration.” by 31 October 2022 at 12.00 send to e-mail or up to 31 October 2022 at 12.00 be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 64607185. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 2 (two) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
On 19 October, in 2022, from 13.00 to 14.30 ZOOM's Internet Platform for Employment Agency (SEA) and National Armed Forces (NBS) provide an opportunity for every interested party to learn about service opportunities IN NBS. During an online meeting, THE NBS representative will discuss the possibilities of professional service, the conditions of application, the service environment, training etc. Jobseekers will also be able to ask their questions. Requirements for applicants who wish to attend NBS: at least primary education (with or without professional experience in any profession), age: 18 to 40 years, citizenship of the Republic of Latvia, B1 Latvian language knowledge, no criminal conviction. National armed forces need service personnel with different skills, such as MECHANICS, AUTOREPAIRERS, DRIVERS, CATERING WORKERS, ENGINEERS, PSYCHOLOGISTS, LAWYERS, CHAPELS, FINANCIAL SPECIALISTS, ESPECIALLY PROFESSIONALS, INFORMATION COMMUNICATION PROFESSIONALS, and any interested party who meets the basic requirements; and wants to build a career in the field of defence. SOLDIER AT VACANT posts in Latvia We invite you to participate in online meetings with national armed forces! Log in online with NBS already by completing the online APPLICATION QUESTIONNAIRE in: On October 18, an appointment link will be sent to your online application questionnaire ZOOM on the site. Connect to your computer, tablet, or mobile phone with Internet connection to the Zoom platform. Details of professional service NBS: https://www., for applying for professional service: |
Remuneration - eur 1085 (before tax).
Principal duties:
- planning, managing and coordinating the activities of the institution on information, advertising, external communications and public relations;
- participate in the organisation of conferences, presentations, special events, delegations and visits and other publicity events;
- organise publicity activities of the institution and the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone in social networks etc. in informative portals, to create and maintain institutions' accounts in social networks;
- ensure the preparation and updating of the institution's booklets, brochures, annual reports, presentation, information material and other marketing materials;
- coordinate the development of the public review of the institution.
Requirements for applicants:
- higher education;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- national language skills at the highest level;
- the knowledge of Russian and English in the extent necessary for the professional execution of the duties of office;
- high level of cultural and management of the organisation of negotiations;
- excellent communication, presentation and organisational skills;
- ability to work independently, plan and organize;
- initiative, creativity and positive attitudes;
- the ability to work with computer programs and office equipment;
- skills in the administration of homepages and work with image and graphic file processing programs;
- experience in the field of external communication organizer and/or public relations will be considered an advantage;
- knowledge of digital marketing will be considered an advantage;
- Category B driving licence.
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
The application documents must be submitted or provided by: 21 October 2022: by post in a registered letter, when sending to the address: municipal joint institution “Administration of the Special Economic Zone of Rezekne”, Liberation Alliance 93, Rezekne, LV-4601 (postmark 21 October 2022); personally in a closed envelope, the local authorities of the local government “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” in Study 222; Electronically (signing with secure electronic signature) to e-mail address: In the “Subject” section of the envelope or e-mail, the “application for tender to the office of the external communication organizer/public relations specialist of the“ Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board ”of the municipality of Rezekne” shall be indicated.
A tender by-law may be found in the website of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” “vacancies” in the website.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Santa Kuzncova, Deputy manager of the “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board” of the local government institution, tel. 24428646.
The personal data specified in the application documents of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 EC (General Data Protection Regulation) with a view to ensuring the progress of the selection competition. The controller is municipal Joint Authority “Administration of the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone”, registration No 90009259543, registered office: Liberation alley 93, Rezekne. Additional information on the processing of personal data is found in municipal Joint Institutions “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” on the website, under “Privacy Policy”.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Viļānu Alliance” (Reg. No. 40900036645) invitations to tender for the position of the organiser of cultural events of THE cultural events OF the Cultural House OF Viļānu. The applicant must plan and develop cultural house events, coordinate the collective activities of the artistic self-activity of the cultural house. The desired secondary/higher education in the cultural field, or experience in cultural work and understanding of cultural work. Good communication and cooperation skills, creative and independent approaches to work, sense of responsibility and precision. Remuneration OF basic work EUR 650.00, description of office - located on the homepage of the municipality of Rezekne
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with reference to “the position of the organiser of cultural events of THE cultural events OF Viļānu” to be sent to e-mail by 30 September 2022 or at noon 17.00 is to be placed in the administration mailbox of the municipality of Rēzekne “Viļānu association” at the entrance, cultural area 1A, Vilnius. Contact information by phone 28662346. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited to interview the work interview the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of a vacancy engineer in the central administration holding and the real estate management department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education in engineering, preferably in the transport or road construction sector (level 2 professional or master degree).
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution, which may be regarded as an advantage, is desirable for the position.
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language.
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to design documentation related to the development and maintenance of road and street infrastructure (traffic organisation schemes, technical specifications, etc.).
- Ability to plan, coordinate and manage local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to control compliance of road infrastructure design, traffic organisation, construction and maintenance service providers.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, QGIS).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 954 during verification, after probationary period OF EUR 1004
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with an indication of “the invitation to tender for the position of the municipality of the municipality of Rezekne and of the property management unit of the real estate” until 23 September 2022. 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 23 September 2022 14.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 64607170. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (tail No 90009112679) announce open the competition to the office of a lawyer of a vacancy. The applicant must have the highest (second level) education in the speciality of legal sciences. The applicant shall have appropriate professional experience in the capacity of a lawyer at a State or local government institution at least 2 (two) years, the knowledge of the official language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language. The applicant shall be required to act with information technology, electronic means of communication and office equipment, as well as the knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer, and the ability to address them, communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and take decisions independently.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 980,40
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1032
A description of the position can be found on the municipal website
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire (located on the homepage of the municipality) with a reference to “the position of a lawyer of the municipal council of the municipality of Rezekne” by 14 September 2022 at 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or by 14 September 2022 at 12.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne. Contact information 26531328. The evaluation of candidates shall be commenced no later than 1 (one) days after the expiry of the time period for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and the work interview - the applicants whose documents submitted are in conformity with by by-laws of the tender (found on the website of the municipality) the requirements set.
Administrative unit OF the municipality of Rezekne Dricānu association unit Dricānu civil parish an invitation to tender shall be issued to the office of the manager of the public utility of THE parish administration OF Dricānu.
Requirements for the applicant:
- The desired higher or secondary education;
- Desirable knowledge, experience and skills in the work organisation of the communal farm;
- Category B driving licence, preferably in addition TO the CATEGORY C1 or D driving licence;
- Good computer user skills (MS Word, Excel) and skills at work in other office techniques;
- Precision, high sense of responsibility, communication, self-initiative and the ability to rational organise the work of their own and utility workers;
- Understanding of the accounting principles of tangible values in accounting;
- Work experience in a similar capacity or higher education will be considered an advantage.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 740,00 (before tax), workload 1,0, according TO THE list of management posts and monthly salaries of the association OF Dricānu. A description of the position can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) to be sent to e-mail by means of an indication “competitions to Dricānu parish manager” by 12 September 2022:, at 12.00, whether to be placed in THE mailbox of THE ADMINISTRATION administration of Dricānu at the entrance, address: “Last house”, Dricāni, Dricānu parish Rezekne novj, LV-4615, or submit a personal parish in the office of the council. Contact information 64644069, 29113368. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited to interview the work interview the requirements set.
Dricānu PII invites a music teacher (0.30 rates) to an indefinite time.
Requirement for Applicant: Education in accordance WITH CABINET Regulation No. 569 “Regulations on Education and Professional Qualifications necessary for educators and the procedures for the improvement of professional competence of teachers”.
In case of questions: interested in phone 26165373
The unit “Kantinieku civil parish board” of the municipality of Rezekne is invited to work for an indefinite period of time in the library of the library to 0.75 workload
Principal duties:
- To know and comply with the normative documents governing the work of the library;
- work with library item: accounting, posting, write-offs of book funds and periodicals;
- servicing of visitors;
- working with electronic catalogue;
- planning the economic and financial activities of cultural and creative work;
- Link new library users.
- Collect, compile and systematize output research materials.
- Create parish information.
- higher academic, higher professional, secondary education in the field of libraries or higher academic, higher vocational, secondary education or certificates of completion of professional development courses in the field of library work.
- work experience in the field of library work will be considered as a priority;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- skills to work with information technologies and office techniques;
- ability to organise work independently and work on a collective basis;
- understanding of the organisation of the library, such as the institution, the organisation of work, the organisation of cultural activities and the relevant documentation.
We offer:
- social guarantees;
- remuneration gross according to the establishment plan approved by the “Dricānu association of association” for 0,75 workload OF EUR 562,50.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation and a copy of documents certifying education be sent to Latvia by 31 August 2022 or to be submitted personally to THE technical secretary “administrative centre” of Kantinieku parish, Liuja, Kantinieku parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact information 64640550 or mob. 27508050.
The unit “Dricānu parish board” of the municipality of Rezekne proclaims an open competition to the vacancy of the Director of the “Colnasate” Museum of Franz Trassa.
The main tasks of the work:
- Manage, plan, organise, analyse the work of the museum and have material and legally responsible for its activities;
- Develop the strategy and annual plans of the museum, responsible for the implementation of the strategy and plans;
- Determine the procedures by which the inventory, preservation, supplementation, restoration and utilisation of the museum stock shall take place in accordance with the regulations regarding the stock of national museums;
- Draw up annual action plans and related estimates. Perform the content, technical, financial planning of the public programme of the museum and the content of the offer (events, museum pedagogical programme, excursion etc.) and organise its implementation in accordance with the museum mission and the medium-term operational strategy of the museum;
- Develop a museum budget project, ensure the execution of the museum budget and be responsible for the rational and efficient use of the museum budget resources. Draw up or participate in the mobilisation of the financing;
- Responsible for the preservation of the movable and immovable property of the local government transferred in the management of the museum and the utilization of other tangible values; responsible for the preservation of the values of the museum (stock);
- Ensure the provision of statistics, financial reports and other information specified in regulatory enactments to State and local government institutions. Provide information regarding the activities of the museum to the Ministry of Culture and the Museum Council;
- Develop the rules and instructions of the museum's internal procedures, including internal procedures for the establishment, supplementation, registration, preservation and utilisation of the national stock in possession of the museum, which are approved by THE parish administration OF Sakstagala;
- Ensure observance of the safety, fire safety and other norms of the museum in the activities of the museum in accordance with regulatory enactments;
- Organise museum representation events, promote the activities of the museum, providing competent information in mass media and social networks;
- Perform analysis of museum visitors, organise audience studies and surveys;
Requirements for candidate/am:
- Higher academic education (preferably in the field of history, cultural history, philosophy or art);
- The knowledge of the official language at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the skills necessary for professional activity of at least one official language of the European Union are desirable;
- Knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the activities of the museum and the management of the stock and the ability to use it in practice;
- Skills in the formation of exhibitions and exhibitions, the preparation and management of educational events, excursions;
- Skills to handle office equipment, good skills at work with computer;
- Work experience in a similar capacity will be considered an advantage.
We offer:
- Exciting full-time work;
- The opportunity to work creatively and with the initiative;
- Working conditions appropriate to modern requirements;
- Gross salary EUR 631.00
The applicant may submit a tender application, CV, letter of motivation and evidence of education in person, in a closed envelope with an indication: “the invitation to tender for the post of director of the“ Colnasate ”museum of the Franz Tradog Museum”, THE council OF THE Sakstagala parish administration, or by post, insert in a closed envelope marked “application for a competition on the post of Director of the“ Colnasate ”of the Franz Tradog Museum, Sakstagala parish management – kalna iela 2, Sakstagals, Sakstagala civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV – 4638 (postmark no later than 29 August 2022); the application may also be sent by electronic means to THE official postal address of THE administration of Sakstagala, LV – 4638 (no later than 29 August 2022); the application may also be sent by electronic means to THE official postal address of THE administration of Sakstagala.
A candidate who has obtained the highest assessment of the Commission shall approve THE parish administration of Sakstagala by co-ordinating the candidature in the Latvian Museum Council (Section 11, Paragraph 2 of the Museum Law).
On 17 October 2022, the accreditation of F.Trasuna museum “Colnasate” was envisaged.
Phone for reference: 64645550, 27508050
Sherjan PII “bell” calls for a music teacher (0.45 rates) for a certain time.
Requirement for Applicant: Education in accordance WITH CABINET Regulation No. 569 “Regulations on Education and Professional Qualifications necessary for educators and the procedures for the improvement of professional competence of teachers”.
Deadline for lodging an application: 26 December 2022
In case of questions: interested in phone 26520742
Principal duties:
- Helping to organise a learning process at school;
- Computer knowledge, information in hours of information to be provided to educators;
- In the hours of other learning subjects, it is technically possible to provide the learning process and provide the necessary information to both teachers and learners;
- To assist teachers in organising learning processes in computer cabinets;
- Carry out the technical process of the computer network and the provision of programmes at school.
- at least average or secondary education;
- certificate of information, theoretical knowledge;
- the degree of skills and responsibility that ensures the success of the basic tasks of the work.
1 rate, remuneration of EUR 530 before tax.
Apply until 22 August of that year AT Viļānu in secondary school at the clerk. More information on phone 28441213.
Nautrēnu Pre-school education institution “Crisis” 2022./2023 shall be invited to work in the course of the school year 2 (two) pre-school education teachers (total 1.6 loads). The work is Nautrēnu in the pre-school education institution “Crisis”.
Wages and salaries in accordance with the tariff.
Address: “Crisis”, Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4652.
More information on the leader Tatjana Pujates, mob.t. 28345571.
Resume to address: up to 19. 08.2022.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of the head of the “Viļāni” of the municipal authority of the municipality of Rezekne.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education: education in social welfare, health care, management and administration, law, finance, banking affairs and insurance or economic education programmes (;
- the knowledge of the official language at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the skills necessary for professional activity of at least one official language of the European Union are desirable;
- at least 3 years of experience in a leading position with at least 10 subordinate employees;
- experience will be considered as an advantage over the past 7 years in the capacity of the leader of the organisation or in the direct authority of the managing director of the organisation in the State or local government institutions, in particular in the field of social services and social assistance with at least 10 subordinate employees;
- Knowledge of regulatory enactments regulating the activities of the Centre;
- understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the municipality in the field of health care services and social protection, social services;
- understanding of the Centre's financing issues and budget planning;
- knowledge and experience in the organisation of the activities of the institution and the application of regulatory enactments regulating the field of employment legal relations;
- good working organisation and management skills, ability to motivate employees and work in a team, organise work to achieve the objectives of the institution;
- good skills in working with MS Office programs;
- ability to build positive relationships, skills in conflict resolution, good communication skills, psychological stress in stress situations;
- Category B driving licence;
- the experience of EU projects in the organisation, management and implementation of health services and social services;
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1243,80
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1382,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- a reasoned application;
- a description of the quality of life (curriculum vitae);
- copies of documents certifying education and training;
- other documents confirming the fulfilment of the requirements of the applicant;
- the organisation and development priorities of the vision centre – the concept of the development of the Centre – for the nearest 2 (two) years, the direction of future development of the Centre, the problems and solutions (not more than two A4-size layers);
- the application form.
Documents with a reference to “competition on the head of the“ 1 TP4T ”centre of health and social care” until 22 August 2022 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 22 August 2022 12.00 shall be submitted to the administration of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 17 th office.
- Executive Director Janis Troška, 64607174,
- Head of Social Service Sylvia Strankale, tel. 64607194, 20223392.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
higher education in law;
• computer knowledge at user level
• The knowledge of foreign languages and professional experience in the local government will be considered an advantage.
Basic duties:
• provide legal advice to the staff of the institution on labour matters;
• to develop and participate in the development of documents of a legal nature;
• to provide legal assistance to the association, provide legal aid to the bodies;
• to carry out legal analysis of incoming and prepared documents;
• develop standard contracts, consider and edit submitted contract projects, etc.
advise the procurement Commission on the legal aspects of procurement;
• to prepare legislative proposals, collective agreements etc. legal documents, as well as to participate in the preparation of harmonised management orders, personal files etc.
• perform other duties in accordance with the instructions of the driver's oral and written orders;
• to comply with the requirements laid down in the Law on Freedom of Information and other regulatory enactments in the circulation of information;
• improve knowledge and skills by attending training, courses and seminars
Remuneration - EUR 850 before tax.
RESUME, letter of motivation and copies of educational documents to be submitted by 16 August of that year IN the administration of Viļānu, cultural area 1A, Viļāni 2.1. or electronically to e-mail:
- Education and skills required for the performance of the duties:
- higher pedagogical education,
- national language knowledge at the highest level,
- experience in the field of pedagogical or educational management, or in a co-ordinating, consultative or educational work of a similar nature,
- good communication and cooperation skills, psychological stress in stress situations,
- knowledge in schools,
- knowledge in matters of education content,
- knowledge of foreign languages,
- experience in project work,
- IT use skills,
- the right of the driver of the driver.
- Documents to be submitted:
- the application form (to be found in the Annex to the tender procedure),
- letter of motivation,
- a copy of the documents certifying the education and the official language (if necessary) (the original shall be accompanied by an interview);
- copies of documents certifying further education,
- The concept of the development of the “formulae” of the municipality of Rēzekne (up to 3 A4 pages per computer article) is led by the municipality of Rēzekne.
- Deadline for application: 22 August 2022, at 11.30.
- Phone for reference - 64607202, 26417710
- Place of Submission of Documents - Municipality of Rezekne District, Cabinet 17, other possibilities specified in the tender regulations published on the website
Dricānu High School shall be invited to work for the year 202/2023:
- Primary school teacher (0.7 loads).
The work is AT Dricānu in a secondary school unit at Jaunjjan elementary school. Wages and salaries in accordance with the tariff.
More information on the School Director Skaidrite Strodes, mob.t. 29233625.
Resume to address by 15.08.2022.
The National Agency for Employment (SEA) offers an opportunity to learn about work and career opportunities Paula Stradins at Clinical University Hospital, ZOOM on 10 August, from at 10.00 to 12.00
Representatives of the Stradins Clinical University Hospital will tell you about
- the work of nurses in neurology;
- medical nurses/medical assistants in the emergency medical centre;
- experience stories on work in both chapters;
- a career growth potential in Stradins Hospital;
- Information on the remuneration system in the hospital.
Vacancies of the current Paula Stradins clinical university hospital:
- MEDICAL NURSE/DOCTOR ASSISTANT in emergency medical centre
- MEDICAL NURSE for neurology unit patients
Job seekers will be able to ask questions and submit vacancies after the employer's presentation.
Subscribe to online appointments now by completing the questionnaire.
Up to 09.08.2022. participants must complete the application form available on the website:
On August 9, the email sent to your questionnaire will be sent to THE ZOOM website.
If you have uncertainties or questions, contact SEA's employment organizers Daci Linuja, e-mail:, phone: +371 20243873 and Svetlanu Jerocku, e-mail:, phone: 25714617.
Open door will take place, 02.08.2022.
!!! Going to Valmiera on August 2 – the bus will wait at THE NVA Rēzekne branch - release alley 155, at 8:00-8:10. Driver Phone Number: 29126292
!!! It is important that the participants have a personal identification document and wear shoes with their muzzle closed.
!!! The transport is not subject to payment.
!!! Login to 01.08.2022. (including) by Tel.: 28634343 or NVA Rēzeknes branch in 207 (29235055; 26608491)
Remuneration - eur 1085 (before tax).
Principal duties:
- planning, managing and coordinating the activities of the Authority on information, advertising, external communications and public relations;
- participate in the organisation of conferences, presentations, special events, delegations and visits and other publicity events;
- organise publicity activities of the institution and the Rēzekne Special Economic Zone in social networks etc. in informative portals, to create and maintain institutions' accounts in social networks;
- ensure the preparation and updating of the institution's booklets, brochures, annual reports, presentation, information material and other marketing materials;
- coordinate the development of the public review of the institution.
Requirements for applicants:
- higher education;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- national language skills at the highest level;
- the knowledge of Russian and English in the extent necessary for the professional execution of the duties of office;
- high level of cultural and management of the organisation of negotiations;
- excellent communication, presentation and organisational skills;
- ability to work independently, plan and organize;
- initiative, creativity and positive attitudes;
- the ability to work with computer programs and office equipment;
- skills in the administration of homepages and work with image and graphic file processing programs;
- experience in the field of external communication organizer and/or public relations will be considered an advantage;
- knowledge of digital marketing will be considered an advantage;
- Category B driving licence.
Documents to be submitted:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
The application documents must be submitted or provided by: 05 August 2022: by post in a registered letter, sending to the address: local authority of the local government “Administration of the Special Economic Zone of Rezekne”, Liberation Alliance 93, Rezekne, LV-4601 (Postal stamp of 05 August 2022); in a personally closed envelope, “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” in Study 222; electronically (by signing with a secure electronic signature) to the e-mail address: In the “Subject” section of the envelope or e-mail, the “application for tender to the office of the external communication organizer/public relations specialist of the“ Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board ”of the municipality of Rezekne” shall be indicated.
A tender by-law may be found in the website of the local authority “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Administration” “vacancies” in the website.
Contact person for the receipt of more detailed information – Santa Kuzncova, Deputy manager of the “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Board” of the local government institution, tel. 24428646.
The unit “Dricānu parish board” of the municipality of Rezekne is invited to work for an indefinite period of time at a library manager for 0.75 workload
Principal duties:
- Know and follow the normative documents governing the work of the library.
- Provide librarian services to library users.
- Link new library users.
- Manage library item:
- Collect, compile and systematize output research materials.
- Create a creative and informative environment and atmosphere.
- higher academic, higher professional, secondary education in the field of libraries or higher academic, higher vocational, secondary education and certificate of completion of further education courses in the field of library work.
- work experience in the field of library work will be considered as a priority;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- skills to work with information technologies and office techniques;
- ability to organise work independently and work on a collective basis;
- understanding of the organisation of the library, such as the institution, the organisation of work, the organisation of cultural activities and the relevant documentation.
We offer:
- social guarantees;
- remuneration according TO THE establishment plan approved by the Management Board OF Dricānu for 0,75 workload OF EUR 562,50.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation and a copy of the supporting documents to to 1 August 2022 or bring personally Ozolmuižas in parish administration, “Laima”, Ozolmuiža, Ozolmuižas civil parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact information 64640224 or mob. 26197458.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the post of Head of the “Viļāni” of the “Health and Social Care Centre” of Rēzekne.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education: desirable education in social work/medicine, management sciences, law, financial or economic areas;
- the knowledge of the official language at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the skills necessary for professional activity of at least one official language of the European Union are desirable;
- at least 3 years of experience in a leading position at a State or local government institution with at least 10 subordinate employees;
- knowledge of regulatory enactments regulating the activities of the institution;
- understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the municipality in the area of social protection, social services and health care;
- understanding of the institution's financing issues and budget planning;
- knowledge and experience in the organisation of the activities of the institution and the application of regulatory enactments regulating the field of employment legal relations;
- good working organisation and management skills, ability to motivate employees and work in a team, organise work to achieve the objectives of the institution;
- good skills in office equipment, e-mail, electronic document management systems, Internet banking, MS Office programs;
- ability to build positive relationships, skills in conflict resolution, good communication skills, psychological stress in stress situations;
- Category B driving licence;
- the experience of EU projects in the organisation, management and implementation of social services;
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1243,80
Remuneration of basic work after a probationary period OF EUR 1382,00
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
The applicant must submit:
- Description of the professional activity (CV);
- Letter of motivation;
- Copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- Vision of the priorities for organising and developing the Centre's activities in the next 2 (two) years, future developments, challenges and solutions (up to two A4 pages);
Documents with reference to the invitation to tender for 'health and social care centre' Viļāni 'head of the centre' until 29 July 2022 16.30 send to e-mail or until 29 July 2022 16.30 to be submitted to the administration of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, 17 th office.
- Deputy Executive Director, Andris Stafeckis, 20228843,
- Head of Social Service Sylvia Strankale, tel. 64607194, 20223392.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
The Rēzekne municipality council Stružānu parish administration proclaims an internal competition for a vacant warehouse manager.
The applicant must be:
- Experience in organising, selling and managing warehouse processes;
- Good knowledge of Latvian and Russian language;
- Good computer user skills (MS Word, Excel)
- A high sense of responsibility and precision.
Remuneration of basic work at eur 508/month (before tax).
- A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation and an application form with an indication of “vacant office” until 2 August 2022. 12.00 send to email or by the date of 2 August 2022 12.00 to submit Stružānu parish administration to Peace Street 14a, Shergans, Stružānu parish, Rezekne municipality.
Contact information: 26520472.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. The applicants whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to the second round – examination of the practical knowledge of applicants and work interview.
The meeting will be held AT THE CIS Rēzekne branch in 200 th office, 13. in July from 10:00 -11: 00. Work: Valmiera with residence!
Salary: eur 950 – eur 1800
Call for fibre processing operator/s
Your work experience is not decisive: we can't get a similar work experience in Latvia, so we'll teach all the necessary work.
Address of employment: Cemp street 13, Valpeace, Valmiera municipality.
Dricānu High School shall be invited to work for the year 202/2023:
- A musical teacher (for a period of time) of 0,76 loads;
- Educational psychologist 0,2 loads.
Wages and salaries in accordance with the tariff.
More information on the School Director Skaidrite Strodes, mob.t. 29233625.
Resume to address
The State Agency for Employment invites employers to participate in the event “Open doors for persons with disabilities”, that will be organized from 1 July to 30 July 2022.
Calls on employers who want to give employment opportunities to persons with disabilities, participate in an event to introduce the enterprise and the working environment, to inform the work opportunities and the specificities of work,
In order to apply for membership, the employer must complete application questionnaire on THE NVA website: Log in here!
Progress of the event:
- AT a previously agreed date, THE SEA representative and participant/- will be present at the company.
- The employer's representative will present the working environment of the company and the day-to-day process of the work.
- Estimated duration of implementation of the measure 1 to 3 hours.
- At the end of the event, we will discuss the work opportunities of the participants in the company: would the participant and would be interested in doing this work? Would the working environment be appropriate? Is there a potential employee in the company in the employer's view?
We appreciate the existing cooperation and are open to new opportunities for cooperation. We will be pleased if you create an opportunity to participate in an event that will help to meet employers with jobseekers, promote the openness of society and opportunities for equal employment in the Latvian labour market!

Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the vacant development planning department project manager.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education;
- the experience and expertise in the management of municipal projects and the design of project applications;
- a desirable understanding of funding opportunities for local government projects;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills;
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 954 during the verification period, after a probationary period OF EUR 1004.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application questionnaire (located on the of the local government) with an indication of “the invitation to the office of the Head of the Development Planning Unit of the Central Administration of Rezekne” until the meeting of 28 June 2022. 12.00 must be sent to or until 28 June 2022. 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 64607185, 26582773. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of practical and theoretical knowledge and interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the advertisement and in the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements specified.
The Verems Primary School is invited to work in Classes 7-9 of the Latvian and World History Teachers for the 2022.23 school year. Details of the school director Iveta Gailes, m.t. 29421475.
Resume to address:
The open competition on the vacant Rēzekne District is held AT Kaunatas High School Director.
Education and skills required for the performance of the duties:
- higher pedagogical education,
- national language knowledge at the highest level,
- experience in the field of pedagogical or educational management, or in a co-ordinating, consultative or educational work of a similar nature,
- good communication and cooperation skills, psychological stress in stress situations,
- knowledge in schools,
- knowledge in matters of education content,
- knowledge of foreign languages,
- experience in project work,
- IT use skills,
- the right of the driver of the driver.
Documents to be submitted:
- the application form (to be found in the Annex to the tender procedure),
- letter of motivation,
- a copy of the documents certifying the education and the official language (if necessary) (the original shall be accompanied by an interview);
- copies of documents certifying further education,
- Rēzekne Municipality Kaunatas Secondary School Development Concept (up to 3 A4 pages per computer article).
Deadline for application – 4 July 2022, at 11.30.
Phone for reference - 64607202.
Place of Submission of Documents - Municipality of Rezekne District, Cabinet 17, other possibilities specified in the tender regulations published on the website
On 14 June from at 13.00 to 14.30 ZOOM the National Agency for Employment offers an opportunity for any interested party to meet with the employer AS “passenger train” and learn about career opportunities. It will be possible for participants to ask questions of interest to their representatives.
Login with questionnaires help.
On June 13, an appointment link will be sent to the e-mail specified in the questionnaire ZOOM on the site.
Stock company “passenger train” is a state-owned company with stable corporate values and social responsibility providing environmentally friendly domestic public transport services by rail and repairing rolling stock.
As a result of the contributions of employees, the company ensures a high accuracy of train movements, the safety of movement and the quality of the service, as demonstrated by customers in the annual satisfaction surveys and 1 st place between transport companies in the most loving brand of Latvia in 2019.
Current vacancies
PASSENGER TRAIN CONDUCTOR (CONTROLLER) (also for the Ukrainian civilians)
Additional information about the company can be obtained by looking at the website.
2 June at 15.00 meeting with employer - SIA HR Factor IN the 200 th office of THE NVA Rēzekne branch.
Accommodation and transport are provided by Latvia and by work.
Food production operator Kekava parish, 20 km from Riga.
Work in the processing and packaging of fresh meat: pack, weigh, pack fresh poultrymeat and finished products as well as other similar duties.
- PACKER for pigeons:
Manufacture of confectionery Packaging and packaging of biscuits. Physical resistance is requested from the employee.
Physical resistance is requested from the employee. Sorting secondary raw materials at sorting conveyor. Unqualified work trained on the spot.
3.00-4.85 EUR per hour gross
Possible advance payments once a week.
The pay after tax deduction takes place in 1 x month, next month's 13.dat with a transfer to a bank account or a postal account.
- 1 once a week in Riga-Daugavpils-Rezekne-Ludza-Jçkabpils-Riga;
- 1 times a week - arrival from Latgale hotel - 7 working days - return to Latgale.
Principle: 1 week working, 1 rest. 1 week working, 1 rest.
Working time - 07:45 - 19:45.
The schedule may be specified in accordance with the client order.
Service hotel:
Riga, 4-smart numbers. There are showers, toilets. There is a total rest room and kitchen (microwave ovens, stove, kettle, refrigerator).
The hotel is charged EUR 3.50 per night (to be withheld from wages).
The bedlinen must be taken with him. If there is no bed linen, it may be rented at EUR 3 PER week in the service hotel.
There are 3 supermarkets next to the hotel, mail.
Contacts: Oxana - 25722479,
Irina - 29467842,
The municipal authority of the municipality of Rezekne, “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (tail 40900036645), launches a competition for the post of a youth employee of the Board of Violation of Vilnius. The applicant must carry out work with young people in Vilnius, the address indicated by the employer, support and promote youth initiatives, creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people.
It is necessary to motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events, and organise information and educational events relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people of working life, career choice and non-formal education.
Promoting the emergence of a positive youth interaction and behavioural culture, cooperation with the Rēzekne municipality authorities, organisations, including school self-administrations, should be accompanied by young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training, as well as the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperation with organisations and institutions, planning and carrying out mobile work with youth.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 750.00 (reduced by 10% at the time of probationary period), description of the position - located on the homepage of the municipality of Rezekne
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) to be sent to e-mail on 30 May 2022 by means of a reference to “the position of a youth employee of the Association of Vilnius”association @rezeknesnovads. lv at 12.00, whether to be placed in the mailbox of the administration of the municipality of Rezekne “Administration of Vilnius Alliance” at the entrance, cultural area 1A, Vilnius or personal study No. 2.7. Contact information 64628033 candidates shall be evaluated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited to interview the work interview the requirements set.
The municipality of Rezekne is proclaimed by the municipality internal the invitation to tender shall be held in the central administration.
The applicant must be:
- average technical education in the field of road transport or secondary education with the experience of the driver of a passenger car in an undertaking/institution by carrying out the staff of an undertaking or institution (at least three years);
- knowledge of the national language at least at average level;
- the ability to handle electronic means of communication, navigation equipment;
- the ability to apply technical knowledge in the field of road transport, the knowledge of the vehicle structure and the principles of the activities of the most important aggregates (nodes);
- identification of the Indicative Indicators of the auto panel and the ability to decide independently on the vehicle's further operation in accordance with the control panel display;
- communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independently take decisions within the framework of their competences;
- Category B driving licence or a driving licence of B and D1.
Remuneration of basic wages EUR 4,35/h.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with the indication “the invitation to tender to the municipality of the municipality of Rezekne and the manager of the real estate management unit” until the meeting of 27 May 2022 12.00 send to email or at noon on 27 May 2022 12.00 to be placed in the municipal administration mailbox at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne.
Contact information: 29426388.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, the examination of the practical knowledge of applicants (in urban conditions 20 min.) and the work interview shall be invited to the tenderers whose documents submitted conform to the requirements laid down in the tender regulations.
The municipality of Rēzekne is invited to work for an indefinite period of time. Youth worker (occupation code: 242257) for full-time in the centre of Ozolmuiža children and young people (0.5 load) with mobile work with youth in Signagala and Kantinieku parish (0.5 load) parish.
Requirements for candidates
- at least secondary education;
- skill to schedule time, create communication and collaborate with others.
- digital content (affinity, social networking) building skills;
- understanding of what is non-formal education, what are its methods;
- ability to organise non-formal education activities, activities;
- high responsibility for work;
- creative approach to work, ability to respond quickly and self-initiative
- experience with adolescents and young people, the organisation of non-formal activities and events, the implementation of projects, will be considered an advantage;
- Category B driving licence
- The national language skills at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the professional activity of at least one official language of the European Union; to the extent necessary;
Principal duties:
- Work with youth in the Ozolmuiža children and youth centre and mobile work with youth in Sakstagala and Kantinieku parish.
- Support and promote youth initiatives by creating favourable conditions for the intellectual and creative development of young people.
- Motivate young people to take advantage of the free time - participate in public life activities, engage in various projects and events.
- Organise information and educational activities relevant to the age of young people to raise awareness among young people about working life, career selection and non-formal education.
- Promote the emergence of a positive culture of interaction and behaviour among young people.
- Co-operate with local authorities of Rezekne, organisations, see school self-administrations.
- Spend young people in international youth exchanges within the Erasmus + programme and local training.
- Promote the involvement of young people in volunteering, cooperate with organisations and institutions.
- plan and perform mobile work with young people in Sakstagala and Kantinieku parish.
- to establish cooperation with youth workers in the municipality of Rezekne municipality;
- ensuring publicity in social networks;
- develop knowledge and skills on youth work;
We offer:
- A contract of employment for an indefinite period;
- Professional development and learning opportunities;
- Remuneration of 750 EUR before tax
Please submit the following documents:
- CV
- a letter of motivation,
- copies of documents certifying education
- answers to questions: What do you associate with young people? What do you think is a mobile job with youth? At least 3 ideas for activities that you could offer and implement within mobile exits.
Documents are sent to until May 19, 2022, or to be taken personally in the municipality of Dricana parish, “Last house”, Dricans, Dricana parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 29388271, 27508050, 26197458
The municipality of Rēzekne is invited to work for an indefinite period of time in the municipality of Ozolmuiža (0.5 load) and Signagala (0.5 load) in the municipality of Rēzekne municipality.
The main tasks of the work:
- Organisation of cultural events, management, drawing up of a plan of activities and implementation thereof;
- Preparation of the budget plan for approval, responsibility for its execution;
- Planning, coordinating and managing cultural events, national and traditional festivals, cultural-historical events and the festival of the People's Parks;
- Organise collective activities of clusters and self-activities;
- Ensure the content and artistic level of the events organised;
- To build and strengthen the People's traditions;
- Preparing and following the measures for the preparation of informative releases;
- Compliance with regulatory enactments regulating the activities of cultural centres;
- Deploy information on social networks and the Rezekne municipality website.
Requirements for candidate/am:
- Higher or secondary education;
- Knowledge, experience and skills in the organisation of cultural work, the organizer's doorway, the ability to speak in front of the public;
- Knowledge of regulatory enactments regulating the field of culture;
- Excellent knowledge of the Latvian language, knowledge of foreign languages at least at the level of the language of speech;
- Skills in working with computer and other office equipment;
- Precision, high sense of responsibility, communication, self-initiative and skills to organise their work rational;
- Work experience in a similar capacity will be considered an advantage.
We offer:
- Exciting full-time work;
- The opportunity to work creatively and with the initiative;
- Stable remuneration;
- Working conditions appropriate to modern requirements;
- Gross salary of EUR 650.
A COPY OF THE CV, the letter of motivation and the documents certifying the documents shall be sent to Latvia by 15 May 2022 or to be carried in person in the municipality of Dricana parish, “Last house”, Dricans, Dricana parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 29388271, 27508050, 26197458
The Maltese parish administration of the Maltese association, Maltese parish, invites librarians in the Maltese library in Maltese village for an indefinite period of time.
Principal duties:
- Know and follow the normative documents governing the work of the library.
- Provide librarian services to library users.
- Link new library users.
- Manage library item:
- Collect, compile and systematize output research materials.
- Create a creative and informative environment and atmosphere.
- the relevant education or work experience will be considered as a priority;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- knowledge of the good national language and Russian language;
- skills to work with information technologies and office techniques;
- ability to organise work independently and work on a collective basis;
- understanding of the organisation of the library, such as the institution, the organisation of work, the organisation of cultural activities and the relevant documentation.
We offer:
- social guarantees;
- remuneration according to the establishment plan approved by the Government of Malta for 1 working time for librarian EUR 523,00.
Copies of the documents certifying his activity (CV), education and work experience; and application questionnaire with reference to “invitation to tender for the office of a Maltese librarian” by noon on 6 May 2022 16.30 we invite you to send email or to be submitted personally in the administration of the Maltese parish administration or by post to: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltese civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4630.
Phone for inquiries: 64621401.
Scheduled start time: May 2022.
The Maltese parish administration is invited by the Maltese parish administration to work for a fixed period of time in the village of Maltese History Museum in Maltese village.
Principal duties:
- Ensure the inventory of museum stock in accordance WITH Regulation No. 956 of the CABINET of Ministers of LATVIA 21.11.2006 "Rules on the stock of national museums' the requirements, as well as ensuring the preservation of the accounting documentation of the museum stock.
- Perform inventory monitoring, accounting, storage work.
- In accordance with the policy of digitisation of the museum stock, perform work on the catalogue of national museums (photography, scanning, description of materials obtained and placement in the national museum catalogue).
- the relevant education or work experience will be considered as a priority;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- skills to work with information technologies and office techniques;
- ability to organise work independently and work on a collective basis;
- understanding of the organisation of the museum, such as the institution, the organisation of work, the organisation of cultural events and the relevant documentation.
We offer:
- social guarantees;
- remuneration according to the establishment plan approved by the Government of Malta for 1 working time for the museum stock keeper EUR 538,00.
Copies of the documents certifying his activity (CV), education and work experience; and application questionnaire with reference to “invitation to tender for the position of the museum of the Maltese museum” by the end of May 11, 2022 16.30 we invite you to send email or to be submitted personally in the administration of the Maltese parish administration or by post to: Freedom Street 6, Malta, Maltese civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4630.
Phone for inquiries: 64621401.
Scheduled start time: May 2022.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) opens an open competition for a vacant public relations specialist in the Central Administration Development Planning Unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education;
- desirable experience and knowledge in the field of public relations;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- knowledge of good English may be regarded as an advantage;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills;
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 964 at the time of verification, after a probationary period OF EUR 1015.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Description of the professional activity (CV), letter of motivation, copies of documents certifying education and the application form (located at the local government website) with an indication “competition on the position of the public relations specialist of the Central Administration Development Planning Division of the municipality of Rezekne” until the meeting of 3 May 2022 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or by noon on 3 May 2022 12.00 must be placed in the municipal administration mailbox at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 64607185,26582773. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) opens an open competition for a vacant project manager at the Central Administration Development Planning Unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education
- experience and expertise in the management of municipal projects and design of project applications
- a desirable understanding of funding opportunities for local government projects;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills;
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 954 during verification, after probationary period OF EUR 1004
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Description of the professional activity (CV), letter of motivation, copies of documents certifying education and the application form (located at the local government website) with a reference to “the position of the Head of the Head of the Development Planning Division of the State Central Administration of Rezekne” until the meeting of 3 May 2022. 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or by noon on 3 May 2022 12.00 must be placed in the municipal administration mailbox at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 64607185,26582773. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) opens an open competition for a vacant business support specialist in the Central Administration Development Planning Unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education
- work experience of a desirable position; professional experience in a State or local government institution may be regarded as an advantage;
- experience in the design and implementation of projects;
- experience in the development of his business, may be regarded as an advantage;
- excellent knowledge of the national language;
- knowledge of English may be regarded as an advantage;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of office and the ability to orientate them;
- communication, good team work skills, ability to manage, organize process, high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and accuracy;
- the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and to take decisions independently.
Remuneration OF basic work AT EUR 954 during verification, after probationary period OF EUR 1004
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
Description of the professional activity (CV), letter of motivation, copies of documents certifying education and the application form (located at the local government website) with a reference to “the competition to the head of the business support specialist of the Central Administration Development Planning Division of Rezekne” until the meeting of 3 May 2022 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or by noon on 3 May 2022 12.00 must be placed in the municipal administration mailbox at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 26256394. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
By-laws - Business Support Specialist
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the post of Director of the “Vecružina” Centre for Vocational Social Services.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education in the following thematic areas of education: social and human action sciences, commercial knowledge and administration, law science, healthcare, social welfare, pedagogical education and educational sciences or equivalent higher education. Thematic areas of education in accordance WITH CABINET Regulation No. 322 “provisions on the classification of Latvian education”
- knowledge of social work and children's rights in the laws and regulations, social care, labour law, accounting, accounting and financing, as well as the knowledge and understanding of regulatory enactments regulating the activities of the institution regarding the financing procedures of local government institutions and the budget of the institution;
- not less than two years of work experience in the office of the institution or department (more than 5 (five) subordinate) in the State administration or local government institution;
- the experience of EU projects in the organisation, management and implementation of social services;
- desirable experience and skills in psychologically complex situations and increased working intensity;
- good working organisation and management skills, analytical capacity, perfect reputation;
- tolerance;
- skills in conflict resolution, good communication and cooperation skills;
- national language knowledge AT the highest level (C);
- good office techniques and computer user skills (Word, Excel), including sufficient skills to handle electronic mail, document management systems;
- Category B driving licence mandatory.
Remuneration of basic work at the time of verification EUR 1242
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with a reference to “the invitation to tender for the position of director of the“ Vecružina ”centre of the multifunctional social care centre” until 27 April 2022 16.30 send to e-mail or at noon on 27 April 2022 16.30 be placed in the municipal administration mailbox at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information: Deputy Executive Director Andris Stafeckis, 20228843, Head of Social Service Sylvia Strankale, tel. 64607194, 20223392.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The municipality of Rezekne proclaims an open competition to the position of a vacancy engineer in the central administration holding and real estate management division.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education in engineering, preferably in the transport or road construction sector (level 2 professional or master degree);
- An appropriate professional experience in a State or local government institution may be regarded as an advantage;
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language;
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation;
- The ability to design documentation related to the development and maintenance of road and street infrastructure (traffic organisation schemes, technical specifications, etc.);
- Ability to plan, coordinate and manage local government road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works;
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently;
- Ability to control the fulfilment of the obligations of road infrastructure design, traffic organisation, construction and maintenance service providers;
- Skills in drawing up the budget plan and organising its execution;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, QGIS)
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work from EUR 937.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and APPLICATION QUESTIONNAIRE with a reference to “the competition to Rezekne Municipality and the position of the road engineer of the real estate management division” until 22 April 2022. 14.00 send to e-mail or until 22 April 2022 14.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information: 64607170. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and the work interview, tenderers whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Viļānu Alliance” (Reg. No. 40900036645) launches a call for a vacancy for the head of the main holding of the Vilnius Cultural House. The applicant must manage and coordinate the economic activities of the cultural house, be responsible for the technical and sanitary status of the institution, identify the necessary technical means for sound, light and other electronic equipment (microphones, sound amplifiers, projectors, computers, connection wires and cables, sound and light pins etc.). The preferred technical education or experience and skills to ensure the performance of sound and light equipment must be good skills in working with information technologies, excellent communication and cooperation skills, creative and independent approaches to work, sense of responsibility and precision. Remuneration OF basic work EUR 750.00, description of office - located on the homepage of the municipality of Rezekne
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) to be sent to e-mail by reference to “vacancy to the head of the main holding of the Vilnius Cultural House” by 8 April 2022 or at noon 17.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the administration of the municipality of Rezekne “Administration of Vilnius Alliance” at the entrance, cultural area 1A, Vilnius. Contact information 28662346. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited to interview the work interview the requirements set.
The municipality “Dricana parish Board” of the municipality of Rezekne calls for an indefinite period of time for the head of the cultural house of the municipality of Dricana. The duties of the office shall be fulfilled from 11 April 2022.
The main tasks of the work:
- Organisation of cultural events, management, drawing up of a plan of activities and implementation thereof;
- Preparation of the budget plan for approval, responsibility for its execution;
- Planning, coordinating and managing cultural events, national and traditional festivals, cultural-historical events and the festival of the People's Parks;
- Organise collective activities of clusters and self-activities;
- Ensure the content and artistic level of the events organised;
- To build and strengthen the People's traditions;
- Preparing and following the measures for the preparation of informative releases;
- Compliance with regulatory enactments regulating the activities of cultural centres;
- Place information on the social networks of the Dricana Cultural House and the Rēzekne municipality website.
Requirements for candidate/am:
- Higher or secondary education;
- Knowledge, experience and skills in the organisation of cultural work, the organizer's doorway, the ability to speak in front of the public;
- Knowledge of regulatory enactments regulating the field of culture;
- Excellent knowledge of the Latvian language, knowledge of foreign languages at least at the level of the language of speech;
- Skills in working with computer and other office equipment;
- Precision, high sense of responsibility, communication, self-initiative and skills to organise their work rational;
- Work experience in a similar capacity will be considered an advantage.
We offer:
- Exciting full-time work;
- The opportunity to work creatively and with the initiative;
- Stable remuneration;
- Friendly collective;
- Working conditions appropriate to modern requirements;
- Gross salary of EUR 650.
A COPY OF THE CV, the letter of motivation and the supporting documents be sent to the Commission by 6 April 2022 or to be carried in person in the municipality of Dricana parish, “Last house”, Dricans, Dricana parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 29113368
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) opens an open competition for the vacant site planner position in the Central Administration Development Planning Unit.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education in engineering, architecture, urban planning, spatial development planning, spatial planning, land-use or geography;
- understanding of the development of municipal planning documents;
- a desirable experience in the development of local government planning documents, spatial planning or land use;
- experience of working with cartographic material and experience at work with drawing computer programs (Micro Station, AutoCAD, ArcGIS) at user level;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems, e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills;
Remuneration of basic work: EUR 890 during verification, after verification period - EUR 1004
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, copies of documents certifying education; and application questionnaire with a reference to “the competition to Rezekne Municipal Central Administration Development Planning Division's office” until 1 April 2022. 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 1 April 2022 at 12.00 must be placed in the municipal administration mailbox at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
Contact: 64607170, 26582773.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and the work interview, tenderers whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited.
The Kaunas parish council (with cultural and creative activities) in the Dubular village is invited by the Kaunatas Association Board for an indefinite period of time.
Principal duties:
- work with library item: accounting, posting, write-offs of book funds and periodicals;
- the organisation of the archive documentation of the institution;
- servicing of visitors;
- work with electronic catalog.
- organisation of cultural and creative activities in the village:
- planning the economic and financial activities of cultural and creative work;
- organise more national and traditional festival events in cooperation with Kaunas TN;
- documenting cultural creative and economic activities;
- manage the activities of the creativity of the population.
- the relevant education or work experience will be considered as a priority;
- good communication and cooperation skills;
- knowledge of the good national language and Russian language;
- skills to work with information technologies and office techniques;
- ability to organise work independently and work on a collective basis;
- understanding of the organisation of the library, such as the institution, the organisation of work, the organisation of cultural activities and the relevant documentation.
We offer:
- social guarantees;
- remuneration according to the establishment plan approved by the Kaunas Association Administration for 0.75 workload library manager EUR 402.00 and for the organisation of 0.25 workload creative activity IN EUR 125.00.
Copies of the documents certifying his activity (CV), education and work experience; and application questionnaire with an indication of “the position of the Head of the Dubular Library” by 31 March 2022 at 16.30 we invite you to send email or to submit a personal copy of the Kaunatas parish administration or by post to the address: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunata civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4622.
Phone for inquiries: 64667000, mob. 29224840.
Scheduled start time: April - May 2022.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of a vacancy engineer in the central administration holding and the real estate management department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education in engineering, preferably in the transport or road construction sector (level 2 professional or master degree).
- An appropriate professional experience in a State or local government institution may be regarded as an advantage.
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language.
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation.
- Ability to design documentation related to the development and maintenance of road and street infrastructure (traffic organisation schemes, technical specifications, etc.).
- Ability to plan, coordinate and manage local road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works.
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently.
- Ability to control compliance of road infrastructure design, traffic organisation, construction and maintenance service providers.
- Skills in drawing up a budget plan and organising its execution.
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team.
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, QGIS).
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it.
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work from EUR 937.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to “the invitation to tender for the position of the municipal and real estate manager of the municipality of Rezekne” by 30 March 2022 at 14.00 send to e-mail or by 30 March 2022 14.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 64607170. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and the work interview, tenderers whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited.
In the municipality of Rezekne, the municipal authority “Government of the Maltese Association”, the department of Luznava parish, invites the park gardener/landscape worker with work duties in the floriculture sub-sector for an indefinite period of time.
Principal duties:
- Preparation and handling of soil;
- Growing and cultivation of plants, irrigation, propagation and grafting;
- Installation and maintenance of stops;
- Develop and implement functional, compositional and technical solutions of the utilities and stops of local government territories.
- Secondary vocational/development education in horticulture, agronomy or agriculture;
- Experience in floriculture at least 1 (one) year (the experience is also regarded as a well-developed and disposed garden garden and/or a total home area).
- Good communication and cooperation skills;
- An interoperable certificate of vaccination or transplantation.
We offer:
- Exciting full-time work;
- The opportunity to work creatively and with the initiative;
- Stable remuneration;
- Friendly collective;
- Social guarantees;
- Dynamic, exciting and creative working environment;
- Gross salary of EUR 660.
Login to 14.03.2022 by sending CV and motivation letter to e-mail: or to leave a person in the parish of Luznava parish 6, Luznava, the parish of Luznava, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64607421; 64607420.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of a vacancy engineer in the central administration holding and the real estate management department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education in engineering, preferably in the transport or road construction sector (level 2 professional or master degree);
- An appropriate professional experience in a State or local government institution may be regarded as an advantage;
- Excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the desired foreign language;
- Ability to independently obtain information on the development of road construction, road daily and periodic maintenance, road (street, bridge) maintenance technologies, as well as traffic organisation;
- The ability to design documentation related to the development and maintenance of road and street infrastructure (traffic organisation schemes, technical specifications, etc.);
- Ability to plan, coordinate and manage local government road and street infrastructure development and maintenance works;
- The ability to organise the execution of the work, to improve the competence of the office independently;
- Ability to control compliance of road infrastructure design, traffic organisation, construction and maintenance service providers.
- Skills in drawing up the budget plan and organising its execution;
- Good communication abilities, high sense of responsibility, precision and ability to work in a team;
- Excellent computer skills (MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, QGIS)
- Initiative, analytical thinking, ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work from EUR 937.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with a reference to “the invitation to tender for the position of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne and the property of the real estate management unit” until the meeting of 14 March 2022 14.00 to be sent to e-mail or by the date of 14 March 2022 14.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 64607170. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the post of head of the vacant development planning department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level higher education in engineering, architecture, urban planning, economics, social sciences, public or institutional management;
- knowledge of regulatory enactments regulating the development of local government planning documents and the ability to apply relevant legal norms in specific situations;
- knowledge of the progress of the administrative process in State and local government institutions; knowledge and use of regulatory framework related to the work of the local government in the performance of duties;
- knowledge of the basic principles of collective and process management, the ability to make full use of this knowledge by organising the work of the department to achieve its objectives;
- knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents;
- good skills in working with computer, applications and other office equipment;
- at least 3 (three) years of work experience in the position of manager (number of collective redundancies managed - at least 3 (three));
- work experience at national or local government institutions at least 1 (one) year (experience in State or local government institutions will be considered an advantage);
- knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and the knowledge of good Russian and English at the level of the language of the language (necessary for communication with co-operation partners and the full organisational control of the implemented/planned international projects);
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making, communication and cooperation skills;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration of basic work from EUR 1361
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the of the local government) with an indication of “the invitation to the office of the head of the development planning department of the local government of Rezekne” until the meeting of 4 March 2022. 12.00 must be sent to email or by the date of March 4, 2022. 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact person for more detailed information - Deputy Head of Development Planning Unit Brigita Arbidane, tel. 26582773. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 2 (two) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Municipal Alliance” (tail No 40900027430) announce open a competency to a vacant lawyer/shopping specialist.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher (second level) education in the speciality of legal sciences;
- appropriate work experience in the State or local government institution at least 2 (two) years;
- knowledge of the national language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language;
- experience of representation in judicial proceedings and in the preparation of procedural documents;
- working experience with different national registers, databases and experience in debt collection, deciding on the eligibility of a tenderer, may be considered an advantage;
- experience in organising and performing procurement work;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- communication, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making.
Remuneration of basic work: EUR 900.
Description of the position in the Annex.
The applicant must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- application questionnaire (Annex)
Documents shall be submitted with an indication of “competition to the office of a lawyer of the municipality of Rēzekne” by the position of a lawyer by 28 February 2022. 12.00 sending to e-mail or until 28 February 2022 12.00 the “Nautre parish council” institution in the mailbox at the entrance, “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrenes civil parish, Rezekne municipality should be inserted.
Contact information 64628805; 29468107. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and the work interview, tenderers whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) opens an open competition for a vacant lawyer in the construction board of the central administration.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher (second level) education in the speciality of legal sciences;
- Appropriate work experience in the State or local government institution at least 1 (one) year;
- Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language;
- The ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- Knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer and the ability to orientate them;
- Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
- The performance of the duties requires an interoperable certificate attesting the fact of vaccination or disease.
Remuneration of basic work from EUR 1004.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the website of the local government) with an indication of “the invitation to the office of a lawyer of the central administration of the municipality of Rezekne” until 1 March 2022. 12.00 must be sent to or by 1 March 2022 at: 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration of Rezekne at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Contact information 26531328. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 2 (two) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
The municipality of Silmalas parish calls for an indefinite period of time to work at the Technical Workers' Cultural House.
Principal duties:
- carrying out the internal, external and cosmetic repair of the building;
- inventory movement, repair;
- cleaning of the inside of the building;
- cleaning the building site.
- secondary education.
- good communication and cooperation skills.
- an interoperable certificate of vaccination or transplantation.
We offer:
- social guarantees;
- remuneration according to the establishment plan approved by the municipality of Rezekne.
Apply to 28.02.2022 by sending CV and motivation letter to e-mail: or leave personally in Silmalas parish administration in the sun street 4, Gornica, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644830; 26568623.
Persons who have:
- secondary or higher education, preferably in speciality of legal sciences, speciality of economists or management sciences;
- understanding of the organisation of the work of the local government and the circulation of documents;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the organisation of records;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- excellent knowledge of the language of the country and of good English and Russian;
- good analytical capacity and communication skills;
- a high sense of responsibility and precision;
- good computer skills;
- skills to work with information technologies and office techniques;
- work experience in local government or public work is desirable.
A description of the professional activity (CV) and a letter of motivation with an indication of “competition to the office of the clerk of the social service” by 21 February 2022 at 12.00 we invite you to send email or submit personally to the social service in the 6 th office, in the Alleys OF Liberation 95A, Rezekne.
Negotiations with tenderers during which practical tasks will also be carried out are planned from 22 February 2022 to 18 February 2022.
Rēzekne District Court, tail. No 40900038627, address: Krasuja street 1A, k-1, Audrinu, Audrinu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4611, announce open competition to the office of the secretary of vacant meetings
1. Requirements:
- higher academic education of the first level (college) or second level;
- knowledge and work experience in the organisation of records and archives in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- good computer skills (Windows Environment, Excel, etc.);
- excellent national language skills;
- good communication and communication capabilities;
- perfect reputation;
- the performance of the duties requires an interoperable certificate attesting the fact of vaccination or disease.
2. Principal duties:
- to ensure the process of proceedings in the Orphan's court;
- to organise the manufacture of registers and logs in the proceedings of the Orphan's court;
- minutes of meetings of the Orphan's Court, inter-institutional meetings and negotiations;
- drawing up the minutes of the Orphan's court, inter-institutional meetings and negotiations in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations;
- to issue or send the decisions of the Orphan's court adopted by post to participants of the administrative proceedings, legal persons, appropriate institutions - in accordance with regulatory enactments;
- respond to the inclusion of messages in the alphabetical register;
- to be responsible for registering decisions taken by the Orphan's court in the register of decisions;
- to reply and arrange the archives of the Orphan's court in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments. In accordance with the instructions of the State Archives, prepare for transfer to the State archives in permanent storage;
- register court summons, report on the participation of members of the Orphan's court in court sessions and prepare a mandate;
- respect confidentiality in respect of all matters, acts, documents, non-disclosure of information to third parties;
- to execute the written or oral orders of the President of the Orphan's Court.
- responsible for the staff of the Orphan's Court staff.
3. Remuneration - EUR 740,00 PER month before tax.
4. Tenderers must submit:
- description of the professional activity (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- the application form.
Documents in a sealed envelope bearing the words “The invitation of the Registrar of the Orphan's Court shall be held for the invitation to tender. ' to be submitted by 15 February 2022 at 13.00, personally in Rēzekne District Court: Krasuja street 1A, k-1, Audrini, Audrinu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4611, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail (documents must be digitally signed)
On the basis of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the municipality of Rēzekne informs that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to ensure the conduct of the selection competition; the controller of that person's data processing officer is the municipality of Rēzekne, address: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. In order to familiarise themselves with information regarding the processing of personal data in the municipality of Rezekne, we are invited to visit the website of the municipality of Rezekne:
Persons who are: Staff of the municipality of Rezekne and which have:
- secondary vocational or higher education, preferably in the speciality of legal sciences, in management sciences;
- understanding of the organisation of the work of the local government and the circulation of documents;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the organisation of records;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- excellent knowledge of the language of the country and the good knowledge of English and Russian;
- good analytical capacity and communication skills;
- a high sense of responsibility and precision;
- good computer skills;
- skills to work with information technologies and office techniques;
- work experience in local government or public work is desirable.
A description of the professional activity (CV) and a letter of motivation entitled “Competition to the position of the clerk of the social service” until 11 February 2022 at 16.30 We invite you to send e-mail or by 11 February 2022 at 16.30 submit personally to the premises of the local government administration in the 6 th office, in the Alleys of Liberation 95 A, Rezekne.
Discussions with applicants during which they will also be given practical tasks are planned from 14 February 2022 to 16 February 2022.
Silmalas parish council is invited to work at the Sefchef Pre-School Educational Institution for an indefinite period.
Principal duties:
- manage the entire kitchen team;
- developing new meals and menus;
- implement new cooking technologies;
- enter new employees;
- take care of the procurement of products and calculate the necessary products so that they are never missing and although nothing remains;
- monitor the process of cooking and provide assistance to kitchen staff in the preparation and presentation of food;
- follow the hygiene rules in the kitchen;
- arrange the documentation of the kitchen work;
- where necessary, any kitchen staff shall be replaced.
- secondary vocational training or completed cook courses.
- good communication and cooperation skills.
- an interoperable certificate of vaccination or transplantation.
We offer:
- Social guarantees;
- Remuneration according to the establishment plan approved by the municipality of Rezekne.
Login to 15.02.2022by sending a RESUME and a letter of motivation to e-mail: or leave personally in Silmalas parish administration in the sun street 4, Gornica, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality.
Phone for reference: 64644830; 26568623.
Rēzekne District Court, tail. No 40900038627, address: Krasuja street 1A, k-1, Audrinu, Audrinu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4611, announces the internal competition for the post of secretary of the vacant meetings.
1. Requirements:
- higher academic education of the first level (college) or second level;
- knowledge and work experience in the organisation of records and archives in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- good computer skills (Windows Environment, Excel, etc.);
- excellent national language skills;
- good communication and communication capabilities;
- perfect reputation;
- the performance of the duties requires an interoperable certificate attesting the fact of vaccination or disease.
2. Principal duties:
- to ensure the process of proceedings in the Orphan's court;
- to organise the manufacture of registers and logs in the proceedings of the Orphan's court;
- minutes of meetings of the Orphan's Court, inter-institutional meetings and negotiations;
- drawing up the minutes of the Orphan's court, inter-institutional meetings and negotiations in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations;
- to issue or send the decisions of the Orphan's court adopted by post to participants of the administrative proceedings, legal persons, appropriate institutions - in accordance with regulatory enactments;
- respond to the inclusion of messages in the alphabetical register;
- to be responsible for registering decisions taken by the Orphan's court in the register of decisions;
- to reply and arrange the archives of the Orphan's court in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments. In accordance with the instructions of the State Archives, prepare for transfer to the State archives in permanent storage;
- register court summons, report on the participation of members of the Orphan's court in court sessions and prepare a mandate;
- respect confidentiality in respect of all matters, acts, documents, non-disclosure of information to third parties;
- to execute the written or oral orders of the President of the Orphan's Court.
3. Remuneration - EUR 740,00 PER month before tax.
4. Tenderers must submit:
- a description of the professional activity (CV);
- a letter of motivation;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties;
- the application form.
Documents in a sealed envelope bearing the words “The invitation of the Registrar of the Orphan's Court shall be held for the invitation to tender. ' to be submitted by 2 February 2022 at 13.00, personally in Rēzekne District Court: Krasuja street 1A, k-1, Audrini, Audrinu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4611, or sent by post to the above address, or sent to e-mail (documents must be digitally signed)
On the basis of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the municipality of Rēzekne informs that the personal data provided in the application documents will be processed in order to ensure the conduct of the selection competition; the controller of that person's data processing officer is the municipality of Rēzekne, address: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. In order to familiarise themselves with information regarding the processing of personal data in the municipality of Rezekne, we are invited to visit the website of the municipality of Rezekne:
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (Reg. No. 40900036645) invitations to tender for the position of the head of the vacant project. The applicant must have higher education complemented with expertise in the field of document management, good skills at work with information technologies, excellent communication and cooperation skills, creative and independent approaches to work, sense of responsibility and accuracy, a desire to acquire new skills and knowledge, skills to work with modern information technologies.
Remuneration of basic work: EUR 880.00.
Description of the position - see below.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to 'invitation to tender for the head of the management project of the Association of Vilnius' until 28 January 2022 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 28 January 2022 12.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the administration of the municipality of Rezekne “Administration of Vilnius Alliance” at the entrance, cultural area 1A, Vilnius.
Contact information: 64628033.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, candidates whose documents submitted are in conformity with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to interview the work interview.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) announces an open invitation to tender for the position of a vacant building engineer in the central administration holding and the real estate management department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- Higher education in the construction sector or education related to construction is acquired in one of the educational institutions, but there is practical experience in the field of construction.
- An appropriate work experience in a State or local government institution, which may be regarded as an advantage, is desirable for the position.
- The experience of work in the field of construction, building supervision, preparation of estimates, work with different national registers, including (BIS system) databases, which are critical of the applicant's eligibility, may be considered an advantage; experience in organising and carrying out procurement work is desirable;
- Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language;
- The ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- A skill for the preparation, management and ability of the laws and regulations necessary for the work of a building engineer to plan, organise and control his or her work in a short and long period of time;
- Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration of basic work from EUR 937.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to “competition to the office of the municipality of the municipality of Rezekne and the building engineer of the real estate management unit” las of 27 January 2022 at 12.00 send to e-mail or until 27 January 2022 12.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne.
Contact information: 64607183, 26531242.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and comply with the qualification requirements. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and the work interview, tenderers whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (Tail. No 40900036645) opens a competition for the position of the director of the light and sound director of the Vilnius Cultural House. The applicant needs technical education or experience and skills to ensure the performance of sound and light equipment, good skills at work with information technologies, excellent communication and cooperation skills, creative and independent approaches to work, sense of responsibility and accuracy, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, the ability to work with modern information technologies.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 550.00.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire by means of an indication “the position of the director of the light and sound director of the Vilnius Cultural House” shall be sent by e-mail to the by 28 January 2022 or by 30 January 2022. 17.00 shall be placed in the mailbox of the administration of the municipality of Rezekne “Administration of Vilnius Alliance” at the entrance, cultural area 1A, Vilnius.
Contact information 28662346. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to the second round – work interview.
The social service of the municipality of Rezekne invites to apply for a vacancy for the work of a social worker with families and children in the civil parish of Dricana and Struijan (for a period of time). Login until February 10
The social service of the municipality of Rezekne invites to apply for a vacant SOCIAL WORKER POSITION in the Vilnius Association (for a specified period of time). Login until February 10
“Signagala parish administration” unit of the municipality of Rēzekne municipality, “Sakstagala parish administration” (Reg. No. 40900027407) announces the open console to the vacancy of the driver of the vacancy (profession classifier – 8342 14). Basic remuneration (gross) EUR 650.00.
Principal duties:
- Perform the day-to-day maintenance work of Sakstagala and Kantinieku parish parish - the planting and profiling of the road, the mechanised renovation of gravel blankets, the peripheral planting, the removal of the polished peripheral ground;
- To follow the technical condition of the tractor and to perform elementary work and maintenance of the detachment after the performance of the work;
- Clean roads and areas from snow, move snow loose outside the road.
Education and knowledge required:
- Secondary or secondary vocational training;
- Appropriate tractor driver category (TR4), grading course;
- Level 2 national language knowledge.
The application documents — CV, application form, education and documents certifying work experience shall be sent to the e-mail address: or submitted by the date of 28 January 2022. 16.30 Signagala parish administration in Kalna Street 2, Sakstagala, Sakstagala parish, Rēzekne municipality, LV 4638 with the indication “Competition to Rēzekne Municipality Authority“ Signagala parish administration ”unit“ Signagala parish administration ”. Contact information for tel. 64640550.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 5 (five) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants during an interview shall be invited to the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) the requirements set.
The Stalerova parish administration invites THE CLERK/CASHIER for an indefinite period of time.
Principal duties:
- to accept, register, control and supervise the circulation of documents inbound and outgoing;
- perform the registration of all types of documents in the document management system “UMBRELLA”;
- design and organize employees' personal files, prepare all kinds of orders, contracts and job descriptions, entering them IN document accounting programs, and FRAMES;
- work with computer programs and applications for the implementation of document management systems and job responsibilities.
- cash operations (invoicing, posting payments IN the program, etc.).
- average or higher education. In the field of higher professional or secondary professional information technology, the advantage shall be considered as an advantage;
- the knowledge of the laws and regulations of the circulation of documents and electronic documents is necessary;
- rational skills of the work organisation;
- skill to work with a computer - Word, Excel, and other office hardware
- good communication and cooperation skills.
- an interoperable certificate of vaccination or transplantation.
We offer:
- Social guarantees;
- Remuneration according to the establishment plan approved by the municipality of Rezekne.
Login to 23.12.2021by sending a RESUME and a letter of motivation to e-mail: or to leave it personally in Stalerova parish.
Phone for reference: 64644192; 28305472.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, address: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) calls for the appointment of the municipality of Rezekne to a vacant building technician (for a limited period of time). The place of work is determined by the construction board of the Rezekne municipality, the liberation alley 81, Rezekne. Remuneration of basic work from EUR 912.
Principal duties:
- Participate in the meetings of the construction board and decision-making regarding submitted construction applications, construction projects, certification cards, explanatory memoranda.
- Prepare construction permits with design conditions for examined construction applications.
- Examine applications and examine the fulfilment of the conditions laid down in the decisions and the content of the documents submitted in the amount specified in regulatory enactments.
- Provide advice on construction opportunities in the area concerned, on the construction process and examining applications.
- To provide information regarding the conditions of utilisation and building of the territory, as well as the local geodetic network points in the territory, to collect information in the local geodetic network database.
- Perform documentation design for archive.
Requirements for applicants:
- Higher or secondary education in any of the construction specialities and a desirable professional experience;
- At least one year's professional experience in construction is required;
- Know the administrative process and the administrative infringement process;
- Excellent skills in working with the computer;
- Knowledge of the construction information system (BIS);
- Certificate of vaccination or transplantation.
The application documents, the letter of motivation, THE CV, the education, the copies of the documents supporting the professional activities, are requested to send the application form to the e-mail address:, or by mail, the municipality of Rēzekne, the release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601, or by placing them in a closed envelope in the mailbox of the municipality of Rezekne at the entrance, the release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601. Deadline for submission of documents: 29 December 2021 12.00 Rēzekne municipality contact information 26531328.
Municipality of Rēzekne Municipality (tail 90009112679) launches open competition on central administration Archivist of the Legal and Proceedings Division the position.
The applicant must have a higher education; knowledge of the archives law, as well as the laws and regulations governing the management of documents and archives and the ability to orientate them; knowledge of the design, presentation and storage of documents; the experience of work in local government or national institutions in the field of documents and archives; knowledge of the national language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law; and, preferably, the knowledge of one foreign language at the level of the communication; the ability to act with information technologies, electronic means of communication and office technique; the ability to work with computer, electronic document management systems, e-mail; good communication and cooperation skills; a high level of communication and cooperation; and the ability to work with a large amount of information;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 920,00. The by-laws of the tender, the description of the position and the application form can be found on the local government website A description of the professional activity (CV); a letter of motivation; a copy of the application form; a copy of documents certifying the education and work experience; a copy of the document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of the duties of the office; a certificate regarding the fulfilment of the requirements of the epidemiological security measures laid down by the Cabinet regarding the execution of an interoperable certificate attesting the fact of vaccination or transplantation at the time of commencement of the duties of the work (post): with the indication “the invitation to tender to the office of the legal and professional division of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne” by the date of 22 December 2021. 12.00 must be placed in the central administration mailbox at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, sent by post to the above address or e-mail
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. In the second round, the Commission shall carry out an examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and an interview.
Contact information by phone 64607200.
The municipality of Rēzekne Municipality (tail 90009112679) shall open an open competition to the administrative inspection officer of the Central Administration for 4 (four) posts.
The applicant must have a second level of higher education (the second level of higher education in law will be considered an advantage); knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in the national and local authorities; knowledge of the law on administrative liability, as well as the laws and regulations governing the field of administrative responsibility and administrative infringement, and the ability to address them; the experience of work in local or national institutions in the field of administrative infringement proceedings, or professional experience in the law enforcement or controlling institution (institution); the knowledge of the national language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law and, preferably, the knowledge of one foreign language at the level of the communication; the ability to act with information technologies, electronic means and office techniques; the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail; “B” category driver certificate; and the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail; “B” category driver certificate; and the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail; “B” category driver certificate; and the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail; “B” category driver certificate; and the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail; “B” category driver certificate; the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail; “B” category driver certificate; and ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 937,00. The by-laws of the tender, the description of the position and the application form can be found on the local government website A description of the professional activity (CV); a letter of motivation; a copy of the application; a copy of the documents certifying the education and work experience; a copy of the document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties; a copy of the category “B” certificate: with an indication of “the invitation of the administrative inspection officer of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne” by 30 December 2021. 12.00 must be placed in the central administration mailbox at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, sent by post to the above address or e-mail In the second round of the competition, the applicant will be required to present or submit an interoperable vaccination or transplant certificate.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. In the second round, the Commission shall carry out an examination of the theoretical knowledge of applicants and an interview. The second round of the competition may be organised remotely by means of information technology in the online platform or otherwise specified by the Commission.
Contact information by phone 64607706.
New Guard Centre launches open competition on the trainers of the provinces of the provinces of the municipality (in Daugavpils, Rēzekne, Jçkabpils, Preilos) for an indefinite period.
Principal duties:
- organise the admission of newsguard candidates to the Youth Guard and ensure the assembly of training groups according to the specifics of the newsguard programme;
- planning, organising and managing the practical and theoretical activities of young guards in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- prepare the necessary documentation on the organisation of the activities (estimates, agenda, action plans etc.) in accordance with the methodological guidance;
- carry out an analysis of the training work of the youth guard unit, submit proposals for improvement of the learning work;
- enter information about the unit's newsguards and training group activities in the database e-class.
Requirements for applicants/s:
- compliance with the requirements referred to in Section 72, Paragraphs five and six of the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child;
- higher education and professional qualification of a teacher (or studies for higher education and qualification of a teacher);
- knowledge of the laws governing the fields of interest in education;
- understanding of the public administration, the defence sector and the location of the centre of security in it;
- experience IN MS Office and other computer programs at the level required to fulfil their duties;
- a driving licence of category “B”;
- the desire to acquire the knowledge and skills required for work, to participate regularly in training activities;
- good planning and organisation skills;
- ability to work in a team.
The preference will be given to applicants:
- who have completed the training of the younger instructor or instructor;
- who have higher education supplemented by a 72-hour training programme in pedagogy;
- who have experience in public administration or pedagogical work experience (not less than one year).
Position is the position of the official classified at the 35 th family level III (the 9 th monthly salary group). Gross monthly salary from 940 to 1287 EURO (depending on the category determined by the professional experience of the applicant in the field obtained over the past five years and essential for the performance of the functions of the institution, and qualification). Number of vacancies: Daugavpils – 3; Rezekne – 2; Jekabpils – 1; Previous – 1.
Applicants/- to apply for up to 3 December 2021 A copy of the application, CV, education and other documents certifying formal qualifications of the applicant to be submitted or sent to e-mail - Applicants who have obtained their education abroad shall be asked to attach a document regarding the academic recognition thereof in Latvia.
Additional information about the newsguard centre on the website:
The personal data specified in your application will only be processed for this competition.
Phone calls: 26166063
We are informed that, following the evaluation of the documents in the 1 st round of the competition, we will only be contacted by candidates who will be nominated for the 2 nd round of the competition. Applications of applicants who have submitted all the documents indicated will be examined.

A vacancy for the work of a computer operator at Nautrene High School to 1.0 workload is announced. The applicant must have appropriate skills, knowledge of the national language.
Telephone information: 29159084
RESUME and send an application letter to e-mail anita.ludbor ja @contact. lv
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, registered office: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) open competitions to: 1) The chairperson of the Chairperson of the Orphan's Court and 2) the Deputy Chairperson of the Orphan's Court of Rēzekne. Applicants must comply with the requirements:
- Citizen or non-citizen of the Republic of Latvia.
- The applicant has reached the age of 30 years.
- The applicant has obtained at least an academic master's degree or professional master degree or professional master degree and level 5 professional qualification, or a qualification corresponding to Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework specified in the Classification of Education of Latvia in pedagogy, psychology, medicine, social work or law, educational management or the management of the company, and who shall have no less than five years of service in the thematic area of the acquired education or the fulfilment of the duties of the Chairperson of the Orphan's Court, the Vice-President of the Orphan's Court or a member of the Orphan's Court.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- Perfect reputation.
- High stress resilience and sense of responsibility, good communication and communication capabilities.
- Strategic and analytical thinking.
- Good computer skills, skills to work with office equipment and information technologies, document preparation skills.
- Control of the laws and regulations for the proper execution of the duties assigned to the position.
- Category B driving licence.
- The desired level of foreign language (Russian and English) skills for professional activity.
- Experience in a leading role.
- There is no obstacle to the position of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the Orphan's Court referred to in Section 11 of the Orphan's Law Law.
- Applicants may submit:
- in addition to a copy of documents certifying training regarding the acquisition of special knowledge in the amount and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Cabinet Regulation No. 984,
- copies of additional training supporting documents shall be completed during the last five years corresponding to the performance of the duties.
- Candidates who have been elected to the Orphan's Court of the municipality of Rezekne until 30 June 2021 and whose term of office has not expired until the establishment of the new Rēzekne Orphan's Court in connection with administrative territorial reform, on the basis of Paragraph 22 of the Transitional Provisions of the Orphan's Law, will prevail.
Remuneration of the principal work (1) for the Chairperson of the Orphan's Court – EUR 1200,00 and 2) for the Vice-Chairperson of the Orphan's Court of Rezekne – EUR 1080,00, the descriptions of office shall be found on the local government website The performance of the duties should be launched on 1 January 2022.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
- Letter of motivation;
- Description OF the CVs (curriculum vitae) of the applicant's life and work with compulsory reference to experience and knowledge in the field of children's rights, CV must indicate birth data, contact telephone, e-mail for communication;
- Copies of educational documents conforming to the requirements of the Regulation (Section 10, Paragraph one of the Orphan's Court Law);
- The applicant may submit copies of supporting documents certifying the performance of his duties as well as recommendations;
- A statement that the applicant is not subject to the restrictions laid down in Section 11 of the Orphan's Law;
- A certificate regarding the fulfilment of the requirements laid down in the framework of the epidemiological security measures laid down by the Cabinet regarding the execution of an interoperable certificate attesting the fact of vaccination or transplantation at the time of commencement of the performance of the duties of work (post);
- The application form.
Documents entitled “The position of the Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson of the Orphan's Court of Rezekne” may be submitted by 24 November 2021, at 13.00:
- send to e-mail address:, documents must be signed with secure electronic signature,
- in a personal, closed envelope with an appropriate inscription on the envelope, by submitting to the municipality of Rēzekne, in the Alleys OF Rēzekne, LV-4601, in the 19 th Cabinet, or if the epidemiological restrictions due to the distribution of Covid-19 are in force, placing in the mailbox intended for correspondence with the administrative building of the municipality of Rezekne at the abovementioned address.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – interview - the applicants whose documents submitted conform to the requirements laid down in the tender regulations are invited.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (Reg. No 90009112679, registered office: release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601) open competitions the positions of the members of the Orphan's Court (8 am ata places) shall be transferred to Rezekne. Applicants must comply with the requirements:
- Citizen or non-citizen of the Republic of Latvia.
- The applicant has reached the age of 30 years.
- The applicant has obtained at least the degree of academic bachelor degree or professional bachelor degree and level 5 professional qualification or other qualification of the European Qualifications Framework specified in the Classification of Education of Latvia in pedagogy, psychology, medicine, social work or law, educational management or the management of the company, and which shall have no less than three years of service in the thematic area of the acquired education or the fulfilment of the duties of the Chairperson of the Orphan's Court, the Vice-President of the Orphan's Court or a member of the Orphan's Court.
- National language skills at the highest level.
- Perfect reputation.
- High stress resilience and sense of responsibility, good communication and communication capabilities.
- Strategic and analytical thinking.
- Good computer skills, skills to work with office equipment and information technologies, document preparation skills.
- Control of the laws and regulations for the proper execution of the duties assigned to the position.
- A driving licence of category B is desirable.
- The skills necessary for professional activities of foreign languages (Russian and English).
- There is no obstacle to the position of a member of the Orphan's court referred to in Section 11 of the Orphan's Law Law.
- Applicants may submit:
- in addition to a copy of documents certifying training regarding the acquisition of special knowledge in the amount and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Cabinet Regulation No. 984,
- copies of additional training supporting documents shall be completed during the last five years corresponding to the performance of the duties.
- Candidates who have been elected to the Orphan's Court of the municipality of Rezekne until 30 June 2021 and whose term of office has not expired until the establishment of the new Orphan's court in connection with administrative territorial reform, on the basis of Paragraph 22 of the Transitional Provisions of the Orphan's Law, will prevail.
Remuneration of the principal work for the member of the Orphan's court – EUR 960.00, the descriptions of the position can be found on the local government website The performance of the duties should be launched on 1 January 2022.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
- Letter of motivation;
- Description OF the CVs (curriculum vitae) of the applicant's life and work with compulsory reference to experience and knowledge in the field of children's rights, CV must indicate birth data, contact telephone, e-mail for communication;
- Copies of educational documents conforming to the requirements of the Regulation (Section 10, Paragraph two of the Orphan's Court Law);
- The applicant may submit copies of supporting documents certifying the performance of his duties as well as recommendations;
- A statement that the applicant is not subject to the restrictions laid down in Section 11 of the Orphan's Law;
- A form regarding the application for the fulfilment of the duties of a member of the Orphan's court in the territorial units of the municipality of Rezekne;
- A certificate regarding the fulfilment of the requirements laid down in the framework of the epidemiological security measures laid down by the Cabinet regarding the execution of an interoperable certificate attesting the fact of vaccination or transplantation at the time of commencement of the performance of the duties of work (post);
- The application form.
Documents entitled “Position of the members of the Orphan's Court of Rezekne” may be submitted by 24 November 2021, at 13.00:
- send to e-mail address:, documents must be signed with secure electronic signature,
- in a personal, closed envelope with an appropriate inscription on the envelope, by submitting to the municipality of Rēzekne, in the Alleys OF Rēzekne, LV-4601, in the 19 th Cabinet, or if the epidemiological restrictions due to the distribution of Covid-19 are in force, placing in the mailbox intended for correspondence with the administrative building of the municipality of Rezekne at the abovementioned address.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – interview - the applicants whose documents submitted conform to the requirements laid down in the tender regulations are invited.
Announcing open the invitation to tender shall be held by the head of the administrative inspection of the Central Administration of the local government of the municipality of Rezekne.
Requirements for the applicant:
- second-level higher education in law;
- knowledge of the conduct of the administrative process in State and local government institutions;
- knowledge of the law on administrative liability, as well as the laws and regulations governing administrative liability and administrative infringement processes;
- work experience in local government or State institutions in the field of administrative infringement proceedings, or professional experience in a law enforcement or controlling institution (institution);
- the knowledge of the official language in accordance with the requirements of the national language law;
- the desired knowledge of one foreign language at the level of communication;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- the ability to work with electronic document management systems (at least one), e-mail;
- “B” driving licence;
- good organizer and analytical capacity, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and autonomy in making decisions, communication skills;
- high-contact culture, sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to work with a large amount of information;
- perfect reputation.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 1200,00. The by-laws of the tender, the description of the position and the application form can be found on the local government website A description of the professional activity (CV); a letter of motivation; a copy of the application; a copy of the documents certifying the education and work experience; a copy of the document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties; a copy of the category “B” certificate: with an indication of “the position of the head of the administrative inspection of the Central Administration of the municipality of Rezekne” by the date of 26 November 2021. 12.00 must be placed in the central administration mailbox at the entrance, release alley 95A, Rēzekne, LV-4601, sent by post to the above address or e-mail
In the second round of the competition, the applicant will have to present or submit an interoperable Covid 19 vaccination or transplant certificate.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. In the second round, the Commission shall carry out an examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and an interview.
Contact information by phone 64607706.
Rēzekne Municipality Authority “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (tail 40900036645) launches a call for a vacancy for the head of the Vilnius Music and Art School.
The applicant must have a higher or general secondary education, vocational secondary education, supplemented with expertise in the field of document management, good skills at work with information technologies, excellent communication and cooperation skills, creative and independent approaches to work, sense of responsibility and accuracy, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, the ability to work with modern information technologies.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 530.00.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to “Competition to the Rēzekne Municipality Authority“ Board of Vilnius Association ”for the office of the Vilnius Music and Arts School” by the morning of 25 October 2021 12.00 send to email or up to 25 October 2021 12.00 to be placed in the mailbox of the administration of the municipality of Rezekne “Administration of Vilnius Alliance” at the entrance, cultural area 1A, Vilnius.
Contact: 64628033; 26532699.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose documents submitted comply with the requirements laid down in the tender regulations shall be invited to the second round – work interview.
The municipality of Rezekne, “Administration of the Vilnius Alliance” (tail No 40900036645) is re-launched open invitation to tender for the position of manager of the vacant holding. Applicants shall comply with the following requirements:
- Education – preferable in higher or secondary vocational engineering, commercial service management, construction, real estate management or similar areas; higher education will be considered an advantage;
- An appropriate work experience in the accounting of material values, the planning and organisation of economic activities, the organisation of work placement works, street, road maintenance work, the handling of transport-related issues and the management, organisation and control of subordinated employees in the State or local government institution or private commercial structure at least 2 (two) years with the number of subordinate employees not less than 10; experience in the State or local government institution, including a local government capital company, will be considered as an advantage.
- Knowledge of the national language at the highest level, good communication and cooperation capacities;
- The ability to handle information technologies, office equipment, electronic document management and procurement systems and electronic means of communication;
- Knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of office and the ability to orientate them;
- Communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
- Category B driving licence; in addition TO the CATEGORY C1 or C driving licence, the right will be considered as an advantage;
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 837.00, description of office - found on the website .
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) by means of an indication “for the invitation to tender for Rezekne municipality, the position of the head of the holding” until 25 October 2021 at: 16.00 to be sent to e-mail or by 25 October 2021 at 16.00 shall be submitted to the administration mailbox of the municipality of Rezekne “Administration of Vilnius Alliance” at the entrance, cultural area 1A, Vilnius. Contact information 64628033. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. Candidates whose submitted documents are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) shall be invited to the second round of the work on the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants. the requirements set.
The municipality of Rezekne is held by the municipality until 29 October. 12:30 awaiting applications for a vacant business development specialist.
A letter of motivation, a CV, a completed application form, a copy of documents certifying education (the original must be accompanied by an interview), copies of documents certifying further education and a description in free form regarding his or her ability and experience in the organisation of business activities, the applicant must submit a personal or be placed in the mailbox of the local government administration at the entrance to the alley OF the local government AT THE entrance alley 95A, Rezekne, or send to the e-mail Contact information 64607183
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education in the economy, finance, business management areas;
- work experience appropriate to the position of a candidate; professional experience in a State or local government institution, deciding on the eligibility of a tenderer, may be regarded as an advantage;
- experience in the design and implementation of projects;
- experience in the development of his business, deciding on the applicant's eligibility, may be regarded as an advantage;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- knowledge of English (in writing, orally), enabling the development and implementation of international projects in the field of entrepreneurship promotion;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of office and the ability to orientate them;
- communication, good team work skills, ability to manage, organize process, high-contact culture;
- the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and to take decisions independently.
The competition is organised in two stages: in the first round, the Commission will assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted. Second round of the competition – practical tasks and interview. Remuneration of gross EUR 912.
The municipality of Rēzekne Municipality (tail 90009112679) declares open competition to the vacancy office in the financial and accounting department.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher (second level) education in accounting speciality;
- mandatory work experience in the State or local government institution - at least 3 (three) years in the position of principal accounting officer;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- THE G-MAP of the accounting application and THE BEST knowledge will be considered an advantage;
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of the chief accounting officer and the ability to orientate them;
- communication, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 1048, description of office - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with a reference to “the position of the chief accountant of the municipal finance and accounting department of the municipality of Rezekne” until 15 October 2021. 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 15 October 2021 12.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne. Contact information 64607183
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne (tail No 90009112679) tan open competition on the position of a vacant building engineer in the farm and real estate management division is announced.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher (second level) education in the construction sector;
- appropriate work experience in the State or local government institution at least 2 (two) years;
- experience in the field of construction, building supervision, preparation of estimates, work with different national registers, including (BIS system) databases (deciding on the eligibility of a tenderer, it may be considered an advantage);
- experience in organising and performing procurement work;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- the desired knowledge of one foreign language;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment;
- a skill for the preparation and management of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the work of the building engineer;
- ability to independently plan, organise and control their work within a short and long period of time;
- communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and independent decision-making;
- Category B driving licence.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 937.
Description of the position - found on the website of the municipality
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with a reference to “the competitions to the office of the municipality of the municipality of Rezekne and the building engineer of the real estate management unit” until 15 October 2021. 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 15 October 2021 12.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne. Contact information 64607183 The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
Municipality of Rezekne (tail No 90009112679) tpromulgated internal competitions on the position of a vacancy specialist in the land and public water management service.
Requirements for the applicant:
- at least secondary education;
- knowledge of the official language of the official (Level 2);
- driving licence (category B);
- a high sense of responsibility and precision;
- ability to be mobile, periodically changing the workplace;
- good communication skills (writing skills, learning of knowledge, conducting negotiations);
- knowledge regarding the work with land affairs and the regulatory enactments regulating the immovable property of the local government and the ability to orientate them;
- knowledge of cartographic material, topographic plans, ability to focus on nature, knowledge of the cadastre information structure;
- good computer skills, skills to work with optical programs (MS Word, MS Excel), ability to quickly learn work with special programs (ZZDats NENO, HIRE) as well as skill to use internetworking resources (; ).
Experience in a similar work in a local government or a public institution, as well as an ability to work with a real estate accounting system, ZZDats “NENO” or “NEKIP” will be considered an advantage.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 795.
Name of the position | Service area and place of work | Position rate |
Land Affairs Officer with Operating Territory Verems parish, Audrinu parish, Lendja parish | Rēzekne municipality of Nautrene parish association Basic – Board of the Securities parish, related – Audrinu parish administration, Lendja parish administration | 1 |
Basic – Board of the Securities parish, related – Audrinu parish administration, Lendja parish administration
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) until 5 October 2021 at 16.30 To be sent to e-mail or until 5 October 2021 16.30 shall be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne. Contact information 64607188. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview - the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender regulations (found on the website of the local government) are invited the requirements set.
The municipality of Rezekne is invited by the municipality to apply for the work of the Rēzekne municipality on the vacant architect position (the professions classifier – architect 216101) and the place of work is determined by the construction board of Rezekne Municipality, the liberation alley 81, Rezekne. Remuneration of basic work EUR 1085.
Principal duties:
- Participate in the development of draft regulatory enactments regarding the architectural and aesthetic issues of the environmental environment.
- To examine applications and take decisions regarding the intention of construction, as well as to examine the fulfilment of the conditions laid down in the decisions and the content of the documents submitted in the amount specified in regulatory enactments;
- Assess the conformity of construction works with construction projects, the documentation of construction projects;
- Participate in the Commission's work on the recruitment of construction sites;
- Plan the development of the environmental environment and develop a vision for the overall image of the architectural elements;
- Review and co-ordinate promotional/signer projects and prepare signs/ad passport;
- Participate in the public consultation of the construction project, prepare a report and a proposal for a decision on the results of public consultation;
- In the framework of its competence, prepare answers, draft answers to the submissions of natural and legal persons;
- Preparing documents for examination in the meetings of the construction board, local government committees and council;
- To provide information regarding the conditions of utilisation and building of the territory;
- Provide advice on the procedures for the construction process.
Requirements for applicants:
- higher education in the speciality of architect;
- skills at work WILL be considered as an advantage;
- good contact abilities, reasoning skills;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- excellent skills in working with the computer;
- ability to work in increased intensity conditions.
The application documents, the letter of motivation, THE CV, the education, the copies of the documents supporting professional activities, are requested to send the application form to the e-mail address:, or by mail, the municipality of Rēzekne, the release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601 or to be submitted by 12 May 2021 at noon. 12.00. Contact information 26531328. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 2 (two) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Announcing open a competition on the position of a vacant senior environmental protection specialist in the development planning department of the municipality of Rezekne (tail No 90009112679). The applicant must have higher education in environmental science with environmental protection and/or environmental engineering. Work experience appropriate for the post. The work experience of an official in a State or local government institution, deciding on the eligibility of a tenderer, may be regarded as an advantage;
The experience of project design, implementation and/or experience in the area of spatial planning, which is critical of the eligibility of the applicant, may be considered an advantage; the knowledge of the national language at the highest level; the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office techniques.
Knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of duties and the ability to focus on them. Communication, good team work skills, ability to manage, organize process, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and make decisions independently. Remuneration OF basic work EUR 937.
A copy of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located at the local government website) with a reference to “the position of the senior environmental protection specialist of the State Development and Planning Unit of Rezekne” until 26 April 2021. 12.30 to be sent to e-mail or at noon on 26 April 2021 12.30 shall be submitted personally to the local government administration in advance by contacting Tel: 64622238 -, release alley 95A, Rezekne. Contact information 26765820. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and carry out an examination of the theoretical and practical knowledge of the applicants, but the three candidates who have reached the highest score shall be invited to the second round.
The municipality of Rēzekne is invited by the municipality to apply for work in the construction board of the Rezekne municipality to the position of the assistant of the vacant building inspector (the professions classifier – the assistant of the building inspector 2422 55), the place of work of the Rēzekne municipality, the liberation alley 81, Rezekne. Remuneration of basic work EUR 954.
Principal duties:
- To examine applications and take decisions regarding the intention of construction, as well as to examine the fulfilment of the conditions laid down in the decisions and the content of the documents submitted in the amount specified in regulatory enactments;
- Assess the conformity of construction works with construction projects, the documentation of construction projects;
- Participate in the Commission's work on the recruitment of construction sites;
- In the framework of its competence, prepare answers, draft answers to the submissions of natural and legal persons;
- Provide advice on the procedures for the construction process.
Requirements for applicants:
- first level vocational higher education in an architectural or building engineer study programme;
- At least one year's professional experience in construction is required;
- Know the administrative process and the administrative infringement process;
- Excellent skills in working with the computer;
- A category B driving licence is required.
The application documents, the letter of motivation, THE CV, the education, the copies of the documents supporting the professional activities, are requested to send the application form to the e-mail address:, or by mail, the municipality of Rēzekne, the release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601, or to be submitted by 12_May_2021. 12.00. Contact information 26531328. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 2 (two) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
Municipality of Rezekne Municipality (tail No 90009112679) announce open a competency to a vacant lawyer. The applicant must have the highest (second level) education in the speciality of legal sciences. The applicant shall have appropriate professional experience in the State or local government institution at least 2 (two) years, the knowledge of the official language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of one foreign language. The experience of representation in judicial proceedings and the preparation of procedural documents, work with different national registers, databases and experience in debt collection, which is critical of the eligibility of a tenderer, may be regarded as an advantage, experience in the organisation and performance of procurement activities. The applicant shall be required to act with information technology, electronic means of communication and office equipment, as well as the knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of a lawyer, and the ability to address them, communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and take decisions independently.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 912, description of the position - found on the municipal website
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire (located on the homepage of the municipality) by means of an indication “competitions to the office of the legal and record-keeping unit of the municipality of Rezekne” until 20 April 2021. 12.00 to be sent to e-mail or until 20 April 2021 at 12.00 must be placed in the mailbox of the municipal administration at the entrance, in the alley OF Liberation, IN Rēzekne. Contact information 64607200; 64607202. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, the examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and the work interview - the applicants whose documents submitted are in conformity with by by-laws of the tender (found on the website of the municipality) the requirements set.
Announcing open a competition on the position of a vacant senior environmental protection specialist in the development planning department of the municipality of Rezekne (tail No 90009112679). Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education in environmental science with environmental protection and/or environmental engineering;
- the work experience of the post - at least 2 (two) years, the work experience relevant to the position at the State or local government institution, deciding on the eligibility of the applicant, may be regarded as an advantage;
- the experience of project design, implementation and/or experience in the area of spatial planning, which is critical of the eligibility of the applicant, may be considered as an advantage;
- the knowledge of the national language at the highest level;
- the ability to handle information technologies, electronic communications and office equipment.
- knowledge of the laws and regulations necessary for the performance of the duties of office and the ability to orientate them;
- communication, good team work skills, ability to manage, organize process, high-contact culture, ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and make decisions independently.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 937.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience and an application form (located on the local government website) with a reference to “competition to the position of the senior environmental protection specialist of the State Development and Planning Unit of Rezekne” until 31 March 2021 16.30 To be sent to e-mail or by 31 March 2021 16.30 shall be submitted personally to the local government administration, having previously contacted Tel: 64622238, release alley 95A, Rezekne. Telephone contact: 26765820.
The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants and the theoretical and practical knowledge of the applicants. In the second round, three applicants, who have reached the highest number of points in the first round, are invited to an interview.
The Rēzekne municipality council launches a competition for the position of the head of the social care centre of Rezekne. Time period for the submission of applicants and the submission of the necessary documents – until 24 March 2021 16.30 (the application has been received in the administration of the municipality of Rezekne irrespective of the type of submission).
Principal duties of the head of the social care centre:
- managing, planning and organising the activities of the institution as a whole, ensuring continuity of social care services;
- ensure the receipt of quality social care and social rehabilitation services for clients of the social care centre;
- ensuring the provision of statistical and financial reports, other information specified in regulatory enactments to State and local government institutions;
- ensuring the establishment, maintenance and storage of staff, records, accounting, public procurement and other documentation in accordance with the conditions of the laws and regulations;
- determine the competence, responsibility and remuneration of the staff of the care centre;
- to ensure the development of the staff description of the staff;
- to be recruited and released from the staff of the institution;
- ensure compliance with work and fire safety, environmental protection and health, sanitary and hygiene standards in the activities of the institution;
- ensure the development and enforcement of internal regulatory enactments regulating the activities of the institution;
- within the scope of its competence, represent the interests of the institution in State and local government institutions as well as in non-governmental organisations;
- to ensure the functioning of equipment, buildings, premises and engineering communications, to follow the technical condition of buildings and premises, to plan repairs of premises and equipment, to control the use of road vehicles;
- organising the economic matters of the institution, including the performance of public procurement;
- develop and control anti-corruption plans of the institution.
Requirements for the applicant:
- higher education: desirable education in the field of social work, medicine, management sciences, law, financial or economic matters;
- knowledge in the laws and regulations of social work, labour law, accounting, accounting and financing, as well as the knowledge and understanding of regulatory enactments regulating the activities of the institution regarding the financing procedures of local government institutions and the budget of the institution;
- not less than two years of work experience in the office of the head of the institution or department at the State administration or local government institution;
- the experience of EU projects in the organisation, management and implementation of social services;
- desirable experience and skills in psychologically complex situations and increased working intensity;
- good working organisation and management skills, analytical capacity;
- skills in conflict resolution, good communication and cooperation skills;
- national language knowledge AT the highest level (C);
- good office techniques and computer user skills (Word, Excel), including sufficient skills to handle electronic mail, document management systems;
- Category B driving licence mandatory.
Applicants shall submit documents within the prescribed time period to the administration of the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, Rezekne, leaving the correspondence mailbox, or by sending to e-mail:, (with a reference to “the position of head of the head of the social care centre of Rezekne”) (letter of motivation) and the necessary documents.
More information in the by-laws.
Open invitation to tender for vacancy Kaunatas parish, head of the People's House. The applicant shall have the desired special education in the field of cultural management or art speciality, work experience at the relevant State or local government institution for at least 2 years, the knowledge of the official language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of the desired one foreign language.
The applicant needs knowledge and skills: drawing up of the annual budget and annual event plan, organisation of independent work and work in the team, documenting creative and economic activities, co-operation in the implementation of cultural projects, organising and providing self-activity collective and cluster activities, promoting the accessibility of the service for visitors, planning and organising of parish cultural events, promoting the preservation of cultural values, good communication and cooperation capacities, skills at work with computer and office machinery, organisational and public speaking skills, ability to focus on the performance of duties in the regulatory documents necessary for the performance of duties.
Remuneration OF basic work EUR 600,00, description of the position – found here.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with reference to “TN manager's competitions” by 31 March 2021 at 16.00 send to e-mail: or by post: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas parish, Rezekne novj, LV-4622. Contact information 64667000 or mob. 29224840. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview, tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender shall be invited. in by-laws the requirements laid down.
The commencement of work is planned after the abolition of national restrictions on cultural institutions.
Sherjan PII 'call' 'invites a music teacher - 0.48 rates for a certain time. Education in accordance WITH CABINET Regulation No. 569 “Regulations regarding education and vocational qualification and the procedures for the improvement of professional competence of teachers.” Interested in phone 26520742.
Open competition is announced on the vacant library manager in Rezekne municipality “Kaunatas civil parish association” (Tab. No. 40900027411) in the unit “Makokalna parish administration”.
The applicant shall have the highest academic, higher vocational or secondary education, appropriate professional experience at the national or local government institution at least 2 (two) years, the knowledge of the national language at the highest level, as well as the desired knowledge of one foreign language.
The applicant shall be required to act with information technology, electronic means of communication and office technique, communication, high-contact culture, the ability to make objective, reasoned conclusions and take decisions independently.
Remuneration of basic work for 0.75 posts at EUR 402.00, description of office – found here.
A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with a reference to “competition to Rezekne municipality, the head of the“ Kaunata parish association ”unit of the unit“ Makoņkalna parish administration ”(head of the library)” until 18 January 2021 at 16.00 must be sent to e-mail: or submitted personally in the office of the institution, Schools street 3, Lipuški, Makoņkalna parish, Rezekne novj, LV-4626, previously contacted by tel. 64646741. Contact information 64646741 or mob. 29299487. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.
The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round – examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview – the tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender shall be invited in by-laws the requirements laid down.